This Is What the Democratic Party Wants for our Nation...Attacks...personal and physical.

You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.
LA Riots were handled in a weak manner. Should have allowed LAPD to open up on them and slaughter them fuckers wholesale. Instead we were brought in from overseas in a 24 hour nonstop deployment to restore order.
You can say that in the same thread that you opened criticizing the Democrats for wanting personal and physical attacks?
You really are crazy, aren't you?
Come on, get real. You have a president who still believes the country's first African American president was born in Kenya.
End of story.
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.
View attachment 219408

Where did yo
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.

LOL, News-Flash most Republicans are fanatically pro-Jewish, and anti-Nazi on this board.
So they may say. But they love his white supremist policies.

That can't be denied.

It's like Obamacare. They want healthcare but when it had Obama's name in it, they hated it. Now they are losing their healthcare that Democrats gave them under Obama, they want the healthcare.

Republicans aren't White Supremacists, nor White Nationalists.

Real Supremacists definitely tend to be anti-Jewish, and real Nationalists aren't fanatically pro-Israel, or pro-Jewish, either.'

IMO, it's not that Republicans are White supremacists, it's more along the lines a lot of Republicans they're getting tired of competing with non-Whites for votes who vote Democrat, and or are tired of their higher welfare.

There are however some White Supremacist / White Nationalist Republicans, however, including on this board, like Odium, Vastador, I'mPureTrash, Lucy, and so forth.

I happen to not be one of them, I'm tired of Republican Zionism, and war mongering.

That is why there is not one jewish GOP senators. Yet its the GOP who trot off to Israel every chance they get.
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.

LOL, News-Flash most Republicans are fanatically pro-Jewish, and anti-Nazi on this board.
So they may say. But they love his white supremist policies.

That can't be denied.

It's like Obamacare. They want healthcare but when it had Obama's name in it, they hated it. Now they are losing their healthcare that Democrats gave them under Obama, they want the healthcare.

Republicans aren't White Supremacists, nor White Nationalists.

Real Supremacists definitely tend to be anti-Jewish, and real Nationalists aren't fanatically pro-Israel, or pro-Jewish, either.'

IMO, it's not that Republicans are White supremacists, it's more along the lines a lot of Republicans they're getting tired of competing with non-Whites for votes who vote Democrat, and or are tired of their higher welfare.

There are however some White Supremacist / White Nationalist Republicans, however, including on this board, like Odium, Vastador, I'mPureTrash, Lucy, and so forth.

I happen to not be one of them, I'm tired of Republican Zionism, and war mongering.
Republicans are most certainly the party of white nationalism. Anyone who supports a racist leader supports white nationalism. There isn't any other way to look at it. That's the reality staring us right in our faces.

LOL, like Nixon's Minority Business Development Agency, Reagan's Amnesty of millions of Illegal Immigrants, or how about W. Bush being the admin when the #1 amount of illegal immigrants had invaded?

Trump's not done much of anything, anyways.

Only real isolated, or dumb Whites don't know there's still a ton of Illegal Hispanics, and Muslim refugees in the U.S.A.
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.
LA Riots were handled in a weak manner. Should have allowed LAPD to open up on them and slaughter them fuckers wholesale. Instead we were brought in from overseas in a 24 hour nonstop deployment to restore order.
You can say that in the same thread that you opened criticizing the Democrats for wanting personal and physical attacks?
You really are crazy, aren't you?
Come on, get real. You have a president who still believes the country's first African American president was born in Kenya.
End of story.
Barry Sotoro...Show me a birth certificate...not a “certificate of live birth” from after the fact. We know Hawaii is fucked-up...Look at their Senator on the Judiciary Committee.
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.
View attachment 219408

Where did yo
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.

LOL, News-Flash most Republicans are fanatically pro-Jewish, and anti-Nazi on this board.
So they may say. But they love his white supremist policies.

That can't be denied.

It's like Obamacare. They want healthcare but when it had Obama's name in it, they hated it. Now they are losing their healthcare that Democrats gave them under Obama, they want the healthcare.

Republicans aren't White Supremacists, nor White Nationalists.

Real Supremacists definitely tend to be anti-Jewish, and real Nationalists aren't fanatically pro-Israel, or pro-Jewish, either.'

IMO, it's not that Republicans are White supremacists, it's more along the lines a lot of Republicans they're getting tired of competing with non-Whites for votes who vote Democrat, and or are tired of their higher welfare.

There are however some White Supremacist / White Nationalist Republicans, however, including on this board, like Odium, Vastador, I'mPureTrash, Lucy, and so forth.

I happen to not be one of them, I'm tired of Republican Zionism, and war mongering.

That is why there is not one jewish GOP senators. Yet its the GOP who trot off to Israel every chance they get.
How many do the Democrats have that are not an idiot?
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.
View attachment 219408

Where did yo
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.

LOL, News-Flash most Republicans are fanatically pro-Jewish, and anti-Nazi on this board.
So they may say. But they love his white supremist policies.

That can't be denied.

It's like Obamacare. They want healthcare but when it had Obama's name in it, they hated it. Now they are losing their healthcare that Democrats gave them under Obama, they want the healthcare.

Republicans aren't White Supremacists, nor White Nationalists.

Real Supremacists definitely tend to be anti-Jewish, and real Nationalists aren't fanatically pro-Israel, or pro-Jewish, either.'

IMO, it's not that Republicans are White supremacists, it's more along the lines a lot of Republicans they're getting tired of competing with non-Whites for votes who vote Democrat, and or are tired of their higher welfare.

There are however some White Supremacist / White Nationalist Republicans, however, including on this board, like Odium, Vastador, I'mPureTrash, Lucy, and so forth.

I happen to not be one of them, I'm tired of Republican Zionism, and war mongering.

That is why there is not one jewish GOP senators. Yet its the GOP who trot off to Israel every chance they get.
How many do the Democrats have that are not an idiot?

Oh your true colors come out. There are good and bad jews just like white and evangelicals, just like everyone. You are of the opinion that all Democrats are stupid anyway, so why just pick on Jews.
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.
LA Riots were handled in a weak manner. Should have allowed LAPD to open up on them and slaughter them fuckers wholesale. Instead we were brought in from overseas in a 24 hour nonstop deployment to restore order.
You can say that in the same thread that you opened criticizing the Democrats for wanting personal and physical attacks?
You really are crazy, aren't you?
People have to defend themselves from the lawlessness that Democrats and Antifa push. I will defend. You quote my time in service as a United States Marine. We should have shot the scum highlighted in post. He put his boot on another man’s throat. I would have put a bullet in his head without hesitation. Had a beer and watched a ball game later.
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.
View attachment 219408

Where did yo
LOL, News-Flash most Republicans are fanatically pro-Jewish, and anti-Nazi on this board.
So they may say. But they love his white supremist policies.

That can't be denied.

It's like Obamacare. They want healthcare but when it had Obama's name in it, they hated it. Now they are losing their healthcare that Democrats gave them under Obama, they want the healthcare.

Republicans aren't White Supremacists, nor White Nationalists.

Real Supremacists definitely tend to be anti-Jewish, and real Nationalists aren't fanatically pro-Israel, or pro-Jewish, either.'

IMO, it's not that Republicans are White supremacists, it's more along the lines a lot of Republicans they're getting tired of competing with non-Whites for votes who vote Democrat, and or are tired of their higher welfare.

There are however some White Supremacist / White Nationalist Republicans, however, including on this board, like Odium, Vastador, I'mPureTrash, Lucy, and so forth.

I happen to not be one of them, I'm tired of Republican Zionism, and war mongering.

That is why there is not one jewish GOP senators. Yet its the GOP who trot off to Israel every chance they get.
How many do the Democrats have that are not an idiot?

Oh your true colors come out. There are good and bad jews just like white and evangelicals, just like everyone. You are of the opinion that all Democrats are stupid anyway, so why just pick on Jews.
So you think you are a Jew in America...:21: What’s the prime interest rate going to be this week banker boy? You are a pampered suburbanite at least. If your Jewish don’t cry about discrimination in the United makes you non-credible. God your a crybaby.:206:
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.
View attachment 219408

Where did yo
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.

LOL, News-Flash most Republicans are fanatically pro-Jewish, and anti-Nazi on this board.
So they may say. But they love his white supremist policies.

That can't be denied.

It's like Obamacare. They want healthcare but when it had Obama's name in it, they hated it. Now they are losing their healthcare that Democrats gave them under Obama, they want the healthcare.

Republicans aren't White Supremacists, nor White Nationalists.

Real Supremacists definitely tend to be anti-Jewish, and real Nationalists aren't fanatically pro-Israel, or pro-Jewish, either.'

IMO, it's not that Republicans are White supremacists, it's more along the lines a lot of Republicans they're getting tired of competing with non-Whites for votes who vote Democrat, and or are tired of their higher welfare.

There are however some White Supremacist / White Nationalist Republicans, however, including on this board, like Odium, Vastador, I'mPureTrash, Lucy, and so forth.

I happen to not be one of them, I'm tired of Republican Zionism, and war mongering.

That is why there is not one jewish GOP senators. Yet its the GOP who trot off to Israel every chance they get.
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.
LA Riots were handled in a weak manner. Should have allowed LAPD to open up on them and slaughter them fuckers wholesale. Instead we were brought in from overseas in a 24 hour nonstop deployment to restore order.
You can say that in the same thread that you opened criticizing the Democrats for wanting personal and physical attacks?
You really are crazy, aren't you?
Come on, get real. You have a president who still believes the country's first African American president was born in Kenya.
End of story.
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.
LA Riots were handled in a weak manner. Should have allowed LAPD to open up on them and slaughter them fuckers wholesale. Instead we were brought in from overseas in a 24 hour nonstop deployment to restore order.
You can say that in the same thread that you opened criticizing the Democrats for wanting personal and physical attacks?
You really are crazy, aren't you?
People have to defend themselves from the lawlessness that Democrats and Antifa push. I will defend. You quote my time in service as a United States Marine. We should have shot the scum highlighted in post. He put his boot on another man’s throat. I would have put a bullet in his head without hesitation. Had a beer and watched a ball game later.
I thought you were talking about the L.A. riots--that was what the post was about, was it not? You were serving as a Marine and involved in the L.A. riots?
It’s what, Harris, Booker, and Waters want. If if those pussified people like Blumenthal, Scarborough, and Clinton’s think their going to catch a break when it reap what you sow.

I see you finally posted a link in your own thread about this BS.
It’s what, Harris, Booker, and Waters want. If if those pussified people like Blumenthal, Scarborough, and Clinton’s think their going to catch a break when it reap what you sow.

The 4,387th post by a republican complaining that democrats fight dirty, whereas the republicans are the party of truth, justice, and the American way. Sure.
It’s what, Harris, Booker, and Waters want. If if those pussified people like Blumenthal, Scarborough, and Clinton’s think their going to catch a break when it reap what you sow.

I see you finally posted a link in your own thread about this BS.

We live in a country that now excuses this type of savagery. You need a strong hand to put it down. You live in the United States of America. Not North Korea or Iran. To riot and burn and kill and loot...just because your ass had a bad day...uh..uh..bang-drop to you. I don’t consider a rioter and a looter a human fucking being. Just a threat to our nation.
It’s what, Harris, Booker, and Waters want. If if those pussified people like Blumenthal, Scarborough, and Clinton’s think their going to catch a break when it reap what you sow.

The 4,387th post by a republican complaining that democrats fight dirty, whereas the republicans are the party of truth, justice, and the American way. Sure.

Democrats are absolute shit bags. They are the most underhanded weasels on the face of the planet earth. the race card and get it over with would ya asshole?
You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.
LA Riots were handled in a weak manner. Should have allowed LAPD to open up on them and slaughter them fuckers wholesale. Instead we were brought in from overseas in a 24 hour nonstop deployment to restore order.
You can say that in the same thread that you opened criticizing the Democrats for wanting personal and physical attacks?
You really are crazy, aren't you?
People have to defend themselves from the lawlessness that Democrats and Antifa push. I will defend. You quote my time in service as a United States Marine. We should have shot the scum highlighted in post. He put his boot on another man’s throat. I would have put a bullet in his head without hesitation. Had a beer and watched a ball game later.
I thought you were talking about the L.A. riots--that was what the post was about, was it not? You were serving as a Marine and involved in the L.A. riots?
Yes. Deployed to LA from another deployment overseas to secure law and order in a country that had just won a war.
I think it's hilarious that Republicans see crying and screaming as the sign of a strong man.

Check out this Drama Queen:

You have to fight back. Republicans want a white supremacist as the nations leader. They cry that it’s not right to say they like Hitler when they like Hitler.
LA Riots were handled in a weak manner. Should have allowed LAPD to open up on them and slaughter them fuckers wholesale. Instead we were brought in from overseas in a 24 hour nonstop deployment to restore order.
You can say that in the same thread that you opened criticizing the Democrats for wanting personal and physical attacks?
You really are crazy, aren't you?
People have to defend themselves from the lawlessness that Democrats and Antifa push. I will defend. You quote my time in service as a United States Marine. We should have shot the scum highlighted in post. He put his boot on another man’s throat. I would have put a bullet in his head without hesitation. Had a beer and watched a ball game later.
I thought you were talking about the L.A. riots--that was what the post was about, was it not? You were serving as a Marine and involved in the L.A. riots?
Read the post
It’s what, Harris, Booker, and Waters want. If if those pussified people like Blumenthal, Scarborough, and Clinton’s think their going to catch a break when it reap what you sow.

I see you finally posted a link in your own thread about this BS.

We live in a country that now excuses this type of savagery. You need a strong hand to put it down. You live in the United States of America. Not North Korea or Iran. To riot and burn and kill and loot...just because your ass had a bad day...uh..uh..bang-drop to you. I don’t consider a rioter and a looter a human fucking being. Just a threat to our nation.

At least you used the word "We." United States of America. I am here, B92.

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