This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

This really was a chance for Republicans to take the Whitehouse

Then they chose Trump

Saw his "Hillary only won because she is a woman" yesterday
Honestly, he just can't help it

A man with Hillary's record would never make it past the first primary. This is all about the "first woman president" just like 08 was about the "first black president" and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Why did you ignore the part about taking unscripted questions from the media?
the record your right wing nut jobs made up ??? you know benghazi how horrible she said it was about a movie thats was told to her by the CIA so when she repeated it in the press now she is lying that record deadfish ??? which bull shit record are you trying to regurgitate today ... or any of your insane sources that I've proved beyond any reasonable thinking person ... you know the lies that you are repeating all the time... those records dead between the ears fish ???

facts that you seem to not accept

Sept. 16: t Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, tells CBS News’ Bob Schieffer: “We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.” She says it began “spontaneously … as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo,” and “extremist elements” joined in the protest. (It was later learned that Rice received her information from talking points developed by the CIA.)

get it moron .. she was told by the CIA it was about the movie... there wasn't any intent to lie ... but you can't stand the facts ... you wouldn't know the truth deadfish if your life depended on it
Do you really think the right is going to let those pesky facts derail their talking points?

Rice was lying about the CIA report. She was told to lie so that obozo could continue to claim that there were no terrorist attacks on his watch------------remember, this was two months before the election.

your heroes are liars, deal with it.

You're too funny.

Sadly for you, seven investigations led by the GOP and not one of them concluded she lied.

You, on the other hand.....

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner:

actually her lies were proven. AND, the FBI is not the GOP. Obozo will probably prevent any indictments, but President Trump will not. The Clintons are a sad chapter in our history and its almost over.
personally I have no interest, my vote is for Trump cause he will bring jobs back. I really don't care why they left. he'll fight to get people to work as capitalists and not socialists. So if you choose socialism, vote for the third party guy. But know you voted for socialism the opposite of what you stated you wanted, free market capitalism. I don't get you all, just confusing as anything. say one thing vote differently. Wow.

I asked if you were interested in actually understanding how cost calculations are actually done since you only know a piece of it, which is direct salaries. Your answer was essentially no. Then you asked why I hadn't explained. I said you said you weren't interested the first time, are you now? Now you're saying no again. Just make up your mind, please. All I'm saying is I'm not going to the trouble to write it up if you're not interested anyway, which you keep saying you're not.

And Trump is going to kill jobs with protectionism, he's only telling you he's going to create them. Just like Obama tells you he's creating jobs when he's doing nothing but killing them. Free trade is the heart of free markets. You can live without an arm, but not your heart. American businesses kick ass, we compete fine. It's our own government that's hurting us the most. And Trump is promising more of that

we usually agree but you are flat out wrong on this, sorry.

The field of economics could be wrong, but I'm not guessing that it is

economics is not like math, it is full of assumptions and variables that change over time. There are no absolutes in economics. I am right, you are wrong, sorry.

As a math major, I've seen virtually no fields as supported by math as economics. Even my second major, Computer Science. And as an MBA in finance, my econ teachers loved me because of the math that I contributed to the discussions. If you understand calculus, econ is just no duh obviously

you are really sounding foolish now, math is absolute, Pi is always Pi, 2+2 is always 4, etc.

In econ there are new variables in every example. the macro econ of 1900 would not work in 2016.

but you are free to believe whatever you like, as am I.
I asked if you were interested in actually understanding how cost calculations are actually done since you only know a piece of it, which is direct salaries. Your answer was essentially no. Then you asked why I hadn't explained. I said you said you weren't interested the first time, are you now? Now you're saying no again. Just make up your mind, please. All I'm saying is I'm not going to the trouble to write it up if you're not interested anyway, which you keep saying you're not.

And Trump is going to kill jobs with protectionism, he's only telling you he's going to create them. Just like Obama tells you he's creating jobs when he's doing nothing but killing them. Free trade is the heart of free markets. You can live without an arm, but not your heart. American businesses kick ass, we compete fine. It's our own government that's hurting us the most. And Trump is promising more of that

we usually agree but you are flat out wrong on this, sorry.

The field of economics could be wrong, but I'm not guessing that it is

economics is not like math, it is full of assumptions and variables that change over time. There are no absolutes in economics. I am right, you are wrong, sorry.

As a math major, I've seen virtually no fields as supported by math as economics. Even my second major, Computer Science. And as an MBA in finance, my econ teachers loved me because of the math that I contributed to the discussions. If you understand calculus, econ is just no duh obviously

you are really sounding foolish now, math is absolute, Pi is always Pi, 2+2 is always 4, etc.

In econ there are new variables in every example. the macro econ of 1900 would not work in 2016.

but you are free to believe whatever you like, as am I.

I don't know what that means, but I didn't say econ is math, I said it's supported by math. If you know calculus and study economics, it starts making a lot of intuitive sense
we usually agree but you are flat out wrong on this, sorry.

The field of economics could be wrong, but I'm not guessing that it is

economics is not like math, it is full of assumptions and variables that change over time. There are no absolutes in economics. I am right, you are wrong, sorry.

As a math major, I've seen virtually no fields as supported by math as economics. Even my second major, Computer Science. And as an MBA in finance, my econ teachers loved me because of the math that I contributed to the discussions. If you understand calculus, econ is just no duh obviously

you are really sounding foolish now, math is absolute, Pi is always Pi, 2+2 is always 4, etc.

In econ there are new variables in every example. the macro econ of 1900 would not work in 2016.

but you are free to believe whatever you like, as am I.

I don't know what that means, but I didn't say econ is math, I said it's supported by math. If you know calculus and study economics, it starts making a lot of intuitive sense

I have studied all of those things in detail. I have an MBA from the liberal bastion of Harvard.

my point: math is absolute, economics is not.

if you don't get it, I cannot help you.
The field of economics could be wrong, but I'm not guessing that it is

economics is not like math, it is full of assumptions and variables that change over time. There are no absolutes in economics. I am right, you are wrong, sorry.

As a math major, I've seen virtually no fields as supported by math as economics. Even my second major, Computer Science. And as an MBA in finance, my econ teachers loved me because of the math that I contributed to the discussions. If you understand calculus, econ is just no duh obviously

you are really sounding foolish now, math is absolute, Pi is always Pi, 2+2 is always 4, etc.

In econ there are new variables in every example. the macro econ of 1900 would not work in 2016.

but you are free to believe whatever you like, as am I.

I don't know what that means, but I didn't say econ is math, I said it's supported by math. If you know calculus and study economics, it starts making a lot of intuitive sense

I have studied all of those things in detail. I have an MBA from the liberal bastion of Harvard.

my point: math is absolute, economics is not.

if you don't get it, I cannot help you.

That doesn't contradict what I said
This really was a chance for Republicans to take the Whitehouse

Then they chose Trump

Saw his "Hillary only won because she is a woman" yesterday
Honestly, he just can't help it

A man with Hillary's record would never make it past the first primary. This is all about the "first woman president" just like 08 was about the "first black president" and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Why did you ignore the part about taking unscripted questions from the media?
the record your right wing nut jobs made up ??? you know benghazi how horrible she said it was about a movie thats was told to her by the CIA so when she repeated it in the press now she is lying that record deadfish ??? which bull shit record are you trying to regurgitate today ... or any of your insane sources that I've proved beyond any reasonable thinking person ... you know the lies that you are repeating all the time... those records dead between the ears fish ???

facts that you seem to not accept

Sept. 16: t Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, tells CBS News’ Bob Schieffer: “We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.” She says it began “spontaneously … as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo,” and “extremist elements” joined in the protest. (It was later learned that Rice received her information from talking points developed by the CIA.)

get it moron .. she was told by the CIA it was about the movie... there wasn't any intent to lie ... but you can't stand the facts ... you wouldn't know the truth deadfish if your life depended on it
Do you really think the right is going to let those pesky facts derail their talking points?

Rice was lying about the CIA report. She was told to lie so that obozo could continue to claim that there were no terrorist attacks on his watch------------remember, this was two months before the election.

your heroes are liars, deal with it.

You're too funny.

Sadly for you, seven investigations led by the GOP and not one of them concluded she lied.

You, on the other hand.....

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
sure she lied, she admitted she lied, ask the victims families. she blamed a video, period. She ignored the requests of the four americans in Benghazi. I don't care what seven congressional reviews found. history tells us she was responsible and she lied. Sorry friend.
My 'allegation' is that the Obama Administration took an unfounded story of rape in Libya to the UN and used it as justification for attacking and destroying the country
They didn't need a story about viagra to justify or rationalize removing Ghaddafi from power.

He was responsible for the Lockerbie Pan Am crash, for one. He harbored terrorists like Carlos The Jackal, for another. He exported terrorism, resulting in American deaths, for another. He had an elaborate rape room for raping school girls and boys.
Bwahahahahahaha! Little cynthia getting all crazy again. Lockerbie was in the 1980's. Carlos the Jackal was in the 1970's.

But in this millennium (not the previous one sweetie), he actually surrendered it entire nuclear arsenal to the U.S. and cooperated with the us on every request we had. You can't even begin to justify Obama's illegal invasion of that country based on 30 and 40 years ago when their current history was complete and total compliance with the U.S.

"Carlos the Jackal" :lmao:
Bush used Saddam's gassing the Kurds as a justification for his war based on lies.

And you nodded your head the whole time.

Ghaddafi exported terrorism. Are you going to deny that?
so did Hillary. hmmmmmmmmmmmm
A man with Hillary's record would never make it past the first primary. This is all about the "first woman president" just like 08 was about the "first black president" and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Why did you ignore the part about taking unscripted questions from the media?
the record your right wing nut jobs made up ??? you know benghazi how horrible she said it was about a movie thats was told to her by the CIA so when she repeated it in the press now she is lying that record deadfish ??? which bull shit record are you trying to regurgitate today ... or any of your insane sources that I've proved beyond any reasonable thinking person ... you know the lies that you are repeating all the time... those records dead between the ears fish ???

facts that you seem to not accept

Sept. 16: t Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, tells CBS News’ Bob Schieffer: “We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.” She says it began “spontaneously … as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo,” and “extremist elements” joined in the protest. (It was later learned that Rice received her information from talking points developed by the CIA.)

get it moron .. she was told by the CIA it was about the movie... there wasn't any intent to lie ... but you can't stand the facts ... you wouldn't know the truth deadfish if your life depended on it
Do you really think the right is going to let those pesky facts derail their talking points?

Rice was lying about the CIA report. She was told to lie so that obozo could continue to claim that there were no terrorist attacks on his watch------------remember, this was two months before the election.

your heroes are liars, deal with it.

You're too funny.

Sadly for you, seven investigations led by the GOP and not one of them concluded she lied.

You, on the other hand.....

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
sure she lied, she admitted she lied, ask the victims families. she blamed a video, period. She ignored the requests of the four americans in Benghazi. I don't care what seven congressional reviews found. history tells us she was responsible and she lied. Sorry friend.

Wrong. She didn't lie. And that is what the Congressional hearings said. There was no cover up.

What part of "Benghazi was a fake scandal wherein Republicans tried to use public funds to run a political witch hunt to undermine Hillary's chances in the election. Two senior Republicans have publically admitted this and that it has been a very successful campaign for them since Hillary's favourability ratings have steadily dropped since they

There are now calls for the Republican Party to repay the millions spent on these political witch hunts since they were conducted to benefit the Republican Party, and not to help prevent future deaths.

History tells us terrorists are responsible for the deaths.
the record your right wing nut jobs made up ??? you know benghazi how horrible she said it was about a movie thats was told to her by the CIA so when she repeated it in the press now she is lying that record deadfish ??? which bull shit record are you trying to regurgitate today ... or any of your insane sources that I've proved beyond any reasonable thinking person ... you know the lies that you are repeating all the time... those records dead between the ears fish ???

facts that you seem to not accept

Sept. 16: t Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, tells CBS News’ Bob Schieffer: “We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.” She says it began “spontaneously … as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo,” and “extremist elements” joined in the protest. (It was later learned that Rice received her information from talking points developed by the CIA.)

get it moron .. she was told by the CIA it was about the movie... there wasn't any intent to lie ... but you can't stand the facts ... you wouldn't know the truth deadfish if your life depended on it
Do you really think the right is going to let those pesky facts derail their talking points?

Rice was lying about the CIA report. She was told to lie so that obozo could continue to claim that there were no terrorist attacks on his watch------------remember, this was two months before the election.

your heroes are liars, deal with it.

You're too funny.

Sadly for you, seven investigations led by the GOP and not one of them concluded she lied.

You, on the other hand.....

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
sure she lied, she admitted she lied, ask the victims families. she blamed a video, period. She ignored the requests of the four americans in Benghazi. I don't care what seven congressional reviews found. history tells us she was responsible and she lied. Sorry friend.

Wrong. She didn't lie. And that is what the Congressional hearings said. There was no cover up.

What part of "Benghazi was a fake scandal wherein Republicans tried to use public funds to run a political witch hunt to undermine Hillary's chances in the election. Two senior Republicans have publically admitted this and that it has been a very successful campaign for them since Hillary's favourability ratings have steadily dropped since they

There are now calls for the Republican Party to repay the millions spent on these political witch hunts since they were conducted to benefit the Republican Party, and not to help prevent future deaths.

History tells us terrorists are responsible for the deaths.

Why don't you go worry about whatever shit hole country you are from, no one gives a fuck about your opinion.
LMAO!!! Many people don't work for the federal government. Clearly you're completely and totally unaware of the law (shocking!).

It is 100% illegal to use any form of personal e-mail to conduct government business. There are several reasons for this (security among them). But the biggest reason is because all email is archived in accordance with oversight laws. Using a personal e-mail not only represents a national security risk to America, but it also prevents the American people from auditing what was said and done by their elected officials.
There are exceptions, but yeah, using personal email for business is frowned up in all industries and mostly illegal in government positions due to sunshine laws or other oversight issues. Jindal, back in Louisana, actually had a pretty major email scandal pop up a few years back because he and his advisors were using private emails to hide policy discussions from discovery.
the record your right wing nut jobs made up ??? you know benghazi how horrible she said it was about a movie thats was told to her by the CIA so when she repeated it in the press now she is lying that record deadfish ??? which bull shit record are you trying to regurgitate today ... or any of your insane sources that I've proved beyond any reasonable thinking person ... you know the lies that you are repeating all the time... those records dead between the ears fish ???

facts that you seem to not accept

Sept. 16: t Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, tells CBS News’ Bob Schieffer: “We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.” She says it began “spontaneously … as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo,” and “extremist elements” joined in the protest. (It was later learned that Rice received her information from talking points developed by the CIA.)

get it moron .. she was told by the CIA it was about the movie... there wasn't any intent to lie ... but you can't stand the facts ... you wouldn't know the truth deadfish if your life depended on it
Do you really think the right is going to let those pesky facts derail their talking points?

Rice was lying about the CIA report. She was told to lie so that obozo could continue to claim that there were no terrorist attacks on his watch------------remember, this was two months before the election.

your heroes are liars, deal with it.

You're too funny.

Sadly for you, seven investigations led by the GOP and not one of them concluded she lied.

You, on the other hand.....

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
sure she lied, she admitted she lied, ask the victims families. she blamed a video, period. She ignored the requests of the four americans in Benghazi. I don't care what seven congressional reviews found. history tells us she was responsible and she lied. Sorry friend.

Wrong. She didn't lie. And that is what the Congressional hearings said. There was no cover up.

What part of "Benghazi was a fake scandal wherein Republicans tried to use public funds to run a political witch hunt to undermine Hillary's chances in the election. Two senior Republicans have publically admitted this and that it has been a very successful campaign for them since Hillary's favourability ratings have steadily dropped since they

There are now calls for the Republican Party to repay the millions spent on these political witch hunts since they were conducted to benefit the Republican Party, and not to help prevent future deaths.

History tells us terrorists are responsible for the deaths.
funny, how do you think we get to the personal email server issue? If emails were deleted from her server, which is what the FBI is looking into, then all evidence is gone. There are emails that show the office in Benghazi was looking for more security. it's there, as early as June 7th 2012. Now what the secretary of state did with those requests are lost in her personal email scam. And is a main point about the personal email server along with the security concerns it brings. I mean, how convenient is it to walk into a room to testify and know those seeking data can't get cause they are deleted. Wow, see, I can't have that as a citizen, nope. There was no reason for the four deaths if Ambassador Steven's emails requested more security and she ignored them.

She then lied to the victims families by stating the attack was due to a video. here from a youtube video:

I'm not predicting a Trump victory. But I find it interesting how all of the most devout liberals in the media are predicting that Trump will slaughter Hillary. I mean, these are people who lie every day for the Democrats. Yesterday it was Van Jones. Today, Piers Morgan says that Hillary is scared stupid and will get crushed....


Trump has "electrified U.S. politics in a way nobody has ever seen," Morgan says

Piers Morgan: Trump Slaying D.C. Elite, Hillary Shaking “In Her Goldman Sachs-Financed Boots”
I'm not predicting a Trump victory. But I find it interesting how all of the most devout liberals in the media are predicting that Trump will slaughter Hillary. I mean, these are people who lie every day for the Democrats. Yesterday it was Van Jones. Today, Piers Morgan says that Hillary is scared stupid and will get crushed....


Trump has "electrified U.S. politics in a way nobody has ever seen," Morgan says

Piers Morgan: Trump Slaying D.C. Elite, Hillary Shaking “In Her Goldman Sachs-Financed Boots”

You said "all." You quoted one guy. And an English guy at that.

Recent Florida poll has Hillary not only beating Birfer Trump 52-36, she's leading amongst women 55-33, and Hispanics 60-16.

Trump supporters are going to have to come up with some pretty compelling reasons why Birfer Trump won't get totally annihilated amongst women and minorities.
I'm not predicting a Trump victory. But I find it interesting how all of the most devout liberals in the media are predicting that Trump will slaughter Hillary. I mean, these are people who lie every day for the Democrats. Yesterday it was Van Jones. Today, Piers Morgan says that Hillary is scared stupid and will get crushed....


Trump has "electrified U.S. politics in a way nobody has ever seen," Morgan says

Piers Morgan: Trump Slaying D.C. Elite, Hillary Shaking “In Her Goldman Sachs-Financed Boots”

You said "all." You quoted one guy. And an English guy at that.

Recent Florida poll has Hillary not only beating Birfer Trump 52-36, she's leading amongst women 55-33, and Hispanics 60-16.

Trump supporters are going to have to come up with some pretty compelling reasons why Birfer Trump won't get totally annihilated amongst women and minorities.
Well that's not true. I gave TWO names in TWO days now - Van Jones (a self-admitted communist who worked for Barack Obama) and Piers Morgan.

And I hate Trump. So I'm not a supporter and I won't be coming up with any reasons why he should be president (because he shouldn't - but then again, neither should Bernie Sanders and nobody is less qualified or deserving than Hillary Clinton).
Do you really think the right is going to let those pesky facts derail their talking points?

Rice was lying about the CIA report. She was told to lie so that obozo could continue to claim that there were no terrorist attacks on his watch------------remember, this was two months before the election.

your heroes are liars, deal with it.

You're too funny.

Sadly for you, seven investigations led by the GOP and not one of them concluded she lied.

You, on the other hand.....

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
sure she lied, she admitted she lied, ask the victims families. she blamed a video, period. She ignored the requests of the four americans in Benghazi. I don't care what seven congressional reviews found. history tells us she was responsible and she lied. Sorry friend.

Wrong. She didn't lie. And that is what the Congressional hearings said. There was no cover up.

What part of "Benghazi was a fake scandal wherein Republicans tried to use public funds to run a political witch hunt to undermine Hillary's chances in the election. Two senior Republicans have publically admitted this and that it has been a very successful campaign for them since Hillary's favourability ratings have steadily dropped since they

There are now calls for the Republican Party to repay the millions spent on these political witch hunts since they were conducted to benefit the Republican Party, and not to help prevent future deaths.

History tells us terrorists are responsible for the deaths.
funny, how do you think we get to the personal email server issue? If emails were deleted from her server, which is what the FBI is looking into, then all evidence is gone. There are emails that show the office in Benghazi was looking for more security. it's there, as early as June 7th 2012. Now what the secretary of state did with those requests are lost in her personal email scam. And is a main point about the personal email server along with the security concerns it brings. I mean, how convenient is it to walk into a room to testify and know those seeking data can't get cause they are deleted. Wow, see, I can't have that as a citizen, nope. There was no reason for the four deaths if Ambassador Steven's emails requested more security and she ignored them.

She then lied to the victims families by stating the attack was due to a video. here from a youtube video:

The really scary part is - that was no random choice to blame the YouTube video. I've tipped my hat to Obama a thousand times on this and I will do it again - nobody is more brilliant or deviant and using multiple angles on the same issue to usurp the Constitution and push his agenda. Benghazi was another example.

If you recall at the time, Obama was desperate for an "internet kill switch" because he couldn't stand the truth that was getting out about him (like the fact that card-carrying member of Communist Party U.S.A., Frank Marshall Davis, was his "mentor"). When the Benghazi debacle hit, they looked at that and said "how can we hide what we did here while also advancing our agenda" (the question they always ask - and the one thing that Obama is truly brilliant at). Boom! Blame the free flow of information over the internet - and use it to make your case once again for the "internet kill switch".
I'm not predicting a Trump victory. But I find it interesting how all of the most devout liberals in the media are predicting that Trump will slaughter Hillary. I mean, these are people who lie every day for the Democrats. Yesterday it was Van Jones. Today, Piers Morgan says that Hillary is scared stupid and will get crushed....


Trump has "electrified U.S. politics in a way nobody has ever seen," Morgan says

Piers Morgan: Trump Slaying D.C. Elite, Hillary Shaking “In Her Goldman Sachs-Financed Boots”

You said "all." You quoted one guy. And an English guy at that.

Recent Florida poll has Hillary not only beating Birfer Trump 52-36, she's leading amongst women 55-33, and Hispanics 60-16.

Trump supporters are going to have to come up with some pretty compelling reasons why Birfer Trump won't get totally annihilated amongst women and minorities.
Well that's not true. I gave TWO names in TWO days now - Van Jones (a self-admitted communist who worked for Barack Obama) and Piers Morgan.

And I hate Trump. So I'm not a supporter and I won't be coming up with any reasons why he should be president (because he shouldn't - but then again, neither should Bernie Sanders and nobody is less qualified or deserving than Hillary Clinton).
Well the guy from the KKK loves trump donated to him Glad you hate him but disagree about hillary I believe all the bullshit aside she's the most qualified candidate in many a year
Glad you hate him but disagree about hillary I believe all the bullshit aside she's the most qualified candidate in many a year

Wow. Based on what? Lets give an honest review of her entire life:

She ignores her charismatic husbands endless infidelities (and attacks and discredits the women he slept with) so that she can stay in power and money.

Her friends go on record stating that "Bill and Hillary lie so much, they don't even know what is real anymore". She is subsequently caught in a slew of lies that don't even make sense to tell in the first place - like claiming the Secret Service landed her "under sniper fire" when she was First Lady.

Upon his final term ending, she steals items from the White House (which she admits to and is ultimately forced to return). Who the frick steals from the White House?!?!

In 2008 she runs for president because she is desperate for power and wealth and gets crushed by an unknown freshman Senator with a funny name.

Despite being an emotional train wreck who unravels whenever challenged, she's appointed as Secretary of State by someone who hates her (Barack Obama) because he needs the Clinton backing for president. She serves one term before being shown the door. During that term, she violates federal law with a personal e-mail server which she uses to conduct federal business. If that's not bad enough, she sends sensitive/classified information over it.

So besides being unable to win any election, being a pathological liar, getting every job based on dirty deals, stealing from the White House, being largely responsible for the death and subsequent cover up of multiple Americans, and committing major felonies, what exactly makes Hillary "the most qualified candidate in many a year" in your mind? I mean, at least Bill Clinton had charisma. Hillary doesn't even have that. She was of the most unlikable candidates the U.S. has ever seen and the stories of how she abuses and brow-beats her own people are legendary.
I'm not predicting a Trump victory. But I find it interesting how all of the most devout liberals in the media are predicting that Trump will slaughter Hillary. I mean, these are people who lie every day for the Democrats. Yesterday it was Van Jones. Today, Piers Morgan says that Hillary is scared stupid and will get crushed....


Trump has "electrified U.S. politics in a way nobody has ever seen," Morgan says

Piers Morgan: Trump Slaying D.C. Elite, Hillary Shaking “In Her Goldman Sachs-Financed Boots”
Check out when you have time, all the republicans vomiting at the thought of a drumph presidency who will either not vote or vote for hillary
Trump and his supporters are hemorrhaging Hispanics like they did blacks 40 years ago. They can't lose 80% of Hispanics and win a national election. They are too big a constituency and in swing states like Nevada that will also cost them House and Senate seats.

In a head-to-head general election match-up with Donald Trump, Nevada Latino voters would choose Hillary Clinton by a 76-13 margin. Bernie Sanders, who lost in the February caucus to Clinton, actually fared even better in 82-9 over trump.

The poll found Trump was the top reason Latinos will vote in the 2016 election.

"Trump has increased the enthusiasm for turning out to vote to stop his potential presidency," said Dr. David Damore, Sr. Analyst, Latino Decisions.

Hispanic voters heavily favor Democratic candidates, so if the presidential race ends up being close, the left lean by Latinos could be the difference maker.

"If you're seeing 75-80 percent of the vote going towards the Democrats, it makes it very, very difficult for the Republicans to get anywhere in the margins they're going to need," Damore said

Pollsters set out to survey Latino voters

If the Democrat is Bernie, I agree. If Hillary, not a chance.
Glad you hate him but disagree about hillary I believe all the bullshit aside she's the most qualified candidate in many a year

Wow. Based on what? Lets give an honest review of her entire life:

She ignores her charismatic husbands endless infidelities (and attacks and discredits the women he slept with) so that she can stay in power and money.

Her friends go on record stating that "Bill and Hillary lie so much, they don't even know what is real anymore". She is subsequently caught in a slew of lies that don't even make sense to tell in the first place - like claiming the Secret Service landed her "under sniper fire" when she was First Lady.

Upon his final term ending, she steals items from the White House (which she admits to and is ultimately forced to return). Who the frick steals from the White House?!?!

In 2008 she runs for president because she is desperate for power and wealth and gets crushed by an unknown freshman Senator with a funny name.

Despite being an emotional train wreck who unravels whenever challenged, she's appointed as Secretary of State by someone who hates her (Barack Obama) because he needs the Clinton backing for president. She serves one term before being shown the door. During that term, she violates federal law with a personal e-mail server which she uses to conduct federal business. If that's not bad enough, she sends sensitive/classified information over it.

So besides being unable to win any election, being a pathological liar, getting every job based on dirty deals, stealing from the White House, being largely responsible for the death and subsequent cover up of multiple Americans, and committing major felonies, what exactly makes Hillary "the most qualified candidate in many a year" in your mind? I mean, at least Bill Clinton had charisma. Hillary doesn't even have that. She was of the most unlikable candidates the U.S. has ever seen and the stories of how she abuses and brow-beats her own people are legendary.
The guy with the funny name beat 2 of the republicans best MCSHAME and R money

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