This is why the DEMs will loose


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
Joni Ernst Very offended by Tom Harkin - Kendall Breitman -
Fuck witt Harkin. The LIBs are the one's waging war on women. They assume women are as dumb as negroes. He's partially right. Any woman who thinks the LIB agenda is going to put more food on the table is stupid. There are historic high numbers of WOMEN on food stamps thanks to BOBO the clown who was elected by stupid LIB women and negroes solely based on his skin colour. How did that work out for you all LIB women???????
Wake the fuck up!
You want a 'woman' next. B/c she is a woman?
Are you all that stupid? Maybe so.
After the 'woman' what next? 'A gay'? Just b/c he/she is gay? Makes no sense when the idea is to have the very best of the best running the country.
BOBO has basically now 'checked out'. Even his closet aids/friends are saying it.
BOBO in his enormous hubris believed he was smart enough to let Valeri run the fucking country and he could, and did simply 'phone it in.
He ended up being a laughing stock even in his own party. They don't want to ever hear his name mentioned anymore. That's saying something.
The underlying current is BOBO failed b/c the REPs are 'racist'. How fucking lame is that?
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Joni Ernst Very offended by Tom Harkin - Kendall Breitman -
Fuck witt Harkin. The LIBs are the one's waging war on women. They assume women are as dumb as negroes. He's partially right. Any woman who thinks the LIB agenda is going to put more food on the table is stupid. There are historic high numbers of WOMEN on food stamps thanks to BOBO the clown who was elected by stupid LIB women and negroes solely based on his skin colour. How did that work out for you all LIB women???????
Wake the fuck up!
You want a 'woman' next. B/c she is a woman?
Are you all that stupid? Maybe so.
After the 'woman' what next? 'A gay'?

Already have one in the Whitehouse....

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