This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

Your babble is . . . babble. The president is American, commander in chief, and no one could possibly think he is in cahoots with Al-Quada or Isis unless they are crazy or undereducated or malignant, or all three or a combination thereof.
Your babble is . . . babble. The president is American, commander in chief, and no one could possibly think he is in cahoots with Al-Quada or Isis unless they are crazy or undereducated or malignant, or all three or a combination thereof.

You're a coward dude. A colonized partisan coward puppet.

You haven't offered a single word of intelligent counter evidence .. nor any evidence at all.

If you were serious about confronting this issue, I've put PLENTY of meat on the table .. but you'd rather run and hide under that table rather than step up to the challenge.

Do come again after you grow some balls.
Your babble is . . . babble. The president is American, commander in chief, and no one could possibly think he is in cahoots with Al-Quada or Isis unless they are crazy or undereducated or malignant, or all three or a combination thereof.

You're a coward dude. A colonized partisan coward puppet.

You haven't offered a single word of intelligent counter evidence .. nor any evidence at all.

If you were serious about confronting this issue, I've put PLENTY of meat on the table .. but you'd rather run and hide under that table rather than step up to the challenge.

Do come again after you grow some balls.
You are a boob, offering nothing but nonsense. There is nothing I need to confront. There is no issue that Obama is allied with the enemy, you idiot. You are an enemy of America who peddles traitorous nonsense. Now, on an easier subject, you need to get help. Go to your doctor soon and tell him that you have trouble parsing reality. He can help you.
Your babble is . . . babble. The president is American, commander in chief, and no one could possibly think he is in cahoots with Al-Quada or Isis unless they are crazy or undereducated or malignant, or all three or a combination thereof.

You're a coward dude. A colonized partisan coward puppet.

You haven't offered a single word of intelligent counter evidence .. nor any evidence at all.

If you were serious about confronting this issue, I've put PLENTY of meat on the table .. but you'd rather run and hide under that table rather than step up to the challenge.

Do come again after you grow some balls.
You are a boob, offering nothing but nonsense. There is nothing I need to confront. There is no issue that Obama is allied with the enemy, you idiot. You are an enemy of America who peddles traitorous nonsense. Now, on an easier subject, you need to get help. Go to your doctor soon and tell him that you have trouble parsing reality. He can help you.

:0) Coward.

Start from here scary man .. Did the Obama Administration use the invented, never proven falsehood of 'Gaddafi giving Viagra to his troops to rape women and children' as an excuse to attack Libya? Yes or no .. backed up with evidence will do.

Let's assume that the device you're typing on gives you access to Google. If that's true, then ONLY a coward would not investigate that easily investigated truth. What keeps you from doing it is because it is you who is the partisan. You don't even want to look down that rabbit hole .. and given your displayed cowardice, I suggest that you not look down that hole .. it gets worse.

Do us a favor and go look for entertainment in another conversation.
"Before the Pennsylvania primary this week, more than 61,000 Democrats switched to the Republican Party, and about 31,000 independents or new voters registered with the GOP. By comparison, only 43,000 Republicans switched to Democrats."
You Hillary sycophants better get a friend over to remove all sharp objects from your mommy's basements before November.
DEMs all over the country are switching to Trump.
Importantly the Independents are also registering REP in historic numbers.
Democrats want Trump to win the GOP nomination, ya nimrod. He's the easiest candidate to beat. Both Hillary and Bernie are ahead of him in the polls by wider margins than they are any other candidate still running.
Actually, I believe Lyin' Ted is WAY easier to beat than Drumpf. Because Rafael Edwardo Cruz is an ideologue who will not waver or compromise, and the American public doesn't want his failed ideology.
Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Susan Powers made up the Viagra rape story as an excuse to attack and destroy Libya, a once prosperous nation .. AND, they used AL QUEDA terrorists as their 'ground troops.' They claimed that Gaddafi was issuing Viagra to his troops to attack and rape Libyan women WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF EVIDENCE
If wingnuts didn't lie they would have nothing to say.

from your link:

“International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said last week that there was evidence the Libyan authorities bought “Viagra-type” medicines and gave them to troops as part of an official rape policy.”

Unless Obama, Rice, Clinton, or SAMANTHA Powers is really a guy named Luis Moreno-Ocampo you're a LIAR.
Obama should burn in Hell forever for the war crimes and atrocities that he committed in Libya.
Obama committed no war crimes in Libya.

But Ghaddafi had "rape rooms" where he himself raped school girls and boys. This is documented, and irrefutable.

If rape rooms were good enough reason to invade Iraq, they're good enough to depose Ghaddafi.
Still waiting on a challenge .. that I know isn't coming.

Obama's Libyan Al Queda fighters also admitted that they fought against the US in Iraq and killed American soldiers.

Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links
Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links

AND .. the Black American president used Al Queda racists to murder, terrorize, lynch, and rape Black Libyans in the process. Obama KNEW what was happening to Black Libyans and he did nothing.

Libyan rebel ethnic cleansing and lynching of black people
Libyan rebel ethnic cleansing and lynching of black people

More links from fringe bloggers.

If they were true the legitimate press would have written about it.
Still waiting on a challenge .. that I know isn't coming.

Obama's Libyan Al Queda fighters also admitted that they fought against the US in Iraq and killed American soldiers.

Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links
Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links

AND .. the Black American president used Al Queda racists to murder, terrorize, lynch, and rape Black Libyans in the process. Obama KNEW what was happening to Black Libyans and he did nothing.

Libyan rebel ethnic cleansing and lynching of black people
Libyan rebel ethnic cleansing and lynching of black people

More links from fringe bloggers.

If they were true the legitimate press would have written about it.

No disrespect intended brother .. but that's naive.

During Iraq, it was the alternative press telling the truth. If you don't know that, then your problem is deeper then just being naive.
Obama should burn in Hell forever for the war crimes and atrocities that he committed in Libya.
Obama committed no war crimes in Libya.

But Ghaddafi had "rape rooms" where he himself raped school girls and boys. This is documented, and irrefutable.

If rape rooms were good enough reason to invade Iraq, they're good enough to depose Ghaddafi.

Are you going to be like the last guy and just 'claim' you know truth without ever being able to prove it?

Let's see if you are any better at this then the last guy .. Did Susan Rice go to the UN with the false claim that Gaddafi was issuing Viagra to his troops to rape women and children?

You problem really could be deeper then just being naive.
Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Susan Powers made up the Viagra rape story as an excuse to attack and destroy Libya, a once prosperous nation .. AND, they used AL QUEDA terrorists as their 'ground troops.' They claimed that Gaddafi was issuing Viagra to his troops to attack and rape Libyan women WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF EVIDENCE
If wingnuts didn't lie they would have nothing to say.

from your link:

“International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said last week that there was evidence the Libyan authorities bought “Viagra-type” medicines and gave them to troops as part of an official rape policy.”

Unless Obama, Rice, Clinton, or SAMANTHA Powers is really a guy named Luis Moreno-Ocampo you're a LIAR.

Gaddafi 'supplies troops with Viagra to encourage mass rape', claims diplomat

One of America's most senior diplomats claimed at the United Nations security council that Muammar Gaddafi is supplying his troops with Viagra to encourage mass rape, according to diplomats.

Susan Rice, the US ambassador to the UN made the claim while accusing Gaddafi of numerous human rights abuses. Earlier in the week Rice also claimed, without offering any evidence, that Iran is helping Syria suppress internal dissent.

Foreign affairs specialists expressed scepticism about both claims.

The Viagra claim surfaced in an al-Jazeera report last month from Libya-based doctors who said they had found Viagra in the pockets of pro-Gaddafi soldiers. But it is a jump from that to suggesting Gaddafi is supplying troops with it to encourage mass rape.
Gaddafi 'supplies troops with Viagra to encourage mass rape', claims diplomat

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