This is what you get for practicing free speech.

I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

What do you think freedom of speech is, exactly?

It's not the freedom to say whatever you want, whenever you want, in case you were wondering.
Looks to me like YOU are the one who does not know what it is. Not surprising, most commie liberals don't have a clue what freedom is.
Wow, so they are firing people for their opinions?
Can you imagine how many will have to be fired for expressing their contempt for Christians.
Can you imagine how many will have to be fired for expressing their contempt for Americans.
Can you imagine how many will have to be fired for expressing their contempt for Southerners.
Can you imagine how many will have to be fired for expressing their contempt for Rich People.
Can you imagine how many will have to be fired for expressing their contempt for Northerners
Can you imagine how many will have to be fired for expressing their contempt for Jews
Can you imagine how many will have to be fired for expressing their contempt for Blacks
Can you imagine how many will have to be fired for expressing their contempt for Whites
Can you imagine how many will have to be fired for expressing their contempt for Policemen
Can you imagine how many will have to be fired for expressing their contempt for Patriots............
Is this how this chit going to work, or is it just for contempt for Muslims?
BTW, these recurring mass murder attacks of innocent Americans tends to affect people's opinion of Muslims.

Or simply don't share your contempt. :)
There are people who will all too happily do everything they can to see you punished if they don't like what you say.

They cloak it with, "free speech has consequences", pretending that they have no choice but to see to it that you are punished. No choice. They are forced to do it. Which, of course, is the big lie. They are illiberal authoritarians. No doubt the person who "reported" you will be thrilled by this news.

That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.
That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.

In short, words matter. That they do isn't a function of this being America; it is a function of human nature.

Do not spend the day in gathering flowers by the wayside, lest night come upon you before you arrive at your journey's end, and then you will not reach it.
-- Isaac Watts, Logic: The Right Use of Reason in the Inquiry After Truth
Indeed, words matter.

And if I disagree with someone, I want to know who that person is, what they're thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that it they are afraid to speak out. I'm not afraid of words, because I have confidence in my ability to overcome them with reason.

I can't tell you why, but I can still picture in my mind, a hundred years ago, my grade school teacher standing in front of the blackboard, introducing us to the term "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." It struck me then, it's a part of me now. That will never change.

The OP had the right to say what he said. That is evident.
The OP had the right to say what he said.

Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.
I've said it before kids, and I'm going to say it again. If you're going to social media do /not/ do so with your real information - use a "fake" account, something that can't be traced back to you so easily. Employer's do look, and there will be consequences if you say or do anything that may or may not harm their "brand" these days. If ya'll haven't noticed people are fruit loops and they start hysterics over anything and everything, businesses are not going to entertain losses to "defend" your personal views and opinions, they're just going to can you and find someone less problematic; and that's regardless of if the boss agrees with you or doesn't give a shit about your opinion, it's simply not worth the risk to their bottom line.

I don't necessarily agree with the position, I'd like to think that folks can think whatever they want, regardless of if it's "socially acceptable" or not, but that's the way it is.

Use "anonymous" accounts for all your social media, political forums, etc. or you're just asking for trouble. :/

Or just simply focus on being a better person rather than engineering better ways to be an asshole.
IOW, grow up.

People are going to think whatever they think, you cannot stop people from being "controversial" all you do is make them dig their heels in worse. If folks want to be assholes, let em.

IOW, stop trying to control others thoughts because you cannot.

I'm not trying to control anyone. I'm simply offering advice that would help to avoid such eventualities.

Bullshit, when you talking about making them focus on "being a better person" you're trying to control peoples thoughts.

Let them be assholes and chose not to associate with them if you want - that's freedom of association.

Fine. Then don't plot revenge on one's employer. Accept the consequences of one's own actions.

Life gives you back what you put in.
There are people who will all too happily do everything they can to see you punished if they don't like what you say.

They cloak it with, "free speech has consequences", pretending that they have no choice but to see to it that you are punished. No choice. They are forced to do it. Which, of course, is the big lie. They are illiberal authoritarians. No doubt the person who "reported" you will be thrilled by this news.

That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.
That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.

In short, words matter. That they do isn't a function of this being America; it is a function of human nature.

Do not spend the day in gathering flowers by the wayside, lest night come upon you before you arrive at your journey's end, and then you will not reach it.
-- Isaac Watts, Logic: The Right Use of Reason in the Inquiry After Truth
Indeed, words matter.

And if I disagree with someone, I want to know who that person is, what they're thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that it they are afraid to speak out. I'm not afraid of words, because I have confidence in my ability to overcome them with reason.

I can't tell you why, but I can still picture in my mind, a hundred years ago, my grade school teacher standing in front of the blackboard, introducing us to the term "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." It struck me then, it's a part of me now. That will never change.

The OP had the right to say what he said. That is evident.
The OP had the right to say what he said.

Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.

The OP did. The OP believes his right to free speech was violated. He's obviously not in jail for saying moronic things on Facebook so he has not lost any rights.
There are people who will all too happily do everything they can to see you punished if they don't like what you say.

They cloak it with, "free speech has consequences", pretending that they have no choice but to see to it that you are punished. No choice. They are forced to do it. Which, of course, is the big lie. They are illiberal authoritarians. No doubt the person who "reported" you will be thrilled by this news.

That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.
That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.

In short, words matter. That they do isn't a function of this being America; it is a function of human nature.

Do not spend the day in gathering flowers by the wayside, lest night come upon you before you arrive at your journey's end, and then you will not reach it.
-- Isaac Watts, Logic: The Right Use of Reason in the Inquiry After Truth
Indeed, words matter.

And if I disagree with someone, I want to know who that person is, what they're thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that it they are afraid to speak out. I'm not afraid of words, because I have confidence in my ability to overcome them with reason.

I can't tell you why, but I can still picture in my mind, a hundred years ago, my grade school teacher standing in front of the blackboard, introducing us to the term "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." It struck me then, it's a part of me now. That will never change.

The OP had the right to say what he said. That is evident.
Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.

The OP did. The OP believes his right to free speech was violated. He's obviously not in jail for saying moronic things on Facebook so he has not lost any rights.
Well, then the OP-er, like (I think) everyone else here, thinks he has the right to say what he did. As I said, nobody here has disagreed with the notion that he has that right.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

No one said there were no repercussions / consequences to Freedom of Speech...
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

An employer has no obligation to honor your free speech....only the government does

You posted stuff that could potentially damage your employer or destroy the morale of the workforce

Glad you got fired.....maybe you won't publicize your hate next time
I extend my sympathies to the OP.

As the OP wrote, the boss was understandably terrified of losing his own job, so he had to fire the OP.


Yes, in 2018, there are many taboo subjects that may not be discussed in public.

As a new member, I think that US Message Board is the only forum to allow the discussion of certain topics.

Of course, to be fair, there have always been taboo subjects in the United States.

Although there was no social media in the 1950s, if you publicly supported communism, for example, you would definitely lose your job.


So if you are employed, a person should think twice or thrice before posting a comment online.

People in every country are allowed to think certain thoughts, but those thoughts must not be expressed publicly. (In China, for example, if you post something about "democracy," the thousands of Internet censors will immediately delete it.)
Employers have an obligation to weed out assholes
Free speech is just that, free speech. I don't agree with all kinds of things I see and read, and I've argued on here that a lady who was fired and made headlines shouldn't have been fired even though she said some offensive things.

The reality is quite frankly, that society has become soft and easily offended, I don't like what you said but that doesn't mean I would whine about it. There are good men and women dying all over the world fighting for freedom and someone gets offended by some words?

I hope you have recourse of some kind. In the old days a simple apology would suffice. Again, I don't condone this or all kinds of speech but you wee on your own time, if you were doing your job well it shouldn't be an issue.

So, you should be able to go to your boss, tell him to "fuck off" and still expect to keep your job?
Was he on the clock? On the property?

Not what I did. I stated a political opinion on a News site on my own time.

Do you not represent the company when you're out of work too? I mean, if you told your boss "fuck off" on facebook, would you have freedom of speech too?

You're not really getting what freedom of speech is, me thinks.

More to the point, if your boss said asinine things on facebook, would you have the right to quit? Even if your boss did it on her "own time"?
I have to say I'm shocked so many of you agree with the employer. You would do fine here in Canada as police, the RCMP and their pals agree with you. This is why we had a guy fired for going onto Tucker Carlson for basically DEFENDING the province, but he was fired because well, he shouldn't have spoken to Fox News, they are the Sith in Canada.

Here, is where you will head if you maintain such a broad attitude towards speech and what is acceptable or not: I knew this was coming, and the people to blame are those who want more power and make excuses for the need for more power over your life.

"You know, we can't have one of those uncontrollable businessmen winning our elections!"

France to Censor the Internet:

Emmanuel Macron promises ban on fake news during elections

Emmanuel Macron has vowed to introduce a law to ban fake news on the internet during French election campaigns.

The French president, who beat the far-right Marine Le Pen to win 2017’s election, said he wanted new legislation for social media platforms during election periods “in order to protect democracy”.

In his new year’s speech to journalists at the Élysée palace, Macron said he would shortly present the new law in order to fight the spread of fake news, which he said threatened liberal democracies.

New legislation for websites would include more transparency about sponsored content. Under the new law, websites would have to say who is financing them and the amount of money for sponsored content would be capped.

For fake news published during election seasons, an emergency legal action could allow authorities to remove that content or even block the website, Macron said. “If we want to protect liberal democracies, we must be strong and have clear rules,” he added.

He said France’s media watchdog, the CSA, would be empowered to fight against “any attempt at destabilisation” by TV stations controlled or influenced by foreign states.

Macron said he wanted to act against what he called “propaganda articulated by thousands of social media accounts”.
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There are people who will all too happily do everything they can to see you punished if they don't like what you say.

They cloak it with, "free speech has consequences", pretending that they have no choice but to see to it that you are punished. No choice. They are forced to do it. Which, of course, is the big lie. They are illiberal authoritarians. No doubt the person who "reported" you will be thrilled by this news.

That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.
That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.

In short, words matter. That they do isn't a function of this being America; it is a function of human nature.

Do not spend the day in gathering flowers by the wayside, lest night come upon you before you arrive at your journey's end, and then you will not reach it.
-- Isaac Watts, Logic: The Right Use of Reason in the Inquiry After Truth
Indeed, words matter.

And if I disagree with someone, I want to know who that person is, what they're thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that it they are afraid to speak out. I'm not afraid of words, because I have confidence in my ability to overcome them with reason.

I can't tell you why, but I can still picture in my mind, a hundred years ago, my grade school teacher standing in front of the blackboard, introducing us to the term "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." It struck me then, it's a part of me now. That will never change.

The OP had the right to say what he said. That is evident.
The OP had the right to say what he said.

Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.

Yes. Some have disputed that.
I have to say I'm shocked so many of you agree with the employer.

I have no opinion on the actual dispute. I don't know the facts, other that the OP's anecdote. But I find the debate interesting because cross-cutting issues like this bring out hypocrisies of both the right and the left.
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I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.
You are dumb...seriously.

I hope you find a job so you can provide for your family, and most importantly, that you learn from this.
I hope you find a job so you can provide for your family
That's generous of you. I don't hope that at all. I think it better that they disabuse themselves of him, leaving him to his own devices.

Wow, you must get all the ladies at the party, what a charmer.

I hope he bounces back, learns from this and grows. I also hope he spills the beans to the Feds if a law has been broken. As you suggest "one will pay a price, sometimes steep,"

I would never have said what he said and I wouldn't support it, but that doesn't mean he should be branded and tossed out of a job if he did it well. Also, it doesn't mean he should not be supported in spite of his error as it were.
Are you kidding me, by the time that wind bag finishes introducing him self, the lady would be a grand mother.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.
THIS is why I don't friend employers,coworkers OR use where I REALLY work at on ANY social media and never will. I didn't even use my real name until some snowflake whined and FB forcibly changed it and I can't change it back...still can't make me put where I work or anything else. I don't have where I went to school at or anything. You can barely see anything on my profile unless you are my friend....can't see pics,posts,my friends NOTHING. That won't change when I am done with college and get a job in my field either. I will make a fake FB page if need be if employers ask about it and I will make a new profile and have a fake name so they can't find me.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

You had the total freedom to say what you want...

Facebook then have the right to say it is hatful and ban you and your boss has the right to say you are not desirable in his company as it would affect his revenue...

Now who is stopping you going down to the corner of the street and spouting more hatful stuff? No one.. Thats freedom...

You actions have consequences, take some individual responsibility
I have to say I'm shocked so many of you agree with the employer. You would do fine here in Canada as police, the RCMP and their pals agree with you. This is why we had a guy fired for going onto Tucker Carlson for basically DEFENDING the province, but he was fired because well, he shouldn't have spoken to Fox News, they are the Sith in Canada.

Here, is where you will head if you maintain such a broad attitude towards speech and what is acceptable or not: I knew this was coming, and the people to blame are those who want more power and make excuses for the need for more power over your life.

"You know, we can't have one of those uncontrollable businessmen winning our elections!"

France to Censor the Internet:

Emmanuel Macron promises ban on fake news during elections

Emmanuel Macron has vowed to introduce a law to ban fake news on the internet during French election campaigns.

The French president, who beat the far-right Marine Le Pen to win 2017’s election, said he wanted new legislation for social media platforms during election periods “in order to protect democracy”.

In his new year’s speech to journalists at the Élysée palace, Macron said he would shortly present the new law in order to fight the spread of fake news, which he said threatened liberal democracies.

New legislation for websites would include more transparency about sponsored content. Under the new law, websites would have to say who is financing them and the amount of money for sponsored content would be capped.

For fake news published during election seasons, an emergency legal action could allow authorities to remove that content or even block the website, Macron said. “If we want to protect liberal democracies, we must be strong and have clear rules,” he added.

He said France’s media watchdog, the CSA, would be empowered to fight against “any attempt at destabilisation” by TV stations controlled or influenced by foreign states.

Macron said he wanted to act against what he called “propaganda articulated by thousands of social media accounts”.

Why should an employer not have the freedom to set rules of conduct for people that they are giving a paycheck to?

Why should an employees freedom trump the employers?

Sent from my iPhone using
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.
I am truely sorry for your situation. Unfortunately free speech gives you the right to hang your self with your own words. I am sure this is not a new lesson. If you are in sales you know you do not have to say any thing very offensive to lose a commision. When you were a kid if you said some thing offensive to Billy down the block, you knew you could possibly get punched. Say the wrong thing to your girl friend all of a sudden you are the only one laying in bed at night. Free speach does not mean no repurcusions.

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