This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.
so you have a choice, Hillary or Trump. A don't vote counts against who?

Neither .. and I have more then two choices.
and history tells you one of those other choices will win? LOL.

Fuck the history. I don't vote by what other people do .. and I don't vote for warmongers.

Hillary will be the winner .. and your vote will have become as ineffective as mine.

Hillary is a warmonger. In 2002, She she was one of the chief advocates in her husband’s inner circle for the 11-week bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999 to attempt to resolve the Kosovo crisis. She voted in favor of the authorization to use force in Iraq. In 2008, her presidential campaign has received far more money from defense contractors than any other candidate received.

Support Bernie. He's the best choice.
Damn She sounds like gwb/cheany
Danny I have some fine trump bullshit for you
Trump Wants to Add to the War on Terror’s $4 Trillion Price Tag

By Eric Pianin7 hours ago

Billionaire Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, has boasted that, if elected, he would spend whatever it takes to rebuild the U.S. military and make short work of the ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

While in the same breath he talks about “Putting America First” – which to some sounds like a return to U.S. isolationism – Trump makes it clear he has big plans to write a whole new chapter of the nation’s war on terrorism, which dates back to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S.

Related: The Cost of the War Against ISIS: $7 Billion and Counting

“ISIS will be gone if I’m elected president,” Trump promised during his April 27th major foreign policy address in Washington. “They’ll be gone quickly.” And he vows to rebuild a U.S. military – from naval ships and jet fighters to the U.S. nuclear arsenal – that he insists has eroded under President Obama.

“We will spend what we need to rebuild our military,” he said. “It is the cheapest, single investment we can make. We will develop, build and purchase the best equipment known to mankind. Our military dominance must be unquestioned, and I mean unquestioned, by anybody and everybody.”

Trump typically was short on details of precisely what he has in mind, particularly how much more in federal treasure he is prepared to spend to destroy terrorists overseas and at home and to transform what many already consider the most powerful military machine on earth to an even stronger, more Trumpian-like defense force.

This is no small matter to a country that already has spent literally trillions of dollars – and suffered the loss of nearly 7,000 military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq – since former Republican President George W. Bush launched the war on terrorism in the wake of 9/11.
you mean he actually wants to protect US Citizens? Wow, just when you thought your country was lost.
Ha Ha that's today tomorrow will be different Where is this money coming from?
I have to say - I'm damn proud of true conservatives. While liberals all know that Hillary Clinton is the most unqualified candidate who has ever made it this far (and that includes Barack Obama whose entire resume was as a laughable "Community Organizer" plus two years as a freshman Senator), they still pretend to faun over here because they lack integrity and just want to see a Democrat in the Oval Office.

Conservatives on the other hand have been very vocal about what a dirt-bag Donald Trump is and none of them are going to cast a vote for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he beats Hillary anyway because she is so insanely unelectable (not to mention the disaster that was the Obama Administration leaves Dumbocrats in the position we were in after the Bush Administration), but still. Even if he does lose, I'd rather keep my integrity and let the world see that an actual Democrat destroyed the U.S. then lose my integrity and let the world think that a Republican (who is actually a devout liberal) destroyed it. Either way it's going to be destroyed - might as well keep my integrity and let the world see how liberalism continues to fail again and again and again.
I have to say - I'm damn proud of true conservatives. While liberals all know that Hillary Clinton is the most unqualified candidate who has ever made it this far (and that includes Barack Obama whose entire resume was as a laughable "Community Organizer" plus two years as a freshman Senator), they still pretend to faun over here because they lack integrity and just want to see a Democrat in the Oval Office.

Conservatives on the other hand have been very vocal about what a dirt-bag Donald Trump is and none of them are going to cast a vote for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he beats Hillary anyway because she is so insanely unelectable (not to mention the disaster that was the Obama Administration leaves Dumbocrats in the position we were in after the Bush Administration), but still. Even if he does lose, I'd rather keep my integrity and let the world see that an actual Democrat destroyed the U.S. then lose my integrity and let the world think that a Republican (who is actually a devout liberal) destroyed it. Either way it's going to be destroyed - might as well keep my integrity and let the world see how liberalism continues to fail again and again and again.
Obama a disaster?? BS..
What is Obama's approval rating right now?
President Barack Obama's job approval rating is positive for the first time in two years, according to a WSJ/NBC poll released Monday. The survey finds that 48 percent of Americans say the president is doing a good job, while 47 percent disapprove of his performance.
Obama's Approval Rating Gets A Bump - Huffington Post
so you have a choice, Hillary or Trump. A don't vote counts against who?

Neither .. and I have more then two choices.
and history tells you one of those other choices will win? LOL.

Fuck the history. I don't vote by what other people do .. and I don't vote for warmongers.

Hillary will be the winner .. and your vote will have become as ineffective as mine.

Hillary is a warmonger. In 2002, She she was one of the chief advocates in her husband’s inner circle for the 11-week bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999 to attempt to resolve the Kosovo crisis. She voted in favor of the authorization to use force in Iraq. In 2008, her presidential campaign has received far more money from defense contractors than any other candidate received.

Support Bernie. He's the best choice.
Damn She sounds like gwb/cheany
She's far worse than the both of them combined. After hubby's final term was up and they had to move out of the White House, Hillary thought it would be a good idea to steal items from the White House so that miserable rich c**t could become even wealthier. Vintage Clinton. Vintage Democrat. Vintage liberal.

What kind of miserable dirt-bag first lady would steal from the White House? I've got $100 right now that says Michelle Obama does the exact same thing (I'm sure she's had a lot stolen and placed into storage already).
Yeah, that's what they said last year when he was just talking about running. He beat out 16 qualified opponents he "couldn't" beat. He has drastically increased the number of Republican voters while fewer are voting Democrat. Just keep telling yourself that HILLARY IS NOT A CROOK!

When did I say Hillary was not a crook. In fact, when did I ever say I wanted her to be president. Oh yeah, I didn't. See, just because you're easily herded into believing you have only two choices at election time doesn't mean all of us are.

Regarding Trump, the numbers don't lie. You cannot win a national election when every single demographic except for older white men have a negative view of you.
How about if Hillary loses to Trump you leave this forum and never return in ANY bullshit incarnation?
If Hillary wins I will do the same.
I mean obviously one of us is too fucking stupid to understand what the voters will decide right?
And who would want to waste bandwidth reading someone that stupid right?
If memory serves YOU have been predicting a Trump joke/failure from the day he announced right? Whereas I have been 100% for him from the same day.
Yeah, that's what they said last year when he was just talking about running. He beat out 16 qualified opponents he "couldn't" beat. He has drastically increased the number of Republican voters while fewer are voting Democrat. Just keep telling yourself that HILLARY IS NOT A CROOK!

When did I say Hillary was not a crook. In fact, when did I ever say I wanted her to be president. Oh yeah, I didn't. See, just because you're easily herded into believing you have only two choices at election time doesn't mean all of us are.

Regarding Trump, the numbers don't lie. You cannot win a national election when every single demographic except for older white men have a negative view of you.
You claimed the same thing about his chances of becoming the nominee right?
Obama a disaster?? BS..
What is Obama's approval rating right now?
President Barack Obama's job approval rating is positive for the first time in two years, according to a WSJ/NBC poll released Monday. The survey finds that 48 percent of Americans say the president is doing a good job, while 47 percent disapprove of his performance.
Obama's Approval Rating Gets A Bump - Huffington Post

Doesn't that say it all to you? That it has been that negative for that long? No? Ok, how about some facts then....
  • Record number of people on food stamps
Gallup Ignores All-Time High Food Stamp Usage As Reason For 7-Year Low Percentage Americans Struggling To Afford Food - Breitbart

1 in 5 Americans on Food Stamps, Other Govt Aid
  • Record number of people dropped out of the labor force
Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force - Breitbart

Aaron Bandler - Record 93.8 Million Americans Out of the Labor Force
  • Record deficits and national debt
As National Debt Hits $19 Trillion, a Spending Showdown Looms in Congress

The National debt climbs above $19 trillion

Perhaps it is the term "record" that is confusing you and Obama? Making you guys think he's doing something good? :lmao:
Neither .. and I have more then two choices.
and history tells you one of those other choices will win? LOL.

Fuck the history. I don't vote by what other people do .. and I don't vote for warmongers.

Hillary will be the winner .. and your vote will have become as ineffective as mine.

Hillary is a warmonger. In 2002, She she was one of the chief advocates in her husband’s inner circle for the 11-week bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999 to attempt to resolve the Kosovo crisis. She voted in favor of the authorization to use force in Iraq. In 2008, her presidential campaign has received far more money from defense contractors than any other candidate received.

Support Bernie. He's the best choice.
Damn She sounds like gwb/cheany
She's far worse than the both of them combined. After hubby's final term was up and they had to move out of the White House, Hillary thought it would be a good idea to steal items from the White House so that miserable rich c**t could become even wealthier. Vintage Clinton. Vintage Democrat. Vintage liberal.

What kind of miserable dirt-bag first lady would steal from the White House? I've got $100 right now that says Michelle Obama does the exact same thing (I'm sure she's had a lot stolen and placed into storage already).
STEAL ?????
Did the Clintons really steal items from the White House when they left?
I heard someone say that the Clintons had stolen items or "taken them on accident" after they left the white house in 2001. Are these allegations true, and if so, what did the list of items taken consist of?

9 Answers
Laurie Dworak, Seen too much to trust deeply but harbor too much hope to give in completely

One can argue whether the term steal is appropriate. There were items removed and later either returned or paid for by the Clintons. I haven't seen an itemized list, but the articles from that time report them as being gifts that were inventoried as White House property that the Clintons perceived as having been gifted directly to them.
Bernie Sanders has zero chance of getting the democratic nomination .. and I'm a socialist.

Voting my conscience is not 'throwing my vote away.'

Hillary Clinton is the next president irrespective of how I vote.

While I completely agree that voting your conscience is not "throwing your vote away" (and admire you for that), I do have to ask why you would bother voting at all if you've determined it to be a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton is the next president? Why waste your time going up there and standing lines? Just so you can get out of work?
Because there might be a third party candidate that does fit with your principles more. I think the conservatives need to leave the republican party and form their own. It is clear that the party went out of its way to harm and obstruct the conservative running and that shows us there is no place for constitutional conservatism in the GOP. It is time to bury the republican party. We need a party that is pro constitution and pro America.
wow, you don't think that is happening now? WTF do you think this entire Trump movement is about? WOW. I can't believe the stupid I read.
I have to say - I'm damn proud of true conservatives. While liberals all know that Hillary Clinton is the most unqualified candidate who has ever made it this far (and that includes Barack Obama whose entire resume was as a laughable "Community Organizer" plus two years as a freshman Senator), they still pretend to faun over here because they lack integrity and just want to see a Democrat in the Oval Office.

Conservatives on the other hand have been very vocal about what a dirt-bag Donald Trump is and none of them are going to cast a vote for him. I wouldn't be surprised if he beats Hillary anyway because she is so insanely unelectable (not to mention the disaster that was the Obama Administration leaves Dumbocrats in the position we were in after the Bush Administration), but still. Even if he does lose, I'd rather keep my integrity and let the world see that an actual Democrat destroyed the U.S. then lose my integrity and let the world think that a Republican (who is actually a devout liberal) destroyed it. Either way it's going to be destroyed - might as well keep my integrity and let the world see how liberalism continues to fail again and again and again.
Obama a disaster?? BS..
What is Obama's approval rating right now?
President Barack Obama's job approval rating is positive for the first time in two years, according to a WSJ/NBC poll released Monday. The survey finds that 48 percent of Americans say the president is doing a good job, while 47 percent disapprove of his performance.
Obama's Approval Rating Gets A Bump - Huffington Post

Respectfully, that doesn't say much for Obama. His ratings are below George H. Bush, Gerald Ford, and Lyndon Johnson.

For a guy who came into office with all the hoopla and expectations that Obama had, his ratings demonstrate that he wasn't much as president.
Danny I have some fine trump bullshit for you
Trump Wants to Add to the War on Terror’s $4 Trillion Price Tag

By Eric Pianin7 hours ago

Billionaire Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, has boasted that, if elected, he would spend whatever it takes to rebuild the U.S. military and make short work of the ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

While in the same breath he talks about “Putting America First” – which to some sounds like a return to U.S. isolationism – Trump makes it clear he has big plans to write a whole new chapter of the nation’s war on terrorism, which dates back to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S.

Related: The Cost of the War Against ISIS: $7 Billion and Counting

“ISIS will be gone if I’m elected president,” Trump promised during his April 27th major foreign policy address in Washington. “They’ll be gone quickly.” And he vows to rebuild a U.S. military – from naval ships and jet fighters to the U.S. nuclear arsenal – that he insists has eroded under President Obama.

“We will spend what we need to rebuild our military,” he said. “It is the cheapest, single investment we can make. We will develop, build and purchase the best equipment known to mankind. Our military dominance must be unquestioned, and I mean unquestioned, by anybody and everybody.”

Trump typically was short on details of precisely what he has in mind, particularly how much more in federal treasure he is prepared to spend to destroy terrorists overseas and at home and to transform what many already consider the most powerful military machine on earth to an even stronger, more Trumpian-like defense force.

This is no small matter to a country that already has spent literally trillions of dollars – and suffered the loss of nearly 7,000 military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq – since former Republican President George W. Bush launched the war on terrorism in the wake of 9/11.
you mean he actually wants to protect US Citizens? Wow, just when you thought your country was lost.
Ha Ha that's today tomorrow will be different Where is this money coming from?
hahahaahaha, you don't understand business and how to spend. he'll hire the right people to manage spending. It's what businessmen do that are successful, they know they have to have money to be successful. Doh, Trump is successful, therefore, he is a success. Sit back and watch.
Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.
so you have a choice, Hillary or Trump. A don't vote counts against who?

Neither .. and I have more then two choices.
and history tells you one of those other choices will win? LOL.

Fuck the history. I don't vote by what other people do .. and I don't vote for warmongers.

Hillary will be the winner .. and your vote will have become as ineffective as mine.
Yep a war mongerer. She'll give us what you wish to avoid. Good for you. I find this very funny.

That's because you're not too bright.

My vote changes nothing .. just like yours .. and, no matter how much you don't like her, she's your next president with or without your vote.

Interesting that you needed to be told that.
Bernie Sanders has zero chance of getting the democratic nomination .. and I'm a socialist.

Voting my conscience is not 'throwing my vote away.'

Hillary Clinton is the next president irrespective of how I vote.

While I completely agree that voting your conscience is not "throwing your vote away" (and admire you for that), I do have to ask why you would bother voting at all if you've determined it to be a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton is the next president? Why waste your time going up there and standing lines? Just so you can get out of work?
Because there might be a third party candidate that does fit with your principles more. I think the conservatives need to leave the republican party and form their own. It is clear that the party went out of its way to harm and obstruct the conservative running and that shows us there is no place for constitutional conservatism in the GOP. It is time to bury the republican party. We need a party that is pro constitution and pro America.

Americans cling to the two-party duopoly out of fear and ignorance .. then complain about the lack of choices.
Let me repeat: Hillary Clinton will never be president, Never.

Trump will kick her ass in the debates and in the election, unless the FBI takes her out first. Better get ready for Bernie to be your candidate.

Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.

If Hillary is not your candidate, and the race is Trump v Clinton, who are you voting for? or are you staying home?

I'll be voting for Jill Stein .. who has zero chance of winning .. about the same chance of winning as Bernie Sanders.
EXCELLENT!! We can all use all the wasted Dem votes as we can get.
Every non-vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump.
It must really suck to have a DEM candidate without any chance of winning as your only choice.
Maybe you need to rethink things.

Maybe you need to educate yourself. Jill Stein is not a democrat, nor am I.

While you're worried about democrats and how they vote, perhaps you need to worry about whether republicans will support your reality show host for president. :0)
Never heard of the bitch. Go ahead and vote for her. Every non-Hillary vote is a vote for Trump.
I can guarantee 99.99% of the people who voted for Trump in the primaries WILL turn out and vote for him in the general.
Meanwhile the lying bitch Hillary can't even close the deal with the DEMs.
How fucking embarrassing must it to lose INDIANA!!!!! for Christ sake! to a fucking 74 year old nut bar Socialist.
The longer Sanders hangs on........which will be all the way to the convention, the less his supporters are likely to switch their vote to Hillary.
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

Actually, the trend is still towards a big Hillary win.

Trump was closer back in February.

No candidate has been this far down at the beginning of May or later and won in the last 10 elections with one exception, and that was her husband, Slick Willie, who was 20 points behind in the summer of 1992. But he had Ross Perot running. Even Reagan had caught Carter by May.

Trump is doing worse than before when the primary became his to lose. IOW, when people began to view him as the potential nominee for real, he started falling.
Anyone wanting to see a president trump wants to see a nasty vile scum leading the greatest country in the world.....Is there one piece of the bs he's spewed that he hasn't changed?

we had that for the last 7 years, the hildebeast would be even more vile and nasty than obozo.

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