This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

Bwahahahahaha, bring it on.
Any time

Let trump run on how the economy is worse than eight years ago

easy, all he has to do is quote government statistics on unemployment, food stamps, welfare, the gap between rich and poor, the national debt, companies leaving the country, the failure of obozocare, insurance companies opting out, underemployed college grads, and the corruption of the Clinton foundation and Hillary's lies.

The economy is much worse than 8 years ago. There is so much anti-dem/lib data available that Trump will crush the bitch.

snap, done deal, Hillary loses big time.
All voters care about is low unemployment and cheap gas

You lose

Yeah, those college grads love working at Walmart and Starbucks. :badgrin:
Except employment figures don't show that

actually they do
What Trump has said about women

Women who get abortions should be punished but not the man
Meagan Kelly was having her period during the debate
Carly Fiorina is too ugly to win
Trumps wife is better looking than Cruz's wife
Trump has cheated on his wives and dumped them for better looking women
Rosie ODonnell is a fat pig

The man has issues

which of those statements is not true?

They are all true......That is Trump
Let Trump explain it to 70 million female voters

Last edited:
At this point, Hillary is the only pragmatist left.
She understands what can be accomplished and what can be accomplished both home and abroad

She also gets to run against batshit crazy opponents

If you think deporting illegals and trying to bring back manufacturing jobs, is batshit crazy, you are the batshit crazy one.

Rounding up 11 million illegals is impossible and bad policy
EVERYONE wants to bring back manufacturing jobs......simply declaring I am TRUMP, TRUMP gets what TRUMP wants does not work

1. Rounding up a million a year, and deporting them is quite possible, and would encourage the rest to leave. And is great policy if we want to see wages rise for Working Class Americans.

2. Actually quite a few people on this site have told me that I am nuts for thinking that those jobs can come back. THey have given up on those jobs. All the candidates except Trump are "Free Trade" which means they are not going to try to get those jobs back.

Trump is the only candidate with a platform calling for taking real steps to bring those jobs back.
Bwahahahahaha, bring it on.
Any time

Let trump run on how the economy is worse than eight years ago

easy, all he has to do is quote government statistics on unemployment, food stamps, welfare, the gap between rich and poor, the national debt, companies leaving the country, the failure of obozocare, insurance companies opting out, underemployed college grads, and the corruption of the Clinton foundation and Hillary's lies.

The economy is much worse than 8 years ago. There is so much anti-dem/lib data available that Trump will crush the bitch.

snap, done deal, Hillary loses big time.
All voters care about is low unemployment and cheap gas

You lose

Gas is not cheap because of anything obozo has done and the unemployment stats are being manipulated to make is look better than it really is. Ask any recent college grad how many jobs are out there waiting for them.

Trump will run on the dem economy of the last 8 years, and will destroy the hildebitch.
Doesn't matter does it?

Gas is cheap......voters are happy
Any way Republicans try to reshape the unemployment numbers, they are down......voters are happy

I encourage Trump to run on the economy. I also encourage him to explain his economic policy that adds $10 trillion to debt due to massive tax cuts to the wealthy

how can you type with your head up Hillary's ass?

do you have anything to post except dem talking point lies?
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters

Trump can win without Hispanics and Blacks.

Even if he had them he couldn't win

Losing 60% of the women's vote will do that

If the moderates stop supporting the media lies about Trump being anti-woman,those numbers can be improved.

The media reports what Trump says......women can decide for themselves

NO, the media often lies about what Trump says, and even if they tell the truth of the actual words, they lie when they "spin" it to be a general anti-women stance instead of an anti one individual stance.
What Trump has said about women

Women who get abortions should be punished but not the man
Meagan Kelly was having her period during the debate
Carly Fiorina is too ugly to win
Trumps wife is better looking than Cruz's wife
Trump has cheated on his wives and dumped them for better looking women
Rosie ODonnell is a fat pig

The man has issues

which of those statements is not true?

They are all true......That is Trump
Let Trump explain it to 70 million female voters

Will the lib media let him? Or will they ignore anything he says that doesn't fit their narrative?
What Trump has said about women

Women who get abortions should be punished but not the man
Meagan Kelly was having her period during the debate
Carly Fiorina is too ugly to win
Trumps wife is better looking than Cruz's wife
Trump has cheated on his wives and dumped them for better looking women
Rosie ODonnell is a fat pig

The man has issues

which of those statements is not true?

They are all true......That is Trump
Let Trump explain it to 70 million female voters

He will and they will vote for him. Women agree that Rosie is a fat pig, women agree that Melania is prettier than Heidi, women agree that Carly is not very attractive, women know about periods and how they affect moods.

the abortion statement was a mistake and he has walked it back, it will be forgotten, there are more important issues in 2016 than abortion.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
You know Cruz is in the same boat right? Or are you hoping that there are countless uninformed, dumb rube hispanics that will vote Cruz?
Any time

Let trump run on how the economy is worse than eight years ago

easy, all he has to do is quote government statistics on unemployment, food stamps, welfare, the gap between rich and poor, the national debt, companies leaving the country, the failure of obozocare, insurance companies opting out, underemployed college grads, and the corruption of the Clinton foundation and Hillary's lies.

The economy is much worse than 8 years ago. There is so much anti-dem/lib data available that Trump will crush the bitch.

snap, done deal, Hillary loses big time.
All voters care about is low unemployment and cheap gas

You lose

Gas is not cheap because of anything obozo has done and the unemployment stats are being manipulated to make is look better than it really is. Ask any recent college grad how many jobs are out there waiting for them.

Trump will run on the dem economy of the last 8 years, and will destroy the hildebitch.
Doesn't matter does it?

Gas is cheap......voters are happy
Any way Republicans try to reshape the unemployment numbers, they are down......voters are happy

I encourage Trump to run on the economy. I also encourage him to explain his economic policy that adds $10 trillion to debt due to massive tax cuts to the wealthy

how can you type with your head up Hillary's ass?

do you have anything to post except dem talking point lies?
thats a question we have been asking you for a long time and you have no answer ... we are Dems, why wouldn't we have den talking points moron ... were not like you republicans who never know what their talking points are until they are told what to talk about ...
At this point, Hillary is the only pragmatist left.
She understands what can be accomplished and what can be accomplished both home and abroad

She also gets to run against batshit crazy opponents

If you think deporting illegals and trying to bring back manufacturing jobs, is batshit crazy, you are the batshit crazy one.

Rounding up 11 million illegals is impossible and bad policy
EVERYONE wants to bring back manufacturing jobs......simply declaring I am TRUMP, TRUMP gets what TRUMP wants does not work

1. Rounding up a million a year, and deporting them is quite possible, and would encourage the rest to leave. And is great policy if we want to see wages rise for Working Class Americans.

2. Actually quite a few people on this site have told me that I am nuts for thinking that those jobs can come back. THey have given up on those jobs. All the candidates except Trump are "Free Trade" which means they are not going to try to get those jobs back.

Trump is the only candidate with a platform calling for taking real steps to bring those jobs back.
Trumps steps have been roundly criticized by economists

Tarrifs and trade wars end up hurting everyone
easy, all he has to do is quote government statistics on unemployment, food stamps, welfare, the gap between rich and poor, the national debt, companies leaving the country, the failure of obozocare, insurance companies opting out, underemployed college grads, and the corruption of the Clinton foundation and Hillary's lies.

The economy is much worse than 8 years ago. There is so much anti-dem/lib data available that Trump will crush the bitch.

snap, done deal, Hillary loses big time.
All voters care about is low unemployment and cheap gas

You lose

Gas is not cheap because of anything obozo has done and the unemployment stats are being manipulated to make is look better than it really is. Ask any recent college grad how many jobs are out there waiting for them.

Trump will run on the dem economy of the last 8 years, and will destroy the hildebitch.
Doesn't matter does it?

Gas is cheap......voters are happy
Any way Republicans try to reshape the unemployment numbers, they are down......voters are happy

I encourage Trump to run on the economy. I also encourage him to explain his economic policy that adds $10 trillion to debt due to massive tax cuts to the wealthy

how can you type with your head up Hillary's ass?

do you have anything to post except dem talking point lies?
thats a question we have been asking you for a long time and you have no answer ... we are Dems, why wouldn't we have den talking points moron ... were not like you republicans who never know what their talking points are until they are told what to talk about ...

LOL, that's really funny, when all of you libtardians come on this forum and spout the exact same talking points that the libtardians spout on TV.

Do you understand that talking points are designed to hide the truth behind a pile of bullshit? "it was all caused by a video" "if you like your plan you can keep it" etc.

its :bs1:
What Trump has said about women

Women who get abortions should be punished but not the man
Meagan Kelly was having her period during the debate
Carly Fiorina is too ugly to win
Trumps wife is better looking than Cruz's wife
Trump has cheated on his wives and dumped them for better looking women
Rosie ODonnell is a fat pig

The man has issues

which of those statements is not true?

They are all true......That is Trump
Let Trump explain it to 70 million female voters

He will and they will vote for him. Women agree that Rosie is a fat pig, women agree that Melania is prettier than Heidi, women agree that Carly is not very attractive, women know about periods and how they affect moods.

the abortion statement was a mistake and he has walked it back, it will be forgotten, there are more important issues in 2016 than abortion.

No they don't

women realize that appearance is the only attribute Trump values in a woman
At this point, Hillary is the only pragmatist left.
She understands what can be accomplished and what can be accomplished both home and abroad

She also gets to run against batshit crazy opponents

If you think deporting illegals and trying to bring back manufacturing jobs, is batshit crazy, you are the batshit crazy one.

Rounding up 11 million illegals is impossible and bad policy
EVERYONE wants to bring back manufacturing jobs......simply declaring I am TRUMP, TRUMP gets what TRUMP wants does not work

1. Rounding up a million a year, and deporting them is quite possible, and would encourage the rest to leave. And is great policy if we want to see wages rise for Working Class Americans.

2. Actually quite a few people on this site have told me that I am nuts for thinking that those jobs can come back. THey have given up on those jobs. All the candidates except Trump are "Free Trade" which means they are not going to try to get those jobs back.

Trump is the only candidate with a platform calling for taking real steps to bring those jobs back.
Trumps steps have been roundly criticized by economists

Tarrifs and trade wars end up hurting everyone

WTF do you think the Chinese and Mexicans are doing to us right now? We need to play it back to them and make the playing field even. That's all Trump is saying.
What Trump has said about women

Women who get abortions should be punished but not the man
Meagan Kelly was having her period during the debate
Carly Fiorina is too ugly to win
Trumps wife is better looking than Cruz's wife
Trump has cheated on his wives and dumped them for better looking women
Rosie ODonnell is a fat pig

The man has issues

which of those statements is not true?

They are all true......That is Trump
Let Trump explain it to 70 million female voters

He will and they will vote for him. Women agree that Rosie is a fat pig, women agree that Melania is prettier than Heidi, women agree that Carly is not very attractive, women know about periods and how they affect moods.

the abortion statement was a mistake and he has walked it back, it will be forgotten, there are more important issues in 2016 than abortion.

No they don't

women realize that appearance is the only attribute Trump values in a woman

you are one sick puppy, maybe a trip to the vet is in order.
What Trump has said about women

Women who get abortions should be punished but not the man
Meagan Kelly was having her period during the debate
Carly Fiorina is too ugly to win
Trumps wife is better looking than Cruz's wife
Trump has cheated on his wives and dumped them for better looking women
Rosie ODonnell is a fat pig

The man has issues

which of those statements is not true?

They are all true......That is Trump
Let Trump explain it to 70 million female voters

He will and they will vote for him. Women agree that Rosie is a fat pig, women agree that Melania is prettier than Heidi, women agree that Carly is not very attractive, women know about periods and how they affect moods.

the abortion statement was a mistake and he has walked it back, it will be forgotten, there are more important issues in 2016 than abortion.

No they don't

women realize that appearance is the only attribute Trump values in a woman

you are one sick puppy, maybe a trip to the vet is in order.

Actual Trump quotes:

“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.”

“Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see.”
Hispanics, Women, Democrats, Muslims, Gays, and Americans who believe their President should possess personal and professional integrity
Personal and professional mean like Hillary has?
There is also a sleeper in this election. That is weather. The GOP has consistently denied the facts of global warming. Were there to be a significant heat wave in the Northeast, one with a lot of heat fatalities, that would play into the election of House members that have denied that there is any such thing as global warming.

Overall, the most interesting and odd election I have seen in my long lifetime.
No one denies climate change. No one at all. To the contrary, all agree that the climate has been changing since the beginning of time. You know, ice age, then the following warm up...(bet the weather seemed mighty warm after that ice age)...then the minim ice age of the 1700's.....then the following warm up ....etc.

I wonder if George Washington complained that Ben Franklins invention...the stove....was the cause of the warm up for the decade+ following the mini ice age.
Actual Trump quotes:

“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.”

“Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see.”
Well, he's right. Sorry if that disturbs you. As soon as a news anchor get wrinkles they throw her off the set. Beauty and elegance is more than superficial. Sounds like you have no clue.
Funny......Hispanics would be voting against their own best interests. The flood of illegals is driving wages down in states like Texas and California. Instead of Hispanics becoming Americans, they are suspected illegals, primarily because Obama is bringing so many of them into the country.

Who suffers the most from Illegal Immigration?


Voting for Hillary will only worsen this situation.

I believe most of them, the ones who were born here, are smart enough to figure this out for themselves.

Where do you get the idea that Hispanics support illegal immigration?

Supposedly they are opposing Trump in record numbers.

What policies are they opposing?

Gee, I don't know, maybe the fact he called them rapists, murderers, and drug dealers?
80% of Hispanic females are raped attempting to get to the US. That's a FACT!
90% of these rapes are being committed by Hispanic males attempting to enter the US illegally.
The other 10% of these rapes are committed by cartel member/police/military.
That's a lot of Hispanic male rapists crossing the border.
Keep in mind the vast majority of young Hispanic women get raped more than once. A couple of times by mexican 'authorities' and then God knows how many more times by the males the females must travel with to get to the border.
So Trump is right. A LOT of Hispanic men have committed rape, God knows how many times, by the time they cross illegally into the US.

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