This is what they teach their children

The poor kid is raised by a ******(likely only one) so it's inevitable that his future is to be a Professional ******.:mad:Starting at that age there's no hope for him to grow into a black person.:mad:
I would like to see what Mom and Dad do for a living. Are one of those oppressed family's that are forced by the Republican white devil to receive there $700.00 in food stamps and sit at home all day watching Jerry Springer ? On a brighter note, The child is young and as she gets out into the world she will change. And they don't all teach there kids that drek.
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I would like to see what Mom and Dad do for a living. Are one of those oppressed family's that are forced by the Republican white devil to receive there $700.00 in food stamps and sit at home all day watching Jerry Springer ? On a brighter note, The child is young and as she gets out into the world she will change. And they don't all teach there kids that drek.

Dad? This little Niglet wouldn't know who dad was if he came up behind her, slapped her in the back of her little nappy head and told her to sell his drugs.

That is why Father's Day is the most confusing concept to them.
They Brain Wash Your Kids.

[ame=""]Little Kid wants to kill Bush[/ame]

[ame=""]Dumb kid threatens the President[/ame]
You can't wash something that doesn't exist.
Ya see. His parents aren't black.
Dey Niggaz !

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