This is why I love our first lady

Will Smith. I adore him. He is very funny. :)

Because he's funny. :)

He's a Scientologist...

Really? That's too bad. Weird how celebrities seem to be attracted to that . . . whatever you want to call it.

No he's not. It's a rumour...He once gave money to them and likes some of their ideas. he also gives money to both Christian and Islamic charities..
Good Lord. Human beings are special. God told me so. Not me personally. Just heard all that somewhere.

And browsing this thread, I'm amazed that the Righties can go so far as to dehumanize a bright successful human because she looks at America differently than you do. You would think it's the secular left, that generally rejects the idea of humans being special and anything more regal than a quirk of evolution --- that does the dehumanization of opponents. And the Left has certainly DEMEANED Melania Trump -- but not DEHUMANIZED her.

Can I compare the viciousness? NO. Because Melania has suffered name-calling. And the current First Lady has been reduced to sub-human dimensions by a SURPRISING large sector of right-leaning partisans. Because you DISAGREE with her politics?

Go after her crappy attitude about America. Don't remove her humanity. If Melania cops a crappy attitude or get politically vocal -- do the same. That's the harder job than revoking someone's human dignity.

Who is doing all of these terrible things?
Go after her crappy attitude about America.
I promise I will. But believing she could be a man is not "dehumanizing" her. Personally, I despise the "woman" because she despises my country and the uneducated put them in the most important office in the world.
Good Lord. Human beings are special. God told me so. Not me personally. Just heard all that somewhere.

And browsing this thread, I'm amazed that the Righties can go so far as to dehumanize a bright successful human because she looks at America differently than you do. You would think it's the secular left, that generally rejects the idea of humans being special and anything more regal than a quirk of evolution --- that does the dehumanization of opponents. And the Left has certainly DEMEANED Melania Trump -- but not DEHUMANIZED her.

Can I compare the viciousness? NO. Because Melania has suffered name-calling. And the current First Lady has been reduced to sub-human dimensions by a SURPRISING large sector of right-leaning partisans. Because you DISAGREE with her politics?

Go after her crappy attitude about America. Don't remove her humanity. If Melania cops a crappy attitude or get politically vocal -- do the same. That's the harder job than revoking someone's human dignity.

Who is doing all of these terrible things?

Haven't you read this thread?
Go after her crappy attitude about America.
I promise I will. But believing she could be a man is not "dehumanizing" her. Personally, I despise the "woman" because she despises my country and the uneducated put them in the most important office in the world.

The uneducated?
Provide evidence to back up your claim that I don't like any black people.

They were adopted, obviously.

Or, you know, being a selfish, race-baiting, piece of a trash.
You are a frigging NUT, :lol::lol::lol: Your imagination has turned to abject lunacy! Bye
In other words "I have no evidence, Lady Row, and I cannot dispute anything you have said!".
In other words "I have no evidence, Lady Row, and I cannot dispute anything you have said!".


We don't need to supply "evidence" to dispute your moronic trolling, clown shoes. The evidence is right there in every one of your posts

If you want people to take you seriously, you have to earn it.
"I don't have to back up my claims with evidence"

Every Democrat ever. Thanks, I needed an example. Funny that you're calling what I'm doing trolling when every post you make can be summed up that way. Everyone can see through your projection easily.


Yeah, because calling the First Lady a man is the height of intellectual discourse.

You have no leg to stand on, clown shoes. It's time to give up.




At what age do women develop giant bulges between their legs, then? Oh, and I suppose it's totally normal to have the same chest as your husband, as well. Or maybe he's more muscular than Barry.

Ain't photoshopping great? So much hate. Wonder how she managed to have two daughters that look a lot like her and Barak then?


I thought they looked more like Reggie....

Good Lord. Human beings are special. God told me so. Not me personally. Just heard all that somewhere.

And browsing this thread, I'm amazed that the Righties can go so far as to dehumanize a bright successful human because she looks at America differently than you do. You would think it's the secular left, that generally rejects the idea of humans being special and anything more regal than a quirk of evolution --- that does the dehumanization of opponents. And the Left has certainly DEMEANED Melania Trump -- but not DEHUMANIZED her.

Can I compare the viciousness? NO. Because Melania has suffered name-calling. And the current First Lady has been reduced to sub-human dimensions by a SURPRISING large sector of right-leaning partisans. Because you DISAGREE with her politics?

Go after her crappy attitude about America. Don't remove her humanity. If Melania cops a crappy attitude or get politically vocal -- do the same. That's the harder job than revoking someone's human dignity.

Who is doing all of these terrible things?

Not AS terrible in this thread. Because dehumanizing her after seeing that latelateshow sketch would be difficult. But she's been referred to a "wookie" by someone on the right (who I don't think is a racist) and by a lefty repeating "an ape in heels" that supposedly came originally by someone on the right. Even repeating phrases like that IMO, just emboldens the idiots making those comments.

BTW -- I get that being "warm and funny" in a comedy sketch is not a good measure of personality. As Hillary was coached into "warm and funny" several times on SNL.. Would have loved to see the outtakes of rehearsals for those. :badgrin: SNL even made Bob Dole funny after Bob Dole went down in flames.
Too bad the ignorant are allowed to vote. A lot of us who weren't voting skin color knew who this man was from the beginning.

It's not like he didnt have a history!
Eeehhh, I don't like Michael, really, he's as much of a lying, race-baiting, selfish piece of trash as his husband~

Why? What specifically has she done? Why do you call her a "he"? Do you call Melania a whore?

Kids these days... no respect.
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.

Name one thing negative SHE did.

The failed school lunch program.
More Graphic Photos of Michelle Obama's Skimpy, Moldy, and Gross"Healthy" School Lunches

So you admit you lied

Peggy Joseph never said anything about Obama paying for her gas or fact

As Gilbert interviewed Joseph for his documentary, he was surprised to learn her life was quite opposite of the welfare mother image she had given on television.

He was shocked to learn she was a suburban soccer mom with four children, who earned her living as a hard-working nurse, the daughter of Haitian immigrants.

Even more surprising, Joseph and her children, just like her Haitian immigrant parents, had no history of ever accepting any form of government assistance or taxpayer-funded handouts.

Yet Republicans made her a poster child for freeloading black people
Eeehhh, I don't like Michael, really, he's as much of a lying, race-baiting, selfish piece of trash as his husband~

Why? What specifically has she done? Why do you call her a "he"? Do you call Melania a whore?

Kids these days... no respect.
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.

Name one thing negative SHE did.

The failed school lunch program.
More Graphic Photos of Michelle Obama's Skimpy, Moldy, and Gross"Healthy" School Lunches
Save us the bullshit stories with bogus pictures

If a school district skimps on the quality of food it gives children, you can be sure it is Republican

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