This is What Virginia Dems Chose to Lead them

Do your own research, Gigi. They exist, that is why the laws exist.

There is law that says a felon cannot run for office. You are full of shit. You cannot name one previous felon that ran for office and then broke the law while in office.

Why? They committed no crime.

Of course they did. Everyone has broken the law at one time or another.

After your defense of democrats and convicted felons in this thread, your faux concern and redirection to supposed "duopoly" is disingenuous.

I am not defending the Dems in this thread. I am defending the concept of not punishing people for their whole life due to one mistake. I would be making the same argument if this guy were a Repub. It has nothing to do with the party and everything to do with not being a hate filled fuck like you.

But, but, but. BTW, the debt was $18T when Trump took over--ten of the other 12T came directly from the democrats in congress who held the purse strings.

How many spending bills were put into law that Trump did not sign?

BTW, duopoly is not on topic of convicted felons holding office.

Then why are you talking about it?
Yes, I do. I was very vocal about calling for his removal. However, in this thread, it is irrelevant unless you can show where he was convicted of a felony.
You are a very Unconcerned American playing at being a Concerned American.

You are tired and cranky.

Take a nap. Seriously.

You are proving nothing. Nobody falls for your endless tantrum at having to be right.

There is law that says a felon cannot run for office. You are full of shit.
Wrong again, Gigi. But felons are disqualified from public office if they have ever been convicted under California or federal law
Of course they did. Everyone has broken the law at one time or another.
Try again, Gigi. Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.
I would be making the same argument if this guy were a Repub.
Another lie. I've been round and round with you for some time now---NEVER have I seen you defend a republican. LOL democrats? about every other day.
Then why are you talking about it?
Because YOU went off topic about it, AS USUAL, moron.
Wrong again, Gigi. But felons are disqualified from public office if they have ever been convicted under California or federal law

This is taking place in Va, not Cali. Do try and keep up. Goodness.

Try again, Gigi. Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.

Nope. In all my 55 years of life I have never meet a person that has not broken a single law. I do not believe such a person exist.

Another lie. I've been round and round with you for some time now---NEVER have I seen you defend a republican. LOL democrats? about every other day.

One more time, I will type very slowly for you....I am not defending the Dems, I am defending the concept of not punishing someone for their whole life for one mistake.

Because YOU went off topic about it, AS USUAL, moron.

So, now I dictate your actions? Wow, what power I have
B'bye, junior. Come back when you have something of value to add.

This is taking place in Va, not Cali. Do try and keep up. Goodness.
Nice try dumb fuck, please keep up. That was in response to you responding to my post that said "...In some jurisdictions," You really need to seek counseling for your inability to speak the truth. Are you a convicted felon?
In all my 55 years of life I have never meet a person that has not broken a single law.
Maybe you should try hanging out with a better class of people.
Maybe you should try hanging out with a better class of people.

I just live in reality, not a make believe world like you.

Lets have some fun, have you ever broken a law, even once?

Topic, Gigi. It is amusing, whenever your bullshit arguments get handed to you with logic, you resort to irrelevant memes. Shallow.

Unlike you, I can do two things at once, I can talk about the topic and post memes. But since your IQ hovers around your shoe size, such a feat would be beyond you.
I just live in reality, not a make believe world like you.

Lets have some fun, have you ever broken a law, even once?

Unlike you, I can do two things at once, I can talk about the topic and post memes. But since your IQ hovers around your shoe size, such a feat would be beyond you.
Poor response. I understand, your limited ability to address a topic and remain on task prevents you from adequately debating a topic. Run along troll. Are you sure you didn't dishonestly add 40 years to your age?
Poor response. I understand, your limited ability to address a topic and remain on task prevents you from adequately debating a topic. Run along troll. Are you sure you didn't dishonestly add 40 years to your age?

I am terribly sorry you lack the ability to make fun of someone and hold a discussion at the same time. It is probably due to this stick that is up your ass.

But that is just a guess.
I am terribly sorry you lack the ability to make fun of someone and hold a discussion at the same time. It is probably due to this stick that is up your ass.

But that is just a guess.
Keep posting, Gigi. Your deep-rooted feelings of despair and low self-worth become more evident with every post. No wonder you defend the dregs of society.
Keep posting, Gigi. Your deep-rooted feelings of despair and low self-worth become more evident with every post. No wonder you defend the dregs of society.

and then you prove my point about the stick up your ass!

Thanks, this was fun diversion!

Have a great evening!
I am not a troll, and I will post wherever I like.
You do not like being called out for your lies and trying to frame the Democratic Party as Nazi, that is your problem.

Start a thread as to how you are being trolled by Nazis. LOL

Poor victim, You.

You do seem to be a troll.

democrats are Nazis - that's just a fact. The democrat platform is nothing more than Mein Kampf with whites in the role of the Jews.
Take any democrat speech from the last 6 years, replace each instance of "white" and "white supremacist" with "Jew" and you have the complete works of Heinreich Himmler.

You ARE Nazis - pure fact. You even have your Jan. 6th Reichstag fire.
Got you confused with the one who accuses everyone of being a Nazi. My apologies.

Still, no excuse for all the lies you are projecting towards the Democrats, which are really what the Republican Party has become today.

If you do not know that the Republican Party is telling lie after lie, and that every decent Republican, since 2016, has left the party.........where are you?

Truly....Where are you?

I only state the fact that democrats are simply the 4th Reich - 100% Nazi.

Facts are facts.


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