This is why I love our first lady

For what exactly? He hasn't accomplished ANYTHING, not one thing.
she is a great role model. Married to the same man , never had a child out of wedlock, accomplished lawyer, friendly and outgoing, advocate for health, good looking, good mother, upholds Christian values, high morals, bane of racist bigots like YOU by taking the high road. That is why people love her.
Of course he's married to the same man and has had no children, he never got the operation, and gay people make up roughly 4%(?) of the population.

"You don't like someone who happens to be black, therefor you're racist by default". You don't seem to understand that people of color aren't above criticism, and when said criticism is given that doesn't mean it's because of their skin color. In fact, I don't even think about their skin color, I think only of their deeds and misdeeds. I think the person throwing the word racist around due to ONLY seeing skin color is the one who's racist. Maybe you should ignore skin color as well? Never too late to stop being a step behind.
It is clear to me that YOU don't like ANY Black people.You are hardly in a position to lecture me or anyone else about skin color and racism in this country. Michelle has two beautiful daughters and I am sure Michelle's pregnancy and delivery of those cute kids is a matter of record that validates her femininity beyond a doubt.
No First Lady in recent memory has been the object of so much hatred. That is especially notable since Michelle has done nothing to warrant it..except being Black .

You need to come to grips with your racism and join my effort to stamp it out
Kids these days... no respect.
I'll give respect when it's earned. Simply being the husband of one of the worst presidents in history, while lying, projecting, and race-baiting earns no respect from me.

Name one thing negative SHE did.
In his speeches, he kept claiming the Nation was built on slavery, as well as the White House, incorrectly of course. Michael also joined his husband in wasting Taxpayer money on vacations, as well as saying that she hadn't been proud of America before Obama was elected. She now says that America is hopeless because we didn't elect Shrillary. He also hasn't accomplished a single thing in the time he has been First Lady. No, being black isn't an accomplishment.
i don't think Michelle over emphasized her blackness. Her comment about being proud of her country was totally blown out of proportion. I've always thought her to be classy intelligent genuine and family oriented. Hating on the president is one thing. People hated Bush yet never dragged Laura through the mud. I don't get it.
Laura didn't bring herself to the forefront to
1: Draw attention to herself
2: Worsen race relations
3: Rework guidelines until she agreed with them.
4: Insult our Nation
5: Throw propaganda at us
When you become politically active, you draw attention to yourself, and with that attention comes criticism. Your color or your gender doesn't save you from criticism, they're not shields, they are, in fact, completely irrelevant in every way, shape, and form. She carried herself like a celebrity, much like her husband, and for that she was treated as one. Someone can't throw themselves at us for attention, then only take the positive.

If you don't roll in the mud with the politicians, nobody will sling any, drag you through it... or criticize you. She has only herself to blame.

Lol roll in the mud with politicians. Hillary is queen mud roller and thank god she's out of the picture. I know much of what M Obama was criticized for was due to petty bull shit by the small minded in America. She was every bit as classy as Laura Bush but came in with different experiences. Oh well , onward to the humble Trumps..:laugh:
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I loved watching Michelle Obama when she was a starting line backer in college.......she could really play football...
I loved watching Michelle Obama when she was a starting line backer in college.......she could really play football...
Have you seen the porn pictures of first lady Melania Trump!!! Trump plans to grab Melania by the P@@$sy and escort her into the White House!@!!!!!
I loved watching Michelle Obama when she was a starting line backer in college.......she could really play football...
Have you seen the porn pictures of first lady Melania Trump!!! Trump plans to grab Melania by the P@@$sy and escort her into the White House!@!!!!!
As far as I know she didn't do porn in her life. She did erotic pictures when she lived in Europe.
That's what many Internet sources say :)
I loved watching Michelle Obama when she was a starting line backer in college.......she could really play football...
Have you seen the porn pictures of first lady Melania Trump!!! Trump plans to grab Melania by the P@@$sy and escort her into the White House!@!!!!!
As far as I know she didn't do porn in her life. She did erotic pictures when she lived in Europe.
That's what many Internet sources say :)

Had a Democrat First Lady done what Melania has done....RW conservative-Christians should have had a "Field Day" about it!!! Hell conservatives even had a field day of complaints with Michelle's wardrobe, but name a Democratic First Lady who had to partake in in stripping and erotic-lesbian pictures!!!!! and being an illegal immigrant at the same time!!!!

Yep.....Melania is a perfect example of white privilege!!!! President Obama would not have been President had Michelle taken the same pictures as Melania had done. Yet, a white woman from the GOP from another country who took exotic porn-stripper pictures/work and who broke U.S. immigration laws can become First-lady!!!! without any complaints from the fake christian Republican's and racist conservative voters! Ya got to be kidding ME.......really!!!!

Here's a question for ya.......does Melania look better naked or with clothes on! How much money could the Trump Brand make now if Melania took "Nude-Exotic-Stripper" pictures on Jan 21st 2017????
I loved watching Michelle Obama when she was a starting line backer in college.......she could really play football...
Have you seen the porn pictures of first lady Melania Trump!!! Trump plans to grab Melania by the P@@$sy and escort her into the White House!@!!!!!
As far as I know she didn't do porn in her life. She did erotic pictures when she lived in Europe.
That's what many Internet sources say :)

Had a Democrat First Lady done what Melania has done....RW conservative-Christians should have had a "Field Day" about it!!! Hell conservatives even had a field day of complaints with Michelle's wardrobe, but name a Democratic First Lady who had to partake in in stripping and erotic-lesbian pictures!!!!! and being an illegal immigrant at the same time!!!!

Yep.....Melania is a perfect example of white privilege!!!! President Obama would not have been President had Michelle taken the same pictures as Melania had done. Yet, a white woman from the GOP from another country who took exotic porn-stripper pictures/work and who broke U.S. immigration laws can become First-lady!!!! without any complaints from the fake christian Republican's and racist conservative voters! Ya got to be kidding ME.......really!!!!

Here's a question for ya.......does Melania look better naked or with clothes on! How much money could the Trump Brand make now if Melania took "Nude-Exotic-Stripper" pictures on Jan 21st 2017????

I would suggest you get used to the idea of Melania being the first lady.
Michelle Obama is not good looking at all.

An entire team of makeup and fashion consultants can only make her appear average at best.

Her character, morality and dedication to her family makes her as beautiful as any woman ever to be called First Lady. But it doesn't stop there. She is beautiful on the outside too and highly intelligent, a perfect match for husband. BTW, I'll bet a day and a dollar Michelle looks better than YOU. And she certainly looks better than Trump or his slutty wife.
Could we please stop calling Melania a Slut? Could we please start respecting women regardless of their political party?
I loved watching Michelle Obama when she was a starting line backer in college.......she could really play football...
Have you seen the porn pictures of first lady Melania Trump!!! Trump plans to grab Melania by the P@@$sy and escort her into the White House!@!!!!!

Escort is the word

First Lady Melania worked as an do you think she got eye of Trump???? Trump put tic tac in his mouth walked up to Melania......grabbed her by P@@@Y and said to Melania "How Would You Like To Be My Wife". The rest is history.

We now have a Republican "stripper-exotic-porn-escort First Lady"

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