This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.
I voted for Dole and Bush twice. I absolutely do not want to see the Clintons back in the White House and was considering voting for Rubio this year. Run a candidate I can support and I'll probably vote GOP. Run a candidate like Trump and I'll vote for Hillary.

You can't be serious. Hillary is under MULTIPLE FBI investigations, what has Donald done that compares to that?
I'll see your Rasumssen Poll and raise you with a Pew Poll

America Hates The Trump Led Republican Party: GOP Unfavorables Soar To 24 Year High.

Women are more likely view Democrat Party favorably (49%) while only a third of Women view the Republican Party favorably (32%).

African-American Voters view the Dems favorably (79%) and Hispanic Voters favor the Democratic Party by 56%, 61% of Hispanics have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party.

A CNN/ORC Poll shows that 73% of Republican Women have a negative view of Der Dummy.

Poll numbers: What do women voters think of Donald Trump -

Republican Women in the same poll hold an unfavorable opinion of Der Trumpenfuhrer, 39% in March as opposed to 29%. Men gave Donnie Dummy a 54% unfavorable in December, which is not that much of a change from the 52% in February and 57% now.

Most polls have 5-7 Percent variable (i.e., "The Break"). What is telling in these polls is that Seig Heil Donnie's unfavorables are going up. Not down.
obama's getting elected twice proves how stupid Americans are, we don't need outside opinions. He's weak, ineffective and piss poor for the economy, just the way many nations want.
The GOP helped Obama get re-elected twice. Bush screwed things over so much he destroyed the "Permanent Republican Majority" and kneecapped McCain's campaign. Romney was one of the worst nominees from a major party I'd seen prior to Trump.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.
I voted for Dole and Bush twice. I absolutely do not want to see the Clintons back in the White House and was considering voting for Rubio this year. Run a candidate I can support and I'll probably vote GOP. Run a candidate like Trump and I'll vote for Hillary.
Hillary is a bus stop rat bag old hag incompetent piece of shit. I'd vote for a smoldering pile of wet dog turds before that lying, power-hungry skank would get my vote.
I'd planned to vote against her until the GOP magically found someone worse than her to run. In a field of 17, that's quite the accomplishment. They should be proud.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.
I voted for Dole and Bush twice. I absolutely do not want to see the Clintons back in the White House and was considering voting for Rubio this year. Run a candidate I can support and I'll probably vote GOP. Run a candidate like Trump and I'll vote for Hillary.
Hillary is a bus stop rat bag old hag incompetent piece of shit. I'd vote for a smoldering pile of wet dog turds before that lying, power-hungry skank would get my vote.
I'd planned to vote against her until the GOP magically found someone worse than her to run. In a field of 17, that's quite the accomplishment. They should be proud.
Yeah, right.
Trump looses UTAH (traditional red state) to Clinton.

No Republican candidate is losing Utah. It's the most Republican state in the country.
You would think not. However, the LDS Church and the great, great majority of its people support immigrants, legal or not. And the interior polling shows that LDS women, normally a docile bunch, are very antsy about Trump's attitude toward females. I agree that Trump should win the state hands down, but he is not the lock you would think. If he wins by only a few points, he will pull Mia Love down to defeat and possibly Mike Lee.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.
I voted for Dole and Bush twice. I absolutely do not want to see the Clintons back in the White House and was considering voting for Rubio this year. Run a candidate I can support and I'll probably vote GOP. Run a candidate like Trump and I'll vote for Hillary.

You can't be serious. Hillary is under MULTIPLE FBI investigations, what has Donald done that compares to that?
His whole campaign shtick. His personal life. His shady business dealings. Take your pick.
Speaking as a citizen of a foreign country, the rest of the world is shocked and appalled that anyone in their right mind might would vote for Drumpf. We consider the fact that he is a "creditable" candidate in this election, proof positive that some Americans need to have their heads examined.

Anyone who would legitimately vote for Donald Trump, has no business suggesting that others are stupid.
I'm shocked you think anyone cares about what some idiot says on the internet, as if they were the representative of the people of Earth. You are past examination, you need to be isolated from society in a rubber room so you can bounce around with your hate and intolerance without getting too badly hurt.

obama's getting elected twice proves how stupid Americans are, we don't need outside opinions. He's weak, ineffective and piss poor for the economy, just the way many nations want.
You are right. No one cares what you write.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.
I voted for Dole and Bush twice. I absolutely do not want to see the Clintons back in the White House and was considering voting for Rubio this year. Run a candidate I can support and I'll probably vote GOP. Run a candidate like Trump and I'll vote for Hillary.

You can't be serious. Hillary is under MULTIPLE FBI investigations, what has Donald done that compares to that?
It is nothing more than a far right war cry that has meant nothing and won't mean anything.
Trump represents a virtually all-white political party in 2016.

Let's see the hands of everybody dumb enough to believe an all-white political party can elect a president in 2016. :0)

NEWSFLASH: It's only going to get worse for the all-white party.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.
I voted for Dole and Bush twice. I absolutely do not want to see the Clintons back in the White House and was considering voting for Rubio this year. Run a candidate I can support and I'll probably vote GOP. Run a candidate like Trump and I'll vote for Hillary.

You can't be serious. Hillary is under MULTIPLE FBI investigations, what has Donald done that compares to that?
His whole campaign shtick. His personal life. His shady business dealings. Take your pick.

NONE of that compares to being investigated by the damn FBI for , among other things, mishandling classified information. Only a goddamned fool would trust someone who was at best careless with classified information to be President of the US.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.
I voted for Dole and Bush twice. I absolutely do not want to see the Clintons back in the White House and was considering voting for Rubio this year. Run a candidate I can support and I'll probably vote GOP. Run a candidate like Trump and I'll vote for Hillary.

You can't be serious. Hillary is under MULTIPLE FBI investigations, what has Donald done that compares to that?
His whole campaign shtick. His personal life. His shady business dealings. Take your pick.
Do you recall Hillary's business dealings during whitewater? Or maybe her carpet munching will Willie is out having affairs? I'm afraid your posts are becoming irrelevant.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.
I voted for Dole and Bush twice. I absolutely do not want to see the Clintons back in the White House and was considering voting for Rubio this year. Run a candidate I can support and I'll probably vote GOP. Run a candidate like Trump and I'll vote for Hillary.

You can't be serious. Hillary is under MULTIPLE FBI investigations, what has Donald done that compares to that?
It is nothing more than a far right war cry that has meant nothing and won't mean anything.

Bullshit and you know it, at BEST Hillary was careless with classified information, hardly a trait we want in our President who by the way sees a LOT of classified information.

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