This is What Virginia Dems Chose to Lead them

How would I be in on Biden's plans? I am just some average Joe living in Illinois.

I knew that oil would be in short supply after the world's oil production was slashed in 2020 and the stock prices were down for most of the companies. Then when it looked more like Russia was really going to invade oil stocks became an even better gamble.
Economic blood money.. lol
I do not really care. I voted via mail and took a photo of my ballot and posted in on here a few times. That is all I can do. The rest is out of my hands
Now why did you feel you had the need to do that ?? Uhhh unless you know you aren't believable because of the support you give to the Democrat's here. So if you voted Republican or other, then why are you such a traitor to your own self ???
Now why did you feel you had the need to do that ?? Uhhh unless you know you aren't believable because of the support you give to the Democrat's here. So if you voted Republican or other, then why are you such a traitor to your own self ???

Because whenever possible I always support my claims. I know it is something you cannot grasp, but some of us actually do so.

I voted Libertarian, and I do not give the Dems my support. My support for the man in the OP has nothing to do with waht party he belongs to.
In Georgia they elect majorie Taylor green who thinks it’s a peach tree dish.
This country elected a President that doesn't even know the Declaration of Independence,
"We hold these truths to be self-evident: all men and women are created, by the, you know the, you know the thing."
– Joe Biden Botching US Declaration of Independence quote.

Then this gem,
At a St. Patrick's Day reception for the then Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen in 2010, Biden noted that the visitor's mother had lived in America.
"His mom lived in Long Island for 10 years or so, god rest her soul, and, er, although she's, wait—your mom's still alive. It was your dad [who] passed. God bless her soul. I gotta get this straight," Biden said.

During a 2008 campaign rally in Missouri, Biden asked the audience to applaud State Senator Chuck Graham.

"Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see you," Biden said, gesturing for Graham to stand. Graham, a paraplegic following a car accident, is confined to a wheelchair. "Oh, god love ya, what am I talking about," Biden said, realizing his mistake. "I tell you what, you're making everybody else stand up though, pal. Thank you very, very much...You can tell I'm new."

Then there is this tidbit.
During a 2008 campaign rally, Biden said: "Look, John's last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: Jobs. J-O-B-S."

Don't want you to forget this one,
At Syracuse University College of Law, Biden "used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution," according to a faculty report. He cited the source in only a single footnote.

In a letter to law school faculty pleading not to be dismissed, Biden wrote, "if I had intended to cheat, would I have been so stupid? ... I value my word above all else."

Then you have Hank Johnson and his Guam wisdom, he was only a House member of 14 years.
During a March 25, 2010, House Armed Services Committee hearing about the U.S. military installation in Guam, Johnson said to Admiral Robert F. Willard, Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize", to which Willard replied, "We don't anticipate that." Johnson's office said that he was a tremendous deadpan and used a facetious metaphor to draw attention to the potential negative impact caused by the addition of 8,000 Marines and dependents to an island of 180,000 people.

Then you have the convicted mayor of Washington DC with this head scratcher,
“Outside of the killings, DC has one of the lowest crime rates in the country.”

Nancy Pelosi and her statements,
“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”

Then we have a Supreme Court Justice that can't define what a woman is. WTF?

The point is the left and right makes some pretty stupid comments.

Marjorie Taylor Green is not the only dumb elected official. Why don'y you comment on their stupid comments?
Because whenever possible I always support my claims. I know it is something you cannot grasp, but some of us actually do so.

I voted Libertarian, and I do not give the Dems my support. My support for the man in the OP has nothing to do with waht party he belongs to.
Uhhh is this not a political website, yet you aren't picking a party platform or ideology to believe in for debating the various issues ? Does that make you a troll ? Because you sure seem to want to attack republican's and conservatives on behalf of the Democrat's here. Libertarian eh ? Was that what was shown on your vote copy in which you said you made available here ??
This country elected a President that doesn't even know the Declaration of Independence,
"We hold these truths to be self-evident: all men and women are created, by the, you know the, you know the thing."
– Joe Biden Botching US Declaration of Independence quote.

Then this gem,
At a St. Patrick's Day reception for the then Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen in 2010, Biden noted that the visitor's mother had lived in America.
"His mom lived in Long Island for 10 years or so, god rest her soul, and, er, although she's, wait—your mom's still alive. It was your dad [who] passed. God bless her soul. I gotta get this straight," Biden said.

During a 2008 campaign rally in Missouri, Biden asked the audience to applaud State Senator Chuck Graham.

"Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see you," Biden said, gesturing for Graham to stand. Graham, a paraplegic following a car accident, is confined to a wheelchair. "Oh, god love ya, what am I talking about," Biden said, realizing his mistake. "I tell you what, you're making everybody else stand up though, pal. Thank you very, very much...You can tell I'm new."

Then there is this tidbit.
During a 2008 campaign rally, Biden said: "Look, John's last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: Jobs. J-O-B-S."

Don't want you to forget this one,
At Syracuse University College of Law, Biden "used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution," according to a faculty report. He cited the source in only a single footnote.

In a letter to law school faculty pleading not to be dismissed, Biden wrote, "if I had intended to cheat, would I have been so stupid? ... I value my word above all else."

Then you have Hank Johnson and his Guam wisdom, he was only a House member of 14 years.
During a March 25, 2010, House Armed Services Committee hearing about the U.S. military installation in Guam, Johnson said to Admiral Robert F. Willard, Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize", to which Willard replied, "We don't anticipate that." Johnson's office said that he was a tremendous deadpan and used a facetious metaphor to draw attention to the potential negative impact caused by the addition of 8,000 Marines and dependents to an island of 180,000 people.

Then you have the convicted mayor of Washington DC with this head scratcher,
“Outside of the killings, DC has one of the lowest crime rates in the country.”

Nancy Pelosi and her statements,
“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”

Then we have a Supreme Court Justice that can't define what a woman is. WTF?

The point is the left and right makes some pretty stupid comments.

Marjorie Taylor Green is not the only dumb elected official. Why don'y you comment on their stupid comments?
And you want to re elect a guy who kept saying his father was born in Germany even though he wasn't

So let's not run either of them?
And you want to re elect a guy who kept saying his father was born in Germany even though he wasn't

So let's not run either of them?
I don't want Trump, dumbass. I wouldn't vote for him if you paid me to. What about Hillary claiming she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, or that she was under fire at an airport?

Like I said both sides play the game and play it well. Why do you only bring up Green? To me one of the best gaffes was Hank and the island tipping over, that is a classic gaffe.
Uhhh is this not a political website, yet you aren't picking a party platform or ideology to believe in for debating the various issues ? Does that make you a troll ? Because you sure seem to want to attack republican's and conservatives on behalf of the Democrat's here. Libertarian eh ? Was that what was shown on your vote copy in which you said you made available here ??

No, not being a slave to a party does not make me a troll.

I think on my own, I do not need a party to tell me what to support.
Don Scott (Virginia politician) - Wikipedia


Virginia House Democrats chose Del. Don Scott Jr. (D-Portsmouth) as their leader on Wednesday, more than a month after voting to remove the former House minority leader.

Del. Scott, a lawyer, was picked over two other Democratic state delegates for the leadership role. He is the first Black person to serve as Virginia House minority leader.

Scott led a push to oust Del. Eileen Filler-Corn (D-Fairfax) as House minority leader. Del. Filler-Corn, the first woman and Jewish person to serve as Virginia House Speaker in the House of Delegates' 400-year history, became minority leader after Republicans took a majority in the chamber after last year’s elections.

Va. House Democrats pick Portsmouth Del. Don Scott as new leader

Scott did seven years on fed drug charges.....Just the type of man needed to lead the dems.

Your basic racism and hatred show when you said look "what", not "who". I'll take this man who made an mistake 30 years ago as a young, broke student, and who paid his debt to society, over an arrogant white ass like yourself who refers to another human being as a "what".
Your basic racism and hatred show when you said look "what", not "who". I'll take this man who made an mistake 30 years ago as a young, broke student, and who paid his debt to society, over an arrogant white ass like yourself who refers to another human being as a "what".

That said you would have thought that the dems would thought "Damn, this guy's district contains one of the most dangerous cities in America" But no, the black vote there way under-performed so I guess they want the black numbers pumped-up so the lily white NOtVA bitch had to go.
No, not being a slave to a party does not make me a troll.

I think on my own, I do not need a party to tell me what to support.
This post makes you definitely a troll or else what would you be doing here otherwise ?? I guess by your actions here, we will go ahead and assign you a party then - Democrat will be it, and there will be no denying it.
Too bad you didn't use that simple test when voting for do nothing Biden. 50 years in politics and all he did ... like nothing but sell his name for profit.

Oh the irony!!!! You voted for a man who literally sold his name for money - Donald J. Trump. Trump made millions licensing the use of the Trump name on a bunch of failed products. Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka.

Biden did a LOT in his 50 years in office. For starters, he's the guy Obama put in charge of the technical work of getting the freefall of the American economy stopped.

He was head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when Clinton was President - another period of peace and prosperity when the USA didn't get involved in any foreign wars, other than the UN Peacekeeping operation in Bosnia.

And he's handled the mess that Trump left fairly well. Republicans are doing their best to slow things down, especially with covid. The vaccine rollout would have been an absolute triumph had the red states not turned masks and vaccines into a "rights and freedoms" issues.
Oh the irony!!!! You voted for a man who literally sold his name for money - Donald J. Trump. Trump made millions licensing the use of the Trump name on a bunch of failed products. Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka.

Biden did a LOT in his 50 years in office. For starters, he's the guy Obama put in charge of the technical work of getting the freefall of the American economy stopped.

He was head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when Clinton was President - another period of peace and prosperity when the USA didn't get involved in any foreign wars, other than the UN Peacekeeping operation in Bosnia.

And he's handled the mess that Trump left fairly well. Republicans are doing their best to slow things down, especially with covid. The vaccine rollout would have been an absolute triumph had the red states not turned masks and vaccines into a "rights and freedoms" issues.
All that does not matter a fig.....You people are going to get beat so bad in November your KKK ancestors will feel it.

You fucked around and you are going to find out. It's as simple as that.
Sorry, once a convict, always a convict....He just chose a different way to manipulate.

Says who? Some nobody on the internets like you?

The man clearly turned his life around and has achived more than you ever will.
Oh the irony!!!! You voted for a man who literally sold his name for money - Donald J. Trump. Trump made millions licensing the use of the Trump name on a bunch of failed products. Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka.

Biden did a LOT in his 50 years in office. For starters, he's the guy Obama put in charge of the technical work of getting the freefall of the American economy stopped.

He was head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when Clinton was President - another period of peace and prosperity when the USA didn't get involved in any foreign wars, other than the UN Peacekeeping operation in Bosnia.

And he's handled the mess that Trump left fairly well. Republicans are doing their best to slow things down, especially with covid. The vaccine rollout would have been an absolute triumph had the red states not turned masks and vaccines into a "rights and freedoms" issues.
Ohh that's what business men are supposed to do dumb ass. Politicians, not so much... your dumb.
This post makes you definitely a troll or else what would you be doing here otherwise ?? I guess by your actions here, we will go ahead and assign you a party then - Democrat will be it, and there will be no denying it.

One does not need to be a slave to the duopoly to have an interest in politics.

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