This is why open carry is ridiculous.......and dangerous

So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.

Well, I know your thought masters have told you to believe all spree shooters are Trump supporters, but you're going to have to offer a little more proof than, "I'm sure he was, because ORANGE MAN BAAAAD!!!"

Come back with some substantiation, and maybe we'll listen to you a whole five seconds before we start derisively mocking you.
Are you trying to say the gun nut down in Texas was not a trump supporter? If that is it, just say so. You can post a link to back it up, if you like. I posted a pic of a bunch of links that thought he was. All you have posted is bitching because I posted the immediate search results returned by DuckDuckGo search engine. You are bitching about a picture of search results posted. What were you a philosophy major and want to argue bout whether reality is real? If you type in the same question asking if he was a trump supporter to google or whatever search engine you use, what do you get? I bet you get a lot of the same.

No, I'm trying to say that you're an idiot whose vague statement that something is true is worth a taco fart in a wind tunnel to me. I'm further trying to say that, if all I have to go on is the fact that you say something is true, I am going to take the starting assumption that it's bullshit, simply because you said it.

I can't actually say anything about the specific case you're talking about, since your dumb ass couldn't be bothered to provide any details, let alone any proof of your assertion.

I most assuredly am not going to post the link YOU should have posted, because I don't do homework for lazy idiots.
Well, I guess that settles that. You are not going to state what I said, that You are pissed off about and I am not going to guess. Thanks for playing. :auiqs.jpg:
White 6 is a contrary troll who is trying to stir shit. Look at some of his past BS posts.
Yah, yah, yah. Nyah.., nyah, nyah, nyah,,, nyah. :hhello:
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Armed civilians help to keep the rabid liberal leadership in Lansing in line.

Did you forget what Sleepy Joe's buddies in Beijing did in Tian'anmen Square when unarmed freedom loving Chinamen protested?
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
The first one? How about the ONLY one and it is not proven at ALL.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Thank goodness no one was harmed.

This time.

What about the next time?
Ah, yes.

Because, you know...just because you are carrying a will automatically use it on someone...RIGHT?

No, wait....

The GUN will decided to use ITSELF on someone!!!! Yeah!!!

So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Open carry is for pussy bois who are afraid someone will question their masculinity. Beta males in other words.

View attachment 426348
Open carry is about people who WILL NOT allow their God-given rights to be trampled, sheep.
Bullshit. It is about a bunch of short dicked,pussies that think they become tough guys by carrying a gun.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Open carry is for pussy bois who are afraid someone will question their masculinity. Beta males in other words.

View attachment 426348
Open carry is about people who WILL NOT allow their God-given rights to be trampled, sheep.
Bullshit. It is about a bunch of short dicked,pussies that think they become tough guys by carrying a gun.

Is Sleepy Joe a "short dicked pussy"for having armed bodyguards at his beck and call 24/7 in the fortified Biden-Bunker?
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Open carry is for pussy bois who are afraid someone will question their masculinity. Beta males in other words.

View attachment 426348
Open carry is about people who WILL NOT allow their God-given rights to be trampled, sheep.
Bullshit. It is about a bunch of short dicked,pussies that think they become tough guys by carrying a gun.

Is Sleepy Joe a "short dicked pussy"for having armed bodyguards at his beck and call 24/7 in the fortified Biden-Bunker?
No, you moron. President elect Biden is a high value target.

You aren't.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
The first one? How about the ONLY one and it is not proven at ALL.
Boogaloo boys far right enough for your parameters? They kill people. They are anti government but in the trump corner, I always thought, because he is the anti government president. Always like the irony of that.

So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
The first one? How about the ONLY one and it is not proven at ALL.
Boogaloo boys far right enough for your parameters? They kill people. They are anti government but in the trump corner, I always thought, because he is the anti government president. Always like the irony of that.
They are supposedly connected to the death of one cop in LA.

Meanwhile..............a BLM activist assassinated 5 cops in Dallas.

So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
The first one? How about the ONLY one and it is not proven at ALL.
Boogaloo boys far right enough for your parameters? They kill people. They are anti government but in the trump corner, I always thought, because he is the anti government president. Always like the irony of that.
And yet what we have over the last 9 months is numerous murders by the left and none by the right, GO figure.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
The first one? How about the ONLY one and it is not proven at ALL.
Boogaloo boys far right enough for your parameters? They kill people. They are anti government but in the trump corner, I always thought, because he is the anti government president. Always like the irony of that.
I am not advocating for the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, BLM, Antifa or any other whack job group that breaks the law and neither is Trump contrary to the BS that you are spreading, but those far right groups have not done anywhere near the damage in real or human numbers that BLM and Antifa have done. You left wing whack jobs are going to keep pushing BS and you are not going to be happy with what you reap.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Open carry is for pussy bois who are afraid someone will question their masculinity. Beta males in other words.

View attachment 426348
Open carry is about people who WILL NOT allow their God-given rights to be trampled, sheep.
Bullshit. It is about a bunch of short dicked,pussies that think they become tough guys by carrying a gun.
Trying to shame our manhood so we will quit protecting ourselves?

Yeah, fuck you. We're still carrying and there is not a cocksucking thing your pussy-hat-wearing ass can do about it but cry in your appletini and jerk your boyfriend off.

So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

First of all, I don't need to justify to you why I carry a gun. It is MY second amendment right. Second, I have heard of a Trump supporter that has killed anyone, unlike the Trump supporter that was MURDERED in Portland by a DNC/Antifa thug this summer. Third, these protesters are exercising their first amendment rights to address their representatives. If she doesn't like what they have to say, too bad. Fourth, why weren't you screaming when the DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs were burning/looting and defacing all summer long? And lastly if you don't want YOUR mother fucked, KEEP HER OFF THE STREETS. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU--LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
Wasn't the gun nut down at the Texas Wall Mart (where free open carry long guns like a gold standard, is so common people did not know to be concerned until it was too late) a trump supporter. He killed several.
View attachment 426357
Maybe, but I just did a search just now with the search argument Was the Texas Wall Mart Shooter a trump supporter? This is what it returned 5 minutes ago, so I am not the only one with this impression.
View attachment 426366

Anything on topic, Buttercup?
Just responding to the guy saying was unaware of any trump supporter shooting anybody and it was just the first open carry killing by a supposed trump supporter incident that came to mind, honey. But thanks for playing, dude.
You mean the hero that took out one of your child molesters?
No. He shot walmart shoppers and maybe employees. If any were child molesters, it was not reported in main stream or bat crap crazy news outlets.
I remember the nut ball shooter. That guy was an ass hole. He died of his injuries, which does not hurt my feelings in the least. What is your point?
Using your logic, he represents all Dimwinger supporters.
The dead nut ball shooter? No your conclusion is not logical and do not know what gave you that idea. I certainly never said it. Are you have visions or hearing voices only in your head?
So, you are backing off your obsession with the El Paso nutball shooter supposedly supporting Trump?
You mean he doesn't? Give me a link or a search argument. I'll read it. I could be wrong. It is just that nobody has shown me being wrong. They've only acted insulted for the poor killer nut ball, that I would impugn him as being a trump supporter. I showed where a lot of people had that impression. Nobody has linked to anything saying otherwise. Link away, dude.
You really are dumb. If you want to claim the El Paso nutbag has something to do with Trump, then the nutbag who shot up the Republican softball team is on the Dimwinger party.

You can't have it both ways.
I suspect the the dead nut ball that shot up the congressional softball game is a democrat and never said he wasn't. The guy said he never heard of a trump supporter doing that sort of thing. I just pitched out the first one that came to mind and when challenged showed links to articles saying the same thing. I think there are gun happy fools out there on both sides. Having been on a range with rightwing nut balls, am definitely distrustful of them. Seen enough nut balls on YouTube of undetermined or left wing, that I do not trust them either.
The first one? How about the ONLY one and it is not proven at ALL.
Boogaloo boys far right enough for your parameters? They kill people. They are anti government but in the trump corner, I always thought, because he is the anti government president. Always like the irony of that.
They are supposedly connected to the death of one cop in LA.

Meanwhile..............a BLM activist assassinated 5 cops in Dallas.

An antifa leader in Portland also killed a proud boy. He got his though. Murder is still against the law.
So a bunch of Trumptoids planted themselves in front of the MI secretary of state's home Saturday night to protest the election, many of them were armed.
Why the fuck did anybody need to bring a gun if they wanted a truly "peaceful protest"?????
It just takes on drunk Trumptoid to cause someone harm or even death.
This woman was inside her house with her four-year-old child alone.
What the fuck is WRONG with you stupid motherfuckers????

Outside Benson's home on Saturday night, "at least one individual could be heard shouting 'you're murderers' within earshot of her child's bedroom," Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a joint statement with Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.""""

Welcome to the party asshole.......joe biden voters have been doing this to Trump supporters and conservatives for months now...Tucker carlson had to move to get away from joe biden voters, and they have shown up at the homes of Lindsey Graham and mitch mcconnell..

So F**k guys wanted this, now you have it.......

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