This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

I get that, and Hillary has the second highest ever recorded.

But its true, many do not know who and what Hillary Clinton actually is. Her lies and scandals will be brought to the public eye in the next few months and you can watch her unfavorable ratings go through the roof. Once she has to operate in an unscripted environment, her true colors will show.
You're fucking delusional. Hillary has been in the public eye for 25 years. She's been attacked by Republicans since her husband was in the White House.

since you love her sooooooo much. would you please post any public appearance which was not scripted and where she took random unprepared questions from the media?

she has been attacked because she is guilty. do you think the FBI is just making up what they have on her?
When did I ever say that I love Hillary? I'm only voting for her because I don't want the reality TV show host to be President.
that makes no sense whatsoever, unless you were voting for her since day one.
I didn't even vote for Clinton in my state's primary. I have no interest in seeing a President Trump.
did you vote?
the polar ice caps are growing, florida is not under water. Storms have not gotten more severe, CO2 is not a pollutant (ask your favorite house plant).

You have been brainwashed into believing a hoax. you are a gullible fool.

As to scientists, the ones not on the govt payroll have provided data that conclusively proves that man is not causing climate change.

Note: climate change is NOT the most important issue facing the USA. Rampant liberalism is a much greater danger to our nation than a hoax put forth by frauds.

You demonstrate why the Republican Party and its neanderthal brand of conservatism are so rejected by the majority of Americans.

Republicans can't elect a president .. thus can't affect the Supreme Court .. thus, you can expect far more 'rampant liberalism' in your future and the futures of your children. :0)

you are obviously sucking the govt tit. have you ever had a job?

What a moronic and brainless post. :0)


Hit me back with more of your butt-hurt thoughts. :0)

Let me repeat: Hillary Clinton will never be president, Never.

Trump will kick her ass in the debates and in the election, unless the FBI takes her out first. Better get ready for Bernie to be your candidate.

Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.
so you have a choice, Hillary or Trump. A don't vote counts against who?
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

Actually, the trend is still towards a big Hillary win.

Trump was closer back in February.

No candidate has been this far down at the beginning of May or later and won in the last 10 elections with one exception, and that was her husband, Slick Willie, who was 20 points behind in the summer of 1992. But he had Ross Perot running. Even Reagan had caught Carter by May.

Trump is doing worse than before when the primary became his to lose. IOW, when people began to view him as the potential nominee for real, he started falling.
And your source is ...?

whoopi told her
dude, too funny, I split a gut.
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

Actually, the trend is still towards a big Hillary win.

Trump was closer back in February.

No candidate has been this far down at the beginning of May or later and won in the last 10 elections with one exception, and that was her husband, Slick Willie, who was 20 points behind in the summer of 1992. But he had Ross Perot running. Even Reagan had caught Carter by May.

Trump is doing worse than before when the primary became his to lose. IOW, when people began to view him as the potential nominee for real, he started falling.
Anyone wanting to see a president trump wants to see a nasty vile scum leading the greatest country in the world.....Is there one piece of the bs he's spewed that he hasn't changed?
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

Actually, the trend is still towards a big Hillary win.

Trump was closer back in February.

No candidate has been this far down at the beginning of May or later and won in the last 10 elections with one exception, and that was her husband, Slick Willie, who was 20 points behind in the summer of 1992. But he had Ross Perot running. Even Reagan had caught Carter by May.

Trump is doing worse than before when the primary became his to lose. IOW, when people began to view him as the potential nominee for real, he started falling.
Anyone wanting to see a president trump wants to see a nasty vile scum leading the greatest country in the world.....Is there one piece of the bs he's spewed that he hasn't changed?
Sounds to me like you're talking about Hillary. Hillary is a lying rat bag old hag incompetent power-hungry piece of shit.
TRUMP over Hitlery.
Some more Hillary from Victim's mom:

VIDEO: Mom Of Benghazi Victim On Hillary: 'My Son Is Dead Because of Her,' She 'Ought to Be Wearing Stripes' ⋆ US Herald

"The agony and cover-up still continues for Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith killed in the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

And after 4-years the questions still linger as to “how” and “why” these 4-brave Americans died.

Appearing on Monday’s “Varney & Co.” on the Fox Business Network, Smith referenced once again Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, saying that the Former First Lady; “ought to be wearing stripes” and “My son is dead because of her.”

Smith continued: Smith said, “My feeling is that she went on TV afterwards, telling everybody that I was the liar, that there’s someone here that is lying, and it wasn’t her, and that I was liar. I want her to apologize to me for calling me a liar on TV, because this is clearly not true. And I want to know why my son was left to die breathing in diesel smoke, which is the most horrible way to die, and she didn’t do anything to stop it. She could have.”"

I just have to laugh at the libturds who believe Hilde-beast.
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

Actually, the trend is still towards a big Hillary win.

Trump was closer back in February.

No candidate has been this far down at the beginning of May or later and won in the last 10 elections with one exception, and that was her husband, Slick Willie, who was 20 points behind in the summer of 1992. But he had Ross Perot running. Even Reagan had caught Carter by May.

Trump is doing worse than before when the primary became his to lose. IOW, when people began to view him as the potential nominee for real, he started falling.
Anyone wanting to see a president trump wants to see a nasty vile scum leading the greatest country in the world.....Is there one piece of the bs he's spewed that he hasn't changed?
I'm sorry, but what is it you're trying to ask me? I don't speak goof ball.
No Republican candidate is losing Utah. It's the most Republican state in the country.

Polls have the two tied in UT. AZ too.

Trump puts several red states into play.

Watch GA, for instance.

That's true, but he also possibly puts several blue states into play.

One thing for sure, seeing two so disliked candidates go after each other is going to be entertaining.
What blue states!?!? He losses all of them terribly! Please cite a blue state that trump puts into play, I will even accept a tiny blue state that has no clout in the general election. Fair and balanced Is a terrible name for you, since you've probably came to the assumption on your own delusional perception of trump and his greatness.

LOL here's a clue.

Trump wasn't my choice, but I do recognize that he is the obvious Republican nominee and think the notion that he will lose for sure despite what he's done in the primary is preposterous.
The truth that trump supporters can't get past is that or seem to realize, is that outside of them, no one else likes trump. Outside of their little vacuum he's hated, in the vacuum of the Republican Party, he can't even gain a majority of the votes, he polls behind Cruz now nationally since the field has thinned out. And the polls have been fairly accurate thus far, polls that trump touts all the time. The only Suprises thus far in the polls is Cruz winning Iowa and Wisconsin. The truth is, is that trump is a bad candidate, and especially bad when he goes up against Hillary.
Would you care to revise your post pal?
You demonstrate why the Republican Party and its neanderthal brand of conservatism are so rejected by the majority of Americans.

Republicans can't elect a president .. thus can't affect the Supreme Court .. thus, you can expect far more 'rampant liberalism' in your future and the futures of your children. :0)

you are obviously sucking the govt tit. have you ever had a job?

What a moronic and brainless post. :0)


Hit me back with more of your butt-hurt thoughts. :0)

Let me repeat: Hillary Clinton will never be president, Never.

Trump will kick her ass in the debates and in the election, unless the FBI takes her out first. Better get ready for Bernie to be your candidate.

Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.
so you have a choice, Hillary or Trump. A don't vote counts against who?

Neither .. and I have more then two choices.
Some more Hillary from Victim's mom:

VIDEO: Mom Of Benghazi Victim On Hillary: 'My Son Is Dead Because of Her,' She 'Ought to Be Wearing Stripes' ⋆ US Herald

"The agony and cover-up still continues for Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith killed in the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

And after 4-years the questions still linger as to “how” and “why” these 4-brave Americans died.

Appearing on Monday’s “Varney & Co.” on the Fox Business Network, Smith referenced once again Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, saying that the Former First Lady; “ought to be wearing stripes” and “My son is dead because of her.”

Smith continued: Smith said, “My feeling is that she went on TV afterwards, telling everybody that I was the liar, that there’s someone here that is lying, and it wasn’t her, and that I was liar. I want her to apologize to me for calling me a liar on TV, because this is clearly not true. And I want to know why my son was left to die breathing in diesel smoke, which is the most horrible way to die, and she didn’t do anything to stop it. She could have.”"

I just have to laugh at the libturds who believe Hilde-beast.
AND just why won't the Bushes be helping drumpf and promising not to vote?? Because they too think trump is a scumbag One of their better decisions

You're too funny.

Sadly for you, seven investigations led by the GOP and not one of them concluded she lied.

You, on the other hand.....

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
sure she lied, she admitted she lied, ask the victims families. she blamed a video, period. She ignored the requests of the four americans in Benghazi. I don't care what seven congressional reviews found. history tells us she was responsible and she lied. Sorry friend.

Wrong. She didn't lie. And that is what the Congressional hearings said. There was no cover up.

What part of "Benghazi was a fake scandal wherein Republicans tried to use public funds to run a political witch hunt to undermine Hillary's chances in the election. Two senior Republicans have publically admitted this and that it has been a very successful campaign for them since Hillary's favourability ratings have steadily dropped since they

There are now calls for the Republican Party to repay the millions spent on these political witch hunts since they were conducted to benefit the Republican Party, and not to help prevent future deaths.

History tells us terrorists are responsible for the deaths.
funny, how do you think we get to the personal email server issue? If emails were deleted from her server, which is what the FBI is looking into, then all evidence is gone. There are emails that show the office in Benghazi was looking for more security. it's there, as early as June 7th 2012. Now what the secretary of state did with those requests are lost in her personal email scam. And is a main point about the personal email server along with the security concerns it brings. I mean, how convenient is it to walk into a room to testify and know those seeking data can't get cause they are deleted. Wow, see, I can't have that as a citizen, nope. There was no reason for the four deaths if Ambassador Steven's emails requested more security and she ignored them.

She then lied to the victims families by stating the attack was due to a video. here from a youtube video:

Where's the lie? She was repeating information fed to the State Department from the CIA. Unless that video was from after September, 2012, when the CIA determined the video was not the catalyst for the attack, she wasn't lying.


here some new information coming out 5/2:

Newly Leaked Memo On Benghazi Reveals Shocking Detail That Will Stun Many Americans

"In the July 9, 2012, cable, Stevens reported, “Overall security conditions continue to be unpredictable, with large numbers of armed groups and individuals not under control of the central government, and frequent clashes in Tripoli and other major population centers.” The cable indicated 13 security personnel would be the “minimum” needed for “transportation security and incident response capability.” "
Though that may be new information to you since Republicans recently leaked that, it's old news to Congress, who have investigated security issues raised over Benghazi. Also revealed was the Republican-led Congressional role in denying funds for security in Benghazi...

GOP Busted On Benghazi: Voted For MASSIVE Embassy Security Cuts Starting in 2011
From Mark Cuban The Seinfeld campaign
"Donald recognized early on that it's not about issues at all — a lot of people could care less," Cuban said. "All they care about is, 'What are you going to do for me?' And Donald addressed immigration, he addressed trade, he addressed all these things. No substance whatsoever. But he said to people who were concerned about themselves: 'I can fix it.'"

Cuban said last summer that he would consider being Trump's vice president should the mogul ask him. But he told Cavuto that the best choice Trump could make would be an experienced politician, such as former House Speaker John Boehner.

"It's going to be a Seinfeld campaign," Cuban repeated. "The more Donald talks about issues, the more it plays into Hillary and the more the eyes of his 'What about me?' tribe glazes over. They don't pay attention to it. He picked up on that early on, and that was brilliant of him."
Still waiting on a challenge .. that I know isn't coming.

Obama's Libyan Al Queda fighters also admitted that they fought against the US in Iraq and killed American soldiers.

Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links
Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links

AND .. the Black American president used Al Queda racists to murder, terrorize, lynch, and rape Black Libyans in the process. Obama KNEW what was happening to Black Libyans and he did nothing.

Libyan rebel ethnic cleansing and lynching of black people
Libyan rebel ethnic cleansing and lynching of black people

More links from fringe bloggers.

If they were true the legitimate press would have written about it.

No disrespect intended brother .. but that's naive.

During Iraq, it was the alternative press telling the truth. If you don't know that, then your problem is deeper then just being naive.

You haven't answered my question in #695.

And you haven't given me any names of anyone who served 'in country' with Kerry who disputes those who DID actually serve in country with Kerry who all state for the record Kerry was a fucking lying coward.
Give me just one name.
You can't because you're a dirty little lying rat!
Still waiting on a challenge .. that I know isn't coming.

Obama's Libyan Al Queda fighters also admitted that they fought against the US in Iraq and killed American soldiers.

Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links
Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links

AND .. the Black American president used Al Queda racists to murder, terrorize, lynch, and rape Black Libyans in the process. Obama KNEW what was happening to Black Libyans and he did nothing.

Libyan rebel ethnic cleansing and lynching of black people
Libyan rebel ethnic cleansing and lynching of black people

More links from fringe bloggers.

If they were true the legitimate press would have written about it.

No disrespect intended brother .. but that's naive.

During Iraq, it was the alternative press telling the truth. If you don't know that, then your problem is deeper then just being naive.

You haven't answered my question in #695.

And you haven't given me any names of anyone who served 'in country' with Kerry who disputes those who DID actually serve in country with Kerry who all state for the record Kerry was a fucking lying coward.
Give me just one name.
You can't because you're a dirty little lying rat!

I showed you. Now stop lying.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

Actually, the trend is still towards a big Hillary win.

Trump was closer back in February.

No candidate has been this far down at the beginning of May or later and won in the last 10 elections with one exception, and that was her husband, Slick Willie, who was 20 points behind in the summer of 1992. But he had Ross Perot running. Even Reagan had caught Carter by May.

Trump is doing worse than before when the primary became his to lose. IOW, when people began to view him as the potential nominee for real, he started falling.
And your source is ...?

RealClearPolitics. You can google past election results. I posted them somewhere a few weeks back.
Nah, you couldn't back it up. That's OK, didn't think so.
No poll a few weeks back matters today anyway.

Dude, I'm on a phone. Go to RCP and look it up. It's right there. Denying reality doesn't make it less real.

Recent Florida poll - 49-36 for Hillary, 55-33 amongst women, 59-16 amongst Hispanics. Why wouldn't Trump get hammered amongst those two groups, given what he has said in the past?
Glad you hate him but disagree about hillary I believe all the bullshit aside she's the most qualified candidate in many a year

Wow. Based on what? Lets give an honest review of her entire life:

She ignores her charismatic husbands endless infidelities (and attacks and discredits the women he slept with) so that she can stay in power and money.

Her friends go on record stating that "Bill and Hillary lie so much, they don't even know what is real anymore". She is subsequently caught in a slew of lies that don't even make sense to tell in the first place - like claiming the Secret Service landed her "under sniper fire" when she was First Lady.

Upon his final term ending, she steals items from the White House (which she admits to and is ultimately forced to return). Who the frick steals from the White House?!?!

In 2008 she runs for president because she is desperate for power and wealth and gets crushed by an unknown freshman Senator with a funny name.

Despite being an emotional train wreck who unravels whenever challenged, she's appointed as Secretary of State by someone who hates her (Barack Obama) because he needs the Clinton backing for president. She serves one term before being shown the door. During that term, she violates federal law with a personal e-mail server which she uses to conduct federal business. If that's not bad enough, she sends sensitive/classified information over it.

So besides being unable to win any election, being a pathological liar, getting every job based on dirty deals, stealing from the White House, being largely responsible for the death and subsequent cover up of multiple Americans, and committing major felonies, what exactly makes Hillary "the most qualified candidate in many a year" in your mind? I mean, at least Bill Clinton had charisma. Hillary doesn't even have that. She was of the most unlikable candidates the U.S. has ever seen and the stories of how she abuses and brow-beats her own people are legendary.
Like I said ,all the bullshit aside The repub people have been throwing crap against the wall about her for years Got to admire their tenacity

So "all bullshit aside" you can't articulate your claim? Why do liberals do this. They make absurd claims based on emotions, when asked to back anything up, they say something of no value and then tuck their tails and ran.

I gave you point by point facts about her history. If she's such a great candidate in your mind, shouldn't you be able to articulate why?
8 years as sen 4 as sec of state ??? what do you need ?? Blood??

According to Chris Matthews, “I think the Hillary appeal has always been somewhat about her mix of toughness and sympathy for her. Let’s not forget the reason she is a U.S. Senator, the reason she is a candidate for President is because her husband messed around. We keep forgetting it. She didn’t get there on her merits, because everyone felt, ‘My God, this woman stood up under humiliation.’ Right? That’s what happened.”

She did very little as a Senator and had even less success as a Secretary of State. I know it'll make your Hillarybot head explode, but I hope Bernie runs as an independent. He has great support and would make a GREAT President.
The trump scum is running out of old white guys What a shame lol And we have a few more months to see that number get depleted
you are obviously sucking the govt tit. have you ever had a job?

What a moronic and brainless post. :0)


Hit me back with more of your butt-hurt thoughts. :0)

Let me repeat: Hillary Clinton will never be president, Never.

Trump will kick her ass in the debates and in the election, unless the FBI takes her out first. Better get ready for Bernie to be your candidate.

Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.
so you have a choice, Hillary or Trump. A don't vote counts against who?

Neither .. and I have more then two choices.
and history tells you one of those other choices will win? LOL.
Glad you hate him but disagree about hillary I believe all the bullshit aside she's the most qualified candidate in many a year

Wow. Based on what? Lets give an honest review of her entire life:

She ignores her charismatic husbands endless infidelities (and attacks and discredits the women he slept with) so that she can stay in power and money.

Her friends go on record stating that "Bill and Hillary lie so much, they don't even know what is real anymore". She is subsequently caught in a slew of lies that don't even make sense to tell in the first place - like claiming the Secret Service landed her "under sniper fire" when she was First Lady.

Upon his final term ending, she steals items from the White House (which she admits to and is ultimately forced to return). Who the frick steals from the White House?!?!

In 2008 she runs for president because she is desperate for power and wealth and gets crushed by an unknown freshman Senator with a funny name.

Despite being an emotional train wreck who unravels whenever challenged, she's appointed as Secretary of State by someone who hates her (Barack Obama) because he needs the Clinton backing for president. She serves one term before being shown the door. During that term, she violates federal law with a personal e-mail server which she uses to conduct federal business. If that's not bad enough, she sends sensitive/classified information over it.

So besides being unable to win any election, being a pathological liar, getting every job based on dirty deals, stealing from the White House, being largely responsible for the death and subsequent cover up of multiple Americans, and committing major felonies, what exactly makes Hillary "the most qualified candidate in many a year" in your mind? I mean, at least Bill Clinton had charisma. Hillary doesn't even have that. She was of the most unlikable candidates the U.S. has ever seen and the stories of how she abuses and brow-beats her own people are legendary.
Like I said ,all the bullshit aside The repub people have been throwing crap against the wall about her for years Got to admire their tenacity

So "all bullshit aside" you can't articulate your claim? Why do liberals do this. They make absurd claims based on emotions, when asked to back anything up, they say something of no value and then tuck their tails and ran.

I gave you point by point facts about her history. If she's such a great candidate in your mind, shouldn't you be able to articulate why?
8 years as sen 4 as sec of state ??? what do you need ?? Blood??

According to Chris Matthews, “I think the Hillary appeal has always been somewhat about her mix of toughness and sympathy for her. Let’s not forget the reason she is a U.S. Senator, the reason she is a candidate for President is because her husband messed around. We keep forgetting it. She didn’t get there on her merits, because everyone felt, ‘My God, this woman stood up under humiliation.’ Right? That’s what happened.”

She did very little as a Senator and had even less success as a Secretary of State. I know it'll make your Hillarybot head explode, but I hope Bernie runs as an independent. He has great support and would make a GREAT President.
and bernie after 26 or so years did so much??
you are obviously sucking the govt tit. have you ever had a job?

What a moronic and brainless post. :0)


Hit me back with more of your butt-hurt thoughts. :0)

Let me repeat: Hillary Clinton will never be president, Never.

Trump will kick her ass in the debates and in the election, unless the FBI takes her out first. Better get ready for Bernie to be your candidate.

Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.

If Hillary is not your candidate, and the race is Trump v Clinton, who are you voting for? or are you staying home?

I'll be voting for Jill Stein .. who has zero chance of winning .. about the same chance of winning as Bernie Sanders.
EXCELLENT!! We can all use all the wasted Dem votes as we can get.
Every non-vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump.
It must really suck to have a DEM candidate without any chance of winning as your only choice.
Maybe you need to rethink things.

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