This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
Not to long ago you were saying Trump would never make it to November and now you are admitting he will be there. Its a start.

Is it just me and you Darkfury, or who else has noticed what Trump is capable of? I can't wait to watch Donnie and the hag tangle. That cat will be clawing at the clowns eyes while he calls her fat, dumb and stupid. Make some popcorn and enjoy the show!
And here is a reason he could win.

In a recent poll only 39% of women care who gets elected.

Now remember, women don't like Hillary or Trump, so they may not vote for Trump, but they aren't likely to go out of their way to vote for Hillary either.

Hillary has to have the woman vote to win.

In a recent poll, Hillary is leading Trump by 10% amongst married women, a group Romney won.

That spells disaster for the GOP.


So married women usually vote Republican.

If the GOP lose married women badly, they are going to get crushed.

Not all Married Women vote Republican. Republican Married Women vote Republican.
Having a lead of 8.5 or 3 coming from a lead of more than 20 has got to rattle someone's cage.

Hilly is too old. Her issues are misplaced. She wants to run on white privilege? How about the creaky women's rights?

She's old and not holding her age well.

Hillary had a 20 point lead last summer when everyone thought Trump was a joke and he was polling at 3%.

Since February, Hillary has widened her lead to the highest level since last summer.

And every Cruz right now is saying they won't vote for Trump while Bernie is pumping he will support Hillary when he finally gives up. And Hillary is unpleasant and disliked and distrusted almost as much as Trump.

I'm surprised he's as close as he is right now, the worst time for polling for him. Once Cruz drops out, and it looks like a matter of time until Trump wins, his supporters will start to think well, Trump is better than Hillary.

I won't, I'm going third party since it does look like Trump v. Hillary. But that Republicans aren't going to show up when they hate Hillary more than Democrats like her seems unlikely

"And Every Cruz"?

How many are there.

OK, wise guy, "every Cruz supporter." You didn't get that was what I meant? Seriously?

I simply quoted a post.

You are responsible the content of your post.
And here is a reason he could win.

In a recent poll only 39% of women care who gets elected.

Now remember, women don't like Hillary or Trump, so they may not vote for Trump, but they aren't likely to go out of their way to vote for Hillary either.

Hillary has to have the woman vote to win.

In a recent poll, Hillary is leading Trump by 10% amongst married women, a group Romney won.

That spells disaster for the GOP.


So married women usually vote Republican.

If the GOP lose married women badly, they are going to get crushed.

Not all Married Women vote Republican. Republican Married Women vote Republican.

Typically the married women married to men vote republican.
and Hillary got four americans killed.
Link ?

Reagan got over 240 Americans killed one investigated that slaughter
how did that work out for the other 16 republican candidates. Trump will crush Hillary. She has way too many skeletons in her many closets and Trump will bring all of them out.

Medical Schools call Trump regularly when they run out of Skeletons for study................
I remember that every time Nixon spoke, it was perfectly clear when he was lying, which was most of the time. The guy would have been a disastrous poker player. Trump, however, does not even pretend to be telling the truth. Almost everything he says is a lie, and everyone knows it, and his supporters don't care. At least with Nixon, his supporters talked themselves into believing that he was telling the truth.
You must be confusing Trump with Hillary.

35 years of Republicans lies and smears and you swallowed it whole. Republicans are really proud of people like you, someone who believes their smears without question. They're the only hope they have.

My mother taught me to question everything, especially coming from politicians.
But only conservatives believe their ridiculous lies and fallacies.

A majority of the voters have rejected the right’s lies, finding them baseless and without merit.

The ‘Benghazi’ debacle alone convinced a majority of Americans as to the propensity of most republicans to lie, and to doubt the veracity of what most conservatives say.

The heroes of Benghazi have no political affiliation.
If Trump's foreign policy speech is an example of how he will present himself in the general election, Clinton will annihilate him. The guys blather was full of factual inaccuracies and hyperbole.

Hillary can actually discuss foreign policy

I can't wait for the debate
They could put those debates on pay-per-view.
They are going to be the most watched ever.
You left out white women and mexicans ,, spanish speaking people

women and Hispanics will split evenly between Trump and hilly. After the debates Trump will have an edge with both, because deep down people just do not like Hillary Clinton.

I wonder which latinos support Trump... the drug dealers, the criminals, or the rapists?

Probably the Latino's who do his housekeeping, do his yard work and clean his swimming pool

Don't forget all the Hispanics Trump hires to trim his golf courses

Hispanics LOVE Trump, just ask him

Trump won every demographic in his sweep of the northeast, including Hispanics. Hispanics are not as dumb as you dems think they are.
Republican Hispanics are.
I remember that every time Nixon spoke, it was perfectly clear when he was lying, which was most of the time. The guy would have been a disastrous poker player. Trump, however, does not even pretend to be telling the truth. Almost everything he says is a lie, and everyone knows it, and his supporters don't care. At least with Nixon, his supporters talked themselves into believing that he was telling the truth.
You must be confusing Trump with Hillary.

35 years of Republicans lies and smears and you swallowed it whole. Republicans are really proud of people like you, someone who believes their smears without question. They're the only hope they have.

My mother taught me to question everything, especially coming from politicians.
But only conservatives believe their ridiculous lies and fallacies.

A majority of the voters have rejected the right’s lies, finding them baseless and without merit.

The ‘Benghazi’ debacle alone convinced a majority of Americans as to the propensity of most republicans to lie, and to doubt the veracity of what most conservatives say.

The heroes of Benghazi have no political affiliation.
The Republican-led Congress most certainly does and they found nothing incriminating on Hillary.

Because they are so politically biased and because they found nothing incriminating, they opened a second investigation. Still nothing.

For that same reason, they launched a third investigation. Then a fourth and a fifth and a sixth and a seventh and an eighth investigation.

The first seven concluded and found nothing incriminating. Some of them even included testimony from the very heroes of Benghazi of whom you speak.

The eighth investigation is still ongoing and given how the lead Republican in that investigation has already confessed he started it up for political reasons, you can be certain they will release their findings before the election should Hillary be nominated.
I remember that every time Nixon spoke, it was perfectly clear when he was lying, which was most of the time. The guy would have been a disastrous poker player. Trump, however, does not even pretend to be telling the truth. Almost everything he says is a lie, and everyone knows it, and his supporters don't care. At least with Nixon, his supporters talked themselves into believing that he was telling the truth.
You must be confusing Trump with Hillary.

35 years of Republicans lies and smears and you swallowed it whole. Republicans are really proud of people like you, someone who believes their smears without question. They're the only hope they have.

My mother taught me to question everything, especially coming from politicians.
But only conservatives believe their ridiculous lies and fallacies.

A majority of the voters have rejected the right’s lies, finding them baseless and without merit.

The ‘Benghazi’ debacle alone convinced a majority of Americans as to the propensity of most republicans to lie, and to doubt the veracity of what most conservatives say.

The heroes of Benghazi have no political affiliation.
The Republican-led Congress most certainly does and they found nothing incriminating on Hillary.

Because they are so politically biased and because they found nothing incriminating, they opened a second investigation. Still nothing.

For that same reason, they launched a third investigation. Then a fourth and a fifth and a sixth and a seventh and an eighth investigation.

The first seven concluded and found nothing incriminating. Some of them even included testimony from the very heroes of Benghazi of whom you speak.

The eighth investigation is still ongoing and given how the lead Republican in that investigation has already confessed he started it up for political reasons, you can be certain they will release their findings before the election should Hillary be nominated.

You are in love with Hillary; therefore, your vision is skewed.
I'll take the word of the brave men who were actually in Benghazi .
I'll bet you believe the attack was the result of a video.
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters
Trump is not my candidate. But, race IS an valid issue when it comes to Blacks and Hispanics, but it's RACIST when whites have an agenda? This is the double standard PC bullshit that turns me off on politics in general and cynical about anyone's motives, period.
You must be confusing Trump with Hillary.

35 years of Republicans lies and smears and you swallowed it whole. Republicans are really proud of people like you, someone who believes their smears without question. They're the only hope they have.

My mother taught me to question everything, especially coming from politicians.
But only conservatives believe their ridiculous lies and fallacies.

A majority of the voters have rejected the right’s lies, finding them baseless and without merit.

The ‘Benghazi’ debacle alone convinced a majority of Americans as to the propensity of most republicans to lie, and to doubt the veracity of what most conservatives say.

The heroes of Benghazi have no political affiliation.
The Republican-led Congress most certainly does and they found nothing incriminating on Hillary.

Because they are so politically biased and because they found nothing incriminating, they opened a second investigation. Still nothing.

For that same reason, they launched a third investigation. Then a fourth and a fifth and a sixth and a seventh and an eighth investigation.

The first seven concluded and found nothing incriminating. Some of them even included testimony from the very heroes of Benghazi of whom you speak.

The eighth investigation is still ongoing and given how the lead Republican in that investigation has already confessed he started it up for political reasons, you can be certain they will release their findings before the election should Hillary be nominated.

You are in love with Hillary; therefore, your vision is skewed.
I'll take the word of the brave men who were actually in Benghazi .
I'll bet you believe the attack was the result of a video.
You putz. I'm not taking Hillary's word for it.

I'm taking the word of seven Republican-led investigations comprised of those who wanted to nail her in a coffin the most -- and even they could find nothing incriminating.
35 years of Republicans lies and smears and you swallowed it whole. Republicans are really proud of people like you, someone who believes their smears without question. They're the only hope they have.

My mother taught me to question everything, especially coming from politicians.
But only conservatives believe their ridiculous lies and fallacies.

A majority of the voters have rejected the right’s lies, finding them baseless and without merit.

The ‘Benghazi’ debacle alone convinced a majority of Americans as to the propensity of most republicans to lie, and to doubt the veracity of what most conservatives say.

The heroes of Benghazi have no political affiliation.
The Republican-led Congress most certainly does and they found nothing incriminating on Hillary.

Because they are so politically biased and because they found nothing incriminating, they opened a second investigation. Still nothing.

For that same reason, they launched a third investigation. Then a fourth and a fifth and a sixth and a seventh and an eighth investigation.

The first seven concluded and found nothing incriminating. Some of them even included testimony from the very heroes of Benghazi of whom you speak.

The eighth investigation is still ongoing and given how the lead Republican in that investigation has already confessed he started it up for political reasons, you can be certain they will release their findings before the election should Hillary be nominated.

You are in love with Hillary; therefore, your vision is skewed.
I'll take the word of the brave men who were actually in Benghazi .
I'll bet you believe the attack was the result of a video.
You putz. I'm not taking Hillary's word for it.

I'm taking the word of seven Republican-led investigations comprised of those who wanted to nail her in a coffin the most -- and even they could find nothing incriminating.

Oftentimes, a code of silence is issued.
BOMBSHELL: New email shows Pentagon tried to send ...
But only conservatives believe their ridiculous lies and fallacies.

A majority of the voters have rejected the right’s lies, finding them baseless and without merit.

The ‘Benghazi’ debacle alone convinced a majority of Americans as to the propensity of most republicans to lie, and to doubt the veracity of what most conservatives say.

The heroes of Benghazi have no political affiliation.
The Republican-led Congress most certainly does and they found nothing incriminating on Hillary.

Because they are so politically biased and because they found nothing incriminating, they opened a second investigation. Still nothing.

For that same reason, they launched a third investigation. Then a fourth and a fifth and a sixth and a seventh and an eighth investigation.

The first seven concluded and found nothing incriminating. Some of them even included testimony from the very heroes of Benghazi of whom you speak.

The eighth investigation is still ongoing and given how the lead Republican in that investigation has already confessed he started it up for political reasons, you can be certain they will release their findings before the election should Hillary be nominated.

You are in love with Hillary; therefore, your vision is skewed.
I'll take the word of the brave men who were actually in Benghazi .
I'll bet you believe the attack was the result of a video.
You putz. I'm not taking Hillary's word for it.

I'm taking the word of seven Republican-led investigations comprised of those who wanted to nail her in a coffin the most -- and even they could find nothing incriminating.

Oftentimes, a code of silence is issued.
BOMBSHELL: New email shows Pentagon tried to send ...

pssssst ... your "new" email is from 2015 ... not so new, and you're not so smart.
The heroes of Benghazi have no political affiliation.
The Republican-led Congress most certainly does and they found nothing incriminating on Hillary.

Because they are so politically biased and because they found nothing incriminating, they opened a second investigation. Still nothing.

For that same reason, they launched a third investigation. Then a fourth and a fifth and a sixth and a seventh and an eighth investigation.

The first seven concluded and found nothing incriminating. Some of them even included testimony from the very heroes of Benghazi of whom you speak.

The eighth investigation is still ongoing and given how the lead Republican in that investigation has already confessed he started it up for political reasons, you can be certain they will release their findings before the election should Hillary be nominated.

You are in love with Hillary; therefore, your vision is skewed.
I'll take the word of the brave men who were actually in Benghazi .
I'll bet you believe the attack was the result of a video.
You putz. I'm not taking Hillary's word for it.

I'm taking the word of seven Republican-led investigations comprised of those who wanted to nail her in a coffin the most -- and even they could find nothing incriminating.

Oftentimes, a code of silence is issued.
BOMBSHELL: New email shows Pentagon tried to send ...

pssssst ... your "new" email is from 2015 ... not so new, and you're not so smart.

Oh, so you were in Benghazi when the attack happened?

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