This is where Moral Relativism (liberalism) leads to........:(

dmp said:
The difference is, heterosexuals speak out against that shit. Homoseuxals never hold their own lifestyle accountable. They deflect: "He's not a HOMOSexual...he's a pedophile!"


Absolutely, with all the voluminous factual information out there showing that queers are more apt to be pedophelic, queers still deny that there is a problem, in fact they never acknowledge a problem or at least the extent of a problem and anybody who dares point it out is labeled a bigot and a homophobe.

Ever hear of Nambla? Hell they even champion pedophilia.
jillian said:
Perhaps we just don't understand why you care what other consenting adults do with their lives...regardless of what one calls it.

By the by, until "liberals" came along, segregation was okay, too. Seems that was a "custom", "tradition" or "Institution", too.

Maybe its because we arent selfish enough to believe that what we do doesnt effect others.

No one is an island. No one stands alone. Every act we choose effects the world around us. Either to act or react. And many of us understand the consequences of perverse behavior.
dmp said:
I'm Pro Absolute Right and Absolute Wrong. Homosexuality is WRONG. It's destructive and bad behaviour. This guy is just ONE example of homosexuality gone rampant; a homosexual who was never taught to control his urges. If this guy were cured of his homosexuality, those poor kids would never have been raped.

It takes a "special" mind to make a link between homosexuality and pedophilia. If this particular pedophile liked little girls, would you be blaming that on homosexuality too?

How about posting some facts and figures on how many homosexuals have actually been cured. Your whole argument is a claim homosexuals can be cured, but think that pedophiles should be locked up forever(I do too) because they can't be.

Children are molested by pedophiles, not by homosexuals or heterosexuals.
dmp said:
Liberals practice Moral Relativism. That's the connection.

Please cite sources to support that assertion. Be specific please.

Otherwise, your assertion is so much :bs1:
OCA said:
In other words if American society started teaching that homosexuality was wrong ad we stopped coddling these degenerates most of this shit would never happen.

Bullshit! The majority of pedophiles are men who seek out girls...preaching that homosexuality is wrong isn't going to affect that at all.
Bullypulpit said:
Please cite sources to support that assertion. Be specific please.

Otherwise, your assertion is so much :bs1:

Only stupid people would make such a demand as you have. Everyone knows liberals believe in Morality based on individual preferences. Seriously. Liberals are constantly spouting gems like "If HE prefers (insert activity) who am I to say it's wrong?"
OCA said:
Absolutely, with all the voluminous factual information out there showing that queers are more apt to be pedophelic, queers still deny that there is a problem, in fact they never acknowledge a problem or at least the extent of a problem and anybody who dares point it out is labeled a bigot and a homophobe.

Ever hear of Nambla? Hell they even champion pedophilia.

Duh! NAMBLA is an association of pedophiles. What other cause would you expect them to champion?
dmp said:
Only stupid people would make such a demand as you have. Everyone knows liberals believe in Morality based on individual preferences. Seriously. Liberals are constantly spouting gems like "If HE prefers (insert activity) who am I to say it's wrong?"

As a liberal, I can honestly say that I do not believe in the "...Morality based on individual preferences..." BS you are spouting.

What I do believe in is a morality rooted in the consequences to this human this world. The consequences to human life are the yard-stick by which I measure the morality or immorality of a given action.

Your "everyone knows" argument is a hot, steaming load of :bs1:, and you know it.
Dr Grump said:
most homos I know are live and let live kinda people. IE, they don't interfere with other's lives...


Outside of marches around the world - forcing their sickness on others, disruppting business and traffic - they've never "interfere'd with others"...
-Cp said:

Outside of marches around the world - forcing their sickness on others, disruppting business and traffic - they've never "interfere'd with others"...

So you're afraid you're gonna catch the gay plague and wake up gay tomorrow? ROFLMAO...Get yer tinfoil hat! :tinfoil: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Bullypulpit said:
So you're afraid you're gonna catch the gay plague and wake up gay tomorrow? ROFLMAO...Get yer tinfoil hat! :tinfoil: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Not at all - cause I'm a sane person... What bothers me is them spewing their poisonous lifestyle as somehow "normal"...
dmp said:
I'm Pro Absolute Right and Absolute Wrong. Homosexuality is WRONG. It's destructive and bad behaviour. This guy is just ONE example of homosexuality gone rampant; a homosexual who was never taught to control his urges. If this guy were cured of his homosexuality, those poor kids would never have been raped.
What's the chance he just does the same thing to little girls instead? Curing someone of a destructive behavior does not cure them of all destructive behaviors. Although it'd be cool if it did.
dmp said:
The difference is, heterosexuals speak out against that shit. Homoseuxals never hold their own lifestyle accountable. They deflect: "He's not a HOMOSexual...he's a pedophile!"


The problem isn't people not wanting to say "A homosexual raped a child" its people not wanting to follow your reasoning that "A homosexual raped a child because they're a homosexual".
Redhots said:
The problem isn't people not wanting to say "A homosexual raped a child" its people not wanting to follow your reasoning that "A homosexual raped a child because they're a homosexual".

If the guy was NOT a homosexual - if the guy did not DO homosexuality, those kids would be fine. Heterosexual pedophilia happens - sure does. And it's just as nauseating; yet nobody is trying to force heterosexual pedophilia down our throats as 'acceptable'. We can't do anything about heterosexuality because it's biological sound and normal. We can, however, do something about homosexuality - treat it like the disease it is. Encourage treatment for those who participate.
dmp said:
If the guy was NOT a homosexual - if the guy did not DO homosexuality, those kids would be fine. Heterosexual pedophilia happens - sure does. And it's just as nauseating; yet nobody is trying to force heterosexual pedophilia down our throats as 'acceptable'. We can't do anything about heterosexuality because it's biological sound and normal. We can, however, do something about homosexuality - treat it like the disease it is. Encourage treatment for those who participate.
Wait, you can cure someone of wanting to have sexual relations with the same gender, but you can't cure them of wanting to have sexual relations with children of the other gender?
dmp said:
If the guy was NOT a homosexual - if the guy did not DO homosexuality, those kids would be fine. Heterosexual pedophilia happens - sure does. And it's just as nauseating; yet nobody is trying to force heterosexual pedophilia down our throats as 'acceptable'. We can't do anything about heterosexuality because it's biological sound and normal. We can, however, do something about homosexuality - treat it like the disease it is. Encourage treatment for those who participate.

I haven't seen any gay rights activists seeking to define pedophilia as acceptable.

Are you suggesting that heterosexual pedophiles aren't cureable, but homosexual pedophiles are?
Actually, most pedophiles are heterosexuals.

The homophobes just love linking the two because they get more bang for their buck that way. :sleepy1:
Dr Grump said:
Really? the ACLU are for paedophiles? Got a link? As for homosexuals, hetros, if they are of age, who cares. it's their life not yours. If they start pulling down churches, or demanding you don't have sex with your wife, you might have a point. But unlike neocons, most homos I know are live and let live kinda people. IE, they don't interfere with other's lives...

Ask and ye shall receive.

No most homos and child predators are looking to be seen as normal. Demanding that the public see abnormal activites as normal is the problem.
Dr Grump said:
Well it's true. They are paedophiles. I know the anti-home brigade love putting them in the same box, which is probably why they say that. I don't see homos trying to put hetro paedophiles in the same box at hetros. Are you surprised at their reaction?

Homosexuals try separating pedophiles from everything, as it suits their cause.

And yeah, a pedophile that attack little boys is a homosexual pedophile. Not real hard math.

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