This is What Virginia Dems Chose to Lead them

Of course not, you are perfect and never made a bad choice in your life.
Never committed a felony or have been incarcerated if that is what you are trying to insinuate. being a "good" person only relates to breaking laws.

that explains a lot about you now.
The fact that you defend convicted felons while disparaging people who didn't break laws says so much more about you, Gigi.
He was in the 40s. Ha, ha, ha. You are the fool, attempting to make others into fools. Not even a court jester. Just an ass trying to make Republicans look like saints for the past 40 years when they are trying to take power by cheating and lying. Keeping people from voting.

Defend your corrupt heroes as long as you can.
Your partisan goals have become clear. You democrats deflect, parry, deflect. I haven't said anything in defense of a republican. Your deflection of pertinent FACTS about people you revere and defend shows you are projecting again. Try again.
The Nazis vote with the Republicans,

No, the democrats don't vote with the Republicans.

one should have noticed that. There goes your whole argument.

So all you need to do is lie, and everyone is defeated?

Lying is your super power!

Nonsense about the Democrats being against Israel.

Why do you lie?

There are some policies and decisions I have not liked but as a whole they are very much pro Israel.


The problem with some Democrats is that they are receiving their information from the Pro Palestinian groups, therefore being misinformed.

The Nazi democrats are in league with Hamas and Hezbollah. The enemy of America is the friend of democrats. Israel is a friend of America, hence democrats hate Israel.

Your ignorance with that sentence about who is an antisemite and who is not is priceless. I will go frame it on my wall to have a good laugh every time I feel the need for it.

Well a hearty Seig Heil to you too..

Tlaib and Omar do not represent the whole Democratic Party. Nor do they have any power to do any harm against Israel.

Quid Pro does.

How did the meeting between Xi's man and Benny Gantz or Netanyahu go?

Oh that's right, Bought and Paid for Biden hates Israel and has refused to meet with the leaders of our closest ally for two years.

This Moron is Jewish and very much pro Israel.

Now find people who really want to believe that the Democrats are Nazis, the same way the Republicans have been helping Russia spread that Ukraine is run by Nazis.

Which BDS fund do you donate to?

Pretty stupid to be a self-hating Jew and support the filthy Nazi democrats who seek your destruction.
The fact that you defend convicted felons while disparaging people who didn't break laws says so much more about you, Gigi.

I am glad it does.

I would trust someone who broke the law once 28 years ago than someone that cheated on every spouse they ever had.
I can overlook a single mistake far easier than I can a lifetime of broken promises.
Your partisan goals have become clear. You democrats deflect, parry, deflect. I haven't said anything in defense of a republican. Your deflection of pertinent FACTS about people you revere and defend shows you are projecting again. Try again.
You are beyond full of it. You are one Thousand % projection.

Stop trying.
No, the democrats don't vote with the Republicans.

So all you need to do is lie, and everyone is defeated?

Lying is your super power!

Why do you lie?


The Nazi democrats are in league with Hamas and Hezbollah. The enemy of America is the friend of democrats. Israel is a friend of America, hence democrats hate Israel.

Well a hearty Seig Heil to you too..

Quid Pro does.

How did the meeting between Xi's man and Benny Gantz or Netanyahu go?

Oh that's right, Bought and Paid for Biden hates Israel and has refused to meet with the leaders of our closest ally for two years.

Which BDS fund do you donate to?

Pretty stupid to be a self-hating Jew and support the filthy Nazi democrats who seek your destruction.
Same reply I gave the person above:

You are beyond full of it. You are one Thousand % projection.

Stop trying.
Same reply I gave the person above:

You are beyond full of it. You are one Thousand % projection.

Stop trying.

Why are you a Nazi?

Oh, do you lie that you're not?
  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
  • democrats crush freedom of speech
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror

So again, why are you a Nazi? Lust for power?
I am glad it does.

I would trust someone who broke the law once 28 years ago than someone that cheated on every spouse they ever had.
I can overlook a single mistake far easier than I can a lifetime of broken promises.

Trolling Traitor, can you PROVE that Del. Filler-Corn cheated on every spouse she ever had? Sound's to me like your just defaming an enemy again - as is your way.
I'm not the forgive and forget type when it comes to ex-con felons, but you do you.

So the MyPillow guy gets a pass because he didn't get caught? No, he is not running for office. But he seems to have the favor the Trump crowd.
That makes no sense, Nazi. George Soros is Fuhrer of the filthy democrat Reich, the Reich you blindly and mindlessly serve.

Never Again means stopping you BEFORE you march "white supremacists" (Der Jude) into the showers with your final solution.
One word suggestion for you:

WTF....What does the pillow pusher have to do with it?

He was a crack addict, but he got lucky and never got caught by the law. But somehow he is a better human than the guy in the OP who was not a crack addict but did get caught with some

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