This Is Why The Democrats Decided Not To Attack ACB.......Ted Cruz Ate Them Alive

The Dems are playing nice because of an election in a few weeks............and yes this is their nice side........

If not they would have brought in t fake Lesbian lover to claim Barrett cheated on her 35 years ago.

But.....alas......their Fake ASS.....fitting symbol of the DNC ......OUTRAGE........will have to wait til another day............they are busy trying to dig up and harvest votes and prep 500 lawsuits after the vote.
This was all that needed to be said about what the Democrats are doing and is exactly why they may have chosen not to press their luck at the SCOTUS hearings this week:

The current batch of weasels that call themselves "Democrats" are impotent when it comes influencing rational human beings, none. I used to be a Democrat. Who ever these shmarmy slick conniving race baiting con men are, they little better than cheap used car salesmen by my lights now, they are worse even. I hate the Democratic party now, they have become trash. The lowest of the low. There isn't ANYTHING they wont stoop to or support to get votes...that's not what democracy should be about.
it was also evident that dem leaders are mental midgets compared to the nominee.
How else did they get elected than by appealing to the worst human traits in their base.
This was all that needed to be said about what the Democrats are doing and is exactly why they may have chosen not to press their luck at the SCOTUS hearings this week:

Because after the dems messed up bigtime on Kavanaugh, they lost several senate races.

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