This is why I love our first lady

You would.

It's going to take months to fumigate the WH. I'm glad the wookie is finally leaving.

It will be nice to have a First Lady that is actually a woman and is appealing to the eye, rather that prone to induce vomiting on sight.

I thought your Klan meeting started at 5? You running late because you had to bone your cousin again?
They deserve vacations the same as anyone. The job of President has got to be the hardest and most stressful job - and even on vacation, they are never out of contact or off the job.
They've spent over 80 MILLION at our expense.
I'm just wondering how you can "love" someone that you've never even met before or say they are a good person based when the person in question obviously has PR people and the like. They are coached on what to say and what to do. I just would have thought people knew this. :dunno:

I love Chris Cornell. He is pretty hot. :2up:

I love Adele.

I love bacon, even though I never met the pig. :dunno:
I'm just wondering how you can "love" someone that you've never even met before or say they are a good person based when the person in question obviously has PR people and the like. They are coached on what to say and what to do. I just would have thought people knew this. :dunno:

I love Chris Cornell. He is pretty hot. :2up:

I love Adele.

But I'm talking about their music and/or looks. You are talking about personality of a person you've never met.
Prove it, Loo~

Prove it? Her kids exist... no like some imaginary bulge in her clothes. Jesus kid, have you had biology yet in school? Or is it true you are really some 40 year old man that gets off acting like a 14 year old girl on the internet?
They could be adopted. Show me that Michael is their mother~

No, you don't get how this works. You are saying she isn't a woman, YOU need to prove her kids aren't her's.
It's not up to me to prove a negative, it's up to you to prove a positive. Besides, I showed you a weird bulge in several shots, and her masculine chest. That's AT LEAST evidence that he MAY not be a female. If it's such an obvious thing, you should be able to at least show me they are somehow related.

You have to support your claim - that's a positive. You claim she's a man. You need to prove it and vague possibly photoshopped pictures aren't proof. Proving a negative is insisting that others prove she is NOT a man.

Michelle Obama likes to work out. That's well known. Here are some other women who like to work out. They have muscular shoulders too.


Hey, those are CLEARLY women. "Michelle"? Not so much. "She" dose appear MUCH more masculine than Barry, much as Pumpkins posts are much more mature than any liberal here.
Apprently you can love actors, singers, celebrities you think are funny, genuine, likeable - but you can't love Michelle for those reasons because you haven't "met her" or something. Go figure :dunno:
Good Lord. Human beings are special. God told me so. Not me personally. Just heard all that somewhere.

And browsing this thread, I'm amazed that the Righties can go so far as to dehumanize a bright successful human because she looks at America differently than you do. You would think it's the secular left, that generally rejects the idea of humans being special and anything more regal than a quirk of evolution --- that does the dehumanization of opponents. And the Left has certainly DEMEANED Melania Trump -- but not DEHUMANIZED her.

Can I compare the viciousness? NO. Because Melania has suffered name-calling. And the current First Lady has been reduced to sub-human dimensions by a SURPRISING large sector of right-leaning partisans. Because you DISAGREE with her politics?

Go after her crappy attitude about America. Don't remove her humanity. If Melania cops a crappy attitude or get politically vocal -- do the same. That's the harder job than revoking someone's human dignity.

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