This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

Trump looses UTAH (traditional red state) to Clinton.

No Republican candidate is losing Utah. It's the most Republican state in the country.

Polls have the two tied in UT. AZ too.

Trump puts several red states into play.

Watch GA, for instance.

That's true, but he also possibly puts several blue states into play.

One thing for sure, seeing two so disliked candidates go after each other is going to be entertaining.
What blue states!?!? He losses all of them terribly! Please cite a blue state that trump puts into play, I will even accept a tiny blue state that has no clout in the general election. Fair and balanced Is a terrible name for you, since you've probably came to the assumption on your own delusional perception of trump and his greatness.

LOL here's a clue.

Trump wasn't my choice, but I do recognize that he is the obvious Republican nominee and think the notion that he will lose for sure despite what he's done in the primary is preposterous.
The truth that trump supporters can't get past is that or seem to realize, is that outside of them, no one else likes trump. Outside of their little vacuum he's hated, in the vacuum of the Republican Party, he can't even gain a majority of the votes, he polls behind Cruz now nationally since the field has thinned out. And the polls have been fairly accurate thus far, polls that trump touts all the time. The only Suprises thus far in the polls is Cruz winning Iowa and Wisconsin. The truth is, is that trump is a bad candidate, and especially bad when he goes up against Hillary.
Who thi
Some experts are saying that he could, but it is the same as saying Correll could become a communist. Not likely.

LOL that's what people said about him becoming the nominee to begin with. It all comes down to "can Hillary get women to come out an vote for her?"

If women dislike them both an just don't vote, that's advantage Trump. Hillary on the other hand MUST have them.
Who thinks women are just not going to vote. That is pie in the sky dreaming.

I know women who will turn out just to vote for Hillary to make sure Trump doesn't win.

And those people who are polled using only landlines - old people. I know of very few millenials who have land lines, and that demographic favors Hillary, who while not all that enamored of her, will come to see her in the coming months for who she is and not the lies that Republicans have been spewing repeatedly for the past 25 years.

The one thing that we can be sure of: If there was any evidence at all of Hillary's wrongdoing, the Republicans would have had her charged by now. When there's a cover-up, as per Nixon or Reaga, people of conscience, or those just seeking to save their own skins, will come forward to rat out the wrong-doing. That no one has come forward against Hillary, especially given that Republicans are always says she acts entitled, and untouchable, and nobody likes her, is a pretty clear indication that Republicans are lying just because you're stupid enough to believe them.

The investigation is still ongoing and Republicans aren't in charge of it, the FBI is and by all accounts James Comey is personally running the show and no one doubts his integrity. If he recommends charges be made , you can bet there is ample evidence to convict, conversely he won't be part of any political cover up. But to claim that just because as of now there have been no charges means there is no case is stupid.

Of course you clued us into how stupid you are long ago.

The investigation into Hillary's emails began last summer. After 8 months, if there are no charges, or even a hint of something indictable, it would have been pounced on by now.
You work for the FBI now? She deleted many thousands of emails thinking they couldn't be recovered so you need to factor that in too. They are in no hurry and will only get one shot because the Democrat party will cry witch hunt.
There are people on here that will actually vote for Hillary. And they admit as much on a public forum! I knew the Dims weren't very bright, but this takes stupid to a whole new level.

Whats wrong with that... Trying to ridicule people who are voting for candidate with the most experience in the White House...

She has been thoroughly vetted.. Actually, probably the most scrutinized presidential candidate in history...

Her policies are vetted and realistic. She will run a tight ship....

The last Clinton presidency was a success so what's your point... Do you want George W back or something...

You see this is the GOP only hope... Keep attacking Clinton rather than promote their own actual idea or policies...

There candidates are quite poor and there policies are unrealistic...

That's HILARIOUS given how many threads there are attacking Trump rather than extolling the virtues of Hillary.

Hillary is a TERRIBLE candidate, and her numbers show that, so pretending that the GOP somehow has a worse candidate is a laugh.
Yes, Hillary is a terrible candidate. No one is denying that. Problem is that Trump is a worse candidate. Until a viable third party option shows up (which may still happen), those now appear to be the choices: Trump or Hillary. Of the two, Trump is worse by a long country mile.
To you. But not everyone shares your values. I do realize that it's absurd to the liberal that someone wouldn't but it's their problem, not the one that shocks them.
Fair enough. I'll also concede this: Trump might win. Presidential elections can hinge on fairly random things. Polls so far have shown Trump is in a fairly weak state. The GOP establishment has made it clear Trump won't get their support. A few fairly powerful Republican donors have made it clear their wallets won't open to help him. That's not exactly a winning start.
More current polls show Trump moving up as acceptance is taking place on the right. No previous poll showed any solidarity. The establishment runs the party but not the people. They forgot that part. For all too long.
I believe the soldiers who were in Benghazi.
Why? Because soldiers are as pure as the driven snow, and have no political views formed from listening to Rush and Hannity on AFRTS all day?

Did you believe the soldiers who served with John Kerry and called the Swift Boaters liars?
Name ONE soldier that actively served with Kerry 'in-country' who has called the men who were actually on-scene with Kerry liars.
Just one!
You can't!
No Republican candidate is losing Utah. It's the most Republican state in the country.

Polls have the two tied in UT. AZ too.

Trump puts several red states into play.

Watch GA, for instance.

That's true, but he also possibly puts several blue states into play.

One thing for sure, seeing two so disliked candidates go after each other is going to be entertaining.
What blue states!?!? He losses all of them terribly! Please cite a blue state that trump puts into play, I will even accept a tiny blue state that has no clout in the general election. Fair and balanced Is a terrible name for you, since you've probably came to the assumption on your own delusional perception of trump and his greatness.

LOL here's a clue.

Trump wasn't my choice, but I do recognize that he is the obvious Republican nominee and think the notion that he will lose for sure despite what he's done in the primary is preposterous.
The truth that trump supporters can't get past is that or seem to realize, is that outside of them, no one else likes trump. Outside of their little vacuum he's hated, in the vacuum of the Republican Party, he can't even gain a majority of the votes, he polls behind Cruz now nationally since the field has thinned out. And the polls have been fairly accurate thus far, polls that trump touts all the time. The only Suprises thus far in the polls is Cruz winning Iowa and Wisconsin. The truth is, is that trump is a bad candidate, and especially bad when he goes up against Hillary.
Save this for posterity.
The truth that trump supporters can't get past is that or seem to realize, is that outside of them, no one else likes trump. Outside of their little vacuum he's hated, in the vacuum of the Republican Party, he can't even gain a majority of the votes, he polls behind Cruz now nationally since the field has thinned out. And the polls have been fairly accurate thus far, polls that trump touts all the time. The only Suprises thus far in the polls is Cruz winning Iowa and Wisconsin. The truth is, is that trump is a bad candidate, and especially bad when he goes up against Hillary.
The truth is that Hillary isn't well liked either. Many will be holding their noses while voting for her. Unfortunately for them the once passed over, mountain of baggage, possible indictment, incompetent, shrill candidate is the best the Democrats could do.
"Before the Pennsylvania primary this week, more than 61,000 Democrats switched to the Republican Party, and about 31,000 independents or new voters registered with the GOP. By comparison, only 43,000 Republicans switched to Democrats."
You Hillary sycophants better get a friend over to remove all sharp objects from your mommy's basements before November.
DEMs all over the country are switching to Trump.
Importantly the Independents are also registering REP in historic numbers.
I believe the soldiers who were in Benghazi.
Why? Because soldiers are as pure as the driven snow, and have no political views formed from listening to Rush and Hannity on AFRTS all day?

Did you believe the soldiers who served with John Kerry and called the Swift Boaters liars?
Name ONE soldier that actively served with Kerry 'in-country' who has called the men who were actually on-scene with Kerry liars.
Just one!
You can't!
Idiot. You've learned nothing, have you?

Swift Boat Accounts Incomplete

The eyewitness accounts, on the other hand, are conflicting. Kerry's former crew members support his version, as does Rassmann, the Special Forces officer rescued from the river.
"Before the Pennsylvania primary this week, more than 61,000 Democrats switched to the Republican Party, and about 31,000 independents or new voters registered with the GOP. By comparison, only 43,000 Republicans switched to Democrats."
You Hillary sycophants better get a friend over to remove all sharp objects from your mommy's basements before November.
DEMs all over the country are switching to Trump.
Importantly the Independents are also registering REP in historic numbers.
Democrats want Trump to win the GOP nomination, ya nimrod. He's the easiest candidate to beat. Both Hillary and Bernie are ahead of him in the polls by wider margins than they are any other candidate still running.
The swift boat attack rested on the words of an alcoholic admiral, who as a younger officer had his ass whipped by Kerry in a fight at OC in Vietnam. The closer to being with Kerry in the boats the more testimony supports Kerry.
The swift boat attack rested on the words of an alcoholic admiral, who as a younger officer had his ass whipped by Kerry in a fight at OC in Vietnam. The closer to being with Kerry in the boats the more testimony supports Kerry.
It's amazing how these idiots still defend the swift boat vets after it was proven that Thurlow lied about the events leading to Kerry's Bronze Star with combat 'V' and third Purple Heart.

What a shame that Conservatives love their ideology more than the love their country or the brave men and women who fought to secure us as a nation. The only vets they honor are those who are not Liberal; which means they don't honor vets -- they honor conservatism.
The swift boat attack rested on the words of an alcoholic admiral, who as a younger officer had his ass whipped by Kerry in a fight at OC in Vietnam. The closer to being with Kerry in the boats the more testimony supports Kerry.
It's amazing how these idiots still defend the swift boat vets after it was proven that Thurlow lied about the events leading to Kerry's Bronze Star with combat 'V' and third Purple Heart.

What a shame that Conservatives love their ideology more than the love their country or the brave men and women who fought to secure us as a nation. The only vets they honor are those who are not Liberal; which means they don't honor vets -- they honor conservatism.
I agree.

I also know many liberals exist who back the false revisionism that veterans in uniform were not spat upon.

The uber stupids of both sides will lie for their cause.
The Republican-led Congress most certainly does and they found nothing incriminating on Hillary.

Because they are so politically biased and because they found nothing incriminating, they opened a second investigation. Still nothing.

For that same reason, they launched a third investigation. Then a fourth and a fifth and a sixth and a seventh and an eighth investigation.

The first seven concluded and found nothing incriminating. Some of them even included testimony from the very heroes of Benghazi of whom you speak.

The eighth investigation is still ongoing and given how the lead Republican in that investigation has already confessed he started it up for political reasons, you can be certain they will release their findings before the election should Hillary be nominated.

You are in love with Hillary; therefore, your vision is skewed.
I'll take the word of the brave men who were actually in Benghazi .
I'll bet you believe the attack was the result of a video.
You putz. I'm not taking Hillary's word for it.

I'm taking the word of seven Republican-led investigations comprised of those who wanted to nail her in a coffin the most -- and even they could find nothing incriminating.

Oftentimes, a code of silence is issued.
BOMBSHELL: New email shows Pentagon tried to send ...
Who knows what you think that has to do with Hillary? :cuckoo: Hillary didn't send that email, she didn't receive that email, she had absolutely nothing to do with it. Even worse for your dementia, even your link reveals that email was sent after Ambassador Stevens and Smith were killed.

As Secretary of State, what exactly did Hillary do? Nothing!

Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Susan Powers made up the Viagra rape story as an excuse to attack and destroy Libya, a once prosperous nation .. AND, they used AL QUEDA terrorists as their 'ground troops.' They claimed that Gaddafi was issuing Viagra to his troops to attack and rape Libyan women WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF EVIDENCE .. IN FACT, IT WAS proven THAT THEY SIMPLY MADE THIS BULLSHIT UP .. no differently then the Bush Administration made up tales of WMD to attack and destroy Iraq.

The political difference is that democrats were all 'antiwar' when Bush was destroying Iraq .. but didn't have a peep to say while Obama destroyed Libya .. using AL QUEDA to do it.

That's what Hillary Clinton did .. that's what democrats did not do.

Clinton accuses Qaddafi of using rape as a tool
Clinton accuses Qaddafi of using rape as a tool - The Express Tribune

Amnesty questions claim that Gaddafi ordered rape as weapon of war

Human rights organisations have cast doubt on claims of mass rape and other abuses perpetrated by forces loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, which have been widely used to justify Nato's war in Libya.

Nato leaders, opposition groups and the media have produced a stream of stories since the start of the insurrection on 15 February, claiming the Gaddafi regime has ordered mass rapes, used foreign mercenaries and employed helicopters against civilian protesters.

An investigation by Amnesty International has failed to find evidence for these human rights violations and in many cases has discredited or cast doubt on them. It also found indications that on several occasions the rebels in Benghazi appeared to have knowingly made false claims or manufactured evidence.

The findings by the investigators appear to be at odds with the views of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, who two weeks ago told a press conference that "we have information that there was a policy to rape in Libya those who were against the government. Apparently he [Colonel Gaddafi] used it to punish people."

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last week said she was "deeply concerned" that Gaddafi's troops were participating in widespread rape in Libya. "Rape, physical intimidation, sexual harassment, and even so-called 'virginity tests' have taken place in countries throughout the region," she said.

Donatella Rovera, senior crisis response adviser for Amnesty, who was in Libya for three months after the start of the uprising, says that "we have not found any evidence or a single victim of rape or a doctor who knew about somebody being raped".
Amnesty questions claim that Gaddafi ordered rape as weapon of war

Rape in Libya: America’s Recent Wars have all been Accompanied by Memorable Falsehoods

Obama should burn in Hell forever for the war crimes and atrocities that he committed in Libya.
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BlackasCoal, you are insane if you believe all of what you published.
Feel free to step right up and challenge anything I've said .. in fact, I dare you to. Make that .. I double dare you to.
No one confronts a mad dog. Your argument is unbalanced, out of context, and partisan. You know it, and I know it.

That's ignorant.

Partisan .. what party do I belong to? I'm neither democrat nor republican.

It does not go without notice that you would rather make up shit about my intentions rather than investigate if indeed the Obama Administration made up the rape story and used it to destroy Libya.

Did Obama use AL QUEDA terrorists to attack LIbya?

Of course he did.

Obama Gave $500 Million In Weapons To Al-Qaeda Terrorists In Benghazi - Truth And Action

Flying proudly over the birthplace of Libya's revolution, the flag of Al Qaeda
Flying proudly over the birthplace of Libya's revolution, the flag of Al Qaeda
Still waiting on a challenge .. that I know isn't coming.

Obama's Libyan Al Queda fighters also admitted that they fought against the US in Iraq and killed American soldiers.

Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links
Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links

AND .. the Black American president used Al Queda racists to murder, terrorize, lynch, and rape Black Libyans in the process. Obama KNEW what was happening to Black Libyans and he did nothing.

Libyan rebel ethnic cleansing and lynching of black people
Libyan rebel ethnic cleansing and lynching of black people


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