This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

And here is a reason he could win.

In a recent poll only 39% of women care who gets elected.

Now remember, women don't like Hillary or Trump, so they may not vote for Trump, but they aren't likely to go out of their way to vote for Hillary either.

Hillary has to have the woman vote to win.
If it's Trump, yeah, the women are going to go out of their way to vote for Hillary.
But only conservatives believe their ridiculous lies and fallacies.

A majority of the voters have rejected the right’s lies, finding them baseless and without merit.

The ‘Benghazi’ debacle alone convinced a majority of Americans as to the propensity of most republicans to lie, and to doubt the veracity of what most conservatives say.

The heroes of Benghazi have no political affiliation.
The Republican-led Congress most certainly does and they found nothing incriminating on Hillary.

Because they are so politically biased and because they found nothing incriminating, they opened a second investigation. Still nothing.

For that same reason, they launched a third investigation. Then a fourth and a fifth and a sixth and a seventh and an eighth investigation.

The first seven concluded and found nothing incriminating. Some of them even included testimony from the very heroes of Benghazi of whom you speak.

The eighth investigation is still ongoing and given how the lead Republican in that investigation has already confessed he started it up for political reasons, you can be certain they will release their findings before the election should Hillary be nominated.

You are in love with Hillary; therefore, your vision is skewed.
I'll take the word of the brave men who were actually in Benghazi .
I'll bet you believe the attack was the result of a video.
You putz. I'm not taking Hillary's word for it.

I'm taking the word of seven Republican-led investigations comprised of those who wanted to nail her in a coffin the most -- and even they could find nothing incriminating.

Oftentimes, a code of silence is issued.
BOMBSHELL: New email shows Pentagon tried to send ...
Who knows what you think that has to do with Hillary? :cuckoo: Hillary didn't send that email, she didn't receive that email, she had absolutely nothing to do with it. Even worse for your dementia, even your link reveals that email was sent after Ambassador Stevens and Smith were killed.
He's trailing Clinton amongst married women by 10%, a cohort Romney won.

The only question now is will the GOP lose the House?

Half of Republican women will not cast a vote for Trump. Since Republicans already have a history of problems with women---it's going to only get worse.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

Trump & his supporters have chased off every voting block you can shake a stick at. Not only women, the largest voting block in this country today, but another 23 million Hispanics who are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. This when the GOP nominee since Reagan needed at least 40% of this block to win the White House, this year it's 46% and Trump is polling at an historic negative 80%.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

These numbers are already indicating a very BLUE election night for Republicans. Republicans will lose the senate, I imagine they'll keep the house, but they'll lose a lot of seats in the house, and a lot of down ballot races going on across this country. What the Trump supporter failed to realize is that Republicans depend on Hispanic support in every state across the southwest of this country. Without them, they lose.

64 Trump v Clinton polls. Trump has led in 5. And none since February.

What a slaughter it's going to be.

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Hillary beats Der Dummy by 8.5%
How is that wrong? The graph shows Hillary is ahead of Trump on average of 8.5 points.

I wouldn't be paying any attention to national polling data right now. It's turned into a world wide screw up and for good reasons. The overwhelming majority will not pick up on unknown callers, and most of us have cell phones that Pollsters have no access to. Here is a great article explaining this. It's well noted that the candidate that brings up the polls the most is Donald Trump, where he can mention them 4 times in one paragraph. Bernie Sanders was great at bringing them up all the time also, and we see where he's at today.

It's better to use election history and math. Right now Donald Trump is starting off with 25 to 30 million vote deficit. Good luck with that.

Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up
64 Trump v Clinton polls. Trump has led in 5. And none since February.

What a slaughter it's going to be.

View attachment 73190



Hillary beats Der Dummy by 8.5%
How is that wrong? The graph shows Hillary is ahead of Trump on average of 8.5 points.

I wouldn't be paying any attention to national polling data right now. It's turned into a world wide screw up and for good reasons. The overwhelming majority will not pick up on unknown callers, and most of us have cell phones that Pollsters have no access to. Here is a great article explaining this. It's well noted that the candidate that brings up the polls the most is Donald Trump, where he can mention them 4 times in one paragraph. Bernie Sanders was great at bringing them up all the time also, and we see where he's at today.

It's better to use election history and math. Right now Donald Trump is starting off with 25 to 30 million vote deficit. Good luck with that.

Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up
Hillary means WWIII.

Trump is a progressive nationalist...and we all know progressives are a disaster, but I will take him over WWIII.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.
I agree that Hilary is favored at the moment. However, She will get destroyed in the debates, if she will even attend.
And here is a reason he could win.

In a recent poll only 39% of women care who gets elected.

Now remember, women don't like Hillary or Trump, so they may not vote for Trump, but they aren't likely to go out of their way to vote for Hillary either.

Hillary has to have the woman vote to win.

In a recent poll, Hillary is leading Trump by 10% amongst married women, a group Romney won.

That spells disaster for the GOP.
You do realize that "married women" is an ever fluctuating demographic, right?

Statistically, no more than any other demographic.
Other demographics do not "divorce" themselves from their group.
And here is a reason he could win.

In a recent poll only 39% of women care who gets elected.

Now remember, women don't like Hillary or Trump, so they may not vote for Trump, but they aren't likely to go out of their way to vote for Hillary either.

Hillary has to have the woman vote to win.

In a recent poll, Hillary is leading Trump by 10% amongst married women, a group Romney won.

That spells disaster for the GOP.
You do realize that "married women" is an ever fluctuating demographic, right?

Statistically, no more than any other demographic.
Other demographics do not "divorce" themselves from their group.

The proportion of married women to the total population is pretty stable.

And Trump is losing this cohort badly.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.

Speaking as a citizen of a foreign country, the rest of the world is shocked and appalled that anyone in their right mind might would vote for Drumpf. We consider the fact that he is a "creditable" candidate in this election, proof positive that some Americans need to have their heads examined.

Anyone who would legitimately vote for Donald Trump, has no business suggesting that others are stupid.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.

Speaking as a citizen of a foreign country, the rest of the world is shocked and appalled that anyone in their right mind might would vote for Drumpf. We consider the fact that he is a "creditable" candidate in this election, proof positive that some Americans need to have their heads examined.

Anyone who would legitimately vote for Donald Trump, has no business suggesting that others are stupid.

Speaking as an American, no one gives a flying fuck about your opinion on the subject.
Speaking as a citizen of a foreign country, the rest of the world is shocked and appalled that anyone in their right mind might would vote for Drumpf. We consider the fact that he is a "creditable" candidate in this election, proof positive that some Americans need to have their heads examined.

Anyone who would legitimately vote for Donald Trump, has no business suggesting that others are stupid.
I'm shocked you think anyone cares about what some idiot says on the internet, as if they were the representative of the people of Earth. You are past examination, you need to be isolated from society in a rubber room so you can bounce around with your hate and intolerance without getting too badly hurt.

obama's getting elected twice proves how stupid Americans are, we don't need outside opinions. He's weak, ineffective and piss poor for the economy, just the way many nations want.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.

Speaking as a citizen of a foreign country, the rest of the world is shocked and appalled that anyone in their right mind might would vote for Drumpf. We consider the fact that he is a "creditable" candidate in this election, proof positive that some Americans need to have their heads examined.

Anyone who would legitimately vote for Donald Trump, has no business suggesting that others are stupid.

Let me reiterate, shut the fuck up, no one cares what a foreigner thinks about American elections.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.

Speaking as a citizen of a foreign country, the rest of the world is shocked and appalled that anyone in their right mind might would vote for Drumpf. We consider the fact that he is a "creditable" candidate in this election, proof positive that some Americans need to have their heads examined.

Anyone who would legitimately vote for Donald Trump, has no business suggesting that others are stupid.
Ma'am - you are stupid.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.
I voted for Dole and Bush twice. I absolutely do not want to see the Clintons back in the White House and was considering voting for Rubio this year. Run a candidate I can support and I'll probably vote GOP. Run a candidate like Trump and I'll vote for Hillary.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.
I voted for Dole and Bush twice. I absolutely do not want to see the Clintons back in the White House and was considering voting for Rubio this year. Run a candidate I can support and I'll probably vote GOP. Run a candidate like Trump and I'll vote for Hillary.
Hillary is a bus stop rat bag old hag incompetent piece of shit. I'd vote for a smoldering pile of wet dog turds before that lying, power-hungry skank would get my vote.

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