This is why Trump's pressers are so dangerous to public health

Another lying OP by the low-IQ democrats.
Here are the current leading causes of death in the US per year:
1. Heart disease: 647,000
2. Cancer: 499,000
3. Accidents: 170,000
4. Chronic lower respiratory disease: 160,000
5. Stroke: 146,000
6. Alzheimer's: 121,000
7. Diabetes: 83,000
8. Flu & pneumonia: 55,700
9. Kidney disease: 50,600
10. Suicide: 47,000

COVID-19 currently at 33,000 deaths projected to be about 60,000 for 2020.
So COVID could end up being #8 on the 2020 list, not #1.

One more lie, the 1918 Spanish Flu killed 500,000 to 850,000 Americans, so that OP graph is garbage.

You're not good with numbers and time are you?
National testing is useless and is a waste of the tests. A test can only tell if you have the virus at that moment. You could walk out the door and get it in the next ten minutes.

So you disagree with Dr. Fauci, Trump's go-to guy.

It's idiots like you that are helping the virus to spread.

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Americans could eventually carry certificates of immunity to coronavirus

Your papers please. Once we have to carry documents that prove we have permission to be on the streets this is no longer a free country. For our own good of course.

Be safe. Be well. Remember we are all in this together. Be well John Spartan.

We'll be a dead country if we don't test more than 1% of the population, which is where we are now.

No we won't. The worst case is 200 million of us get this, and it has a mortality rate of 1% and …. well you can do the stats. But stats are generally meaningless. Lives are not stats. Stats don't convey human suffereing.

But basically it looks like we will have to reopen with at most some testing giving a rough % of how many have herd immunity. And if that % means our hospitals won't be overrun, we work and trust to luck that you or I don't get it.
Another lying OP by the low-IQ democrats.
Here are the current leading causes of death in the US per year:
1. Heart disease: 647,000
2. Cancer: 499,000
3. Accidents: 170,000
4. Chronic lower respiratory disease: 160,000
5. Stroke: 146,000
6. Alzheimer's: 121,000
7. Diabetes: 83,000
8. Flu & pneumonia: 55,700
9. Kidney disease: 50,600
10. Suicide: 47,000

COVID-19 currently at 33,000 deaths projected to be about 60,000 for 2020.
So COVID could end up being #8 on the 2020 list, not #1.

One more lie, the 1918 Spanish Flu killed 500,000 to 850,000 Americans, so that OP graph is garbage.

9th to 16th of April
30,355-16,466 = 13,889

Projected with no increase
2500 die/day * 7 = 17500

Heat Disease
647,000/52 = 12,442

Under your measuring you might do something at Christmas... We expect better of the President.

Your math is way off even looking at COVID deaths weekly instead of annually:
View attachment 324579

So COVID is around about 6-weeks with 33,000 deaths, 33,000/6 is 5,500/week, not 17,500 (using the max daily rate, duh)

So heart disease still wins, 12,442 > 5,500 Thanks for playing

I think you should go with specialists and medical community on this one:


""""COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus, is now the deadliest disease in the United States, killing more people per day than cancer or heart disease. According to a graph published Tuesday by Dr. Maria Danilychev, who practices in San Diego, COVID-19 is the cause of 1,970 deaths in the U.S. per day. Just last week, COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death, averaging around 748 deaths per day, but as the virus has continued to spread, the increase in daily deaths have followed.""""
National testing is useless and is a waste of the tests. A test can only tell if you have the virus at that moment. You could walk out the door and get it in the next ten minutes.

So you disagree with Dr. Fauci, Trump's go-to guy.

It's idiots like you that are helping the virus to spread.

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Americans could eventually carry certificates of immunity to coronavirus

Your papers please. Once we have to carry documents that prove we have permission to be on the streets this is no longer a free country. For our own good of course.

Be safe. Be well. Remember we are all in this together. Be well John Spartan.

We'll be a dead country if we don't test more than 1% of the population, which is where we are now.

No we won't. The worst case is 200 million of us get this, and it has a mortality rate of 1% and …. well you can do the stats. But stats are generally meaningless. Lives are not stats. Stats don't convey human suffereing.

But basically it looks like we will have to reopen with at most some testing giving a rough % of how many have herd immunity. And if that % means our hospitals won't be overrun, we work and trust to luck that you or I don't get it.

I was being facetious, but the worrisome thing about this mortality rate being low doesn't negate this:

It's maybe good for the public to see the mainstream media fact check him.
Trumpleton's don't see that. They watch Faux reinforce the lies he tells.

My Wild, Totally Surreal Experience Covering a Trump Coronavirus Briefing

Donald Trump’s daily 5 p.m. show — officially described on the White House schedule as a press briefing by Members of the Coronavirus Task Force — was scheduled to start. It is at this surreal moment in American politics the only news event that really matters. The entire country is sitting at home looking for expert guidance. On some days, we get it. Early on when Dr. Anthony Fauci first explained the idea behind social distancing or when Dr. Deborah Birx introduced us all to the concept of bending the curve, the briefings were crucial— perhaps the closest thing in modern times to one of FDR's fireside chats during the Depression and World War II, a news briefing from government officials who your life actually depended on.

But they quickly descended into Trumpian theater. Useful information from the doctors became mixed in with long rants from Trump on peripheral issues. The relationship between Trump and the task force members themselves, especially Fauci, who became a media hero, gradually started to dominate the sessions, as if Trump couldn’t help but turn the crisis into a reality show about himself and his staff and his peculiar obsessions of the moment.
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


The calculus here is pretty straightforward:

Trump's top priority, above anything else, is pleasing his base. His base gets its cues from talk radio. Talk radio is downplaying the virus and demanding that this ends immediately.

Therefore, his comments will lean in that direction whenever possible. Facts notwithstanding.
According to Fouchi he has implemented every suggestion they offered. So tell me again Trump is being led by talk radio
No, not all. I listened to that interview, which defended the Administration's actions, BUT he listed only the times Trump agreed. Dr. Fauci explained that they (meaning the health specialists) see the situation in purely medical terms, but it is a lot more complicated than that. Which means they made recommendations that were NOT always taken because there is more to this situation than just medical considerations.
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


The calculus here is pretty straightforward:

Trump's top priority, above anything else, is pleasing his base. His base gets its cues from talk radio. Talk radio is downplaying the virus and demanding that this ends immediately.

Therefore, his comments will lean in that direction whenever possible. Facts notwithstanding.
According to Fouchi he has implemented every suggestion they offered. So tell me again Trump is being led by talk radio
No, not all. I listened to that interview, which defended the Administration's actions, BUT he listed only the times Trump agreed. Dr. Fauci explained that they (meaning the health specialists) see the situation in purely medical terms, but it is a lot more complicated than that. Which means they made recommendations that were NOT always taken because there is more to this situation than just medical considerations.


The doctor said EVERY TIME they made a recommendation Trump followed it.
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


The calculus here is pretty straightforward:

Trump's top priority, above anything else, is pleasing his base. His base gets its cues from talk radio. Talk radio is downplaying the virus and demanding that this ends immediately.

Therefore, his comments will lean in that direction whenever possible. Facts notwithstanding.
According to Fouchi he has implemented every suggestion they offered. So tell me again Trump is being led by talk radio
No, not all. I listened to that interview, which defended the Administration's actions, BUT he listed only the times Trump agreed. Dr. Fauci explained that they (meaning the health specialists) see the situation in purely medical terms, but it is a lot more complicated than that. Which means they made recommendations that were NOT always taken because there is more to this situation than just medical considerations.
Politics is not his game. He should have just said "loaded question." But no one can fault anyone but Trump for our failure of testing. There are questions of whether the lack of testing limited our ability to contain the virus and whether it hampered out ability to identify peaks in cases and how much immuntity there may be
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


The calculus here is pretty straightforward:

Trump's top priority, above anything else, is pleasing his base. His base gets its cues from talk radio. Talk radio is downplaying the virus and demanding that this ends immediately.

Therefore, his comments will lean in that direction whenever possible. Facts notwithstanding.
According to Fouchi he has implemented every suggestion they offered. So tell me again Trump is being led by talk radio
No, not all. I listened to that interview, which defended the Administration's actions, BUT he listed only the times Trump agreed. Dr. Fauci explained that they (meaning the health specialists) see the situation in purely medical terms, but it is a lot more complicated than that. Which means they made recommendations that were NOT always taken because there is more to this situation than just medical considerations.


The doctor said EVERY TIME they made a recommendation Trump followed it.
I would never knowingly provide a falsehood. You and I must have watched different interviews, is all.
I'd be interested in a link to yours.
Another lying OP by the low-IQ democrats.
Here are the current leading causes of death in the US per year:
1. Heart disease: 647,000
2. Cancer: 499,000
3. Accidents: 170,000
4. Chronic lower respiratory disease: 160,000
5. Stroke: 146,000
6. Alzheimer's: 121,000
7. Diabetes: 83,000
8. Flu & pneumonia: 55,700
9. Kidney disease: 50,600
10. Suicide: 47,000

COVID-19 currently at 33,000 deaths projected to be about 60,000 for 2020.
So COVID could end up being #8 on the 2020 list, not #1.

One more lie, the 1918 Spanish Flu killed 500,000 to 850,000 Americans, so that OP graph is garbage.
Your article is based on reporting ANNUAL data.
COVID-19 has been in the U.S. for 2 months+/-.
First patient to die in the U.S. was on Feb. 28 (A Timeline of the Coronavirus Pandemic)
By the end of today, April 17, 36,000 will have died. (United States Coronavirus: 685,541 Cases and 35,500 Deaths - Worldometer)
(Corrected): 36,000 in less than 7 weeks.
Are you getting how the data works now, you arrogant stupid moron?
I wrote this really big so you can read it really slow.
The 60,000 projection for 2020 is already incorrect since we're at 61% in less than 7 weeks.
Trump lies, people die.

And his stupid supporters can't do simple fucking math.

My post: COVID-19 currently at 33,000 deaths projected to be about 60,000 for 2020.
Unless you have a COVID-19 model that the CDC and Drs. Fauci & Birx are using, your projected numbers are irrelevant.
Even if the deaths hit 70,000 that's still 3x lower than the EU comparing equal populations. So Trump did fine.
Fucking idiot, the 60,000 isn't Trump's number (lie???), so keep posting partisan garbage.
Go show your math skills to the CDC, I'm sure their actuaries would be impressed.
National testing is useless and is a waste of the tests. A test can only tell if you have the virus at that moment. You could walk out the door and get it in the next ten minutes.

So you disagree with Dr. Fauci, Trump's go-to guy.

It's idiots like you that are helping the virus to spread.

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Americans could eventually carry certificates of immunity to coronavirus


You get that Tipsy is talking about a different kind of test than Dr. Fauci was, right?

I love when dimwits say something completely asinine and ignorant, and then accuse OTHERS of being idiots.
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


TDS thread 1,400

Congratulations !!!!
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


The calculus here is pretty straightforward:

Trump's top priority, above anything else, is pleasing his base. His base gets its cues from talk radio. Talk radio is downplaying the virus and demanding that this ends immediately.

Therefore, his comments will lean in that direction whenever possible. Facts notwithstanding.
According to Fouchi he has implemented every suggestion they offered. So tell me again Trump is being led by talk radio
Okay, Trump is being led by talk radio.

Fauci has a radio show ?
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


The calculus here is pretty straightforward:

Trump's top priority, above anything else, is pleasing his base. His base gets its cues from talk radio. Talk radio is downplaying the virus and demanding that this ends immediately.

Therefore, his comments will lean in that direction whenever possible. Facts notwithstanding.
According to Fouchi he has implemented every suggestion they offered. So tell me again Trump is being led by talk radio
No, not all. I listened to that interview, which defended the Administration's actions, BUT he listed only the times Trump agreed. Dr. Fauci explained that they (meaning the health specialists) see the situation in purely medical terms, but it is a lot more complicated than that. Which means they made recommendations that were NOT always taken because there is more to this situation than just medical considerations.
Politics is not his game. He should have just said "loaded question." But no one can fault anyone but Trump for our failure of testing. There are questions of whether the lack of testing limited our ability to contain the virus and whether it hampered out ability to identify peaks in cases and how much immuntity there may be
How exactly do you fault ANYONE for a lack of testing on a new virus that has never had a test developed for it?

You people have some truly goofball logic.
Another lying OP by the low-IQ democrats.
Here are the current leading causes of death in the US per year:
1. Heart disease: 647,000
2. Cancer: 499,000
3. Accidents: 170,000
4. Chronic lower respiratory disease: 160,000
5. Stroke: 146,000
6. Alzheimer's: 121,000
7. Diabetes: 83,000
8. Flu & pneumonia: 55,700
9. Kidney disease: 50,600
10. Suicide: 47,000

COVID-19 currently at 33,000 deaths projected to be about 60,000 for 2020.
So COVID could end up being #8 on the 2020 list, not #1.

One more lie, the 1918 Spanish Flu killed 500,000 to 850,000 Americans, so that OP graph is garbage.

9th to 16th of April
30,355-16,466 = 13,889

Projected with no increase
2500 die/day * 7 = 17500

Heat Disease
647,000/52 = 12,442

Under your measuring you might do something at Christmas... We expect better of the President.

Your math is way off even looking at COVID deaths weekly instead of annually:
View attachment 324579

So COVID is around about 6-weeks with 33,000 deaths, 33,000/6 is 5,500/week, not 17,500 (using the max daily rate, duh)

So heart disease still wins, 12,442 > 5,500 Thanks for playing

I think you should go with specialists and medical community on this one:


""""COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus, is now the deadliest disease in the United States, killing more people per day than cancer or heart disease. According to a graph published Tuesday by Dr. Maria Danilychev, who practices in San Diego, COVID-19 is the cause of 1,970 deaths in the U.S. per day. Just last week, COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death, averaging around 748 deaths per day, but as the virus has continued to spread, the increase in daily deaths have followed.""""

Talk about bullshit math. You are comparing the highest daily death total for COVID to an annual average daily total for heart disease. What was the highest daily death total for heart disease? If you don't know, then your comparison is garbage.
COVID is NOT the deadliest disease in the US, 33,000 is way less than 647,000 isn't it? DUH.
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


The calculus here is pretty straightforward:

Trump's top priority, above anything else, is pleasing his base. His base gets its cues from talk radio. Talk radio is downplaying the virus and demanding that this ends immediately.

Therefore, his comments will lean in that direction whenever possible. Facts notwithstanding.
According to Fouchi he has implemented every suggestion they offered. So tell me again Trump is being led by talk radio
No, not all. I listened to that interview, which defended the Administration's actions, BUT he listed only the times Trump agreed. Dr. Fauci explained that they (meaning the health specialists) see the situation in purely medical terms, but it is a lot more complicated than that. Which means they made recommendations that were NOT always taken because there is more to this situation than just medical considerations.


The doctor said EVERY TIME they made a recommendation Trump followed it.
I would never knowingly provide a falsehood. You and I must have watched different interviews, is all.
I'd be interested in a link to yours.
My apologies then. He made it clear in the daily covid presser that Trump followed every advice that they gave him.
I watched it. He said it.
Another lying OP by the low-IQ democrats.
Here are the current leading causes of death in the US per year:
1. Heart disease: 647,000
2. Cancer: 499,000
3. Accidents: 170,000
4. Chronic lower respiratory disease: 160,000
5. Stroke: 146,000
6. Alzheimer's: 121,000
7. Diabetes: 83,000
8. Flu & pneumonia: 55,700
9. Kidney disease: 50,600
10. Suicide: 47,000

COVID-19 currently at 33,000 deaths projected to be about 60,000 for 2020.
So COVID could end up being #8 on the 2020 list, not #1.

One more lie, the 1918 Spanish Flu killed 500,000 to 850,000 Americans, so that OP graph is garbage.

9th to 16th of April
30,355-16,466 = 13,889

Projected with no increase
2500 die/day * 7 = 17500

Heat Disease
647,000/52 = 12,442

Under your measuring you might do something at Christmas... We expect better of the President.

Your math is way off even looking at COVID deaths weekly instead of annually:
View attachment 324579

So COVID is around about 6-weeks with 33,000 deaths, 33,000/6 is 5,500/week, not 17,500 (using the max daily rate, duh)

So heart disease still wins, 12,442 > 5,500 Thanks for playing

I think you should go with specialists and medical community on this one:


""""COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus, is now the deadliest disease in the United States, killing more people per day than cancer or heart disease. According to a graph published Tuesday by Dr. Maria Danilychev, who practices in San Diego, COVID-19 is the cause of 1,970 deaths in the U.S. per day. Just last week, COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death, averaging around 748 deaths per day, but as the virus has continued to spread, the increase in daily deaths have followed.""""

Talk about bullshit math. You are comparing the highest daily death total for COVID to an annual average daily total for heart disease. What was the highest daily death total for heart disease? If you don't know, then your comparison is garbage.
COVID is NOT the deadliest disease in the US, 33,000 is way less than 647,000 isn't it? DUH.
The OP is a lying asshat.

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