This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

My 'allegation' is that the Obama Administration took an unfounded story of rape in Libya to the UN and used it as justification for attacking and destroying the country
They didn't need a story about viagra to justify or rationalize removing Ghaddafi from power.

He was responsible for the Lockerbie Pan Am crash, for one. He harbored terrorists like Carlos The Jackal, for another. He exported terrorism, resulting in American deaths, for another. He had an elaborate rape room for raping school girls and boys.
If Hilary were a Republican, every single one her supporters would be trashing her for the exact same reasons the Republicans now do, not because of differences in policy opinions or anything else politically but because of how fucking shady she is as a person.

That is a fact.
How is she shady? Besides in the fevered minds of Right-Wingers?
Hispanics, Women, Democrats, Muslims, Gays, and Americans who believe their President should possess personal and professional integrity
…and a president who isn’t a bigot.
There is truly no bigger bigot in America than Hillary Clinton. Her patronizing of blacks, mocking their accent, etc. is repulsive and it just screams "I hate *******, but I need their vote". Just like Dumbocrat Lyndon Johnson literally did over 50 years ago.
My 'allegation' is that the Obama Administration took an unfounded story of rape in Libya to the UN and used it as justification for attacking and destroying the country
They didn't need a story about viagra to justify or rationalize removing Ghaddafi from power.

He was responsible for the Lockerbie Pan Am crash, for one. He harbored terrorists like Carlos The Jackal, for another. He exported terrorism, resulting in American deaths, for another. He had an elaborate rape room for raping school girls and boys.
Bwahahahahahaha! Little cynthia getting all crazy again. Lockerbie was in the 1980's. Carlos the Jackal was in the 1970's.

But in this millennium (not the previous one sweetie), he actually surrendered it entire nuclear arsenal to the U.S. and cooperated with the us on every request we had. You can't even begin to justify Obama's illegal invasion of that country based on 30 and 40 years ago when their current history was complete and total compliance with the U.S.

"Carlos the Jackal" :lmao:
If Hilary were a Republican, every single one her supporters would be trashing her for the exact same reasons the Republicans now do, not because of differences in policy opinions or anything else politically but because of how fucking shady she is as a person.

That is a fact.
How is she shady? Besides in the fevered minds of Right-Wingers?
You mean - besides the fact that she tries to discredit and ruin the lives of women who have slept with her husband simply so that Hillary can remain in power and in money? You mean other than the fact that she was not only largely responsible for the death of 4 Americans in Benghazi, but that she then attempted to cover it up? You mean besides the fact that she had a home email server set up for her so that she could bypass every oversight measure designed to make the federal government accountable to the American people (a felony all by itself)?

Gee...I don't know 'lil is she shady beside all of that? :cuckoo:
My 'allegation' is that the Obama Administration took an unfounded story of rape in Libya to the UN and used it as justification for attacking and destroying the country
They didn't need a story about viagra to justify or rationalize removing Ghaddafi from power.

He was responsible for the Lockerbie Pan Am crash, for one. He harbored terrorists like Carlos The Jackal, for another. He exported terrorism, resulting in American deaths, for another. He had an elaborate rape room for raping school girls and boys.
Bwahahahahahaha! Little cynthia getting all crazy again. Lockerbie was in the 1980's. Carlos the Jackal was in the 1970's.

But in this millennium (not the previous one sweetie), he actually surrendered it entire nuclear arsenal to the U.S. and cooperated with the us on every request we had. You can't even begin to justify Obama's illegal invasion of that country based on 30 and 40 years ago when their current history was complete and total compliance with the U.S.

"Carlos the Jackal" :lmao:


Not only that, most of the Western propaganda about Qaddafi is just that, propaganda, it's entirely false.

Everything you think you know, is, false.

Lockerbie bombing: has the truth finally been revealed?
Mar 11, 2014
Former Iranian intelligence officer claims Iran was behind the Pan Am Flight 103 disaster, not Libya
Lockerbie bombing: has the truth finally been revealed?
thanks for playing.

If you want to have a serious discussion about it, it works. You gave a combative reply to the original question and here you're saying well, you never explained. If you just want to argue a side, I'm not interested. What is your interest?
personally I have no interest, my vote is for Trump cause he will bring jobs back. I really don't care why they left. he'll fight to get people to work as capitalists and not socialists. So if you choose socialism, vote for the third party guy. But know you voted for socialism the opposite of what you stated you wanted, free market capitalism. I don't get you all, just confusing as anything. say one thing vote differently. Wow.

I asked if you were interested in actually understanding how cost calculations are actually done since you only know a piece of it, which is direct salaries. Your answer was essentially no. Then you asked why I hadn't explained. I said you said you weren't interested the first time, are you now? Now you're saying no again. Just make up your mind, please. All I'm saying is I'm not going to the trouble to write it up if you're not interested anyway, which you keep saying you're not.

And Trump is going to kill jobs with protectionism, he's only telling you he's going to create them. Just like Obama tells you he's creating jobs when he's doing nothing but killing them. Free trade is the heart of free markets. You can live without an arm, but not your heart. American businesses kick ass, we compete fine. It's our own government that's hurting us the most. And Trump is promising more of that

we usually agree but you are flat out wrong on this, sorry.

The field of economics could be wrong, but I'm not guessing that it is

economics is not like math, it is full of assumptions and variables that change over time. There are no absolutes in economics. I am right, you are wrong, sorry.
that's not true by any stretch of the imagination.

Yes, everyone agrees that the climate is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and man has never had anything to do with it.

If you libs need a cause, take on a real one, pollution. forget about the bullshit about man made climate change and take on man made pollution, the entire world would back you on that. But its not as sexy as climate change and you cant use it to find ways to control people's lives.
97% of Scientists agree there is manmade global warming in excess of normal climate shifts. It can be directly linked to the rise of industrialization

The majority of the nations in the world have signed on to the fact that man is affecting the environment

The only ones who oppose are Republicans and Big Oil

bullshit, scientists are split on whether man is causing climate change.

You libtardian fools cannot separate pollution from AGW. Pollution is a real problem but it is not causing climate change.

the polar ice caps are growing, the evidence is clear. Algore was a fraud and AGW is a hoax.

Yea...a 97-3 split

its much more like 50/50 with the pro-AGW group on the government payroll receiving grants that require that they prove AGW.

Its a hoax and you have been duped. Said another way, you are a fool.
don't you every get tired of being wrong???

nope, because I am not wrong, the ice caps are growing, the earth is not warming, man is not destroying planet earth.

YES, the climate is changing, it has been for hundreds of millions of years, man has never had anything to do with it.
True, in 2016 vote against Hillary, that is the only thing that matters, keeping that bitch out of power.

Hillary was beatable in 2016
Republicans had 17 candidates to choose from...they chose Trump


Hillary is beatable and Trump will beat her easily. The momentum has begun, get on board or get run over.

Trump ran the table yesterday, and then after his speech took unscripted questions from the media. Would Hillary ever do that? of course not, she has too much to hide.

This really was a chance for Republicans to take the Whitehouse

Then they chose Trump

Saw his "Hillary only won because she is a woman" yesterday
Honestly, he just can't help it

A man with Hillary's record would never make it past the first primary. This is all about the "first woman president" just like 08 was about the "first black president" and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Why did you ignore the part about taking unscripted questions from the media?
the record your right wing nut jobs made up ??? you know benghazi how horrible she said it was about a movie thats was told to her by the CIA so when she repeated it in the press now she is lying that record deadfish ??? which bull shit record are you trying to regurgitate today ... or any of your insane sources that I've proved beyond any reasonable thinking person ... you know the lies that you are repeating all the time... those records dead between the ears fish ???

facts that you seem to not accept

Sept. 16: t Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, tells CBS News’ Bob Schieffer: “We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.” She says it began “spontaneously … as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo,” and “extremist elements” joined in the protest. (It was later learned that Rice received her information from talking points developed by the CIA.)

get it moron .. she was told by the CIA it was about the movie... there wasn't any intent to lie ... but you can't stand the facts ... you wouldn't know the truth deadfish if your life depended on it

so what you are saying is that obozo and the hildebeast were too stupid to realize that the attack was not caused by a video?
Hillary was beatable in 2016
Republicans had 17 candidates to choose from...they chose Trump


Hillary is beatable and Trump will beat her easily. The momentum has begun, get on board or get run over.

Trump ran the table yesterday, and then after his speech took unscripted questions from the media. Would Hillary ever do that? of course not, she has too much to hide.

This really was a chance for Republicans to take the Whitehouse

Then they chose Trump

Saw his "Hillary only won because she is a woman" yesterday
Honestly, he just can't help it

A man with Hillary's record would never make it past the first primary. This is all about the "first woman president" just like 08 was about the "first black president" and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Why did you ignore the part about taking unscripted questions from the media?
the record your right wing nut jobs made up ??? you know benghazi how horrible she said it was about a movie thats was told to her by the CIA so when she repeated it in the press now she is lying that record deadfish ??? which bull shit record are you trying to regurgitate today ... or any of your insane sources that I've proved beyond any reasonable thinking person ... you know the lies that you are repeating all the time... those records dead between the ears fish ???

facts that you seem to not accept

Sept. 16: t Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, tells CBS News’ Bob Schieffer: “We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.” She says it began “spontaneously … as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo,” and “extremist elements” joined in the protest. (It was later learned that Rice received her information from talking points developed by the CIA.)

get it moron .. she was told by the CIA it was about the movie... there wasn't any intent to lie ... but you can't stand the facts ... you wouldn't know the truth deadfish if your life depended on it
Do you really think the right is going to let those pesky facts derail their talking points?

Rice was lying about the CIA report. She was told to lie so that obozo could continue to claim that there were no terrorist attacks on his watch------------remember, this was two months before the election.

your heroes are liars, deal with it.
Hillary is beatable and Trump will beat her easily. The momentum has begun, get on board or get run over.

Trump ran the table yesterday, and then after his speech took unscripted questions from the media. Would Hillary ever do that? of course not, she has too much to hide.

This really was a chance for Republicans to take the Whitehouse

Then they chose Trump

Saw his "Hillary only won because she is a woman" yesterday
Honestly, he just can't help it

A man with Hillary's record would never make it past the first primary. This is all about the "first woman president" just like 08 was about the "first black president" and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Why did you ignore the part about taking unscripted questions from the media?
the record your right wing nut jobs made up ??? you know benghazi how horrible she said it was about a movie thats was told to her by the CIA so when she repeated it in the press now she is lying that record deadfish ??? which bull shit record are you trying to regurgitate today ... or any of your insane sources that I've proved beyond any reasonable thinking person ... you know the lies that you are repeating all the time... those records dead between the ears fish ???

facts that you seem to not accept

Sept. 16: t Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, tells CBS News’ Bob Schieffer: “We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.” She says it began “spontaneously … as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo,” and “extremist elements” joined in the protest. (It was later learned that Rice received her information from talking points developed by the CIA.)

get it moron .. she was told by the CIA it was about the movie... there wasn't any intent to lie ... but you can't stand the facts ... you wouldn't know the truth deadfish if your life depended on it
Do you really think the right is going to let those pesky facts derail their talking points?

Rice was lying about the CIA report. She was told to lie so that obozo could continue to claim that there were no terrorist attacks on his watch------------remember, this was two months before the election.

your heroes are liars, deal with it.

You're too funny.

Sadly for you, seven investigations led by the GOP and not one of them concluded she lied.

You, on the other hand.....

:spinner: :spinner: :spinner:
My 'allegation' is that the Obama Administration took an unfounded story of rape in Libya to the UN and used it as justification for attacking and destroying the country
They didn't need a story about viagra to justify or rationalize removing Ghaddafi from power.

He was responsible for the Lockerbie Pan Am crash, for one. He harbored terrorists like Carlos The Jackal, for another. He exported terrorism, resulting in American deaths, for another. He had an elaborate rape room for raping school girls and boys.
Bwahahahahahaha! Little cynthia getting all crazy again. Lockerbie was in the 1980's. Carlos the Jackal was in the 1970's.

But in this millennium (not the previous one sweetie), he actually surrendered it entire nuclear arsenal to the U.S. and cooperated with the us on every request we had. You can't even begin to justify Obama's illegal invasion of that country based on 30 and 40 years ago when their current history was complete and total compliance with the U.S.

"Carlos the Jackal" :lmao:
Bush used Saddam's gassing the Kurds as a justification for his war based on lies.

And you nodded your head the whole time.

Ghaddafi exported terrorism. Are you going to deny that?
If Hilary were a Republican, every single one her supporters would be trashing her for the exact same reasons the Republicans now do, not because of differences in policy opinions or anything else politically but because of how fucking shady she is as a person.

That is a fact.
How is she shady? Besides in the fevered minds of Right-Wingers?
You mean - besides the fact that she tries to discredit and ruin the lives of women who have slept with her husband simply so that Hillary can remain in power and in money? You mean other than the fact that she was not only largely responsible for the death of 4 Americans in Benghazi, but that she then attempted to cover it up? You mean besides the fact that she had a home email server set up for her so that she could bypass every oversight measure designed to make the federal government accountable to the American people (a felony all by itself)?

Gee...I don't know 'lil is she shady beside all of that? :cuckoo:
They didn't sleep with her husband. They made allegations that you lapped up like the good sheep you are.
If you want to have a serious discussion about it, it works. You gave a combative reply to the original question and here you're saying well, you never explained. If you just want to argue a side, I'm not interested. What is your interest?
personally I have no interest, my vote is for Trump cause he will bring jobs back. I really don't care why they left. he'll fight to get people to work as capitalists and not socialists. So if you choose socialism, vote for the third party guy. But know you voted for socialism the opposite of what you stated you wanted, free market capitalism. I don't get you all, just confusing as anything. say one thing vote differently. Wow.

I asked if you were interested in actually understanding how cost calculations are actually done since you only know a piece of it, which is direct salaries. Your answer was essentially no. Then you asked why I hadn't explained. I said you said you weren't interested the first time, are you now? Now you're saying no again. Just make up your mind, please. All I'm saying is I'm not going to the trouble to write it up if you're not interested anyway, which you keep saying you're not.

And Trump is going to kill jobs with protectionism, he's only telling you he's going to create them. Just like Obama tells you he's creating jobs when he's doing nothing but killing them. Free trade is the heart of free markets. You can live without an arm, but not your heart. American businesses kick ass, we compete fine. It's our own government that's hurting us the most. And Trump is promising more of that

we usually agree but you are flat out wrong on this, sorry.

The field of economics could be wrong, but I'm not guessing that it is

economics is not like math, it is full of assumptions and variables that change over time. There are no absolutes in economics. I am right, you are wrong, sorry.

As a math major, I've seen virtually no fields as supported by math as economics. Even my second major, Computer Science. And as an MBA in finance, my econ teachers loved me because of the math that I contributed to the discussions. If you understand calculus, econ is just no duh obviously
My 'allegation' is that the Obama Administration took an unfounded story of rape in Libya to the UN and used it as justification for attacking and destroying the country
They didn't need a story about viagra to justify or rationalize removing Ghaddafi from power.

He was responsible for the Lockerbie Pan Am crash, for one. He harbored terrorists like Carlos The Jackal, for another. He exported terrorism, resulting in American deaths, for another. He had an elaborate rape room for raping school girls and boys.
Bwahahahahahaha! Little cynthia getting all crazy again. Lockerbie was in the 1980's. Carlos the Jackal was in the 1970's.

But in this millennium (not the previous one sweetie), he actually surrendered it entire nuclear arsenal to the U.S. and cooperated with the us on every request we had. You can't even begin to justify Obama's illegal invasion of that country based on 30 and 40 years ago when their current history was complete and total compliance with the U.S.

"Carlos the Jackal" :lmao:
Bush used Saddam's gassing the Kurds as a justification for his war based on lies.

And you nodded your head the whole time.

Ghaddafi exported terrorism. Are you going to deny that?
Ghaddafi exported terrorism 40 years earlier. Once 9/11 hit, he was peeing down his leg (back when the U.S. had real leadership that made the rest of the world afraid of us) and he completely and totally complied with our every demand. He even surrendered his nuclear arsenal to us.

I'm not even going to attempt to make a case that Gaddafi was a good guy. He wasn't. He was a dirt-bag. But you and I both know that he posed zero threat to the U.S. at the time Obama invaded. He was cooperating and an ally. Obama's entire agenda was to spread islam through out the middle east and the only way to do that is to take out secular regimes (like Libya, Syria, etc.).
If Hilary were a Republican, every single one her supporters would be trashing her for the exact same reasons the Republicans now do, not because of differences in policy opinions or anything else politically but because of how fucking shady she is as a person.

That is a fact.
How is she shady? Besides in the fevered minds of Right-Wingers?
You mean - besides the fact that she tries to discredit and ruin the lives of women who have slept with her husband simply so that Hillary can remain in power and in money? You mean other than the fact that she was not only largely responsible for the death of 4 Americans in Benghazi, but that she then attempted to cover it up? You mean besides the fact that she had a home email server set up for her so that she could bypass every oversight measure designed to make the federal government accountable to the American people (a felony all by itself)?

Gee...I don't know 'lil is she shady beside all of that? :cuckoo:
They didn't sleep with her husband. They made allegations that you lapped up like the good sheep you are.

Yeah....Bill Clinton never cheated on his wife. Noooooo....not 'ole slick Willy :cuckoo:
You mean besides the fact that she had a home email server set up for her
Nothing illegal about that. Many people have their own servers. You excuse the Republicans, though.

LMAO!!! Many people don't work for the federal government. Clearly you're completely and totally unaware of the law (shocking!).

It is 100% illegal to use any form of personal e-mail to conduct government business. There are several reasons for this (security among them). But the biggest reason is because all email is archived in accordance with oversight laws. Using a personal e-mail not only represents a national security risk to America, but it also prevents the American people from auditing what was said and done by their elected officials.

And it is exactly why Hillary set up a personal mail server. The CIA was running guns to Al Qaeda in Benghazi and was doing it through the State Department. Of course, being illegal, Barack and Hillary couldn't afford to have a paper trail on any of this. And before you go off on some nonsensical rant about this, it's important you realize that they consistently referred to the facility as the "Embassy in Benghazi". Well.....the U.S. has never had an Embassy in Benghazi. Ever. The U.S. Embassy in Libya has always been in Tripoli. Look it up yourself. The facility was a CIA safe house which was being utilized for operations to arm Al Qaeda.

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