This is why the Cosby incident is important to you.


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Not only did they drag this guy's name through the mud and get reruns of his TV show that preached "family values" off the air...

but in the long run, they don't even care about Bill Cosby, their plan is much more broad than that.

They're using this incident to overturn the statute of limitations on rape accusations. (California has already. prematurely, taken such actions)

Why is that a bad thing?

Well, the wise old sages that created American law did things for a reason, unfortunately they left a map for the Socialists to destroy the country, by simply attempting the opposite.

Do you realize what power they will have once they tear down the limitations laws?

Every time a politician, they don't like, wins some power, all they have to do is put out a casting call to find some EX that don't like him, and is willing to claim "rape", ...from 35 years ago ....45 years ago.

Any true hero of Constitutionalism is going to have enemies.

I estimate I might be one of only 5% of people in the country that realize what this is all about.

That means all of this is going to go the way they want it to, and it's going to be a very long time before people reexamine this policy,

....and probably only after defectors tell the public about deceptive legal cases.

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