This is what you get for practicing free speech.

Free speech is just that, free speech. I don't agree with all kinds of things I see and read, and I've argued on here that a lady who was fired and made headlines shouldn't have been fired even though she said some offensive things.

The reality is quite frankly, that society has become soft and easily offended, I don't like what you said but that doesn't mean I would whine about it. There are good men and women dying all over the world fighting for freedom and someone gets offended by some words?

I hope you have recourse of some kind. In the old days a simple apology would suffice. Again, I don't condone this or all kinds of speech but you wee on your own time, if you were doing your job well it shouldn't be an issue.

So, you should be able to go to your boss, tell him to "fuck off" and still expect to keep your job?
Was he on the clock? On the property?

Not what I did. I stated a political opinion on a News site on my own time.

Been 30 minutes and FB didn't ban me yet
Someone has to report it to FB and it can take up to 48-72 hours for the to review it and ban you. I have been given so many 30 day bans its not even funny....currently on a 30 day ban on my main acct but I have 2 other backup accounts I use on a regular basis with same friends etc.
You actions have consequences, take some individual responsibility

This poison is what passes for liberal tolerance of dissent these day. You can see the Marxist influence.
The point of free speech is that it be free. It has nothing to do with the government. NOTHING. There is an amendment which prevents the government from censoring your speech. but that is it. The amendment didn't give you free speech. That comes from God. Your free speech isn't measured by the amendment and really should never be addressed in a discussion of free speech unless the government is inhibiting it.
But if you are intimidated out of free speech the result is the same. If I tell you "say Trump is orange again and I'll knock you teeth out with this baseball bat" would you say "ah well i have free speech with consequences"?
I have to say I'm shocked so many of you agree with the employer. You would do fine here in Canada as police, the RCMP and their pals agree with you. This is why we had a guy fired for going onto Tucker Carlson for basically DEFENDING the province, but he was fired because well, he shouldn't have spoken to Fox News, they are the Sith in Canada.

Here, is where you will head if you maintain such a broad attitude towards speech and what is acceptable or not: I knew this was coming, and the people to blame are those who want more power and make excuses for the need for more power over your life.

"You know, we can't have one of those uncontrollable businessmen winning our elections!"

France to Censor the Internet:

Emmanuel Macron promises ban on fake news during elections

Emmanuel Macron has vowed to introduce a law to ban fake news on the internet during French election campaigns.

The French president, who beat the far-right Marine Le Pen to win 2017’s election, said he wanted new legislation for social media platforms during election periods “in order to protect democracy”.

In his new year’s speech to journalists at the Élysée palace, Macron said he would shortly present the new law in order to fight the spread of fake news, which he said threatened liberal democracies.

New legislation for websites would include more transparency about sponsored content. Under the new law, websites would have to say who is financing them and the amount of money for sponsored content would be capped.

For fake news published during election seasons, an emergency legal action could allow authorities to remove that content or even block the website, Macron said. “If we want to protect liberal democracies, we must be strong and have clear rules,” he added.

He said France’s media watchdog, the CSA, would be empowered to fight against “any attempt at destabilisation” by TV stations controlled or influenced by foreign states.

Macron said he wanted to act against what he called “propaganda articulated by thousands of social media accounts”.

Why should an employer not have the freedom to set rules of conduct for people that they are giving a paycheck to?

Why should an employees freedom trump the employers?

Sent from my iPhone using

So if you are in your home and have a party, you have a few drinks and get into an argument and you call some guy a derogatory name, could be anything really, but let's say it refers to his sexuality. The night ends and you go about your business, after all, you've known these people for many years and have had get togethers often.

You go to work on Monday and there is your boss waiting for you and needs to speak to you in his office, it's come to his attention that you had a few drinks and called someone a derogatory term that quite frankly The Firm doesn't like. As evidence, he plays a short audio clip on mp3, grimacing when he hears the word,

"I think we get the picture, I can't even replay that and hear that awful, offensive word again".

You are stunned, "who would do this, why, how?".

"Yes John, someone had their cellhphone on and captured this regrettable moment. I know you've been here 24 years and a few months, so close to your pension. Unfortunately, you said this word and it violates our code. Pack up your shyte and leave please. If this was the military I would DISHONORABLY discharge you!"

"But, but, it was a word, I have known these people for years, it was a party, I am not homophobic or hate people".

"Sorry John. The Firm has spoken. Here is a list of food banks and Salvation Army locations in case you, Barb and the kids need some support during these difficult times".

Oh and let's be clear about the distinction. This was a private conversation, no reference to the company, he wasn't on the companies dime, he is supposed to be a free man. The argument is "well there are consequences".

What kind of society are you creating here? Maybe you will say this then if the guy finds out who ratted him out and hunts him down and seeks revenge, "well, actions have consequences, you shouldn't have ratted him out?" What if the OP goes after the guy who ratted him out? Is this now a good old fashioned, "eye for an eye"? Actions have consequences?

If he did this at work, I understand he gets fired. If he did this with his company name, I understand. What he does and says, or WHO he does on his free time is his bloody business. The British destroyed the life of a brilliant man who helped them beat the nazis all because he was gay. Where is this excessive intrusion in ones personal life going to hit a wall?

No, I say it is wrong that he was fired and I will say such consequences are what East Germans would use to ruin peoples lives. If you want this world, you had better buckle up.
Last edited:
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

hit me up in a private message. There has been a fund started for people damaged when liberals go after their jobs. Im not sure of its status or even if it got off the ground yet but will look them up or give them a call.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

RTW state?

A word of advice ...

What you do tomorrow is go to the unemployment and file a claim, then call osha , the fire marshal and everyone else and tell them what laws you know what was being broken ..your old company might appeal unemployment and say fuck you, you want a hearing ...

When go for a new job interview, your old job can only say the dates you were there, be positive don't cut your old company down say you quit.. then it's he said she said.
I know something about the company that could cause the Feds to shut them down, at least until they fix it.
But I don't need the competition while looking for work.

See I know you know something, get even I did it a few times
getting revenge would hurt a lot of people who don't deserve being hurt. Good people who knew me and still liked me even after learning stuff like I was bi-polar and a Trump supporter. people who didn't judge me. I'm not going to do it.

Even the guy who fired me is a good person. He was just scared of repercussions should this individual wanted to spread the gossip. Scared of a Boycott, of becoming a national news story over a simple statement of fact.

Listen despite your views you did somethings which your company had to fire you.

1. You befriended customers or customer friends on Facebook.

2. You then said things which your customers found very offensive. Customers have there right to bring there business anywhere and you just put the company in a bad light thus jeopardising everyones job.

So the last guy who was hired could have been let go because of a downturn in business which you caused. So your boss said you can hold your beliefs but you can't put other peoples livelihoods in jeopardy.

By the way have you any real proof of your accusation...
I have to say I'm shocked so many of you agree with the employer. You would do fine here in Canada as police, the RCMP and their pals agree with you. This is why we had a guy fired for going onto Tucker Carlson for basically DEFENDING the province, but he was fired because well, he shouldn't have spoken to Fox News, they are the Sith in Canada.

Here, is where you will head if you maintain such a broad attitude towards speech and what is acceptable or not: I knew this was coming, and the people to blame are those who want more power and make excuses for the need for more power over your life.

"You know, we can't have one of those uncontrollable businessmen winning our elections!"

France to Censor the Internet:

Emmanuel Macron promises ban on fake news during elections

Emmanuel Macron has vowed to introduce a law to ban fake news on the internet during French election campaigns.

The French president, who beat the far-right Marine Le Pen to win 2017’s election, said he wanted new legislation for social media platforms during election periods “in order to protect democracy”.

In his new year’s speech to journalists at the Élysée palace, Macron said he would shortly present the new law in order to fight the spread of fake news, which he said threatened liberal democracies.

New legislation for websites would include more transparency about sponsored content. Under the new law, websites would have to say who is financing them and the amount of money for sponsored content would be capped.

For fake news published during election seasons, an emergency legal action could allow authorities to remove that content or even block the website, Macron said. “If we want to protect liberal democracies, we must be strong and have clear rules,” he added.

He said France’s media watchdog, the CSA, would be empowered to fight against “any attempt at destabilisation” by TV stations controlled or influenced by foreign states.

Macron said he wanted to act against what he called “propaganda articulated by thousands of social media accounts”.

Why should an employer not have the freedom to set rules of conduct for people that they are giving a paycheck to?

Why should an employees freedom trump the employers?

Sent from my iPhone using

So if you are in your home and have a party, you have a few drinks and get into an argument and you call some guy a derogatory name, could be anything really, but let's say it refers to his sexuality. The night ends and you go about your business, after all, you've known these people for many years and have had get togethers often.

You go to work on Monday and there is your boss waiting for you and needs to speak to you in his office, it's come to his attention that you had a few drinks and called someone a derogatory term that quite frankly The Firm doesn't like. As evidence, he plays a short audio clip on mp3, grimacing when he hears the word,

"I think we get the picture, I can't even replay that and hear that awful, offensive word again".

You are stunned, "who would do this, why, how?".

"Yes John, someone had their cellhphone on and captured this regretable moment. I know you've been here 24 years and a few months, so close to your pension. Unfortunately, you aid this word and it violates our code. Pack up your shyte and leave please. If this was the military I would DISHONORABLY discharge you!"

"But, but, it was a word, I have known these people for years, it was a party, I am not homophobic or hate people".

"Sorry John. The Firm has spoken. Here is a list of food banks and Salvation Army location in case you, Barb and the kids need some support during these difficult times".

All very nice but he didn't have a few drinks, he knew customers would see it and he was on Facebook spouting very offensive lies...

What did was highly selfish on top of other things...
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

hit me up in a private message. There has been a fund started for people damaged when liberals go after their jobs. Im not sure of its status or even if it got off the ground yet but will look them up or give them a call.

What liberals? Customers would not like to do business dishonest islamophobe...

What where muslim customers supposed to think?
Free speech is just that, free speech. I don't agree with all kinds of things I see and read, and I've argued on here that a lady who was fired and made headlines shouldn't have been fired even though she said some offensive things.

The reality is quite frankly, that society has become soft and easily offended, I don't like what you said but that doesn't mean I would whine about it. There are good men and women dying all over the world fighting for freedom and someone gets offended by some words?

I hope you have recourse of some kind. In the old days a simple apology would suffice. Again, I don't condone this or all kinds of speech but you wee on your own time, if you were doing your job well it shouldn't be an issue.

So, you should be able to go to your boss, tell him to "fuck off" and still expect to keep your job?
Was he on the clock? On the property?

Not what I did. I stated a political opinion on a News site on my own time.

Do you not represent the company when you're out of work too? I mean, if you told your boss "fuck off" on facebook, would you have freedom of speech too?

You're not really getting what freedom of speech is, me thinks.

He sells car parts...

Not anymore....

What would muslim customers think?
There are people who will all too happily do everything they can to see you punished if they don't like what you say.

They cloak it with, "free speech has consequences", pretending that they have no choice but to see to it that you are punished. No choice. They are forced to do it. Which, of course, is the big lie. They are illiberal authoritarians. No doubt the person who "reported" you will be thrilled by this news.

That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.
That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.

In short, words matter. That they do isn't a function of this being America; it is a function of human nature.

Do not spend the day in gathering flowers by the wayside, lest night come upon you before you arrive at your journey's end, and then you will not reach it.
-- Isaac Watts, Logic: The Right Use of Reason in the Inquiry After Truth
Indeed, words matter.

And if I disagree with someone, I want to know who that person is, what they're thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that it they are afraid to speak out. I'm not afraid of words, because I have confidence in my ability to overcome them with reason.

I can't tell you why, but I can still picture in my mind, a hundred years ago, my grade school teacher standing in front of the blackboard, introducing us to the term "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." It struck me then, it's a part of me now. That will never change.

The OP had the right to say what he said. That is evident.
The OP had the right to say what he said.

Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.

Yes. Some have disputed that.
Yes. Some have disputed that.
In this thread, who, pray tell?
I have to say I'm shocked so many of you agree with the employer. You would do fine here in Canada as police, the RCMP and their pals agree with you. This is why we had a guy fired for going onto Tucker Carlson for basically DEFENDING the province, but he was fired because well, he shouldn't have spoken to Fox News, they are the Sith in Canada.

Here, is where you will head if you maintain such a broad attitude towards speech and what is acceptable or not: I knew this was coming, and the people to blame are those who want more power and make excuses for the need for more power over your life.

"You know, we can't have one of those uncontrollable businessmen winning our elections!"

France to Censor the Internet:

Emmanuel Macron promises ban on fake news during elections

Emmanuel Macron has vowed to introduce a law to ban fake news on the internet during French election campaigns.

The French president, who beat the far-right Marine Le Pen to win 2017’s election, said he wanted new legislation for social media platforms during election periods “in order to protect democracy”.

In his new year’s speech to journalists at the Élysée palace, Macron said he would shortly present the new law in order to fight the spread of fake news, which he said threatened liberal democracies.

New legislation for websites would include more transparency about sponsored content. Under the new law, websites would have to say who is financing them and the amount of money for sponsored content would be capped.

For fake news published during election seasons, an emergency legal action could allow authorities to remove that content or even block the website, Macron said. “If we want to protect liberal democracies, we must be strong and have clear rules,” he added.

He said France’s media watchdog, the CSA, would be empowered to fight against “any attempt at destabilisation” by TV stations controlled or influenced by foreign states.

Macron said he wanted to act against what he called “propaganda articulated by thousands of social media accounts”.

Why should an employer not have the freedom to set rules of conduct for people that they are giving a paycheck to?

Why should an employees freedom trump the employers?

Sent from my iPhone using

He is not at work and hasn't committed a crime, that's why. If he used the company name and said they endorse him or was at work, thats an entirely different situation. I don't want America to become like Canada where you have family and friends, rat bast.ards looking for revenge or personal benefit for ruining your life. You don't need fools in the bushes looking for dirt on you for a company or the state.

I knew this was where we were heading, in fact, I have had no doubt. It will come from all sides of the extreme and the great nation of freedom will be lost.

Too many snowflakes, busy bodies and people with ulterior motives and agendas to maintain liberty. I've been called some of the worst things in life, I've heard some very offensive things at the workplace, I've never once reported anyone. I'm not some creampuff looking to ruin someone else over their speech. You can be damned sure a soldier wouldn't do that either, a Canadian Covert cop, for sure, a soldier, no. That's from seeing these abuses first hand, and the use of state media to drive it home with society. It's not liberty, it's keeping people on eggshells and intrusive in their life.
The OP had the right to say what he said.

Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.

Yes. Some have disputed that.

What's disputed is whether his employer has the right to fire him.
That depends solely on:
  1. Whether he was an at-will employee, and
  2. If he was not an at-will employee, what be the terms of his contract or bargaining agreement as goes ground for termination.
In short, words matter. That they do isn't a function of this being America; it is a function of human nature.

Do not spend the day in gathering flowers by the wayside, lest night come upon you before you arrive at your journey's end, and then you will not reach it.
-- Isaac Watts, Logic: The Right Use of Reason in the Inquiry After Truth
Indeed, words matter.

And if I disagree with someone, I want to know who that person is, what they're thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that it they are afraid to speak out. I'm not afraid of words, because I have confidence in my ability to overcome them with reason.

I can't tell you why, but I can still picture in my mind, a hundred years ago, my grade school teacher standing in front of the blackboard, introducing us to the term "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." It struck me then, it's a part of me now. That will never change.

The OP had the right to say what he said. That is evident.
The OP had the right to say what he said.

Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.

Yes. Some have disputed that.
Yes. Some have disputed that.
In this thread, who, pray tell?

Dude. You are arguing for no reason. The fucking OP and a couple of weirdos are bitching about their loss of freedom here. That's what the damned thread is about.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

hit me up in a private message. There has been a fund started for people damaged when liberals go after their jobs. Im not sure of its status or even if it got off the ground yet but will look them up or give them a call.

What liberals? Customers would not like to do business dishonest islamophobe...

What where muslim customers supposed to think?

All very well, but this was a private FB post and it was sent by one individual. This wasn't some massive outrage through the media and demands for boycotts. He could have told this person, if he even cared to explain the consequences, that in fact he had a discussion and was warned about certain people on facebook who might be offended. He is taking "sensitivity training" or whatever the cop out is for important people to remain in their positions when they violate a woman or do God knows what.

This is why I vehemently said that NFLers were in a different class as it was on companies dime and I wasn't angry at all that noone lost their job, I did believe they should be asked to stop though. Even though I don't agree with them, I actually respect to some degree, the NFLs position. After this debate and this guys experience, I am going to watch Sundays games just as a reminder that maybe I have been too harsh on these guys for expressing themselves. Maybe too much anger on the right is making me less tolerant to others and I sure as hell don't want that.

Let me repeat again, I do not condone what the OP aid, I think it was a stupid thing to say quite frankly, but I've heard MUCH worse, and not just from his position. Whether from the alt- left or alt-right, I find it ludicrous, but I respect their right to speak, even as it sometimes has me seething

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it." No more powerful words ever spoken.
Last edited:
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

How do you know that you lost your job for making that post, how did your employer discover your post? What did your employer say when he canned you?
Why were you FB friends with your boss?
no. A Customer of our company read the comment, linked back to my FB account, found out where I was working and emailed it to him.

So your comment was detrimental to your company. I would have fired you too. You right to free speech has not been compromised. You utilized your right and it turned out to be detrimental to the company who employs you, and thus the company made the determination that employing you was harming the company. Pretty simple.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

What do you think freedom of speech is, exactly?

It's not the freedom to say whatever you want, whenever you want, in case you were wondering.

Of course it is, the company doesn't own him on his personal time.

But if what he does on his personal time hurts the company because he is employed there.......well to me that is cause. You can’t take a job at a distillery and then rant and rage as a temperance on your day off and expect to keep your job. Conduct detrimental to your employer.
The OP had the right to say what he said.

Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.

Yes. Some have disputed that.

What's disputed is whether his employer has the right to fire him.

Maybe we should think again about unions?
Maybe we should think again about unions?

I detest unions, largely because the strike me as pointless. My firm and its competitors (all of which are huge global organizations) routinely negotiate wages and benefits with staff whom we hire, and that happens on an individual basis. Why on Earth anyone needs a union, thus needs to pay union dues, to negotiate for that which they can negotiate on their own is beyond me.

I don't know whether you are a Conservative or Liberal, but I know that Conservatives have long vehemently opposed unions. Surely you remember Reagan and the air traffic controllers?

I'll be honest, all the haranguing about the penny-ante sh*t I see on here about freedom to "this and that" is just absurd. Why it is that I can go about my life and, knowing the consequences, make whatever choices I see fit to make because it's what I want to do and accept the attendant consequences of doing what I want to do, yet so many others claim that wanting to do this or that, the mere presence of some law prohibits them from doing "whatever." Well, to my mind, that is just BS.

A consequence of eating one's "cake," as it were, is that one no longer has "cake." Eat the damn "cake" or don't, I don't care which one does and I'm not about to tell someone they cannot do either.

As go unions, if a firm's employees want to unionize, fine, they do. In doing so, they may get a higher gross wage, but they'll also have to pay a share of that wage to the union. Will that net them more overall than they could have obtained were they to remain non-union? Maybe; maybe not. That's a risk they have to take, but no one individual worker can have the benefits of being unionized without the consequences of being unionized. It works just like cake and it comes down to whether having or eating one's cake has the higher priority in one's mind. There is no such thing as a choice bereft of consequences, though children think there is.
Indeed, words matter.

And if I disagree with someone, I want to know who that person is, what they're thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that it they are afraid to speak out. I'm not afraid of words, because I have confidence in my ability to overcome them with reason.

I can't tell you why, but I can still picture in my mind, a hundred years ago, my grade school teacher standing in front of the blackboard, introducing us to the term "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." It struck me then, it's a part of me now. That will never change.

The OP had the right to say what he said. That is evident.
The OP had the right to say what he said.

Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.

Yes. Some have disputed that.
Yes. Some have disputed that.
In this thread, who, pray tell?

Dude. You are arguing for no reason. The fucking OP and a couple of weirdos are bitching about their loss of freedom here. That's what the damned thread is about.
The fucking OP and a couple of weirdos are bitching about their loss of freedom here.
They haven't lost any here, there or anywhere.

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