This is why open carry is ridiculous.......and dangerous

If a Democrat tells you Democrats aren't coming for your guns and you believe it, you're an idiot. you just insulted idiots.....idiots know that democrats are going to go for guns this time around....
That's OK, idiots don't know they're idiots so you don't have to worry about offending them.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
The first one? How about the ONLY one and it is not proven at ALL.
Boogaloo boys far right enough for your parameters? They kill people. They are anti government but in the trump corner, I always thought, because he is the anti government president. Always like the irony of that.
They are supposedly connected to the death of one cop in LA.

Meanwhile..............a BLM activist assassinated 5 cops in Dallas.

I remember the sheriff department officer, but thought the same ones also did the drive by at the federal building where the federal security guard was killed. Well aware Boogaloo were doing burnings to blame on the BLM dumb asses in at least. Los Vegas. None the less, they are bad guys. They are right wing. They are somewhat trump supporters, but if inept donnie had been able to effectively consolidate and establish control, they would have turned on him and moved him to the head of their target list, I am sure.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
The first one? How about the ONLY one and it is not proven at ALL.
Boogaloo boys far right enough for your parameters? They kill people. They are anti government but in the trump corner, I always thought, because he is the anti government president. Always like the irony of that.
They are supposedly connected to the death of one cop in LA.

Meanwhile..............a BLM activist assassinated 5 cops in Dallas.

I remember the sheriff department officer, but thought the same ones also did the drive by at the federal building where the federal security guard was killed. Well aware Boogaloo were doing burnings to blame on the BLM dumb asses in at least. Los Vegas. None the less, they are bad guys. They are right wing. They are somewhat trump supporters, but if inept donnie had been able to effectively consolidate and establish control, they would have turned on him and moved him to the head of their target list, I am sure.
Consolidate and establish control? Oh like the democrat mayors of Portland and Seattle did. I see now. Moronic Snowflake.
Ever notice only Democrats are concerned about you having guns? Republicans aren’t. Maybe it’s because your policies and actions mean you need defenseless people to implement? If you had good policy and were doing your best to not fuck people over it wouldn’t matter if they were armed.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
The first one? How about the ONLY one and it is not proven at ALL.
Boogaloo boys far right enough for your parameters? They kill people. They are anti government but in the trump corner, I always thought, because he is the anti government president. Always like the irony of that.
And yet what we have over the last 9 months is numerous murders by the left and none by the right, GO figure.
The right wing boogaloo dumb asses have killed a few. So, I don't like the far left or the far right. Guns and radicals are a bad mix. Go figures.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
The first one? How about the ONLY one and it is not proven at ALL.
Boogaloo boys far right enough for your parameters? They kill people. They are anti government but in the trump corner, I always thought, because he is the anti government president. Always like the irony of that.
I am not advocating for the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, BLM, Antifa or any other whack job group that breaks the law and neither is Trump contrary to the BS that you are spreading, but those far right groups have not done anywhere near the damage in real or human numbers that BLM and Antifa have done. You left wing whack jobs are going to keep pushing BS and you are not going to be happy with what you reap.
Well I don't know. The radical left definitely suck and are dangerous as you say, but don't get too close the the militia guys as they may well get you killed also by intent or dumb assed lack of discipline. Basically anybody that goes to a protest/riot at night are the dumb asses and potential bad guys de jure. The right wing one just easier to spot with all their BDUs, weapons and LBE hanging out. Left is intent. Much of the far right is undisciplined cowboy gun nut stupidity. If you hate the left with a passion and it makes you feel good fine. Just saying watch bot those sides and stay away from the "Johnney's first full auto" crowd. Better yet, just skip going downtown to the riot and you'll probably be able to avoid both.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
The first one? How about the ONLY one and it is not proven at ALL.
Boogaloo boys far right enough for your parameters? They kill people. They are anti government but in the trump corner, I always thought, because he is the anti government president. Always like the irony of that.
They are supposedly connected to the death of one cop in LA.

Meanwhile..............a BLM activist assassinated 5 cops in Dallas.

An antifa leader in Portland also killed a proud boy. He got his though. Murder is still against the law.
Glad they got the ass hole. Is that the one that put up a fight while being arrested and saved Oregon the price of a trial?
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Open carry is for pussy bois who are afraid someone will question their masculinity. Beta males in other words.

View attachment 426348
Open carry is about people who WILL NOT allow their God-given rights to be trampled, sheep.
Bullshit. It is about a bunch of short dicked,pussies that think they become tough guys by carrying a gun.
Trying to shame our manhood so we will quit protecting ourselves?

Yeah, fuck you. We're still carrying and there is not a cocksucking thing your pussy-hat-wearing ass can do about it but cry in your appletini and jerk your boyfriend off.

Wow, you must be holding that gun. Tough guy and all. That's some funny shit for a guy wearing a dumb ass hat riding a bicycle.
Ever notice only Democrats are concerned about you having guns? Republicans aren’t. Maybe it’s because your policies and actions mean you need defenseless people to implement? If you had good policy and were doing your best to not fuck people over it wouldn’t matter if they were armed.

There is a difference between the Democrat leaders and the Democrat sheep. The sheep just follow whatever the leaders do.

As for the politicians, they don't really care if you have a gun or not. Their concern is that you can use it for self-defense. When people can take care of themselves, there is less need for government to do that for them. Democrats heavily rely on people who depend on them. Without that dependency, they lose power.
If a Democrat tells you Democrats aren't coming for your guns and you believe it, you're an idiot. you just insulted idiots.....idiots know that democrats are going to go for guns this time around....
Wait, you still have guns? I thought Obama took them all.
WTF are you babbling about, Dummy?

Barry was the gun salesman of the decade. (and I'm not just talking about the guns he sold to the Mexican Drug Cartels)
Trying to shame our manhood so we will quit protecting ourselves?

Yeah, fuck you. We're still carrying and there is not a cocksucking thing your pussy-hat-wearing ass can do about it but cry in your appletini and jerk your boyfriend off.

It's just as much of a standard leftist ploy as racism. In the 70's, it was called reverse psychology. While it was pretty easy for normal people to figure it out, the left still thinks we are unaware of it.

When they compare manhood to guns, they are actually expecting you to react in guilt. I don't want people to think I have a small package, so I'm going to quit carrying my firearm. I'm going to quit supporting the second. I'm going to quit advocating that Americans have a right to defend themselves.

It never works that way, but let's not tell them that.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Tyrants should fear an armed population.

That was the whole point of the Second Amendment.
If a Democrat tells you Democrats aren't coming for your guns and you believe it, you're an idiot. you just insulted idiots.....idiots know that democrats are going to go for guns this time around....
Wait, you still have guns? I thought Obama took them all.
If a Democrat tells you Democrats aren't coming for your guns and you believe it, you're an idiot. you just insulted idiots.....idiots know that democrats are going to go for guns this time around....
Wait, you still have guns? I thought Obama took them all.
WTF are you babbling about, Dummy?

Barry was the gun salesman of the decade. (and I'm not just talking about the guns he sold to the Mexican Drug Cartels)
He was trading guns for the kids they were smuggling in and putting in their cages

Pizzagate is real
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
The first one? How about the ONLY one and it is not proven at ALL.
Boogaloo boys far right enough for your parameters? They kill people. They are anti government but in the trump corner, I always thought, because he is the anti government president. Always like the irony of that.
I am not advocating for the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, BLM, Antifa or any other whack job group that breaks the law and neither is Trump contrary to the BS that you are spreading, but those far right groups have not done anywhere near the damage in real or human numbers that BLM and Antifa have done. You left wing whack jobs are going to keep pushing BS and you are not going to be happy with what you reap.
Well I don't know. The radical left definitely suck and are dangerous as you say, but don't get too close the the militia guys as they may well get you killed also by intent or dumb assed lack of discipline. Basically anybody that goes to a protest/riot at night are the dumb asses and potential bad guys de jure. The right wing one just easier to spot with all their BDUs, weapons and LBE hanging out. Left is intent. Much of the far right is undisciplined cowboy gun nut stupidity. If you hate the left with a passion and it makes you feel good fine. Just saying watch bot those sides and stay away from the "Johnney's first full auto" crowd. Better yet, just skip going downtown to the riot and you'll probably be able to avoid both.
And yet you can not list not cite for us a SINGLE incident where any right wing group opened fire at a protest, But we can list dozens of murders fires rioting destruction and looting that was done by the left.
This is why open carry is ridiculous.......and dangerous
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
Why don't the liberals object when city cops openly carry pistols, and they shoot and kill at will?

For all the George Floyd protests of unjustified shootings by police officers, why do the liberals still want the people's Constitutional right to keep and bear Arms to be so deeply infringed or restricted to cops on assignment to kill?

Police are trained law enforcerment.

Those outside that house, not likely.
The average amateur shooter is better trained and spends more time on the range than most cops.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
The first one? How about the ONLY one and it is not proven at ALL.
Boogaloo boys far right enough for your parameters? They kill people. They are anti government but in the trump corner, I always thought, because he is the anti government president. Always like the irony of that.
I am not advocating for the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, BLM, Antifa or any other whack job group that breaks the law and neither is Trump contrary to the BS that you are spreading, but those far right groups have not done anywhere near the damage in real or human numbers that BLM and Antifa have done. You left wing whack jobs are going to keep pushing BS and you are not going to be happy with what you reap.
Well I don't know. The radical left definitely suck and are dangerous as you say, but don't get too close the the militia guys as they may well get you killed also by intent or dumb assed lack of discipline. Basically anybody that goes to a protest/riot at night are the dumb asses and potential bad guys de jure. The right wing one just easier to spot with all their BDUs, weapons and LBE hanging out. Left is intent. Much of the far right is undisciplined cowboy gun nut stupidity. If you hate the left with a passion and it makes you feel good fine. Just saying watch bot those sides and stay away from the "Johnney's first full auto" crowd. Better yet, just skip going downtown to the riot and you'll probably be able to avoid both.
And yet you can not list not cite for us a SINGLE incident where any right wing group opened fire at a protest, But we can list dozens of murders fires rioting destruction and looting that was done by the left.
Just these, but not like I searched long. Just used the argument "right wing militia shoots"
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

In case they were attacked by a typical libber "peaceful protestor"
Who don't exist. They go home at dark and then the criminals come out looting and rioting. Of course you've been brainwashed by Rupert Murdoch as always.... And the cops just seem to love letting them run wild to embarrass their Democratic mayors. Another reason to reform the police...

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