This is What Virginia Dems Chose to Lead them

You are 2 years old. Go take a nap.

Maybe when you wake up you will become capable of responsibilities, and over 18, and capable of voting for the right things.

Nighty night.

My grandparents fled Germany in 1928. As a child I would ask why the German people let the Nazis rise. Were people blind? Did they not see what was going on? My grandmother explained that there was comfort. That people feared losing their jobs, their homes, and the comforts of life so would not speak up. And a great many viewed the Nazis as a source of prosperity and pride. The loss of liberty and the violence on the streets was less important than a stable currency and heat in their homes.

Hitler used an old trope to consolidate power, a scapegoat. He chose the Jews, but it could be anyone, who it is doesn't matter, just as long as people can be focused on one group as the cause of all problems.

Around 2010, I observed that Obama was using the same trope, and not just Obama, but the party and the utterly corrupt press. Whites have been the safe group to lampoon and set as the butt of all jokes for decades. But this was different, uglier, meaner. By 2015 open hatred of whites was part of everyday life. The halls of education railed against the new Juden, the whites, Hollywood changed the tone and amped up the vitriolic anti-White crusade. And the party became openly hostile to anything white, culture and people.

The democrats had become the new Nazi party.
The gop AND the Democrats are corrupt. I don't support one thing...not ONE THING....either party stands for.
I don't know what is happening in this state but it is embarrassing and insulting. Fairfax people, mostly those in control are nothing but pervert scum. Parents don't seem to be able to get rid of them. They have been winning elections with voter fraud for decades. Most of those nova counties are cheats, liars and anti america types.
You said it.... Most likely Cheat's, Liar's, and Anti-American types. Somehow they've taken the normal and they have deconstructed it while no one was looking and/or paying attention..
It was almost 30 years ago. Sounds like he's turned around quite a bit since those days.

In 1994, Scott was arrested on federal drug charges, and served seven years in prison. Later, he acknowledged his mistakes, and said that the experience motivated him, and showed him injustices of the legal system.[4] Following his release from prison, Scott took an entry-level position at KRA Corporation, where he eventually became senior vice president and relocated to Portsmouth, Virginia.

In 2015, Scott was admitted to the bar and opened his own firm, where he practices criminal defense, family law, and civil cases.
I hesitate to say this because I would t want to be mistaken for a Dem supporter. But stil. There used to be this kindly old America. Sense that people could be redeemed after committing a crime and serving their time. They were said to have “paid their debt to society.” I suggest that Mr. Scott deserves no less. I doubt I’d support his political views on most things. But then again, I’m not Dem. And if the Dems want him as a leader and assuming that he has paid his debt to society, I frankly don’t care about his long ago mistake.
You can share your vast wisdom with them... :lmao:
I'd rather do what I can to try to keep Michigan blue. I'm sure if she won, elections in that state aren't free or fair. I'm sure they probably still use Dominion Voting Machines. I'm sure they don't count all the votes.
I hesitate to say this because I would t want to be mistaken for a Dem supporter. But stil. There used to be this kindly old America. Sense that people could be redeemed after committing a crime and serving their time. They were said to have “paid their debt to society.” I suggest that Mr. Scott deserves no less. I doubt I’d support his political views on most things. But then again, I’m not Dem. And if the Dems want him as a leader and assuming that he has paid his debt to society, I frankly don’t care about his long ago mistake.
How would one test an individual as to whether he has truly converted in his life ? Maybe give him power over the citizenry to some degree, and then judge him by how he either tortures the citizenry or maybe not ???

If a person goes to prison, and serves a significant amount of time, should they be allowed to gain government power to any degree over the citizenry who had honored their own lives and their own raising by not engaging or leading an early life of corruption and crime, and with a proud sense of doing so ?? Would they truly except someone like that leading them or would gerrymandering and cheating somehow put the person in power regardless of what the citizen voter thinks ?? Wonder how much of that goes on today ?? Otherwise if a party has gone over the edge, and the people don't support them anymore, wouldn't it be that they would then need to by pass the voter's, and somehow force the person that is in question into office, and this just to gain more allies for the political agenda in which they might have because they know that the majority of the people don't support or wouldn't support such a candidate ???
How would one test an individual as to whether he has truly converted in his life ?

how about seeing what he has done with his life for the last 28 years.

Do you want to be judged for who you are today or who you were 28 years ago?
It was meant to be funny. To make fun of your disgusting being.

As long as you post your funny disgusting posts I am going to be here reading and laughing my head off as how a vile person dares to think that they are scary and macho when they are really losers and worthless on this planet.

Keep calling me because I will keep laughing to your face.
It was meant to be funny. To make fun of your disgusting being.

As long as you post your funny disgusting posts I am going to be here reading and laughing my head off as how a vile person dares to think that they are scary and macho when they are really losers and worthless on this planet.

Keep calling me because I will keep laughing to your face.
Well a hearty Heil Soros and Uber Alles Democrat to you, herr democrat!
how about seeing what he has done with his life for the last 28 years.

Do you want to be judged for who you are today or who you were 28 years ago?
Agree, but should there be a character test for government power ? And if so what should that test consist of ??

You see, this is what citizen's who don't commit crime's look at when they are to be led by a person that did commit crime's.. It's a hard sell, but not impossible, otherwise if like you say that his record was clean for 28 year's, and with plenty of proof that he has cleaned up his life then yes.

The only fault maybe, is that he chooses being a Democrat after all that he knows about the policies and ideologies that Democrat's push and believe in. That is but one flag for the citizen voter to look at, but maybe he can clarify what that means in :)
Agree, but should there be a character test for government power ? And if so what should that test consist of ??

You see, this is what citizen's who don't commit crime's look at when they are to be led by a person that did commit crime's.. It's a hard sell, but not impossible, otherwise if like you say that his record was clean for 28 year's, and with plenty of proof that he has cleaned up his life then yes.

The only fault maybe, is that he chooses being a Democrat after all that he knows about the policies and ideologies that Democrat's push and believe in. That is but one flag for the citizen voter to look at, but maybe he can clarify what that means in :)

There is no much more to character than just "did you commit a crime 28 years ago"

How about someone that cheats on their spouse. Does that person have the character to be an honest leader? Can anyone trust anything they say if the person they claim to love cannot even trust them?
Don Scott (Virginia politician) - Wikipedia


Virginia House Democrats chose Del. Don Scott Jr. (D-Portsmouth) as their leader on Wednesday, more than a month after voting to remove the former House minority leader.

Del. Scott, a lawyer, was picked over two other Democratic state delegates for the leadership role. He is the first Black person to serve as Virginia House minority leader.

Scott led a push to oust Del. Eileen Filler-Corn (D-Fairfax) as House minority leader. Del. Filler-Corn, the first woman and Jewish person to serve as Virginia House Speaker in the House of Delegates' 400-year history, became minority leader after Republicans took a majority in the chamber after last year’s elections.

Va. House Democrats pick Portsmouth Del. Don Scott as new leader

Scott did seven years on fed drug charges.....Just the type of man needed to lead the dems.

DemoKKKrats in Virginia also elected a klansman three times to be their governor. These are not intelligent people.
There is no much more to character than just "did you commit a crime 28 years ago"

How about someone that cheats on their spouse. Does that person have the character to be an honest leader? Can anyone trust anything they say if the person they claim to love cannot even trust them?
Talking about Trump I'm betting ?? Yes so you think that it has to be 5 year's, 10 year's, 20 year's, 28 year's in order for it to be forgotten, and those year's would be the ideal separation time from one's acts of sin or criminality eh, but if it's not as long of a period in between such things, then you kick in and say "what about" eh ???? You Democrat's fall into your own traps you make for yourself everytime you open your mouth's. lol
Talking about Trump I'm betting ?? Yes so you think that it has to be 5 year's, 10 year's, 20 year's, 28 year's in order for it to be forgotten, and those year's would be the ideal separation time from one's acts of sin or criminality eh, but if it's not as long of a period in between such things, then you kick in and say "what about" eh ???? You Democrat's fall into your own traps you make for yourself everytime you open your mouth's. lol

Not just Trump. Bill also, he proved to be untrustworthy as well.

There is no trap here. I would take someone that made a single mistake that ended them in jail over someone that has been unfaithful for their whole life.

But that is just me, I take this marriage thing pretty seriously
Not just Trump. Bill also, he proved to be untrustworthy as well.

There is no trap here. I would take someone that made a single mistake that ended them in jail over someone that has been unfaithful for their whole life.

But that is just me, I take this marriage thing pretty seriously
Adultery, theft, murder, and so many other's are frowned upon in the same ways, and you are projecting big time when you attempt to use a time period that suggest that the amount of time that someone does something, somehow equals the amount of trust given them once they quit. LOL.

In your thinking is that if a person was very egregious in their sin, then that person is irredeemable, and therefore can't ever be trusted again ?? Did you just walk into yet another trap you set for yourself ?? lol
Adultery, theft, murder, and so many other's are frowned upon in the same ways, and you are projecting big time when you attempt to use a time period that suggest that the amount of time that someone does something, somehow equals the amount of trust given them once they quit. LOL.

In your thinking is that if a person was very egregious in their sin, then that person is irredeemable, and therefore can't ever be trusted again ?? Did you just walk into yet another trap you set for yourself ?? lol

It is more than the time period, it is the frequency and the mindset.

A single mistake is very different than a life style.

When I was in the Marines there were married Marines that fucked anything they could find while on deployment, they actively sought it out. Then there was those that put themselves in situations they were not strong enough to say no to and had a one time event. While both are bad, I had far less respect for those that cheated by design as much as they could.

The only person that is irredeemable is the one that keeps doing the same thing.
It is more than the time period, it is the frequency and the mindset.

A single mistake is very different than a life style.

When I was in the Marines there were married Marines that fucked anything they could find while on deployment, they actively sought it out. Then there was those that put themselves in situations they were not strong enough to say no to and had a one time event. While both are bad, I had far less respect for those that cheated by design as much as they could.

The only person that is irredeemable is the one that keeps doing the same thing.
You stood on the fact that people can redeem themselves, and now you are squirming out of it once the challenges came to your political attitude in life. You are like a tossed about wave in the ocean you are.

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