This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

me too. the debates will be the total destruction of the hildebeast. Trump wont pull his punches and will call her out on her lies, corruption, and incompetence.

Hillary's foreign policy has resulted in American deaths and the takeover of Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq by radical muslim elements. She is a complete failure in foreign policy, and lets not forget "we landed under sniper fire" a complete lie as the tapes of that landing prove.
Hillary is perfectly willing for Trump not to pull his punches, not to be PC and not to appear presidential

As Trump tosses out personal insults and wild accusations, Hillary will sigh and take the high road

A debate circus may work with low information republican voters, but the general electorate will look at Trump as the clown

how did that work out for the other 16 republican candidates. Trump will crush Hillary. She has way too many skeletons in her many closets and Trump will bring all of them out.

Republicans got down in the mud with Trump...that is what he hopes for

Hillary will take the high road to spotlight Trump for what he is

Both Hillary and the debate moderators will lay bait for Trump to see if he bites. You know he can't pass up a chance to retaliate or launch a personal attack
yeah, Hillary is a murderer.

Like in Kill Bill?

No, like in Vince Foster, Ron Brown, and 4 americans in Benghazi.
Having a lead of 8.5 or 3 coming from a lead of more than 20 has got to rattle someone's cage.

Hilly is too old. Her issues are misplaced. She wants to run on white privilege? How about the creaky women's rights?

She's old and not holding her age well.

Hillary had a 20 point lead last summer when everyone thought Trump was a joke and he was polling at 3%.

Since February, Hillary has widened her lead to the highest level since last summer.

And every Cruz right now is saying they won't vote for Trump while Bernie is pumping he will support Hillary when he finally gives up. And Hillary is unpleasant and disliked and distrusted almost as much as Trump.

I'm surprised he's as close as he is right now, the worst time for polling for him. Once Cruz drops out, and it looks like a matter of time until Trump wins, his supporters will start to think well, Trump is better than Hillary.

I won't, I'm going third party since it does look like Trump v. Hillary. But that Republicans aren't going to show up when they hate Hillary more than Democrats like her seems unlikely

a third party vote is most likely a vote for Hillary, please think before wasting your vote like that.

That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it
so do you have a way to do that and still bring jobs back to the US? You'd be the only one with that solution. Let's hear it.

Free markets, they are what made America great. It's bizarre how the more gripped in fear you people get and the more barriers to free markets you put up and the worse things get, the more you think there aren't enough barriers, that's the problem
Hillary had a 20 point lead last summer when everyone thought Trump was a joke and he was polling at 3%.

Since February, Hillary has widened her lead to the highest level since last summer.

And every Cruz right now is saying they won't vote for Trump while Bernie is pumping he will support Hillary when he finally gives up. And Hillary is unpleasant and disliked and distrusted almost as much as Trump.

I'm surprised he's as close as he is right now, the worst time for polling for him. Once Cruz drops out, and it looks like a matter of time until Trump wins, his supporters will start to think well, Trump is better than Hillary.

I won't, I'm going third party since it does look like Trump v. Hillary. But that Republicans aren't going to show up when they hate Hillary more than Democrats like her seems unlikely

a third party vote is most likely a vote for Hillary, please think before wasting your vote like that.

That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it
so do you have a way to do that and still bring jobs back to the US? You'd be the only one with that solution. Let's hear it.

Free markets, they are what made America great. It's bizarre how the more gripped in fear you people get and the more barriers to free markets you put up and the worse things get, the more you think there aren't enough barriers, that's the problem

markets are not free when our competitors subsidize their industries and devalue their currency in order to make their products cheaper than ours. Free markets are good only when everyone plays by the same rules.
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And here is a reason he could win.

In a recent poll only 39% of women care who gets elected.

Now remember, women don't like Hillary or Trump, so they may not vote for Trump, but they aren't likely to go out of their way to vote for Hillary either.

Hillary has to have the woman vote to win.
Having a lead of 8.5 or 3 coming from a lead of more than 20 has got to rattle someone's cage.

Hilly is too old. Her issues are misplaced. She wants to run on white privilege? How about the creaky women's rights?

She's old and not holding her age well.

Hillary had a 20 point lead last summer when everyone thought Trump was a joke and he was polling at 3%.

Since February, Hillary has widened her lead to the highest level since last summer.

And every Cruz right now is saying they won't vote for Trump while Bernie is pumping he will support Hillary when he finally gives up. And Hillary is unpleasant and disliked and distrusted almost as much as Trump.

I'm surprised he's as close as he is right now, the worst time for polling for him. Once Cruz drops out, and it looks like a matter of time until Trump wins, his supporters will start to think well, Trump is better than Hillary.

I won't, I'm going third party since it does look like Trump v. Hillary. But that Republicans aren't going to show up when they hate Hillary more than Democrats like her seems unlikely

a third party vote is most likely a vote for Hillary, please think before wasting your vote like that.

That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it

free international markets have destroyed American manufacturing and American blue collar jobs. Trump is an America-first capitalist.

strategically you are correct, voting 3rd party is the same as not voting. However, voting against Hillary will help keep her out of the whitehouse. Voting against is sometimes more important than voting for.

The US government is destroying jobs by driving out our companies. Why do you think Ford builds it's cars in Mexico? The US government and what they have done to them here. Rather than working harder to fuck companies who stay and building a wall to keep them in, we need to address what's making them leave. Something I help them do as a management consultant
And every Cruz right now is saying they won't vote for Trump while Bernie is pumping he will support Hillary when he finally gives up. And Hillary is unpleasant and disliked and distrusted almost as much as Trump.

I'm surprised he's as close as he is right now, the worst time for polling for him. Once Cruz drops out, and it looks like a matter of time until Trump wins, his supporters will start to think well, Trump is better than Hillary.

I won't, I'm going third party since it does look like Trump v. Hillary. But that Republicans aren't going to show up when they hate Hillary more than Democrats like her seems unlikely

a third party vote is most likely a vote for Hillary, please think before wasting your vote like that.

That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it
so do you have a way to do that and still bring jobs back to the US? You'd be the only one with that solution. Let's hear it.

Free markets, they are what made America great. It's bizarre how the more gripped in fear you people get and the more barriers to free markets you put up and the worse things get, the more you think there aren't enough barriers, that's the problem

markets are not free when our competitors subsidize their industries and devalue their currency in order to make their products cheaper than ours. Free markets are good only when everyone plays be the same rules.

Economically, certainly it's ideal if both sides have free markets. But we are still economically better off having free markets even if they don't.

And what's stunningly absurd is the idea that if we empower government to decide what US companies should not be allowed to trade freely because of government restrictions, government will use that power to help us. Anyone who thinks government will help us more with more power is just seriously not paying attention
Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November :

Mike Breen, CEO of Truman National Security Project and a former Army officer who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, offers a harsh critique of Trump's approach.

"If you take the man at his word and you listen to his statements on the trail, he set himself up, if he's elected, to trigger the largest civil military crisis probably since the American Civil War," he says.

Breen argues that Trump is suggesting that U.S. soldiers carry out "illegal orders" — things like targeting the families of terrorists, and murdering civilians on purpose, and torturing for the sake of torturing.

"He says even if [torture] doesn't work, let's do it anyway," Breen says. "He's talking about, as a presidential candidate, issuing clearly illegal orders that our senior military leaders would be very unlikely to follow. That's a crisis we haven't had in a long time."

Veteran: Trump Will Throw the Military into 'Crisis'

Click on the 'Listen' button above to hear our full interview with Mike Breen.
Hillary had a 20 point lead last summer when everyone thought Trump was a joke and he was polling at 3%.

Since February, Hillary has widened her lead to the highest level since last summer.

And every Cruz right now is saying they won't vote for Trump while Bernie is pumping he will support Hillary when he finally gives up. And Hillary is unpleasant and disliked and distrusted almost as much as Trump.

I'm surprised he's as close as he is right now, the worst time for polling for him. Once Cruz drops out, and it looks like a matter of time until Trump wins, his supporters will start to think well, Trump is better than Hillary.

I won't, I'm going third party since it does look like Trump v. Hillary. But that Republicans aren't going to show up when they hate Hillary more than Democrats like her seems unlikely

a third party vote is most likely a vote for Hillary, please think before wasting your vote like that.

That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it

free international markets have destroyed American manufacturing and American blue collar jobs. Trump is an America-first capitalist.

strategically you are correct, voting 3rd party is the same as not voting. However, voting against Hillary will help keep her out of the whitehouse. Voting against is sometimes more important than voting for.

The US government is destroying jobs by driving out our companies. Why do you think Ford builds it's cars in Mexico? The US government and what they have done to them here. Rather than working harder to fuck companies who stay and building a wall to keep them in, we need to address what's making them leave. Something I help them do as a management consultant

why are they leaving? simple: unions and taxes. Notice its only the UAW car companies who are leaving. The non-union car companies in the south are doing very well, providing good wages and good benefits to thousands of americans----------Mercedes, BMW, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Kia, Hyundai, VW.

Unions are no longer needed except as a cash funnel to the DNC. We have laws that protect workers from the abuses that unions were started to address.
a third party vote is most likely a vote for Hillary, please think before wasting your vote like that.

That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it
so do you have a way to do that and still bring jobs back to the US? You'd be the only one with that solution. Let's hear it.

Free markets, they are what made America great. It's bizarre how the more gripped in fear you people get and the more barriers to free markets you put up and the worse things get, the more you think there aren't enough barriers, that's the problem

markets are not free when our competitors subsidize their industries and devalue their currency in order to make their products cheaper than ours. Free markets are good only when everyone plays be the same rules.

Economically, certainly it's ideal if both sides have free markets. But we are still economically better off having free markets even if they don't.

And what's stunningly absurd is the idea that if we empower government to decide what US companies should not be allowed to trade freely because of government restrictions, government will use that power to help us. Anyone who thinks government will help us more with more power is just seriously not paying attention

Trump has not said that we should decide which companies should be allowed to trade freely, he said we should take measures to balance the advantages of taking companies out of this country. Why should Ford be able to make cars in Mexico and then sell them in the US with no tariff? They should be financially incentivized to keep their factories here.
And every Cruz right now is saying they won't vote for Trump while Bernie is pumping he will support Hillary when he finally gives up. And Hillary is unpleasant and disliked and distrusted almost as much as Trump.

I'm surprised he's as close as he is right now, the worst time for polling for him. Once Cruz drops out, and it looks like a matter of time until Trump wins, his supporters will start to think well, Trump is better than Hillary.

I won't, I'm going third party since it does look like Trump v. Hillary. But that Republicans aren't going to show up when they hate Hillary more than Democrats like her seems unlikely

a third party vote is most likely a vote for Hillary, please think before wasting your vote like that.

That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it

free international markets have destroyed American manufacturing and American blue collar jobs. Trump is an America-first capitalist.

strategically you are correct, voting 3rd party is the same as not voting. However, voting against Hillary will help keep her out of the whitehouse. Voting against is sometimes more important than voting for.

The US government is destroying jobs by driving out our companies. Why do you think Ford builds it's cars in Mexico? The US government and what they have done to them here. Rather than working harder to fuck companies who stay and building a wall to keep them in, we need to address what's making them leave. Something I help them do as a management consultant

why are they leaving? simple: unions and taxes. Notice its only the UAW car companies who are leaving. The non-union car companies in the south are doing very well, providing good wages and good benefits to thousands of americans----------Mercedes, BMW, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Kia, Hyundai, VW.

Unions are no longer needed except as a cash funnel to the DNC. We have laws that protect workers from the abuses that unions were started to address.

And why is it that foreign companies are increasingly building them here? Government saddles Ford with restrictions the foreign companies don't have, like not letting them get out of shitty union contracts. The problem is government, and government is what you're proposing as a solution
That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it
so do you have a way to do that and still bring jobs back to the US? You'd be the only one with that solution. Let's hear it.

Free markets, they are what made America great. It's bizarre how the more gripped in fear you people get and the more barriers to free markets you put up and the worse things get, the more you think there aren't enough barriers, that's the problem

markets are not free when our competitors subsidize their industries and devalue their currency in order to make their products cheaper than ours. Free markets are good only when everyone plays be the same rules.

Economically, certainly it's ideal if both sides have free markets. But we are still economically better off having free markets even if they don't.

And what's stunningly absurd is the idea that if we empower government to decide what US companies should not be allowed to trade freely because of government restrictions, government will use that power to help us. Anyone who thinks government will help us more with more power is just seriously not paying attention

Trump has not said that we should decide which companies should be allowed to trade freely, he said we should take measures to balance the advantages of taking companies out of this country. Why should Ford be able to make cars in Mexico and then sell them in the US with no tariff? They should be financially incentivized to keep their factories here.

Of course he is, Trump is going to stop companies from leaving by punishing them with things like tariffs
a third party vote is most likely a vote for Hillary, please think before wasting your vote like that.

That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it

free international markets have destroyed American manufacturing and American blue collar jobs. Trump is an America-first capitalist.

strategically you are correct, voting 3rd party is the same as not voting. However, voting against Hillary will help keep her out of the whitehouse. Voting against is sometimes more important than voting for.

The US government is destroying jobs by driving out our companies. Why do you think Ford builds it's cars in Mexico? The US government and what they have done to them here. Rather than working harder to fuck companies who stay and building a wall to keep them in, we need to address what's making them leave. Something I help them do as a management consultant

why are they leaving? simple: unions and taxes. Notice its only the UAW car companies who are leaving. The non-union car companies in the south are doing very well, providing good wages and good benefits to thousands of americans----------Mercedes, BMW, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Kia, Hyundai, VW.

Unions are no longer needed except as a cash funnel to the DNC. We have laws that protect workers from the abuses that unions were started to address.

And why is it that foreign companies are increasingly building them here? Government saddles Ford with restrictions the foreign companies don't have, like not letting them get out of shitty union contracts. The problem is government, and government is what you're proposing as a solution

wrong, other than the union contracts, which are valid enforceable contracts, what restrictions are placed on Ford and GM that are not placed on BMW and Mercedes?
so do you have a way to do that and still bring jobs back to the US? You'd be the only one with that solution. Let's hear it.

Free markets, they are what made America great. It's bizarre how the more gripped in fear you people get and the more barriers to free markets you put up and the worse things get, the more you think there aren't enough barriers, that's the problem

markets are not free when our competitors subsidize their industries and devalue their currency in order to make their products cheaper than ours. Free markets are good only when everyone plays be the same rules.

Economically, certainly it's ideal if both sides have free markets. But we are still economically better off having free markets even if they don't.

And what's stunningly absurd is the idea that if we empower government to decide what US companies should not be allowed to trade freely because of government restrictions, government will use that power to help us. Anyone who thinks government will help us more with more power is just seriously not paying attention

Trump has not said that we should decide which companies should be allowed to trade freely, he said we should take measures to balance the advantages of taking companies out of this country. Why should Ford be able to make cars in Mexico and then sell them in the US with no tariff? They should be financially incentivized to keep their factories here.

Of course he is, Trump is going to stop companies from leaving by punishing them with things like tariffs

Well, yeah, that's the whole point, keep the jobs here.
Hillary had a 20 point lead last summer when everyone thought Trump was a joke and he was polling at 3%.

Since February, Hillary has widened her lead to the highest level since last summer.

And every Cruz right now is saying they won't vote for Trump while Bernie is pumping he will support Hillary when he finally gives up. And Hillary is unpleasant and disliked and distrusted almost as much as Trump.

I'm surprised he's as close as he is right now, the worst time for polling for him. Once Cruz drops out, and it looks like a matter of time until Trump wins, his supporters will start to think well, Trump is better than Hillary.

I won't, I'm going third party since it does look like Trump v. Hillary. But that Republicans aren't going to show up when they hate Hillary more than Democrats like her seems unlikely

a third party vote is most likely a vote for Hillary, please think before wasting your vote like that.

That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it
so do you have a way to do that and still bring jobs back to the US? You'd be the only one with that solution. Let's hear it.

Free markets, they are what made America great. It's bizarre how the more gripped in fear you people get and the more barriers to free markets you put up and the worse things get, the more you think there aren't enough barriers, that's the problem
dude, I love free markets to the point that the manufacturing moves to mexico, china or chennai india. There then becomes forfeits to get american jobs back, and import taxes is the only way. THE ONLY WAY!!!!
That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it

free international markets have destroyed American manufacturing and American blue collar jobs. Trump is an America-first capitalist.

strategically you are correct, voting 3rd party is the same as not voting. However, voting against Hillary will help keep her out of the whitehouse. Voting against is sometimes more important than voting for.

The US government is destroying jobs by driving out our companies. Why do you think Ford builds it's cars in Mexico? The US government and what they have done to them here. Rather than working harder to fuck companies who stay and building a wall to keep them in, we need to address what's making them leave. Something I help them do as a management consultant

why are they leaving? simple: unions and taxes. Notice its only the UAW car companies who are leaving. The non-union car companies in the south are doing very well, providing good wages and good benefits to thousands of americans----------Mercedes, BMW, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Kia, Hyundai, VW.

Unions are no longer needed except as a cash funnel to the DNC. We have laws that protect workers from the abuses that unions were started to address.

And why is it that foreign companies are increasingly building them here? Government saddles Ford with restrictions the foreign companies don't have, like not letting them get out of shitty union contracts. The problem is government, and government is what you're proposing as a solution

wrong, other than the union contracts, which are valid enforceable contracts, what restrictions are placed on Ford and GM that are not placed on BMW and Mercedes?

The differences are tied to the union contracts. So you think Ford agreed to all that crap voluntarily without government coercion? Seriously? Ford cannot fire every union worker and start over, and they can't fire union workers without negotiating it with the unions. Government gives the workers completely non-market power
Free markets, they are what made America great. It's bizarre how the more gripped in fear you people get and the more barriers to free markets you put up and the worse things get, the more you think there aren't enough barriers, that's the problem

markets are not free when our competitors subsidize their industries and devalue their currency in order to make their products cheaper than ours. Free markets are good only when everyone plays be the same rules.

Economically, certainly it's ideal if both sides have free markets. But we are still economically better off having free markets even if they don't.

And what's stunningly absurd is the idea that if we empower government to decide what US companies should not be allowed to trade freely because of government restrictions, government will use that power to help us. Anyone who thinks government will help us more with more power is just seriously not paying attention

Trump has not said that we should decide which companies should be allowed to trade freely, he said we should take measures to balance the advantages of taking companies out of this country. Why should Ford be able to make cars in Mexico and then sell them in the US with no tariff? They should be financially incentivized to keep their factories here.

Of course he is, Trump is going to stop companies from leaving by punishing them with things like tariffs

Well, yeah, that's the whole point, keep the jobs here.

Exactly my point, you're not free market capitalists. American business doesn't need your "help." Go away. You're an albatross, not an enabler to economic expansion. The politics of fear has gripped you. OMG, we can't compete with open markets, fear, fear. You're wrong. And the economic contraction you drive with closed economic borders will shed those jobs
free international markets have destroyed American manufacturing and American blue collar jobs. Trump is an America-first capitalist.

strategically you are correct, voting 3rd party is the same as not voting. However, voting against Hillary will help keep her out of the whitehouse. Voting against is sometimes more important than voting for.

The US government is destroying jobs by driving out our companies. Why do you think Ford builds it's cars in Mexico? The US government and what they have done to them here. Rather than working harder to fuck companies who stay and building a wall to keep them in, we need to address what's making them leave. Something I help them do as a management consultant

why are they leaving? simple: unions and taxes. Notice its only the UAW car companies who are leaving. The non-union car companies in the south are doing very well, providing good wages and good benefits to thousands of americans----------Mercedes, BMW, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Kia, Hyundai, VW.

Unions are no longer needed except as a cash funnel to the DNC. We have laws that protect workers from the abuses that unions were started to address.

And why is it that foreign companies are increasingly building them here? Government saddles Ford with restrictions the foreign companies don't have, like not letting them get out of shitty union contracts. The problem is government, and government is what you're proposing as a solution

wrong, other than the union contracts, which are valid enforceable contracts, what restrictions are placed on Ford and GM that are not placed on BMW and Mercedes?

The differences are tied to the union contracts. So you think Ford agreed to all that crap voluntarily without government coercion? Seriously? Ford cannot fire every union worker and start over, and they can't fire union workers without negotiating it with the unions. Government gives the workers completely non-market power
sure they can. Do you have some known document that says otherwise?
And every Cruz right now is saying they won't vote for Trump while Bernie is pumping he will support Hillary when he finally gives up. And Hillary is unpleasant and disliked and distrusted almost as much as Trump.

I'm surprised he's as close as he is right now, the worst time for polling for him. Once Cruz drops out, and it looks like a matter of time until Trump wins, his supporters will start to think well, Trump is better than Hillary.

I won't, I'm going third party since it does look like Trump v. Hillary. But that Republicans aren't going to show up when they hate Hillary more than Democrats like her seems unlikely

a third party vote is most likely a vote for Hillary, please think before wasting your vote like that.

That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it
so do you have a way to do that and still bring jobs back to the US? You'd be the only one with that solution. Let's hear it.

Free markets, they are what made America great. It's bizarre how the more gripped in fear you people get and the more barriers to free markets you put up and the worse things get, the more you think there aren't enough barriers, that's the problem
dude, I love free markets to the point that the manufacturing moves to mexico, china or chennai india. There then becomes forfeits to get american jobs back, and import taxes is the only way. THE ONLY WAY!!!!

If you people would just take an econ 101 course.

Low margin jobs are not the key to our success. And in exchange, we get:

1) Higher costs for consumers who have less money to spend on other things costing jobs in other industries

2) We drive down NPV with higher costs for projects meaning some get cancelled and all the jobs are lost

3) We can't compete as well against foreign competition which drives down sales and costs us more jobs

Free markets have never been linked to decreased jobs or vice versa. Your belief that government is going to help you if you give them more power is just totally naive and contradicted by anything else they ever do
a third party vote is most likely a vote for Hillary, please think before wasting your vote like that.

That still makes no sense. If I vote for Hillary, you need another vote for Trump just to cancel me. My mother says that too, voting third party is helping Democrats. I still don't get it.

At for Trump, I will not vote for someone who says he is not a free market capitalist. Get him to support free markets and I'll at least consider him. As long as he continues to repeat that he's not, I won't consider it
so do you have a way to do that and still bring jobs back to the US? You'd be the only one with that solution. Let's hear it.

Free markets, they are what made America great. It's bizarre how the more gripped in fear you people get and the more barriers to free markets you put up and the worse things get, the more you think there aren't enough barriers, that's the problem
dude, I love free markets to the point that the manufacturing moves to mexico, china or chennai india. There then becomes forfeits to get american jobs back, and import taxes is the only way. THE ONLY WAY!!!!

If you people would just take an econ 101 course.

Low margin jobs are not the key to our success. And in exchange, we get:

1) Higher costs for consumers who have less money to spend on other things costing jobs in other industries

2) We drive down NPV with higher costs for projects meaning some get cancelled and all the jobs are lost

3) We can't compete as well against foreign competition which drives down sales and costs us more jobs

Free markets have never been linked to decreased jobs or vice versa. Your belief that government is going to help you if you give them more power is just totally naive and contradicted by anything else they ever do
well again, it has nothing to do with government. jobs leave because the international manufacturers don't pay their employee what a US citizen would make. Period.
The US government is destroying jobs by driving out our companies. Why do you think Ford builds it's cars in Mexico? The US government and what they have done to them here. Rather than working harder to fuck companies who stay and building a wall to keep them in, we need to address what's making them leave. Something I help them do as a management consultant

why are they leaving? simple: unions and taxes. Notice its only the UAW car companies who are leaving. The non-union car companies in the south are doing very well, providing good wages and good benefits to thousands of americans----------Mercedes, BMW, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Kia, Hyundai, VW.

Unions are no longer needed except as a cash funnel to the DNC. We have laws that protect workers from the abuses that unions were started to address.

And why is it that foreign companies are increasingly building them here? Government saddles Ford with restrictions the foreign companies don't have, like not letting them get out of shitty union contracts. The problem is government, and government is what you're proposing as a solution

wrong, other than the union contracts, which are valid enforceable contracts, what restrictions are placed on Ford and GM that are not placed on BMW and Mercedes?

The differences are tied to the union contracts. So you think Ford agreed to all that crap voluntarily without government coercion? Seriously? Ford cannot fire every union worker and start over, and they can't fire union workers without negotiating it with the unions. Government gives the workers completely non-market power
sure they can. Do you have some known document that says otherwise?

The workers would have to decertify the UAW to get rid of them

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