This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

i proudly know 1,000 Hispanics.


Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

That's a lot of bullcrap. What benefits do they gain by voting Trump? I know lots of Hispanics both California and Florida that never vote before. Now they registered as Democrat courtesy of Trump. Most or all legal Hispanic immigrants know somebody or relatives of illegals. They do not support illegals but they are 100% against deportation. Trump is lucky if he gets 10 to 15% of Hispanic voters.
What a moronic and brainless post. :0)


Hit me back with more of your butt-hurt thoughts. :0)

Let me repeat: Hillary Clinton will never be president, Never.

Trump will kick her ass in the debates and in the election, unless the FBI takes her out first. Better get ready for Bernie to be your candidate.

Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.
so you have a choice, Hillary or Trump. A don't vote counts against who?

Neither .. and I have more then two choices.
and history tells you one of those other choices will win? LOL.

Fuck the history. I don't vote by what other people do .. and I don't vote for warmongers.

Hillary will be the winner .. and your vote will have become as ineffective as mine.
Bernie Sanders has zero chance of getting the democratic nomination .. and I'm a socialist.

Voting my conscience is not 'throwing my vote away.'

Hillary Clinton is the next president irrespective of how I vote.

While I completely agree that voting your conscience is not "throwing your vote away" (and admire you for that), I do have to ask why you would bother voting at all if you've determined it to be a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton is the next president? Why waste your time going up there and standing lines? Just so you can get out of work?
What a moronic and brainless post. :0)


Hit me back with more of your butt-hurt thoughts. :0)

Let me repeat: Hillary Clinton will never be president, Never.

Trump will kick her ass in the debates and in the election, unless the FBI takes her out first. Better get ready for Bernie to be your candidate.

Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.

If Hillary is not your candidate, and the race is Trump v Clinton, who are you voting for? or are you staying home?

I'll be voting for Jill Stein .. who has zero chance of winning .. about the same chance of winning as Bernie Sanders.
EXCELLENT!! We can all use all the wasted Dem votes as we can get.
Every non-vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump.
It must really suck to have a DEM candidate without any chance of winning as your only choice.
Maybe you need to rethink things.

Maybe you need to educate yourself. Jill Stein is not a democrat, nor am I.

While you're worried about democrats and how they vote, perhaps you need to worry about whether republicans will support your reality show host for president. :0)
Wow. Based on what? Lets give an honest review of her entire life:

She ignores her charismatic husbands endless infidelities (and attacks and discredits the women he slept with) so that she can stay in power and money.

Her friends go on record stating that "Bill and Hillary lie so much, they don't even know what is real anymore". She is subsequently caught in a slew of lies that don't even make sense to tell in the first place - like claiming the Secret Service landed her "under sniper fire" when she was First Lady.

Upon his final term ending, she steals items from the White House (which she admits to and is ultimately forced to return). Who the frick steals from the White House?!?!

In 2008 she runs for president because she is desperate for power and wealth and gets crushed by an unknown freshman Senator with a funny name.

Despite being an emotional train wreck who unravels whenever challenged, she's appointed as Secretary of State by someone who hates her (Barack Obama) because he needs the Clinton backing for president. She serves one term before being shown the door. During that term, she violates federal law with a personal e-mail server which she uses to conduct federal business. If that's not bad enough, she sends sensitive/classified information over it.

So besides being unable to win any election, being a pathological liar, getting every job based on dirty deals, stealing from the White House, being largely responsible for the death and subsequent cover up of multiple Americans, and committing major felonies, what exactly makes Hillary "the most qualified candidate in many a year" in your mind? I mean, at least Bill Clinton had charisma. Hillary doesn't even have that. She was of the most unlikable candidates the U.S. has ever seen and the stories of how she abuses and brow-beats her own people are legendary.
Like I said ,all the bullshit aside The repub people have been throwing crap against the wall about her for years Got to admire their tenacity

So "all bullshit aside" you can't articulate your claim? Why do liberals do this. They make absurd claims based on emotions, when asked to back anything up, they say something of no value and then tuck their tails and ran.

I gave you point by point facts about her history. If she's such a great candidate in your mind, shouldn't you be able to articulate why?
8 years as sen 4 as sec of state ??? what do you need ?? Blood??

According to Chris Matthews, “I think the Hillary appeal has always been somewhat about her mix of toughness and sympathy for her. Let’s not forget the reason she is a U.S. Senator, the reason she is a candidate for President is because her husband messed around. We keep forgetting it. She didn’t get there on her merits, because everyone felt, ‘My God, this woman stood up under humiliation.’ Right? That’s what happened.”

She did very little as a Senator and had even less success as a Secretary of State. I know it'll make your Hillarybot head explode, but I hope Bernie runs as an independent. He has great support and would make a GREAT President.
and bernie after 26 or so years did so much??

Before the people of Vermont elected him to the Senate in 2006, Rolling Stone journalist Matt Taibbidubbed Sanders the “amendment king” of the House of Representatives noting:

“Since the Republicans took over Congress in 1995, no other lawmaker – not Tom DeLay, not Nancy Pelosi – has passed more roll-call amendments (amendments that actually went to a vote on the floor) than Bernie Sanders. He accomplishes this on the one hand by being relentlessly active, and on the other by using his status as an Independent to form left-right coalitions.”

List of achievements by Congressional session:

102nd Congress — 1991-1992
  • Authorize grants or contracts to operate population-based, statewide cancer registries in order to collect certain data for each form of in-situ and invasive cancer except basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. Authorizes grants for planning the registries. Mandates a study on factors contributing to elevated rates of breast cancer mortality in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the District of Columbia. Authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services, directly or through grants and contracts, or both, to provide technical assistance to the States in the establishment and operation of statewide registries. H.R.4206 (Cancer Registries Amendment Act) enacted as S. 3312 (Cancer Registries Amendment Act).
103rd Congress — 1993-1994
  • None.
104th Congress — 1995-1996
105th Congress — 1997-1998
106th Congress — 1999-2000
107th Congress — 2001-2002
108th Congress — 2003-2004
109th Congress — 2005-2006
  • None.
110th Congress — 2007-2008
111th Congress — 2009-2010
112th Congress — 2011-2012
  • None.
113th Congress — 2013-2014
Danny I have some fine trump bullshit for you
Trump Wants to Add to the War on Terror’s $4 Trillion Price Tag

By Eric Pianin7 hours ago

Billionaire Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, has boasted that, if elected, he would spend whatever it takes to rebuild the U.S. military and make short work of the ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

While in the same breath he talks about “Putting America First” – which to some sounds like a return to U.S. isolationism – Trump makes it clear he has big plans to write a whole new chapter of the nation’s war on terrorism, which dates back to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S.

Related: The Cost of the War Against ISIS: $7 Billion and Counting

“ISIS will be gone if I’m elected president,” Trump promised during his April 27th major foreign policy address in Washington. “They’ll be gone quickly.” And he vows to rebuild a U.S. military – from naval ships and jet fighters to the U.S. nuclear arsenal – that he insists has eroded under President Obama.

“We will spend what we need to rebuild our military,” he said. “It is the cheapest, single investment we can make. We will develop, build and purchase the best equipment known to mankind. Our military dominance must be unquestioned, and I mean unquestioned, by anybody and everybody.”

Trump typically was short on details of precisely what he has in mind, particularly how much more in federal treasure he is prepared to spend to destroy terrorists overseas and at home and to transform what many already consider the most powerful military machine on earth to an even stronger, more Trumpian-like defense force.

This is no small matter to a country that already has spent literally trillions of dollars – and suffered the loss of nearly 7,000 military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq – since former Republican President George W. Bush launched the war on terrorism in the wake of 9/11.
The trump scum is running out of old white guys What a shame lol And we have a few more months to see that number get depleted
man don't you just love reality? Just when you think you have a grasp of everything something comes up and badda-bing reality happens. yessssssss
i proudly know 1,000 Hispanics.


Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

Nah. Just because some poll shows Hispanics don't like him doesn't make it so.

Polls are only as good as the questions asked and who's doing the asking and who's being polled.

I'm sure some Hispanics won't vote for him but I'm also sure some won't vote for Hitlery either.

November will tell the tale.

Oh and speaking of that box of rocks?? Only a box of rocks takes any poll seriously enough to bet the farm on the outcome.

Grow a pair.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.
Since polls are merely snapshots in time, trends are meaningless. She could be back up by double digits in a week or two or behind Trump by then.

Donald Trump will make mince meat out of her and her unlimited number of scandals. I wouldn't be surprised to see all of Bill's concubines in the audience at one of the debates or on stage at rallies.
They were not concubines. No more than a secretary being banged by the CEO of a company is.
Thankfully today CEO's can be fired if they use their perceived power over someone with unequal power in the workplace.
Another time and place and "My Little Pony" Bill Clinton would be in fucking federal prison.
Yes. There are plans to have some of Bill Clinton's victims in the debate audiences. 100% guaranteed.
Bernie Sanders has zero chance of getting the democratic nomination .. and I'm a socialist.

Voting my conscience is not 'throwing my vote away.'

Hillary Clinton is the next president irrespective of how I vote.

While I completely agree that voting your conscience is not "throwing your vote away" (and admire you for that), I do have to ask why you would bother voting at all if you've determined it to be a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton is the next president? Why waste your time going up there and standing lines? Just so you can get out of work?

Good question .. and the answer is because I know Jill Stein and I like her policies .. and I vote for 3rd party ballot access.

The higher percentage of votes for 3rd party candidates makes ballot access easier in subsequent elections.

Both democrats and republicans spend millions of dollars keeping 3rd party candidates off the ballot.
Let me repeat: Hillary Clinton will never be president, Never.

Trump will kick her ass in the debates and in the election, unless the FBI takes her out first. Better get ready for Bernie to be your candidate.

Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.
so you have a choice, Hillary or Trump. A don't vote counts against who?

Neither .. and I have more then two choices.
and history tells you one of those other choices will win? LOL.

Fuck the history. I don't vote by what other people do .. and I don't vote for warmongers.

Hillary will be the winner .. and your vote will have become as ineffective as mine.

Hillary is a warmonger. In 2002, She she was one of the chief advocates in her husband’s inner circle for the 11-week bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999 to attempt to resolve the Kosovo crisis. She voted in favor of the authorization to use force in Iraq. In 2008, her presidential campaign has received far more money from defense contractors than any other candidate received.

Support Bernie. He's the best choice.
Danny I have some fine trump bullshit for you
Trump Wants to Add to the War on Terror’s $4 Trillion Price Tag

By Eric Pianin7 hours ago

Billionaire Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, has boasted that, if elected, he would spend whatever it takes to rebuild the U.S. military and make short work of the ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

While in the same breath he talks about “Putting America First” – which to some sounds like a return to U.S. isolationism – Trump makes it clear he has big plans to write a whole new chapter of the nation’s war on terrorism, which dates back to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S.

Related: The Cost of the War Against ISIS: $7 Billion and Counting

“ISIS will be gone if I’m elected president,” Trump promised during his April 27th major foreign policy address in Washington. “They’ll be gone quickly.” And he vows to rebuild a U.S. military – from naval ships and jet fighters to the U.S. nuclear arsenal – that he insists has eroded under President Obama.

“We will spend what we need to rebuild our military,” he said. “It is the cheapest, single investment we can make. We will develop, build and purchase the best equipment known to mankind. Our military dominance must be unquestioned, and I mean unquestioned, by anybody and everybody.”

Trump typically was short on details of precisely what he has in mind, particularly how much more in federal treasure he is prepared to spend to destroy terrorists overseas and at home and to transform what many already consider the most powerful military machine on earth to an even stronger, more Trumpian-like defense force.

This is no small matter to a country that already has spent literally trillions of dollars – and suffered the loss of nearly 7,000 military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq – since former Republican President George W. Bush launched the war on terrorism in the wake of 9/11.
you mean he actually wants to protect US Citizens? Wow, just when you thought your country was lost.
i proudly know 1,000 Hispanics.


Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

those numbers are driven by the media propaganda. Once the people actually hear from Trump and Clinton those numbers will swing to Trump. Hillary is a terrible person, and a terrible candidate. the more people see of her the less they like her.

Just because the poll is not to your liking that doesn't mean it's not true. I was born as republican and I switched to Democrat just because of Trump.

Bombshell Poll: Nearly 20% Of Republicans Will Vote For Hillary Clinton If Trump Wins
Let me repeat: Hillary Clinton will never be president, Never.

Trump will kick her ass in the debates and in the election, unless the FBI takes her out first. Better get ready for Bernie to be your candidate.

Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.
so you have a choice, Hillary or Trump. A don't vote counts against who?

Neither .. and I have more then two choices.
and history tells you one of those other choices will win? LOL.

Fuck the history. I don't vote by what other people do .. and I don't vote for warmongers.

Hillary will be the winner .. and your vote will have become as ineffective as mine.
Yep a war mongerer. She'll give us what you wish to avoid. Good for you. I find this very funny.
i proudly know 1,000 Hispanics.


Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

those numbers are driven by the media propaganda. Once the people actually hear from Trump and Clinton those numbers will swing to Trump. Hillary is a terrible person, and a terrible candidate. the more people see of her the less they like her.

Just because the poll is not to your liking that doesn't mean it's not true. I was born as republican and I switched to Democrat just because of Trump.

Bombshell Poll: Nearly 20% Of Republicans Will Vote For Hillary Clinton If Trump Wins
yeah, cause hillary makes so much sense to a once republican. Right!!!!!!!!!
i proudly know 1,000 Hispanics.


Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

those numbers are driven by the media propaganda. Once the people actually hear from Trump and Clinton those numbers will swing to Trump. Hillary is a terrible person, and a terrible candidate. the more people see of her the less they like her.

Just because the poll is not to your liking that doesn't mean it's not true. I was born as republican and I switched to Democrat just because of Trump.

Bombshell Poll: Nearly 20% Of Republicans Will Vote For Hillary Clinton If Trump Wins
you understand that doesn't make sense right?

Bernie's followers will follow the Donald. Anti-establishment vote.
Hillary Clinton isn't my candidate now or will she ever be .. even though one would have to know nothing about politics not to know that she's going to win EASILY.

Bernie will never be the nominee.

Pretty simple.
so you have a choice, Hillary or Trump. A don't vote counts against who?

Neither .. and I have more then two choices.
and history tells you one of those other choices will win? LOL.

Fuck the history. I don't vote by what other people do .. and I don't vote for warmongers.

Hillary will be the winner .. and your vote will have become as ineffective as mine.

Hillary is a warmonger. In 2002, She she was one of the chief advocates in her husband’s inner circle for the 11-week bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999 to attempt to resolve the Kosovo crisis. She voted in favor of the authorization to use force in Iraq. In 2008, her presidential campaign has received far more money from defense contractors than any other candidate received.

Support Bernie. He's the best choice.

Hillary is indeed a warmonger .. but then again, so was Obama. Obama destroyed Libya with Hillary at his side.

I'm a socialist, but Bernie has no chance at being the nominee. His 15 minutes are just about up.

Besides that, Bernie has all the signs of being a warmonger himself.

Bernie Sanders' Troubling History of Supporting US Military Violence Abroad
Bernie Sanders' Troubling History of Supporting US Military Violence Abroad
i proudly know 1,000 Hispanics.


Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

those numbers are driven by the media propaganda. Once the people actually hear from Trump and Clinton those numbers will swing to Trump. Hillary is a terrible person, and a terrible candidate. the more people see of her the less they like her.

Just because the poll is not to your liking that doesn't mean it's not true. I was born as republican and I switched to Democrat just because of Trump.

Bombshell Poll: Nearly 20% Of Republicans Will Vote For Hillary Clinton If Trump Wins

I Won't Vote For Hillary Clinton
i proudly know 1,000 Hispanics.


Most Hispanics aren't in favor of illegal immigration.

Hell. Many of them are here legally and it took them years to get here and cost thousands to become a citizen of the US. I doubt that Trump and his wall would offend them at all.

Anyone who thinks Hispanics won't vote for Trump is dumber than that box of rocks.

:0) Anyone who thinks Trump will be supported by Hispanics IS a box of rocks.

Trump has the highest unfavorable rate EVER RECORDED by ANY candidate .. and among Hispanics it's near 80% with only 12% viewing him favorably.

those numbers are driven by the media propaganda. Once the people actually hear from Trump and Clinton those numbers will swing to Trump. Hillary is a terrible person, and a terrible candidate. the more people see of her the less they like her.

Just because the poll is not to your liking that doesn't mean it's not true. I was born as republican and I switched to Democrat just because of Trump.

Bombshell Poll: Nearly 20% Of Republicans Will Vote For Hillary Clinton If Trump Wins
Now that is hilarious - because all of the news was around a poll that found that 20% of Democrats were crossing over to vote for Trump.

Poll: 20% of Dems would defect for Trump | TheHill

Van Jones' Warning to Fellow Democrats, Black Voters ... - TheBlaze

Piers Morgan: Trump Slaying D.C. Elite, Hillary Shaking “In Her Goldman Sachs-Financed Boots”
Bernie Sanders has zero chance of getting the democratic nomination .. and I'm a socialist.

Voting my conscience is not 'throwing my vote away.'

Hillary Clinton is the next president irrespective of how I vote.

While I completely agree that voting your conscience is not "throwing your vote away" (and admire you for that), I do have to ask why you would bother voting at all if you've determined it to be a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton is the next president? Why waste your time going up there and standing lines? Just so you can get out of work?
Because there might be a third party candidate that does fit with your principles more. I think the conservatives need to leave the republican party and form their own. It is clear that the party went out of its way to harm and obstruct the conservative running and that shows us there is no place for constitutional conservatism in the GOP. It is time to bury the republican party. We need a party that is pro constitution and pro America.

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