This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

Let me repeat: Hillary Clinton will never be president, Never.

Trump will kick her ass in the debates and in the election, unless the FBI takes her out first. Better get ready for Bernie to be your candidate.

Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.

If Hillary is not your candidate, and the race is Trump v Clinton, who are you voting for? or are you staying home?

I'll be voting for Jill Stein .. who has zero chance of winning .. about the same chance of winning as Bernie Sanders.

so you are going to waste your vote, brilliant move

:0) That shit is hilarious. You're voting for a reality show host for president while trying to tell me about wasting my vote.

.. incredible.

I am primarily voting against Hillary Clinton. You are free to waste your vote if you choose. Is Stein even on the ballot? do you have to write her in? what exactly do you think that will accomplish?
i proudly know 1,000 Hispanics.


Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

Nah. Just because some poll shows Hispanics don't like him doesn't make it so.

Polls are only as good as the questions asked and who's doing the asking and who's being polled.

I'm sure some Hispanics won't vote for him but I'm also sure some won't vote for Hitlery either.

November will tell the tale.

Oh and speaking of that box of rocks?? Only a box of rocks takes any poll seriously enough to bet the farm on the outcome.

Grow a pair.

Not 'some poll' .. nearly ALL the polls .. especially the Hispanic polls.

Grow a brain.

Your Trump-love has you delusional. Trump will probably get 12% of the Hispanic vote, about the same percentage of the black vote that he'll get.

That tale has already been told.

those same pollsters said he would never win the GOP primaries. But he kicked ass in them.

thousands changed party affiliation from dem to pub in order to vote for him, GOP voting numbers were up, dem voting numbers were down.

The people are fed up with career politicians and corrupt liars like Hillary Clinton. They want someone who wont just talk, but will actually do something.

Given you seem so naive about so much, perhaps you don't know that Trump is Hillary Clinton's dream candidate. Her supporters are having wet dreams about Trump as the nominee she'll face.

That being said, are you aware that regardless of who the republican nominee is, they'd have little chance of winning the White House .. thanks to their 'southern strategy.'

Welcome to the world of the Whigs. :0)
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.
Since polls are merely snapshots in time, trends are meaningless. She could be back up by double digits in a week or two or behind Trump by then.

Donald Trump will make mince meat out of her and her unlimited number of scandals. I wouldn't be surprised to see all of Bill's concubines in the audience at one of the debates or on stage at rallies.
Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.

If Hillary is not your candidate, and the race is Trump v Clinton, who are you voting for? or are you staying home?

I'll be voting for Jill Stein .. who has zero chance of winning .. about the same chance of winning as Bernie Sanders.

so you are going to waste your vote, brilliant move

:0) That shit is hilarious. You're voting for a reality show host for president while trying to tell me about wasting my vote.

.. incredible.

I am primarily voting against Hillary Clinton. You are free to waste your vote if you choose. Is Stein even on the ballot? do you have to write her in? what exactly do you think that will accomplish?

What it accomplishes is me voting my conscience .. and yes I'm free to vote my conscience .. just as you are free to vote for a reality show host for president.

Hillary is no worse than Obama .. whom I also did not vote for.
Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

Nah. Just because some poll shows Hispanics don't like him doesn't make it so.

Polls are only as good as the questions asked and who's doing the asking and who's being polled.

I'm sure some Hispanics won't vote for him but I'm also sure some won't vote for Hitlery either.

November will tell the tale.

Oh and speaking of that box of rocks?? Only a box of rocks takes any poll seriously enough to bet the farm on the outcome.

Grow a pair.

Not 'some poll' .. nearly ALL the polls .. especially the Hispanic polls.

Grow a brain.

Your Trump-love has you delusional. Trump will probably get 12% of the Hispanic vote, about the same percentage of the black vote that he'll get.

That tale has already been told.

those same pollsters said he would never win the GOP primaries. But he kicked ass in them.

thousands changed party affiliation from dem to pub in order to vote for him, GOP voting numbers were up, dem voting numbers were down.

The people are fed up with career politicians and corrupt liars like Hillary Clinton. They want someone who wont just talk, but will actually do something.

Given you seem so naive about so much, perhaps you don't know that Trump is Hillary Clinton's dream candidate. Her supporters are having wet dreams about Trump as the nominee she'll face.

That being said, are you aware that regardless of who the republican nominee is, they'd have little chance of winning the White House .. thanks to their 'southern strategy.'

Welcome to the world of the Whigs. :0)

funny, the so-called southern strategy will win Ohio, WV, Michigan, New Jersey, NY, and Wisconsin in addition to the traditional red states.

I get it that you love Hillary, but you are delusional if you think she is a good candidate.
If Hillary is not your candidate, and the race is Trump v Clinton, who are you voting for? or are you staying home?

I'll be voting for Jill Stein .. who has zero chance of winning .. about the same chance of winning as Bernie Sanders.

so you are going to waste your vote, brilliant move

:0) That shit is hilarious. You're voting for a reality show host for president while trying to tell me about wasting my vote.

.. incredible.

I am primarily voting against Hillary Clinton. You are free to waste your vote if you choose. Is Stein even on the ballot? do you have to write her in? what exactly do you think that will accomplish?

What it accomplishes is me voting my conscience .. and yes I'm free to vote my conscience .. just as you are free to vote for a reality show host for president.

Hillary is no worse than Obama .. whom I also did not vote for.

If its possible to be worse than Obama, Hillary may be the only person that qualifies for that title.

But this could be an academic discussion based on the latest from the FBI. She is in deep trouble.
i proudly know 1,000 Hispanics.


Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

those numbers are driven by the media propaganda. Once the people actually hear from Trump and Clinton those numbers will swing to Trump. Hillary is a terrible person, and a terrible candidate. the more people see of her the less they like her.

After decades in the public eye, are you of the opinion that people don't know who Hillary Clinton is? :0)

Start from here ..

Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded
:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

Nah. Just because some poll shows Hispanics don't like him doesn't make it so.

Polls are only as good as the questions asked and who's doing the asking and who's being polled.

I'm sure some Hispanics won't vote for him but I'm also sure some won't vote for Hitlery either.

November will tell the tale.

Oh and speaking of that box of rocks?? Only a box of rocks takes any poll seriously enough to bet the farm on the outcome.

Grow a pair.

Not 'some poll' .. nearly ALL the polls .. especially the Hispanic polls.

Grow a brain.

Your Trump-love has you delusional. Trump will probably get 12% of the Hispanic vote, about the same percentage of the black vote that he'll get.

That tale has already been told.

those same pollsters said he would never win the GOP primaries. But he kicked ass in them.

thousands changed party affiliation from dem to pub in order to vote for him, GOP voting numbers were up, dem voting numbers were down.

The people are fed up with career politicians and corrupt liars like Hillary Clinton. They want someone who wont just talk, but will actually do something.

Given you seem so naive about so much, perhaps you don't know that Trump is Hillary Clinton's dream candidate. Her supporters are having wet dreams about Trump as the nominee she'll face.

That being said, are you aware that regardless of who the republican nominee is, they'd have little chance of winning the White House .. thanks to their 'southern strategy.'

Welcome to the world of the Whigs. :0)

funny, the so-called southern strategy will win Ohio, WV, Michigan, New Jersey, NY, and Wisconsin in addition to the traditional red states.

I get it that you love Hillary, but you are delusional if you think she is a good candidate.

Again, braindead. :0)

I recognize your aversion to data and facts, but no republican candidate for president is getting anywhere near the Oval Office without an invitation from the democratic president .. and your all-white party is doomed to become the Whigs.
i proudly know 1,000 Hispanics.


Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

those numbers are driven by the media propaganda. Once the people actually hear from Trump and Clinton those numbers will swing to Trump. Hillary is a terrible person, and a terrible candidate. the more people see of her the less they like her.

After decades in the public eye, are you of the opinion that people don't know who Hillary Clinton is? :0)

Start from here ..

Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded

I get that, and Hillary has the second highest ever recorded.

But its true, many do not know who and what Hillary Clinton actually is. Her lies and scandals will be brought to the public eye in the next few months and you can watch her unfavorable ratings go through the roof. Once she has to operate in an unscripted environment, her true colors will show.

When has she ever taken unscripted questions from the media? Trump does it every day. She will only appear when the audience is hand picked and the questions are scripted by her handlers-----------------who by the way, have said that she gets confused easily, onset dementia?
names Trump has used for women he disliked: “ ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs’ and ‘disgusting animals.’ .
Nah. Just because some poll shows Hispanics don't like him doesn't make it so.

Polls are only as good as the questions asked and who's doing the asking and who's being polled.

I'm sure some Hispanics won't vote for him but I'm also sure some won't vote for Hitlery either.

November will tell the tale.

Oh and speaking of that box of rocks?? Only a box of rocks takes any poll seriously enough to bet the farm on the outcome.

Grow a pair.

Not 'some poll' .. nearly ALL the polls .. especially the Hispanic polls.

Grow a brain.

Your Trump-love has you delusional. Trump will probably get 12% of the Hispanic vote, about the same percentage of the black vote that he'll get.

That tale has already been told.

those same pollsters said he would never win the GOP primaries. But he kicked ass in them.

thousands changed party affiliation from dem to pub in order to vote for him, GOP voting numbers were up, dem voting numbers were down.

The people are fed up with career politicians and corrupt liars like Hillary Clinton. They want someone who wont just talk, but will actually do something.

Given you seem so naive about so much, perhaps you don't know that Trump is Hillary Clinton's dream candidate. Her supporters are having wet dreams about Trump as the nominee she'll face.

That being said, are you aware that regardless of who the republican nominee is, they'd have little chance of winning the White House .. thanks to their 'southern strategy.'

Welcome to the world of the Whigs. :0)

funny, the so-called southern strategy will win Ohio, WV, Michigan, New Jersey, NY, and Wisconsin in addition to the traditional red states.

I get it that you love Hillary, but you are delusional if you think she is a good candidate.

Again, braindead. :0)

I recognize your aversion to data and facts, but no republican candidate for president is getting anywhere near the Oval Office without an invitation from the democratic president .. and your all-white party is doomed to become the Whigs.

when did Herman Cain and Alan West, and Mia Love, and Deneen Borelli, and Michael Steele become white? There are a lot more black republicans than you are willing to admit. The dem race war is over, blacks are not as dumb as the dems think they are.
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.
Since polls are merely snapshots in time, trends are meaningless. She could be back up by double digits in a week or two or behind Trump by then.

Donald Trump will make mince meat out of her and her unlimited number of scandals. I wouldn't be surprised to see all of Bill's concubines in the audience at one of the debates or on stage at rallies.
Google Trump +_ the Mob
Nah. Just because some poll shows Hispanics don't like him doesn't make it so.

Polls are only as good as the questions asked and who's doing the asking and who's being polled.

I'm sure some Hispanics won't vote for him but I'm also sure some won't vote for Hitlery either.

November will tell the tale.

Oh and speaking of that box of rocks?? Only a box of rocks takes any poll seriously enough to bet the farm on the outcome.

Grow a pair.

Not 'some poll' .. nearly ALL the polls .. especially the Hispanic polls.

Grow a brain.

Your Trump-love has you delusional. Trump will probably get 12% of the Hispanic vote, about the same percentage of the black vote that he'll get.

That tale has already been told.

those same pollsters said he would never win the GOP primaries. But he kicked ass in them.

thousands changed party affiliation from dem to pub in order to vote for him, GOP voting numbers were up, dem voting numbers were down.

The people are fed up with career politicians and corrupt liars like Hillary Clinton. They want someone who wont just talk, but will actually do something.

Given you seem so naive about so much, perhaps you don't know that Trump is Hillary Clinton's dream candidate. Her supporters are having wet dreams about Trump as the nominee she'll face.

That being said, are you aware that regardless of who the republican nominee is, they'd have little chance of winning the White House .. thanks to their 'southern strategy.'

Welcome to the world of the Whigs. :0)

funny, the so-called southern strategy will win Ohio, WV, Michigan, New Jersey, NY, and Wisconsin in addition to the traditional red states.

I get it that you love Hillary, but you are delusional if you think she is a good candidate.

Again, braindead. :0)

I recognize your aversion to data and facts, but no republican candidate for president is getting anywhere near the Oval Office without an invitation from the democratic president .. and your all-white party is doomed to become the Whigs.
Ah ... so you're a racist. Now I understand. But it's funny that you are so happy about Trump but are lamenting the point like some klansman pissed on your face.
Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

Nah. Just because some poll shows Hispanics don't like him doesn't make it so.

Polls are only as good as the questions asked and who's doing the asking and who's being polled.

I'm sure some Hispanics won't vote for him but I'm also sure some won't vote for Hitlery either.

November will tell the tale.

Oh and speaking of that box of rocks?? Only a box of rocks takes any poll seriously enough to bet the farm on the outcome.

Grow a pair.

Not 'some poll' .. nearly ALL the polls .. especially the Hispanic polls.

Grow a brain.

Your Trump-love has you delusional. Trump will probably get 12% of the Hispanic vote, about the same percentage of the black vote that he'll get.

That tale has already been told.

those same pollsters said he would never win the GOP primaries. But he kicked ass in them.

thousands changed party affiliation from dem to pub in order to vote for him, GOP voting numbers were up, dem voting numbers were down.

The people are fed up with career politicians and corrupt liars like Hillary Clinton. They want someone who wont just talk, but will actually do something.

Given you seem so naive about so much, perhaps you don't know that Trump is Hillary Clinton's dream candidate. Her supporters are having wet dreams about Trump as the nominee she'll face.

That being said, are you aware that regardless of who the republican nominee is, they'd have little chance of winning the White House .. thanks to their 'southern strategy.'

Welcome to the world of the Whigs. :0)

Your statement, and I quote: "Given you seem so naive about so much, perhaps you don't know that Trump is Hillary Clinton's dream candidate. Her supporters are having wet dreams about Trump as the nominee she'll face."

You need a source other than the DailyKOS or The Nation.

Crooked Hillary Clinton has spent over $4 million researching Trump and they still have no idea how to go about attacking him.

Trump has said that if she wants to go the high road, he'll be right up there with her. If she goes the low road, he'll go after her there too.

Keep in mind...he had SIXTEEN HIGHLY QUALIFIED OPPONENTS who thought the same thing. Where are they now?
:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

Nah. Just because some poll shows Hispanics don't like him doesn't make it so.

Polls are only as good as the questions asked and who's doing the asking and who's being polled.

I'm sure some Hispanics won't vote for him but I'm also sure some won't vote for Hitlery either.

November will tell the tale.

Oh and speaking of that box of rocks?? Only a box of rocks takes any poll seriously enough to bet the farm on the outcome.

Grow a pair.

Not 'some poll' .. nearly ALL the polls .. especially the Hispanic polls.

Grow a brain.

Your Trump-love has you delusional. Trump will probably get 12% of the Hispanic vote, about the same percentage of the black vote that he'll get.

That tale has already been told.

those same pollsters said he would never win the GOP primaries. But he kicked ass in them.

thousands changed party affiliation from dem to pub in order to vote for him, GOP voting numbers were up, dem voting numbers were down.

The people are fed up with career politicians and corrupt liars like Hillary Clinton. They want someone who wont just talk, but will actually do something.

Given you seem so naive about so much, perhaps you don't know that Trump is Hillary Clinton's dream candidate. Her supporters are having wet dreams about Trump as the nominee she'll face.

That being said, are you aware that regardless of who the republican nominee is, they'd have little chance of winning the White House .. thanks to their 'southern strategy.'

Welcome to the world of the Whigs. :0)

Your statement, and I quote: "Given you seem so naive about so much, perhaps you don't know that Trump is Hillary Clinton's dream candidate. Her supporters are having wet dreams about Trump as the nominee she'll face."

You need a source other than the DailyKOS or The Nation.

Crooked Hillary Clinton has spent over $4 million researching Trump and they still have no idea how to go about attacking him.

Trump has said that if she wants to go the high road, he'll be right up there with her. If she goes the low road, he'll go after her there too.

Keep in mind...he had SIXTEEN HIGHLY QUALIFIED OPPONENTS who thought the same thing. Where are they now?

true, and if the dems decide to sling mud they better be prepared, because the Hillary camp has a lot more to hide about her.
i proudly know 1,000 Hispanics.


Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

those numbers are driven by the media propaganda. Once the people actually hear from Trump and Clinton those numbers will swing to Trump. Hillary is a terrible person, and a terrible candidate. the more people see of her the less they like her.

After decades in the public eye, are you of the opinion that people don't know who Hillary Clinton is? :0)

Start from here ..

Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded

I get that, and Hillary has the second highest ever recorded.

But its true, many do not know who and what Hillary Clinton actually is. Her lies and scandals will be brought to the public eye in the next few months and you can watch her unfavorable ratings go through the roof. Once she has to operate in an unscripted environment, her true colors will show.

When has she ever taken unscripted questions from the media? Trump does it every day. She will only appear when the audience is hand picked and the questions are scripted by her handlers-----------------who by the way, have said that she gets confused easily, onset dementia?

Out of 40 national polls, Clinton is 39-0-1

Trump is 0-39-1

This race has long been over.

A reality show host who has absolutely no clue about how to legislate for president .. and you fell for that. :0)

You're doing exactly what Bill Clinton knew you would do.
Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

those numbers are driven by the media propaganda. Once the people actually hear from Trump and Clinton those numbers will swing to Trump. Hillary is a terrible person, and a terrible candidate. the more people see of her the less they like her.

After decades in the public eye, are you of the opinion that people don't know who Hillary Clinton is? :0)

Start from here ..

Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded

I get that, and Hillary has the second highest ever recorded.

But its true, many do not know who and what Hillary Clinton actually is. Her lies and scandals will be brought to the public eye in the next few months and you can watch her unfavorable ratings go through the roof. Once she has to operate in an unscripted environment, her true colors will show.

When has she ever taken unscripted questions from the media? Trump does it every day. She will only appear when the audience is hand picked and the questions are scripted by her handlers-----------------who by the way, have said that she gets confused easily, onset dementia?

Out of 40 national polls, Clinton is 39-0-1

Trump is 0-39-1

This race has long been over.

A reality show host who has absolutely no clue about how to legislate for president .. and you fell for that. :0)

You're doing exactly what Bill Clinton knew you would do.

dream on, racist dude. The campaign has not even started. Hillary Clinton will never be president-------------book it.

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