This is What Virginia Dems Chose to Lead them

Please show me where I made any reference to race in this thread before YOU framed it in those terms. Lying again GiGi. I know, you made one mistake, why should I hold it against you? Wrong, you are an habitual liar.

"you all" is a generic term to include a group of people.

The person you are so staunchly defending started it in post # 8
Because the vast majority of democrats are incapable of making INFORMED decisions

Maybe you should pay attention to what you post and reply to. Are you incapable of doing your own search? Typical democrat---#84
Read and re read my post #84

You are the only one reading what is not there:

The Nazis vote with the Republicans, one should have noticed that. There goes your whole argument.

Nonsense about the Democrats being against Israel.
There are some policies and decisions I have not liked but as a whole they are very much pro Israel.

The problem with some Democrats is that they are receiving their information from the Pro Palestinian groups, therefore being misinformed.

Your ignorance with that sentence about who is an antisemite and who is not is priceless. I will go frame it on my wall to have a good laugh every time I feel the need for it.

Tlaib and Omar do not represent the whole Democratic Party. Nor do they have any power to do any harm against Israel.

This Moron is Jewish and very much pro Israel.

Now find people who really want to believe that the Democrats are Nazis, the same way the Republicans have been helping Russia spread that Ukraine is run by Nazis.
There are lots of people who commit crimes, if not felony and never spend a day in prison.

As I posted below, Congress and Virginia have laws allowing ex felons to run for office. It is up to the voters, based on the issues and not any criminal record, to vote their conscience and their issues.
Yes, I know that’s the law in Virginia, or obviously this ex-con could not hold the role. I am opining that it should not be so, and that high positions of elected office should be reserved for those who were decent, law-abiding citizens all their lives. They were better people, and should be held in higher esteem. MO.
Typical Gigi, you haven't changed a bit. Got anything to say on topic?

i have been posting about the topic the whole time, you even responded to those post about the topic.

Now you are going to lie and I have not been?

Yes, I know that’s the law in Virginia, or obviously this ex-con could not hold the role. I am opining that it weren‘t so, and that high positions of elected office should be reserved for those who were decent, law-abiding citizens all their lives. They were better people, and should be held in higher esteem. MO.

Were they better people? Is someone that cheated on 3 spouses really a better person that someone that got put in jail on drug related charge?
This is not a case of A Jew vs a Black person.
Filler-Corn released a statement thanking colleagues and supporters for making her the first woman to serve as House speaker in the body’s 403 years, saying it was “truly the honor of my life.”

“I was proud of all that we accomplished after taking the majority in 2019 and was willing to step up as minority leader once more to regain that majority,” Filler-Corn said. “Our caucus is made up of 48 talented and diverse individuals and I look forward to working with them to retake the majority.”


I could not find any reference from her about it being about that. So, besides an issue which does not exist in Virginia, under their laws, there was not issue about being Jewish or Black, either.
But it‘s not just a Jew vs a Black. It’s a law-abiding Jew vs a ex-felon, ex-con Black.
But it‘s not just a Jew vs a Black. It’s a law-abiding Jew vs a ex-felon, ex-con Black.
The ex felon learned his lesson. Became a lawyer and an upstanding member of society and his community.
I am not finding any Virginia voter coming out against him because he was once convicted. And I think neither should you, nor anyone else.

It should be about character, about the here and now, and what they have made of themselves.

With him it was drug related. He learned his lesson. Bettered himself afterwards. He earned it.

Doesn't Judaism forgive those who have learned their lesson after committing any crime? I do not understand your lack of forgiveness for one person who has paid his due and has spent the rest of his life being of service to others.
More unsubstantiated allegations. You should have been on Schiff's justice panel or maybe Piglosi's "bipartisan" select committee. Democrats, they lie to cover up their own stupidity. You're dismissed.
The Nazis, the Proud Boys, the KKK, etc. All voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.

No point in showing how fond Trump and the Republicans are of the Nazis and others for their votes as you will only project it onto the Democrats.

Charlottesville. Just remember Trump and Charlottesville and calling the Proud Boys during his campaign.

Trump's heroes.

The Republican way to win elections. By scaring and lying about who won.
In 1994, Scott was arrested on federal drug charges, and served seven years in prison. Later, he acknowledged his mistakes, and said that the experience motivated him, and showed him injustices of the legal system. Following his release from prison, Scott took an entry-level position at KRA Corporation, where he eventually became senior vice president and relocated to Portsmouth, Virginia.

I think he is the type of man we need all of this country. He made a mistake early in his life and did not let it define him. He served his time and got out and made sure he did not make the same mistakes and worked to keep others from making them as well.

I am not sure what you have against this man. Should nobody that ever made a mistake be given a 2nd chance?
I may not agree with his policies, but that is an amazing comeback story.

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