This is why I love our first lady

Why? What specifically has she done? Why do you call her a "he"? Do you call Melania a whore?

Kids these days... no respect.
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.

Name one thing negative SHE did.

The failed school lunch program.
More Graphic Photos of Michelle Obama's Skimpy, Moldy, and Gross"Healthy" School Lunches
Save us the bullshit stories with bogus pictures

If a school district skimps on the quality of food it gives children, you can be sure it is Republican

You keep your head in the sand. :)
Kids these days... no respect.
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.

Name one thing negative SHE did.

The failed school lunch program.
More Graphic Photos of Michelle Obama's Skimpy, Moldy, and Gross"Healthy" School Lunches
Save us the bullshit stories with bogus pictures

If a school district skimps on the quality of food it gives children, you can be sure it is Republican

You keep your head in the sand. :)
Sorry...but the federal government does not provide school lunches, only guidelines for nutritional value

If a crappy lunch is provided, it is because the local school board is scrimping on quality
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.

Name one thing negative SHE did.

The failed school lunch program.
More Graphic Photos of Michelle Obama's Skimpy, Moldy, and Gross"Healthy" School Lunches
Save us the bullshit stories with bogus pictures

If a school district skimps on the quality of food it gives children, you can be sure it is Republican

You keep your head in the sand. :)
Sorry...but the federal government does not provide school lunches, only guidelines for nutritional value

If a crappy lunch is provided, it is because the local school board is scrimping on quality

Or it failed because of her guidelines.
Save us the bullshit stories with bogus pictures

If a school district skimps on the quality of food it gives children, you can be sure it is Republican

You keep your head in the sand. :)
Sorry...but the federal government does not provide school lunches, only guidelines for nutritional value

If a crappy lunch is provided, it is because the local school board is scrimping on quality

Or it failed because of her guidelines.
Her guidelines are along the line of fresh fruit instead of potato chips, milk instead of soda

If a Republican School Board funds a crappy lunch program, don't blame the First Lady
Save us the bullshit stories with bogus pictures

If a school district skimps on the quality of food it gives children, you can be sure it is Republican

You keep your head in the sand. :)
Sorry...but the federal government does not provide school lunches, only guidelines for nutritional value

If a crappy lunch is provided, it is because the local school board is scrimping on quality

Or it failed because of her guidelines.
Her guidelines are along the line of fresh fruit instead of potato chips, milk instead of soda

If a Republican School Board funds a crappy lunch program, don't blame the First Lady

She did have pizza taken off school menus, that was a dick move.
Save us the bullshit stories with bogus pictures

If a school district skimps on the quality of food it gives children, you can be sure it is Republican

You keep your head in the sand. :)
Sorry...but the federal government does not provide school lunches, only guidelines for nutritional value

If a crappy lunch is provided, it is because the local school board is scrimping on quality

Or it failed because of her guidelines.
Her guidelines are along the line of fresh fruit instead of potato chips, milk instead of soda

If a Republican School Board funds a crappy lunch program, don't blame the First Lady

She did have pizza taken off school menus, that was a dick move.

Show where SHE banned pizza
Eeehhh, I don't like Michael, really, he's as much of a lying, race-baiting, selfish piece of trash as his husband~

Why? What specifically has she done? Why do you call her a "he"? Do you call Melania a whore?

Kids these days... no respect.
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.

Name one thing negative SHE did.

The failed school lunch program.
More Graphic Photos of Michelle Obama's Skimpy, Moldy, and Gross"Healthy" School Lunches

That's not her school lunch program. That's poor management by whomever is in charge of that particular school. Will you guys never quit?
Kids these days... no respect.
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.

Name one thing negative SHE did.

The failed school lunch program.
More Graphic Photos of Michelle Obama's Skimpy, Moldy, and Gross"Healthy" School Lunches
Save us the bullshit stories with bogus pictures

If a school district skimps on the quality of food it gives children, you can be sure it is Republican

You keep your head in the sand. :)

How was she personally responsible for that schools moldy lunch? Where in her suggested lunch menu ideas was moldy bologne?
She's so funny and natural and genuine - I'm going to miss her in the White House :)

(and thank you Kat for sharing this!)





Obama Hope?

I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.

Name one thing negative SHE did.

The failed school lunch program.
More Graphic Photos of Michelle Obama's Skimpy, Moldy, and Gross"Healthy" School Lunches
Save us the bullshit stories with bogus pictures

If a school district skimps on the quality of food it gives children, you can be sure it is Republican

You keep your head in the sand. :)

How was she personally responsible for that schools moldy lunch? Where in her suggested lunch menu ideas was moldy bologne?

Never was part of her program that I know of.
It is explained why it failed here at this link.
Michelle Obama’s Healthy School Lunch Program is a Giant Fail (VIDEO)

Then pages and pages of links why the food is being throwed away.
Just wasteful spending like D.C. has always done.
But our farm animals and farmers are sure happy. :)
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.

I don't respect because she's the presidents wife, but because I genuinely like her. And I certainly don't think she's a man. She's earned my respect and admiration.
For what exactly? He hasn't accomplished ANYTHING, not one thing.
she is a great role model. Married to the same man , never had a child out of wedlock, accomplished lawyer, friendly and outgoing, advocate for health, good looking, good mother, upholds Christian values, high morals, bane of racist bigots like YOU by taking the high road. That is why people love her.
Of course he's married to the same man and has had no children, he never got the operation, and gay people make up roughly 4%(?) of the population.

"You don't like someone who happens to be black, therefor you're racist by default". You don't seem to understand that people of color aren't above criticism, and when said criticism is given that doesn't mean it's because of their skin color. In fact, I don't even think about their skin color, I think only of their deeds and misdeeds. I think the person throwing the word racist around due to ONLY seeing skin color is the one who's racist. Maybe you should ignore skin color as well? Never too late to stop being a step behind.
It is clear to me that YOU don't like ANY Black people.You are hardly in a position to lecture me or anyone else about skin color and racism in this country. Michelle has two beautiful daughters and I am sure Michelle's pregnancy and delivery of those cute kids is a matter of record that validates her femininity beyond a doubt.
No First Lady in recent memory has been the object of so much hatred. That is especially notable since Michelle has done nothing to warrant it..except being Black .

You need to come to grips with your racism and join my effort to stamp it out
Eeehhh, I don't like Michael, really, he's as much of a lying, race-baiting, selfish piece of trash as his husband~

Why? What specifically has she done? Why do you call her a "he"? Do you call Melania a whore?

Kids these days... no respect.
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.

Name one thing negative SHE did.
In his speeches, he kept claiming the Nation was built on slavery, as well as the White House, incorrectly of course. Michael also joined his husband in wasting Taxpayer money on vacations, as well as saying that she hadn't been proud of America before Obama was elected. She now says that America is hopeless because we didn't elect Shrillary. He also hasn't accomplished a single thing in the time he has been First Lady. No, being black isn't an accomplishment.
i don't think Michelle over emphasized her blackness. Her comment about being proud of her country was totally blown out of proportion. I've always thought her to be classy intelligent genuine and family oriented. Hating on the president is one thing. People hated Bush yet never dragged Laura through the mud. I don't get it.
I don't respect because she's the presidents wife, but because I genuinely like her. And I certainly don't think she's a man. She's earned my respect and admiration.
For what exactly? He hasn't accomplished ANYTHING, not one thing.
she is a great role model. Married to the same man , never had a child out of wedlock, accomplished lawyer, friendly and outgoing, advocate for health, good looking, good mother, upholds Christian values, high morals, bane of racist bigots like YOU by taking the high road. That is why people love her.
Of course he's married to the same man and has had no children, he never got the operation, and gay people make up roughly 4%(?) of the population.

"You don't like someone who happens to be black, therefor you're racist by default". You don't seem to understand that people of color aren't above criticism, and when said criticism is given that doesn't mean it's because of their skin color. In fact, I don't even think about their skin color, I think only of their deeds and misdeeds. I think the person throwing the word racist around due to ONLY seeing skin color is the one who's racist. Maybe you should ignore skin color as well? Never too late to stop being a step behind.
It is clear to me that YOU don't like ANY Black people.You are hardly in a position to lecture me or anyone else about skin color and racism in this country. Michelle has two beautiful daughters and I am sure Michelle's pregnancy and delivery of those cute kids is a matter of record that validates her femininity beyond a doubt.
No First Lady in recent memory has been the object of so much hatred. That is especially notable since Michelle has done nothing to warrant it..except being Black .

You need to come to grips with your racism and join my effort to stamp it out
Why? What specifically has she done? Why do you call her a "he"? Do you call Melania a whore?

Kids these days... no respect.
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.

Name one thing negative SHE did.
In his speeches, he kept claiming the Nation was built on slavery, as well as the White House, incorrectly of course. Michael also joined his husband in wasting Taxpayer money on vacations, as well as saying that she hadn't been proud of America before Obama was elected. She now says that America is hopeless because we didn't elect Shrillary. He also hasn't accomplished a single thing in the time he has been First Lady. No, being black isn't an accomplishment.
i don't think Michelle over emphasized her blackness. Her comment about being proud of her country was totally blown out of proportion. I've always thought her to be classy intelligent genuine and family oriented. Hating on the president is one thing. People hated Bush yet never dragged Laura through the mud. I don't get it.
Laura didn't bring herself to the forefront to
1: Draw attention to herself
2: Worsen race relations
3: Rework guidelines until she agreed with them.
4: Insult our Nation
5: Throw propaganda at us
When you become politically active, you draw attention to yourself, and with that attention comes criticism. Your color or your gender doesn't save you from criticism, they're not shields, they are, in fact, completely irrelevant in every way, shape, and form. She carried herself like a celebrity, much like her husband, and for that she was treated as one. Someone can't throw themselves at us for attention, then only take the positive.

If you don't roll in the mud with the politicians, nobody will sling any, drag you through it... or criticize you. She has only herself to blame.
Save us the bullshit stories with bogus pictures

If a school district skimps on the quality of food it gives children, you can be sure it is Republican

You keep your head in the sand. :)
Sorry...but the federal government does not provide school lunches, only guidelines for nutritional value

If a crappy lunch is provided, it is because the local school board is scrimping on quality

Or it failed because of her guidelines.
Her guidelines are along the line of fresh fruit instead of potato chips, milk instead of soda

If a Republican School Board funds a crappy lunch program, don't blame the First Lady

The school lunch program is federally regulated. Moochelle made it her project to rule what children should eat. She made calories and portions small to "fight obesity".
I will miss Michele Obama. One of my niece a 9 years old wrote a book about her.

Michelle Obama offers empowering example for girls

Michelle Obama offers empowering example for girls
DEC. 26, 2016 3:44 AM EST

NEW YORK (AP) — Healthy food and plenty of exercise. The challenges military families face. Education for girls around the globe.

The feel-good initiatives of first lady Michelle Obama have served as both inspiration and eight years of teaching moments for many families. So what, exactly, do they think is her legacy over a period that spans much of the lifetime of today's kids?

"I think she stands for kindness in America," said Alexis Shenkiryk, a 12-year-old in Del Mar, California. "She really encouraged me to try harder, and she promoted a lot of good things for everyone, not just certain people."

Alexis was jealous when her 24-year-old sister got to attend President Barack Obama's 2008 inauguration. Over the years, said Shenkiryk's mom, Rhonda Moret, the goodwill the first lady was able to pass on to her girls overflowed from the White House.

"We're a biracial family," Moret said. "We've had numerous conversations discussing how one's race or background are truly irrelevant and how we should value one's character above all else."

Inara Abernathy, a 17-year-old in Nashville, Tennessee, has absorbed many life lessons of her own from the first lady.
Michael Obama has terrible taste in food ...

When it comes to ruling what children should eat at school lunches. Have you seen (let alone taste) those lunch trays ??Yuck.
She's so funny and natural and genuine - I'm going to miss her in the White House :)

(and thank you Kat for sharing this!)





Obama Hope?


You are reading too much into Michelle's statement. The HOPE she was referring too meant hope for inclusion and a coming together of ALL Americans as one unit. She was thanking America for sparking that hope by electing Obama as the first Black president.
You are reading too much into Michelle's statement. The HOPE she was referring too meant hope for inclusion and a coming together of ALL Americans as one unit. She was thanking America for sparking that hope by electing Obama as the first Black president.

Michael Obama has terrible taste in food ...

When it comes to ruling what children should eat at school lunches. Have you seen (let alone taste) those lunch trays ??Yuck.

Have you?

This is horrible?

Interesting link comparing US school lunches with school lunches around the world...which actually look a lot better and a lot like what Michelle tries to promote: Comparing US School Lunches To The Rest Of The World. The Results Might Shock You!

Jeez Coyote...ok

Michael Obama has terrible taste in food ...

When it comes to ruling what children should eat at school lunches. Have you seen (let alone taste) those lunch trays ??Yuck.

Yes because offering fruits and vegetables to children is evil

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