This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

Glad you hate him but disagree about hillary I believe all the bullshit aside she's the most qualified candidate in many a year

Wow. Based on what? Lets give an honest review of her entire life:

She ignores her charismatic husbands endless infidelities (and attacks and discredits the women he slept with) so that she can stay in power and money.

Her friends go on record stating that "Bill and Hillary lie so much, they don't even know what is real anymore". She is subsequently caught in a slew of lies that don't even make sense to tell in the first place - like claiming the Secret Service landed her "under sniper fire" when she was First Lady.

Upon his final term ending, she steals items from the White House (which she admits to and is ultimately forced to return). Who the frick steals from the White House?!?!

In 2008 she runs for president because she is desperate for power and wealth and gets crushed by an unknown freshman Senator with a funny name.

Despite being an emotional train wreck who unravels whenever challenged, she's appointed as Secretary of State by someone who hates her (Barack Obama) because he needs the Clinton backing for president. She serves one term before being shown the door. During that term, she violates federal law with a personal e-mail server which she uses to conduct federal business. If that's not bad enough, she sends sensitive/classified information over it.

So besides being unable to win any election, being a pathological liar, getting every job based on dirty deals, stealing from the White House, being largely responsible for the death and subsequent cover up of multiple Americans, and committing major felonies, what exactly makes Hillary "the most qualified candidate in many a year" in your mind? I mean, at least Bill Clinton had charisma. Hillary doesn't even have that. She was of the most unlikable candidates the U.S. has ever seen and the stories of how she abuses and brow-beats her own people are legendary.
Like I said ,all the bullshit aside The repub people have been throwing crap against the wall about her for years Got to admire their tenacity

So "all bullshit aside" you can't articulate your claim? Why do liberals do this. They make absurd claims based on emotions, when asked to back anything up, they say something of no value and then tuck their tails and ran.

I gave you point by point facts about her history. If she's such a great candidate in your mind, shouldn't you be able to articulate why?
8 years as sen 4 as sec of state ??? what do you need ?? Blood??
Why does being Secretary of State for a mere four years qualify here for president? Especially when she wasn't even qualified for that job but got it as a result of a shady deal behind closed doors?

Do I want "blood"? No. I'd just like a humble (not Hillary), composed (not Hillary), candidate with sound policies (not Hillary) who will restore Constitutional government (definitely not Hillary).

And yes - I do realize that Trump doesn't meet any of those qualifications either.
Glad you hate him but disagree about hillary I believe all the bullshit aside she's the most qualified candidate in many a year

Wow. Based on what? Lets give an honest review of her entire life:

She ignores her charismatic husbands endless infidelities (and attacks and discredits the women he slept with) so that she can stay in power and money.

Her friends go on record stating that "Bill and Hillary lie so much, they don't even know what is real anymore". She is subsequently caught in a slew of lies that don't even make sense to tell in the first place - like claiming the Secret Service landed her "under sniper fire" when she was First Lady.

Upon his final term ending, she steals items from the White House (which she admits to and is ultimately forced to return). Who the frick steals from the White House?!?!

In 2008 she runs for president because she is desperate for power and wealth and gets crushed by an unknown freshman Senator with a funny name.

Despite being an emotional train wreck who unravels whenever challenged, she's appointed as Secretary of State by someone who hates her (Barack Obama) because he needs the Clinton backing for president. She serves one term before being shown the door. During that term, she violates federal law with a personal e-mail server which she uses to conduct federal business. If that's not bad enough, she sends sensitive/classified information over it.

So besides being unable to win any election, being a pathological liar, getting every job based on dirty deals, stealing from the White House, being largely responsible for the death and subsequent cover up of multiple Americans, and committing major felonies, what exactly makes Hillary "the most qualified candidate in many a year" in your mind? I mean, at least Bill Clinton had charisma. Hillary doesn't even have that. She was of the most unlikable candidates the U.S. has ever seen and the stories of how she abuses and brow-beats her own people are legendary.
Like I said ,all the bullshit aside The repub people have been throwing crap against the wall about her for years Got to admire their tenacity

So "all bullshit aside" you can't articulate your claim? Why do liberals do this. They make absurd claims based on emotions, when asked to back anything up, they say something of no value and then tuck their tails and ran.

I gave you point by point facts about her history. If she's such a great candidate in your mind, shouldn't you be able to articulate why?
8 years as sen 4 as sec of state ??? what do you need ?? Blood??
Why does being Secretary of State for a mere four years qualify here for president? Especially when she wasn't even qualified for that job but got it as a result of a shady deal behind closed doors?

Do I want "blood"? No. I'd just like a humble (not Hillary), composed (not Hillary), candidate with sound policies (not Hillary) who will restore Constitutional government (definitely not Hillary).

And yes - I do realize that Trump doesn't meet any of those qualifications either.
Shady deal and senator for 8 was another shady deal??? Meanwhile trump has gotten rich on the backs of so many OPM is how he made it big
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

still unproven, so you lose.

amazing, the top dem/lib issues-------------the hoax of man made climate change and whether trannys can piss in women's restrooms.

liberalism is indeed a mental disease.

It is conservatives who are among the only ones in the world denying manmade global warming.......along with the oil companies

that's not true by any stretch of the imagination.

Yes, everyone agrees that the climate is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and man has never had anything to do with it.

If you libs need a cause, take on a real one, pollution. forget about the bullshit about man made climate change and take on man made pollution, the entire world would back you on that. But its not as sexy as climate change and you cant use it to find ways to control people's lives.
97% of Scientists agree there is manmade global warming in excess of normal climate shifts. It can be directly linked to the rise of industrialization

The majority of the nations in the world have signed on to the fact that man is affecting the environment

The only ones who oppose are Republicans and Big Oil

bullshit, scientists are split on whether man is causing climate change.

You libtardian fools cannot separate pollution from AGW. Pollution is a real problem but it is not causing climate change.

the polar ice caps are growing, the evidence is clear. Algore was a fraud and AGW is a hoax.

no..."scientists" are not split. people who know nothing about climate change but who say things the science deniers like pretend that scene doesn't exist.

about 98% of peer reviewed climate scientists acknowledge man made global warming.

but keep repeating what your masters tell you.
LMAO!!! Many people don't work for the federal government. Clearly you're completely and totally unaware of the law (shocking!).

It is 100% illegal to use any form of personal e-mail to conduct government business. There are several reasons for this (security among them). But the biggest reason is because all email is archived in accordance with oversight laws. Using a personal e-mail not only represents a national security risk to America, but it also prevents the American people from auditing what was said and done by their elected officials.
There are exceptions, but yeah, using personal email for business is frowned up in all industries and mostly illegal in government positions due to sunshine laws or other oversight issues. Jindal, back in Louisana, actually had a pretty major email scandal pop up a few years back because he and his advisors were using private emails to hide policy discussions from discovery.
Where are the calls for his prosecution from these wingnut witch-hunters?
There should have been more calls, but Louisiana runs as a near dictatorship with a lot of power invested in the Governor. After the initial outcry nothing more came of it.
You mean besides the fact that she had a home email server set up for her
Nothing illegal about that. Many people have their own servers. You excuse the Republicans, though.

LMAO!!! Many people don't work for the federal government. Clearly you're completely and totally unaware of the law (shocking!).

It is 100% illegal to use any form of personal e-mail to conduct government business. There are several reasons for this (security among them). But the biggest reason is because all email is archived in accordance with oversight laws. Using a personal e-mail not only represents a national security risk to America, but it also prevents the American people from auditing what was said and done by their elected officials.

And it is exactly why Hillary set up a personal mail server. The CIA was running guns to Al Qaeda in Benghazi and was doing it through the State Department. Of course, being illegal, Barack and Hillary couldn't afford to have a paper trail on any of this. And before you go off on some nonsensical rant about this, it's important you realize that they consistently referred to the facility as the "Embassy in Benghazi". Well.....the U.S. has never had an Embassy in Benghazi. Ever. The U.S. Embassy in Libya has always been in Tripoli. Look it up yourself. The facility was a CIA safe house which was being utilized for operations to arm Al Qaeda.
Colin Powell and Condi Rice both used private email for gummint bizniz.

But you aren't pushing for their prosecution, are you, wingnut?

neither of them sent classified data on their personal email accounts. However, if it can be proven that they did, they like Hillary, should be indicted.
amazing, the top dem/lib issues-------------the hoax of man made climate change and whether trannys can piss in women's restrooms.

liberalism is indeed a mental disease.

It is conservatives who are among the only ones in the world denying manmade global warming.......along with the oil companies

that's not true by any stretch of the imagination.

Yes, everyone agrees that the climate is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and man has never had anything to do with it.

If you libs need a cause, take on a real one, pollution. forget about the bullshit about man made climate change and take on man made pollution, the entire world would back you on that. But its not as sexy as climate change and you cant use it to find ways to control people's lives.
97% of Scientists agree there is manmade global warming in excess of normal climate shifts. It can be directly linked to the rise of industrialization

The majority of the nations in the world have signed on to the fact that man is affecting the environment

The only ones who oppose are Republicans and Big Oil

bullshit, scientists are split on whether man is causing climate change.

You libtardian fools cannot separate pollution from AGW. Pollution is a real problem but it is not causing climate change.

the polar ice caps are growing, the evidence is clear. Algore was a fraud and AGW is a hoax.

no..."scientists" are not split. people who know nothing about climate change but who say things the science deniers like pretend that scene doesn't exist.

about 98% of peer reviewed climate scientists acknowledge man made global warming.

but keep repeating what your masters tell you.

the polar ice caps are growing, florida is not under water. Storms have not gotten more severe, CO2 is not a pollutant (ask your favorite house plant).

You have been brainwashed into believing a hoax. you are a gullible fool.

As to scientists, the ones not on the govt payroll have provided data that conclusively proves that man is not causing climate change.

Note: climate change is NOT the most important issue facing the USA. Rampant liberalism is a much greater danger to our nation than a hoax put forth by frauds.
It is conservatives who are among the only ones in the world denying manmade global warming.......along with the oil companies

that's not true by any stretch of the imagination.

Yes, everyone agrees that the climate is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and man has never had anything to do with it.

If you libs need a cause, take on a real one, pollution. forget about the bullshit about man made climate change and take on man made pollution, the entire world would back you on that. But its not as sexy as climate change and you cant use it to find ways to control people's lives.
97% of Scientists agree there is manmade global warming in excess of normal climate shifts. It can be directly linked to the rise of industrialization

The majority of the nations in the world have signed on to the fact that man is affecting the environment

The only ones who oppose are Republicans and Big Oil

bullshit, scientists are split on whether man is causing climate change.

You libtardian fools cannot separate pollution from AGW. Pollution is a real problem but it is not causing climate change.

the polar ice caps are growing, the evidence is clear. Algore was a fraud and AGW is a hoax.

no..."scientists" are not split. people who know nothing about climate change but who say things the science deniers like pretend that scene doesn't exist.

about 98% of peer reviewed climate scientists acknowledge man made global warming.

but keep repeating what your masters tell you.

the polar ice caps are growing, florida is not under water. Storms have not gotten more severe, CO2 is not a pollutant (ask your favorite house plant).

You have been brainwashed into believing a hoax. you are a gullible fool.

As to scientists, the ones not on the govt payroll have provided data that conclusively proves that man is not causing climate change.

Note: climate change is NOT the most important issue facing the USA. Rampant liberalism is a much greater danger to our nation than a hoax put forth by frauds.

You demonstrate why the Republican Party and its neanderthal brand of conservatism are so rejected by the majority of Americans.

Republicans can't elect a president .. thus can't affect the Supreme Court .. thus, you can expect far more 'rampant liberalism' in your future and the futures of your children. :0)
You mean besides the fact that she had a home email server set up for her
Nothing illegal about that. Many people have their own servers. You excuse the Republicans, though.

LMAO!!! Many people don't work for the federal government. Clearly you're completely and totally unaware of the law (shocking!).

It is 100% illegal to use any form of personal e-mail to conduct government business. There are several reasons for this (security among them). But the biggest reason is because all email is archived in accordance with oversight laws. Using a personal e-mail not only represents a national security risk to America, but it also prevents the American people from auditing what was said and done by their elected officials.

And it is exactly why Hillary set up a personal mail server. The CIA was running guns to Al Qaeda in Benghazi and was doing it through the State Department. Of course, being illegal, Barack and Hillary couldn't afford to have a paper trail on any of this. And before you go off on some nonsensical rant about this, it's important you realize that they consistently referred to the facility as the "Embassy in Benghazi". Well.....the U.S. has never had an Embassy in Benghazi. Ever. The U.S. Embassy in Libya has always been in Tripoli. Look it up yourself. The facility was a CIA safe house which was being utilized for operations to arm Al Qaeda.
Colin Powell and Condi Rice both used private email for gummint bizniz.

But you aren't pushing for their prosecution, are you, wingnut?
You are a fucking liar!
Powell and Rice had personal email accounts.
Neither had their own private server asshole!
HUGE difference!
Hillary Clinton said 'my predecessors did the same thing' with email
that's not true by any stretch of the imagination.

Yes, everyone agrees that the climate is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and man has never had anything to do with it.

If you libs need a cause, take on a real one, pollution. forget about the bullshit about man made climate change and take on man made pollution, the entire world would back you on that. But its not as sexy as climate change and you cant use it to find ways to control people's lives.
97% of Scientists agree there is manmade global warming in excess of normal climate shifts. It can be directly linked to the rise of industrialization

The majority of the nations in the world have signed on to the fact that man is affecting the environment

The only ones who oppose are Republicans and Big Oil

bullshit, scientists are split on whether man is causing climate change.

You libtardian fools cannot separate pollution from AGW. Pollution is a real problem but it is not causing climate change.

the polar ice caps are growing, the evidence is clear. Algore was a fraud and AGW is a hoax.

no..."scientists" are not split. people who know nothing about climate change but who say things the science deniers like pretend that scene doesn't exist.

about 98% of peer reviewed climate scientists acknowledge man made global warming.

but keep repeating what your masters tell you.

the polar ice caps are growing, florida is not under water. Storms have not gotten more severe, CO2 is not a pollutant (ask your favorite house plant).

You have been brainwashed into believing a hoax. you are a gullible fool.

As to scientists, the ones not on the govt payroll have provided data that conclusively proves that man is not causing climate change.

Note: climate change is NOT the most important issue facing the USA. Rampant liberalism is a much greater danger to our nation than a hoax put forth by frauds.

You demonstrate why the Republican Party and its neanderthal brand of conservatism are so rejected by the majority of Americans.

Republicans can't elect a president .. thus can't affect the Supreme Court .. thus, you can expect far more 'rampant liberalism' in your future and the futures of your children. :0)

you are obviously sucking the govt tit. have you ever had a job?
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

that's why the dem/libs are so scared. they know that the bitch will lose and there is nothing they can do about it. Hillary Clinton is a terrible person and a terrible candidate
The FBI is getting briefed by the Romanian hacker who hacked into Hillary's private server.
They have found hundreds of Hillary's 'private' emails on his computer.
He used Russian ISP sites to begin looking for Hillary's emails.
The FBI is now very close to recommending a number of felony charges be brought against Hillary.
Whether or not Lynch, Obama's 'fisting buddy', goes forward with the charges is irrelevant.
The old career criminal is going to get what she deserves.
Romanian hacker Guccifer: I breached Clinton server, 'it was easy' | Fox News
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

Actually, the trend is still towards a big Hillary win.

Trump was closer back in February.

No candidate has been this far down at the beginning of May or later and won in the last 10 elections with one exception, and that was her husband, Slick Willie, who was 20 points behind in the summer of 1992. But he had Ross Perot running. Even Reagan had caught Carter by May.

Trump is doing worse than before when the primary became his to lose. IOW, when people began to view him as the potential nominee for real, he started falling.
97% of Scientists agree there is manmade global warming in excess of normal climate shifts. It can be directly linked to the rise of industrialization

The majority of the nations in the world have signed on to the fact that man is affecting the environment

The only ones who oppose are Republicans and Big Oil

bullshit, scientists are split on whether man is causing climate change.

You libtardian fools cannot separate pollution from AGW. Pollution is a real problem but it is not causing climate change.

the polar ice caps are growing, the evidence is clear. Algore was a fraud and AGW is a hoax.

no..."scientists" are not split. people who know nothing about climate change but who say things the science deniers like pretend that scene doesn't exist.

about 98% of peer reviewed climate scientists acknowledge man made global warming.

but keep repeating what your masters tell you.

the polar ice caps are growing, florida is not under water. Storms have not gotten more severe, CO2 is not a pollutant (ask your favorite house plant).

You have been brainwashed into believing a hoax. you are a gullible fool.

As to scientists, the ones not on the govt payroll have provided data that conclusively proves that man is not causing climate change.

Note: climate change is NOT the most important issue facing the USA. Rampant liberalism is a much greater danger to our nation than a hoax put forth by frauds.

You demonstrate why the Republican Party and its neanderthal brand of conservatism are so rejected by the majority of Americans.

Republicans can't elect a president .. thus can't affect the Supreme Court .. thus, you can expect far more 'rampant liberalism' in your future and the futures of your children. :0)

you are obviously sucking the govt tit. have you ever had a job?

What a moronic and brainless post. :0)


Hit me back with more of your butt-hurt thoughts. :0)
no..."scientists" are not split. people who know nothing about climate change but who say things the science deniers like pretend that scene doesn't exist.

about 98% of peer reviewed climate scientists acknowledge man made global warming.

but keep repeating what your masters tell you.
It's moved up a percentage point? It was 97%. Of course the cult of Warmers couldn't back it up so I'm not holding my breath. Nor can they explain why they need an opinion poll instead of facts.
bullshit, scientists are split on whether man is causing climate change.

You libtardian fools cannot separate pollution from AGW. Pollution is a real problem but it is not causing climate change.

the polar ice caps are growing, the evidence is clear. Algore was a fraud and AGW is a hoax.

no..."scientists" are not split. people who know nothing about climate change but who say things the science deniers like pretend that scene doesn't exist.

about 98% of peer reviewed climate scientists acknowledge man made global warming.

but keep repeating what your masters tell you.

the polar ice caps are growing, florida is not under water. Storms have not gotten more severe, CO2 is not a pollutant (ask your favorite house plant).

You have been brainwashed into believing a hoax. you are a gullible fool.

As to scientists, the ones not on the govt payroll have provided data that conclusively proves that man is not causing climate change.

Note: climate change is NOT the most important issue facing the USA. Rampant liberalism is a much greater danger to our nation than a hoax put forth by frauds.

You demonstrate why the Republican Party and its neanderthal brand of conservatism are so rejected by the majority of Americans.

Republicans can't elect a president .. thus can't affect the Supreme Court .. thus, you can expect far more 'rampant liberalism' in your future and the futures of your children. :0)

you are obviously sucking the govt tit. have you ever had a job?

What a moronic and brainless post. :0)


Hit me back with more of your butt-hurt thoughts. :0)

Let me repeat: Hillary Clinton will never be president, Never.

Trump will kick her ass in the debates and in the election, unless the FBI takes her out first. Better get ready for Bernie to be your candidate.
You folks don't understand that the Trump will win the votes of the Reagan Democrats if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Hillary will lose. Bernie would win.
While polls can certainly change, at the moment, they don't support your claim...

What were these stats a month ago? Two months ago? Clinton at one time was beating Trump in double digits. The trend is to a Hillary loss.

Actually, the trend is still towards a big Hillary win.

Trump was closer back in February.

No candidate has been this far down at the beginning of May or later and won in the last 10 elections with one exception, and that was her husband, Slick Willie, who was 20 points behind in the summer of 1992. But he had Ross Perot running. Even Reagan had caught Carter by May.

Trump is doing worse than before when the primary became his to lose. IOW, when people began to view him as the potential nominee for real, he started falling.
And your source is ...?
no..."scientists" are not split. people who know nothing about climate change but who say things the science deniers like pretend that scene doesn't exist.

about 98% of peer reviewed climate scientists acknowledge man made global warming.

but keep repeating what your masters tell you.
It's moved up a percentage point? It was 97%. Of course the cult of Warmers couldn't back it up so I'm not holding my breath. Nor can they explain why they need an opinion poll instead of facts.

man made global warming opinion poll:

are you a gullible fool who believes whatever the dem/libs put out as daily talking points? yes or no. 97% of dem/libs said yes.

liberalism is a mental disease, until we accept that fact, nothing will change.

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