This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it
so do you have a way to do that and still bring jobs back to the US? You'd be the only one with that solution. Let's hear it.

Free markets, they are what made America great. It's bizarre how the more gripped in fear you people get and the more barriers to free markets you put up and the worse things get, the more you think there aren't enough barriers, that's the problem
dude, I love free markets to the point that the manufacturing moves to mexico, china or chennai india. There then becomes forfeits to get american jobs back, and import taxes is the only way. THE ONLY WAY!!!!

If you people would just take an econ 101 course.

Low margin jobs are not the key to our success. And in exchange, we get:

1) Higher costs for consumers who have less money to spend on other things costing jobs in other industries

2) We drive down NPV with higher costs for projects meaning some get cancelled and all the jobs are lost

3) We can't compete as well against foreign competition which drives down sales and costs us more jobs

Free markets have never been linked to decreased jobs or vice versa. Your belief that government is going to help you if you give them more power is just totally naive and contradicted by anything else they ever do
well again, it has nothing to do with government. jobs leave because the international manufacturers don't pay their employee what a US citizen would make. Period.

It's way more complicated than that. I've offshored a lot of jobs. So serious question, if I discuss this are you actually interested or are you going to just argue a side?
why are they leaving? simple: unions and taxes. Notice its only the UAW car companies who are leaving. The non-union car companies in the south are doing very well, providing good wages and good benefits to thousands of americans----------Mercedes, BMW, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Kia, Hyundai, VW.

Unions are no longer needed except as a cash funnel to the DNC. We have laws that protect workers from the abuses that unions were started to address.

And why is it that foreign companies are increasingly building them here? Government saddles Ford with restrictions the foreign companies don't have, like not letting them get out of shitty union contracts. The problem is government, and government is what you're proposing as a solution

wrong, other than the union contracts, which are valid enforceable contracts, what restrictions are placed on Ford and GM that are not placed on BMW and Mercedes?

The differences are tied to the union contracts. So you think Ford agreed to all that crap voluntarily without government coercion? Seriously? Ford cannot fire every union worker and start over, and they can't fire union workers without negotiating it with the unions. Government gives the workers completely non-market power
sure they can. Do you have some known document that says otherwise?

The workers would have to decertify the UAW to get rid of them
exactly, what does that have to do with the government? I bet quite of few of the laziest of lazy workers would be up in arms. LOL, unions are so overrated today. besides benefits packages that they get I see absolutely no other benefit of a union except for being a lazy worker making the same as a great worker.
so do you have a way to do that and still bring jobs back to the US? You'd be the only one with that solution. Let's hear it.

Free markets, they are what made America great. It's bizarre how the more gripped in fear you people get and the more barriers to free markets you put up and the worse things get, the more you think there aren't enough barriers, that's the problem
dude, I love free markets to the point that the manufacturing moves to mexico, china or chennai india. There then becomes forfeits to get american jobs back, and import taxes is the only way. THE ONLY WAY!!!!

If you people would just take an econ 101 course.

Low margin jobs are not the key to our success. And in exchange, we get:

1) Higher costs for consumers who have less money to spend on other things costing jobs in other industries

2) We drive down NPV with higher costs for projects meaning some get cancelled and all the jobs are lost

3) We can't compete as well against foreign competition which drives down sales and costs us more jobs

Free markets have never been linked to decreased jobs or vice versa. Your belief that government is going to help you if you give them more power is just totally naive and contradicted by anything else they ever do
well again, it has nothing to do with government. jobs leave because the international manufacturers don't pay their employee what a US citizen would make. Period.

It's way more complicated than that. I've offshored a lot of jobs. So serious question, if I discuss this are you actually interested or are you going to just argue a side?
I work in the telecommunication field. Our product is manufactured off shore and we were never a union shop. Ever. There is but two reasons, cheap labor and benefits.
Free markets, they are what made America great. It's bizarre how the more gripped in fear you people get and the more barriers to free markets you put up and the worse things get, the more you think there aren't enough barriers, that's the problem
dude, I love free markets to the point that the manufacturing moves to mexico, china or chennai india. There then becomes forfeits to get american jobs back, and import taxes is the only way. THE ONLY WAY!!!!

If you people would just take an econ 101 course.

Low margin jobs are not the key to our success. And in exchange, we get:

1) Higher costs for consumers who have less money to spend on other things costing jobs in other industries

2) We drive down NPV with higher costs for projects meaning some get cancelled and all the jobs are lost

3) We can't compete as well against foreign competition which drives down sales and costs us more jobs

Free markets have never been linked to decreased jobs or vice versa. Your belief that government is going to help you if you give them more power is just totally naive and contradicted by anything else they ever do
well again, it has nothing to do with government. jobs leave because the international manufacturers don't pay their employee what a US citizen would make. Period.

It's way more complicated than that. I've offshored a lot of jobs. So serious question, if I discuss this are you actually interested or are you going to just argue a side?
I work in the telecommunication field. Our product is manufactured off shore and we were never a union shop. Ever. There is but two reasons, cheap labor and benefits.

That's what I thought, don't say I didn't ask if you were actually interested
And why is it that foreign companies are increasingly building them here? Government saddles Ford with restrictions the foreign companies don't have, like not letting them get out of shitty union contracts. The problem is government, and government is what you're proposing as a solution

wrong, other than the union contracts, which are valid enforceable contracts, what restrictions are placed on Ford and GM that are not placed on BMW and Mercedes?

The differences are tied to the union contracts. So you think Ford agreed to all that crap voluntarily without government coercion? Seriously? Ford cannot fire every union worker and start over, and they can't fire union workers without negotiating it with the unions. Government gives the workers completely non-market power
sure they can. Do you have some known document that says otherwise?

The workers would have to decertify the UAW to get rid of them
exactly, what does that have to do with the government? I bet quite of few of the laziest of lazy workers would be up in arms. LOL, unions are so overrated today. besides benefits packages that they get I see absolutely no other benefit of a union except for being a lazy worker making the same as a great worker.

What does government have to do that Ford can't not deal with the union other than going offshore because government forces them?

dude, I love free markets to the point that the manufacturing moves to mexico, china or chennai india. There then becomes forfeits to get american jobs back, and import taxes is the only way. THE ONLY WAY!!!!

If you people would just take an econ 101 course.

Low margin jobs are not the key to our success. And in exchange, we get:

1) Higher costs for consumers who have less money to spend on other things costing jobs in other industries

2) We drive down NPV with higher costs for projects meaning some get cancelled and all the jobs are lost

3) We can't compete as well against foreign competition which drives down sales and costs us more jobs

Free markets have never been linked to decreased jobs or vice versa. Your belief that government is going to help you if you give them more power is just totally naive and contradicted by anything else they ever do
well again, it has nothing to do with government. jobs leave because the international manufacturers don't pay their employee what a US citizen would make. Period.

It's way more complicated than that. I've offshored a lot of jobs. So serious question, if I discuss this are you actually interested or are you going to just argue a side?
I work in the telecommunication field. Our product is manufactured off shore and we were never a union shop. Ever. There is but two reasons, cheap labor and benefits.

That's what I thought, don't say I didn't ask if you were actually interested
Well I work with them. I know. I give two shits your thoughts. I know what I know cause I deal with them. So now you're going to tell me I'm full of shit? funny man.

BTW, the benefits alone are more than the pay.
wrong, other than the union contracts, which are valid enforceable contracts, what restrictions are placed on Ford and GM that are not placed on BMW and Mercedes?

The differences are tied to the union contracts. So you think Ford agreed to all that crap voluntarily without government coercion? Seriously? Ford cannot fire every union worker and start over, and they can't fire union workers without negotiating it with the unions. Government gives the workers completely non-market power
sure they can. Do you have some known document that says otherwise?

The workers would have to decertify the UAW to get rid of them
exactly, what does that have to do with the government? I bet quite of few of the laziest of lazy workers would be up in arms. LOL, unions are so overrated today. besides benefits packages that they get I see absolutely no other benefit of a union except for being a lazy worker making the same as a great worker.

What does government have to do that Ford can't not deal with the union other than going offshore because government forces them?

no, the union forces them. They also have pension money to worry about. Does Ford have to abide by laws, yes, but those are contracts they got into.
If you people would just take an econ 101 course.

Low margin jobs are not the key to our success. And in exchange, we get:

1) Higher costs for consumers who have less money to spend on other things costing jobs in other industries

2) We drive down NPV with higher costs for projects meaning some get cancelled and all the jobs are lost

3) We can't compete as well against foreign competition which drives down sales and costs us more jobs

Free markets have never been linked to decreased jobs or vice versa. Your belief that government is going to help you if you give them more power is just totally naive and contradicted by anything else they ever do
well again, it has nothing to do with government. jobs leave because the international manufacturers don't pay their employee what a US citizen would make. Period.

It's way more complicated than that. I've offshored a lot of jobs. So serious question, if I discuss this are you actually interested or are you going to just argue a side?
I work in the telecommunication field. Our product is manufactured off shore and we were never a union shop. Ever. There is but two reasons, cheap labor and benefits.

That's what I thought, don't say I didn't ask if you were actually interested
Well I work with them. I know. I give two shits your thoughts. I know what I know cause I deal with them. So now you're going to tell me I'm full of shit? funny man.

BTW, the benefits alone are more than the pay.

You're in an organization that has offshored, I am in management and drive the decision to offshore. How do you know what's in my head? What the factors the rest of management and I are weighing?

And you obviously don't because your view of what you think we are considering is so simplistic. Wage differences are only the start of comparing onshore and offshore work. That's why I asked if you actually cared. You don't. That's fine. So I won't bother explaining how we approach it
The differences are tied to the union contracts. So you think Ford agreed to all that crap voluntarily without government coercion? Seriously? Ford cannot fire every union worker and start over, and they can't fire union workers without negotiating it with the unions. Government gives the workers completely non-market power
sure they can. Do you have some known document that says otherwise?

The workers would have to decertify the UAW to get rid of them
exactly, what does that have to do with the government? I bet quite of few of the laziest of lazy workers would be up in arms. LOL, unions are so overrated today. besides benefits packages that they get I see absolutely no other benefit of a union except for being a lazy worker making the same as a great worker.

What does government have to do that Ford can't not deal with the union other than going offshore because government forces them?

no, the union forces them. They also have pension money to worry about. Does Ford have to abide by laws, yes, but those are contracts they got into.

Well, I agree with you insofar as that sure, Ford management has made bad deals. But they can't change it now without their employees decertifiying the union no matter what they do because of government. That's why they went offshore out of the jurisdiction of the Imperial Federal government.

OK, so Ford managers who are retired and mostly dead made bad deals. Now the company is fucked so bad they have no choice to go offshore. And that makes sense to you? If we just punish them for doing that too, we'll create jobs? Yeah, let's go with that
well again, it has nothing to do with government. jobs leave because the international manufacturers don't pay their employee what a US citizen would make. Period.

It's way more complicated than that. I've offshored a lot of jobs. So serious question, if I discuss this are you actually interested or are you going to just argue a side?
I work in the telecommunication field. Our product is manufactured off shore and we were never a union shop. Ever. There is but two reasons, cheap labor and benefits.

That's what I thought, don't say I didn't ask if you were actually interested
Well I work with them. I know. I give two shits your thoughts. I know what I know cause I deal with them. So now you're going to tell me I'm full of shit? funny man.

BTW, the benefits alone are more than the pay.

You're in an organization that has offshored, I am in management and drive the decision to offshore. How do you know what's in my head? What the factors the rest of management and I are weighing?

And you obviously don't because your view of what you think we are considering is so simplistic. Wage differences are only the start of comparing onshore and offshore work. That's why I asked if you actually cared. You don't. That's fine. So I won't bother explaining how we approach it
dude, I used the company I work with. I have no idea your company's reasons for offshoring. All i know is that I am pissed at my company for doing it. I wish I had a say. Higher ups have all that authority. If it were me, all of my fellow employees would have continued to manufacture in Illinois.

Oh I know you're going to state component pricing for off shore components and regulations. I know that's where you're going.
sure they can. Do you have some known document that says otherwise?

The workers would have to decertify the UAW to get rid of them
exactly, what does that have to do with the government? I bet quite of few of the laziest of lazy workers would be up in arms. LOL, unions are so overrated today. besides benefits packages that they get I see absolutely no other benefit of a union except for being a lazy worker making the same as a great worker.

What does government have to do that Ford can't not deal with the union other than going offshore because government forces them?

no, the union forces them. They also have pension money to worry about. Does Ford have to abide by laws, yes, but those are contracts they got into.

Well, I agree with you insofar as that sure, Ford management has made bad deals. But they can't change it now without their employees decertifiying the union no matter what they do because of government. That's why they went offshore out of the jurisdiction of the Imperial Federal government.

OK, so Ford managers who are retired and mostly dead made bad deals. Now the company is fucked so bad they have no choice to go offshore. And that makes sense to you? If we just punish them for doing that too, we'll create jobs? Yeah, let's go with that
well yeah, exactly, punish the product coming in, exactly, force their hand to bring back the jobs. Damn straight bubba. damn fking straight.
It's way more complicated than that. I've offshored a lot of jobs. So serious question, if I discuss this are you actually interested or are you going to just argue a side?
I work in the telecommunication field. Our product is manufactured off shore and we were never a union shop. Ever. There is but two reasons, cheap labor and benefits.

That's what I thought, don't say I didn't ask if you were actually interested
Well I work with them. I know. I give two shits your thoughts. I know what I know cause I deal with them. So now you're going to tell me I'm full of shit? funny man.

BTW, the benefits alone are more than the pay.

You're in an organization that has offshored, I am in management and drive the decision to offshore. How do you know what's in my head? What the factors the rest of management and I are weighing?

And you obviously don't because your view of what you think we are considering is so simplistic. Wage differences are only the start of comparing onshore and offshore work. That's why I asked if you actually cared. You don't. That's fine. So I won't bother explaining how we approach it
dude, I used the company I work with. I have no idea your company's reasons for offshoring. All i know is that I am pissed at my company for doing it. I wish I had a say. Higher ups have all that authority. If it were me, all of my fellow employees would have continued to manufacture in Illinois.

Oh I know you're going to state component pricing for off shore components and regulations. I know that's where you're going.

I've offshored for multiple industries. The questions are the same, just the answers are different. This is exactly what I said. You admitted

"all i know is that I am pissed at my company for doing it. I wish I had a say. Higher ups have all that authority"

You want a say, but you don't want to understand why we did it or how we went about making the decision. You want a say but you don't want to understand. That's why you're not in management
The workers would have to decertify the UAW to get rid of them
exactly, what does that have to do with the government? I bet quite of few of the laziest of lazy workers would be up in arms. LOL, unions are so overrated today. besides benefits packages that they get I see absolutely no other benefit of a union except for being a lazy worker making the same as a great worker.

What does government have to do that Ford can't not deal with the union other than going offshore because government forces them?

no, the union forces them. They also have pension money to worry about. Does Ford have to abide by laws, yes, but those are contracts they got into.

Well, I agree with you insofar as that sure, Ford management has made bad deals. But they can't change it now without their employees decertifiying the union no matter what they do because of government. That's why they went offshore out of the jurisdiction of the Imperial Federal government.

OK, so Ford managers who are retired and mostly dead made bad deals. Now the company is fucked so bad they have no choice to go offshore. And that makes sense to you? If we just punish them for doing that too, we'll create jobs? Yeah, let's go with that
well yeah, exactly, punish the product coming in, exactly, force their hand to bring back the jobs. Damn straight bubba. damn fking straight.

Then when Ford tanks because they can't compete with Toyota and Subaru and Honda, that create jobs how again? I'd be good with it. The only way to get rid of union leeches is to kill the host
I work in the telecommunication field. Our product is manufactured off shore and we were never a union shop. Ever. There is but two reasons, cheap labor and benefits.

That's what I thought, don't say I didn't ask if you were actually interested
Well I work with them. I know. I give two shits your thoughts. I know what I know cause I deal with them. So now you're going to tell me I'm full of shit? funny man.

BTW, the benefits alone are more than the pay.

You're in an organization that has offshored, I am in management and drive the decision to offshore. How do you know what's in my head? What the factors the rest of management and I are weighing?

And you obviously don't because your view of what you think we are considering is so simplistic. Wage differences are only the start of comparing onshore and offshore work. That's why I asked if you actually cared. You don't. That's fine. So I won't bother explaining how we approach it
dude, I used the company I work with. I have no idea your company's reasons for offshoring. All i know is that I am pissed at my company for doing it. I wish I had a say. Higher ups have all that authority. If it were me, all of my fellow employees would have continued to manufacture in Illinois.

Oh I know you're going to state component pricing for off shore components and regulations. I know that's where you're going.

I've offshored for multiple industries. The questions are the same, just the answers are different. This is exactly what I said. You admitted

"all i know is that I am pissed at my company for doing it. I wish I had a say. Higher ups have all that authority"

You want a say, but you don't want to understand why we did it or how we went about making the decision. You want a say but you don't want to understand. That's why you're not in management
so you still haven't stated your reason for offshoring.
exactly, what does that have to do with the government? I bet quite of few of the laziest of lazy workers would be up in arms. LOL, unions are so overrated today. besides benefits packages that they get I see absolutely no other benefit of a union except for being a lazy worker making the same as a great worker.

What does government have to do that Ford can't not deal with the union other than going offshore because government forces them?

no, the union forces them. They also have pension money to worry about. Does Ford have to abide by laws, yes, but those are contracts they got into.

Well, I agree with you insofar as that sure, Ford management has made bad deals. But they can't change it now without their employees decertifiying the union no matter what they do because of government. That's why they went offshore out of the jurisdiction of the Imperial Federal government.

OK, so Ford managers who are retired and mostly dead made bad deals. Now the company is fucked so bad they have no choice to go offshore. And that makes sense to you? If we just punish them for doing that too, we'll create jobs? Yeah, let's go with that
well yeah, exactly, punish the product coming in, exactly, force their hand to bring back the jobs. Damn straight bubba. damn fking straight.

Then when Ford tanks because they can't compete with Toyota and Subaru and Honda, that create jobs how again? I'd be good with it. The only way to get rid of union leeches is to kill the host
well that would desolve the union deals, then there would still be a need for cars, so someone would reinvest and start back up. there is a need driving product.
That's what I thought, don't say I didn't ask if you were actually interested
Well I work with them. I know. I give two shits your thoughts. I know what I know cause I deal with them. So now you're going to tell me I'm full of shit? funny man.

BTW, the benefits alone are more than the pay.

You're in an organization that has offshored, I am in management and drive the decision to offshore. How do you know what's in my head? What the factors the rest of management and I are weighing?

And you obviously don't because your view of what you think we are considering is so simplistic. Wage differences are only the start of comparing onshore and offshore work. That's why I asked if you actually cared. You don't. That's fine. So I won't bother explaining how we approach it
dude, I used the company I work with. I have no idea your company's reasons for offshoring. All i know is that I am pissed at my company for doing it. I wish I had a say. Higher ups have all that authority. If it were me, all of my fellow employees would have continued to manufacture in Illinois.

Oh I know you're going to state component pricing for off shore components and regulations. I know that's where you're going.

I've offshored for multiple industries. The questions are the same, just the answers are different. This is exactly what I said. You admitted

"all i know is that I am pissed at my company for doing it. I wish I had a say. Higher ups have all that authority"

You want a say, but you don't want to understand why we did it or how we went about making the decision. You want a say but you don't want to understand. That's why you're not in management
so you still haven't stated your reason for offshoring.

I asked you if you were interested, you said no
What does government have to do that Ford can't not deal with the union other than going offshore because government forces them?

no, the union forces them. They also have pension money to worry about. Does Ford have to abide by laws, yes, but those are contracts they got into.

Well, I agree with you insofar as that sure, Ford management has made bad deals. But they can't change it now without their employees decertifiying the union no matter what they do because of government. That's why they went offshore out of the jurisdiction of the Imperial Federal government.

OK, so Ford managers who are retired and mostly dead made bad deals. Now the company is fucked so bad they have no choice to go offshore. And that makes sense to you? If we just punish them for doing that too, we'll create jobs? Yeah, let's go with that
well yeah, exactly, punish the product coming in, exactly, force their hand to bring back the jobs. Damn straight bubba. damn fking straight.

Then when Ford tanks because they can't compete with Toyota and Subaru and Honda, that create jobs how again? I'd be good with it. The only way to get rid of union leeches is to kill the host
well that would desolve the union deals, then there would still be a need for cars, so someone would reinvest and start back up. there is a need driving product.

Yes, I listed three of them
Well I work with them. I know. I give two shits your thoughts. I know what I know cause I deal with them. So now you're going to tell me I'm full of shit? funny man.

BTW, the benefits alone are more than the pay.

You're in an organization that has offshored, I am in management and drive the decision to offshore. How do you know what's in my head? What the factors the rest of management and I are weighing?

And you obviously don't because your view of what you think we are considering is so simplistic. Wage differences are only the start of comparing onshore and offshore work. That's why I asked if you actually cared. You don't. That's fine. So I won't bother explaining how we approach it
dude, I used the company I work with. I have no idea your company's reasons for offshoring. All i know is that I am pissed at my company for doing it. I wish I had a say. Higher ups have all that authority. If it were me, all of my fellow employees would have continued to manufacture in Illinois.

Oh I know you're going to state component pricing for off shore components and regulations. I know that's where you're going.

I've offshored for multiple industries. The questions are the same, just the answers are different. This is exactly what I said. You admitted

"all i know is that I am pissed at my company for doing it. I wish I had a say. Higher ups have all that authority"

You want a say, but you don't want to understand why we did it or how we went about making the decision. You want a say but you don't want to understand. That's why you're not in management
so you still haven't stated your reason for offshoring.

I asked you if you were interested, you said no
thanks for playing.
no, the union forces them. They also have pension money to worry about. Does Ford have to abide by laws, yes, but those are contracts they got into.

Well, I agree with you insofar as that sure, Ford management has made bad deals. But they can't change it now without their employees decertifiying the union no matter what they do because of government. That's why they went offshore out of the jurisdiction of the Imperial Federal government.

OK, so Ford managers who are retired and mostly dead made bad deals. Now the company is fucked so bad they have no choice to go offshore. And that makes sense to you? If we just punish them for doing that too, we'll create jobs? Yeah, let's go with that
well yeah, exactly, punish the product coming in, exactly, force their hand to bring back the jobs. Damn straight bubba. damn fking straight.

Then when Ford tanks because they can't compete with Toyota and Subaru and Honda, that create jobs how again? I'd be good with it. The only way to get rid of union leeches is to kill the host
well that would desolve the union deals, then there would still be a need for cars, so someone would reinvest and start back up. there is a need driving product.

Yes, I listed three of them
and who would they hire within our country to make cars in this country. Where would those people come from? Wow.

BTW, at some point obummercare will need to be corrected as well.
You're in an organization that has offshored, I am in management and drive the decision to offshore. How do you know what's in my head? What the factors the rest of management and I are weighing?

And you obviously don't because your view of what you think we are considering is so simplistic. Wage differences are only the start of comparing onshore and offshore work. That's why I asked if you actually cared. You don't. That's fine. So I won't bother explaining how we approach it
dude, I used the company I work with. I have no idea your company's reasons for offshoring. All i know is that I am pissed at my company for doing it. I wish I had a say. Higher ups have all that authority. If it were me, all of my fellow employees would have continued to manufacture in Illinois.

Oh I know you're going to state component pricing for off shore components and regulations. I know that's where you're going.

I've offshored for multiple industries. The questions are the same, just the answers are different. This is exactly what I said. You admitted

"all i know is that I am pissed at my company for doing it. I wish I had a say. Higher ups have all that authority"

You want a say, but you don't want to understand why we did it or how we went about making the decision. You want a say but you don't want to understand. That's why you're not in management
so you still haven't stated your reason for offshoring.

I asked you if you were interested, you said no
thanks for playing.

If you want to have a serious discussion about it, it works. You gave a combative reply to the original question and here you're saying well, you never explained. If you just want to argue a side, I'm not interested. What is your interest?

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