This is what REAL leadership looks like

Well, you may not be jealous of Obama (after all, who the fuck are you?) but the orange clown CERTAINLY is jealous......
Well that’s a sad indictment on Barack Insane Obama - that some unnamed “orange clown” is the only person jealous of him. It doesn’t take much for a clown to be jealous. It’s not exactly a prestigious career.
You must live in fantasy land. No one supporting Trump is jealous of Obama or his trons.

Well, you may not be jealous of Obama (after all, who the fuck are you?) but the orange clown CERTAINLY is jealous......
I could see disdain being a good word to use here but why would jealousy be a good choice when he is pretty much stomping out everything obie did? Jealousy would indicate wanting to further a persons agenda you were impressed with. Not gutting everything they did.
you dimwits who believed the single most unelectable candidate in U.S. history would actually win.

Sorry, there, Patsy, in any other electoral system, Clinton (AS FLAWED AS SHE WAS) would have won easily.........LOL

CLINTON-----65,844,954 (48.2%)

TRUMP------- 62,979,879 (46.1%),
you dimwits who believed the single most unelectable candidate in U.S. history would actually win.
Sorry, there, Patsy, in any other electoral system, Clinton (AS FLAWED AS SHE WAS) would have won easily.........
Sorry Natalie...we don’t have “any other electoral system”. Like everything else, we have the best system in the world. Dumbocrats knew the system going in. But they still nominated the most unelectable candidate in U.S. history (proven by the epic ass-kicking she took).

After 8 years of Barack Insane Obama’s failed appeasement strategy, it’s so nice to see real leadership again...
During a rare press gaggle at the Pentagon Friday afternoon, a reporter from Voice of America asked Mattis what concerns he has for 2018. Mattis responded with just seven powerful words.

I don’t have concerns. I create them,” he said.
While Barack Insane Obama made it clear to the world that he would cater to our enemies - emboldening them - this administration is making it clear that provoking the United States is a really bad idea.

James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis asked about his concerns for 2018 — he responds with just 7 powerful words
After 8 years of Barack Insane Obama’s failed appeasement strategy, it’s so nice to see real leadership from the U.S. again...
“It's so great to have Nikki Haley as our ambassador to the UN. After the failures of Susan Rice and Samantha Power, it's nice to have someone who stands up for Israel and America and reminds the other countries of the world that they need us more than we need them.” - Joe Walsh
While Barack Insane Obama made it clear to the world that he would cater to our enemies (and thus emboldening them), this administration has made it abundantly clear that the United States will not mince words nor will we blink in the face of adversity.

Shots SERIOUSLY fired: Nikki Haley SHREDS Mahmoud Abbas at UN Security Council meeting
After 8 long years of Barack Insane Obama’s failed “cower and appease” strategy, it is so refreshing to see real leadership in the White House once again.
Praising the president’s leadership, South Korean national security adviser Chung Eui-Yong...revealed Thursday evening that Kim is eager to meet “Trump as soon as possible.”

Pence emphasized that “the North Koreans are coming to the table despite the United States making zero concessions,” as past U.S. presidents have done to appease the Kim regime. Instead of concessions, the U.S. has continued to ratchet up the pressure on North Korea, urging it to pursue a path of peace instead of destruction.
Kim Jong Un understands that the U.S. has a real leader in the Oval Office now, who will not tolerate any of his antics. Appeasement does not ingratiate the U.S. to maniacs. But showing resolve and superior strength causes maniacs to heel.

Pence: Kim Jong Un Wants to Talk Because Trump Stood Firm

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