This is what the Democrats think of the American people


Apr 1, 2009
This is what the Democrats think of the American people.

The Democrats have always come on like they care for the 'little' people but actions speak louder than words. Here are some example.

1. President Obama said when a police officer was doing his job that he was stupid...

2. Harry Reid said that when people come to the White House tours that 'they stink'

3. Pelosi calls the Tea party movement 'Astroturf' and calls concerned elderly citizens 'Nazi's.

4. When a business man asked VP Joe Bite me to lower his taxes, he called him a smart ass.

Let's not forget how the Democrats view the American people when you go to the polls this November.
Harry Reid said that when people come to the White House tours that 'they stink'

Have you ever seen tourists on a White House Tour during the summer in DC?
Some of those lines can get pretty rank
You have made some good points about how the pretend leaders you name feel about their constituents.

However, it is worth noting that the pretend leaders on the other side paid no attention to the tea party folks until pelosi called them astro-turf, then attempted to jump on the band wagon. The indication is they have only done so for the purpose of getting votes and not because they are standing on principal.

It is also worth noting that the other side's last candidate for president sponsered a bill which passed congress to become law that has been found unconstitutional by the supreme court. Only pretenders write legislation that will not pass constitutional muster.

It is worth noting that the other side has shown themselves unconcerned about the openness of our border, instead only feigning concern when it became clear that the influx of illegals will increase the dems voter base. In other words, while both sides should be concerned about the violent criminal element crossing our southern border and working on a system that creates a legal path for the decent people from the south, both sides have neglected to do their job by grouping all of them together and making a humanitarian and law enforcement issue a political issue.
It is especially worth noting that both sides have clearly shown by their actions that they are only concerned with self preservation(remaining in office) and self enrichment (lobbiest money, campaign war chests) and are totally unconcerned with the citizens of this country.

It is worth noting that while the other side pays lip service to cutting spending, while they controled the pursestrings, they made no attempt to cut spending. The only reason they claim to want to do so now is to gain votes by blaming the other side.

Partisanship in the USA has become the greatest threat to our system and to our way of life. Both sides are equally as guilty of creating an artificial deep political division in our nation.

The two party system has become tyranny and choosing one side over the other fulfills the purpose of both sides.

We need some real leaders, right now both houses of congress and our white house are filled with nothing more than pretenders and charletons.

Throw the bums out, stop voting for incumbants!

One person, one vote, one term then out! That should be the motto of the modern US voter.
This is what the Democrats think of the American people.

The Democrats have always come on like they care for the 'little' people but actions speak louder than words. Here are some example.

1. President Obama said when a police officer was doing his job that he was stupid...

2. Harry Reid said that when people come to the White House tours that 'they stink'

3. Pelosi calls the Tea party movement 'Astroturf' and calls concerned elderly citizens 'Nazi's.

4. When a business man asked VP Joe Bite me to lower his taxes, he called him a smart ass.

Let's not forget how the Democrats view the American people when you go to the polls this November.



I agree with all of them except number 2, it's only Repub tourists that stink.

Number 3 is hilarious and so true.
Harry Reid said that when people come to the White House tours that 'they stink'

Have you ever seen tourists on a White House Tour during the summer in DC?
Some of those lines can get pretty rank

Yes, but of course they stink only because of all the bullshit they get shoved down their throats from the White House. No wonder they 'stink'. :D
I'm not sure that it is the "Democrats" by and large..... but it surely applies to the elitists that have infested DC these days. Obama being the worst of them all.

No worries... they have overplayed their hand and have one foot out the door as we speak.
This is what the Democrats think of the American people.

The Democrats have always come on like they care for the 'little' people but actions speak louder than words. Here are some example.

1. President Obama said when a police officer was doing his job that he was stupid...

2. Harry Reid said that when people come to the White House tours that 'they stink'

3. Pelosi calls the Tea party movement 'Astroturf' and calls concerned elderly citizens 'Nazi's.

4. When a business man asked VP Joe Bite me to lower his taxes, he called him a smart ass.

Let's not forget how the Democrats view the American people when you go to the polls this November.



I agree with all of them except number 2, it's only Repub tourists that stink.

Number 3 is hilarious and so true.

Might be time for a chlamydia check? That may be the smell you are detecting.
This is what the Democrats think of the American people.

The Democrats have always come on like they care for the 'little' people but actions speak louder than words. Here are some example.

1. President Obama said when a police officer was doing his job that he was stupid...

2. Harry Reid said that when people come to the White House tours that 'they stink'

3. Pelosi calls the Tea party movement 'Astroturf' and calls concerned elderly citizens 'Nazi's.

4. When a business man asked VP Joe Bite me to lower his taxes, he called him a smart ass.

Let's not forget how the Democrats view the American people when you go to the polls this November.



I agree with all of them except number 2, it's only Repub tourists that stink.

Number 3 is hilarious and so true.

Might be time for a chlamydia check? That may be the smell you are detecting.

This is what the Democrats think of the American people.

The Democrats have always come on like they care for the 'little' people but actions speak louder than words. Here are some example.

1. President Obama said when a police officer was doing his job that he was stupid...

2. Harry Reid said that when people come to the White House tours that 'they stink'

3. Pelosi calls the Tea party movement 'Astroturf' and calls concerned elderly citizens 'Nazi's.

4. When a business man asked VP Joe Bite me to lower his taxes, he called him a smart ass.

Let's not forget how the Democrats view the American people when you go to the polls this November.

This asshat HAS to be related to LiarFrank or Libocalypse, right?
Of course the average liberal has no problem with these elitist sentiments...because the average liberal agrees with them.

I would like to point out to them that the people you're insulting are the ones you need to win over to your cause if you have any hope of lasting control of this nation.

So far, you're not doing a very good job.
It's called Liberal Elitism. Most of these career politicians have never held real jobs. They're all Millionaires with no sense of reality. If you don't agree with them you're "Stupid" or a "Smart Ass." Vote em all out. This can begin in 2010. Make it count America.
Of course the average liberal has no problem with these elitist sentiments...because the average liberal agrees with them.

I would like to point out to them that the people you're insulting are the ones you need to win over to your cause if you have any hope of lasting control of this nation.

So far, you're not doing a very good job.

Have you spent much time on White House tours?

Just asking
They don't giva a shit what we think!!!!!Obamacare is a perfect example, the majority of Americans did not want this abortion of a bill.. but these assholes don't give a shit what the people want. They only care about staying in power. now they have to pass amnesty to keep the power and they don't care about the citizens or the country. This country is so fucked!!!!
Of course the average liberal has no problem with these elitist sentiments...because the average liberal agrees with them.

I would like to point out to them that the people you're insulting are the ones you need to win over to your cause if you have any hope of lasting control of this nation.

So far, you're not doing a very good job.

Have you spent much time on White House tours?

Just asking
No, I haven't. I have, however, had many dealings with elitist liberals.
Of course the average liberal has no problem with these elitist sentiments...because the average liberal agrees with them.

I would like to point out to them that the people you're insulting are the ones you need to win over to your cause if you have any hope of lasting control of this nation.

So far, you're not doing a very good job.

Have you spent much time on White House tours?

Just asking
No, I haven't. I have, however, had many dealings with elitist

You cut their grass?

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