This is why Trump's pressers are so dangerous to public health

Another lying OP by the low-IQ democrats.
Here are the current leading causes of death in the US per year:
1. Heart disease: 647,000
2. Cancer: 499,000
3. Accidents: 170,000
4. Chronic lower respiratory disease: 160,000
5. Stroke: 146,000
6. Alzheimer's: 121,000
7. Diabetes: 83,000
8. Flu & pneumonia: 55,700
9. Kidney disease: 50,600
10. Suicide: 47,000

COVID-19 currently at 33,000 deaths projected to be about 60,000 for 2020.
So COVID could end up being #8 on the 2020 list, not #1.

One more lie, the 1918 Spanish Flu killed 500,000 to 850,000 Americans, so that OP graph is garbage.
Your article is based on reporting ANNUAL data.
COVID-19 has been in the U.S. for 2 months+/-.
First patient to die in the U.S. was on Feb. 28 (A Timeline of the Coronavirus Pandemic)
By the end of today, April 17, 36,000 will have died. (United States Coronavirus: 685,541 Cases and 35,500 Deaths - Worldometer)
(Corrected): 36,000 in less than 7 weeks.
Are you getting how the data works now, you arrogant stupid moron?
I wrote this really big so you can read it really slow.
The 60,000 projection for 2020 is already incorrect since we're at 61% in less than 7 weeks.
Trump lies, people die.

And his stupid supporters can't do simple fucking math.

My post: COVID-19 currently at 33,000 deaths projected to be about 60,000 for 2020.
Unless you have a COVID-19 model that the CDC and Drs. Fauci & Birx are using, your projected numbers are irrelevant.
Even if the deaths hit 70,000 that's still 3x lower than the EU comparing equal populations. So Trump did fine.
Fucking idiot, the 60,000 isn't Trump's number (lie???), so keep posting partisan garbage.
Go show your math skills to the CDC, I'm sure their actuaries would be impressed.
Saying 'we beat Italy" is not gold medal material. LOL
Are there any Trombies here who have come to realize that the president always has to read his "heartfelt"
comments about deaths from the virus as well as the "inspirational" pep talks every day?

A real leader doesn't read those things.....he or she feels them.

It is like he seeing the words for the first time.

Does that concern any of you?
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


you conveniently left out firearms:
murder and suicide:
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


you conveniently left out firearms:
murder and suicide:
Those aren't "contagious", right DrLove :abgg2q.jpg:
The most dangerous entity to public health and the health of the nation is our biased news media.
I KNOW! Shut down Fox and Breitbart IMMEDIATELY!

Interesting how everything and anything that ever happens "mysteriously" has that same solution for some people. It's almost like someone is afraid their arguments and positions are too weak to stand up in a debate.
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


TDS thread 1,400

Congratulations !!!!
The guy prints a factual graph showing in simple terms what's happening and you call it TDS? We're going to have to come up with a term for you folks who can't absorb simple facts.
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


TDS thread 1,400

Congratulations !!!!
The guy prints a factual graph showing in simple terms what's happening and you call it TDS? We're going to have to come up with a term for you folks who can't absorb simple facts.

Emphasis on "simple" for you, you stupid piece of shit.

Those numbers are horrifically skewed by very concentrated areas of infestation and deaths.

The result of left wing leaders who told people to ignore the virus and go play (and that has been documented so spare me).

The majority of deaths are in five or six states and within those states are key cities (i.e. NYC) where this thing is really racing.

Other large cities see nothing and the people act as if nothing is happening. Because it isn't.

What is it that you morons don't get.
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


Assuming the chinese disease is as bad as you think what do you want to do about it?

Here is a thread with a list of all the Dimsocialist solutions...........

I just can’t go through that entire thread. Did any Dimm actually have the balls to lay out their perfect response?

They never seem to.
"Orange man bad" is all they came up with.....

It’s amazing, isn’t it?

For the entire campaign, Hillary said, “The rich must pay their fair share”. So I asked the HIllary asslickers over and over and over what that meant. I asked them to lay out their ideal tax brackets and I never got one specific response. NOT ONE.

The are just whiny faggots who cry ORANGE MAN BAD. They have no ideas.

I want them to hide under their beds forever.

Your post is off-topic and should be removed by the moderators.
This thread is about COVID-19 and the misinformation Trump spreads at his pressers.


Shouldn’t you be hiding under your bed from the Boogeyman batflu?
It's maybe good for the public to see the mainstream media fact check him.
Trumpleton's don't see that. They watch Faux reinforce the lies he tells.

My Wild, Totally Surreal Experience Covering a Trump Coronavirus Briefing

Donald Trump’s daily 5 p.m. show — officially described on the White House schedule as a press briefing by Members of the Coronavirus Task Force — was scheduled to start. It is at this surreal moment in American politics the only news event that really matters. The entire country is sitting at home looking for expert guidance. On some days, we get it. Early on when Dr. Anthony Fauci first explained the idea behind social distancing or when Dr. Deborah Birx introduced us all to the concept of bending the curve, the briefings were crucial— perhaps the closest thing in modern times to one of FDR's fireside chats during the Depression and World War II, a news briefing from government officials who your life actually depended on.

But they quickly descended into Trumpian theater. Useful information from the doctors became mixed in with long rants from Trump on peripheral issues. The relationship between Trump and the task force members themselves, especially Fauci, who became a media hero, gradually started to dominate the sessions, as if Trump couldn’t help but turn the crisis into a reality show about himself and his staff and his peculiar obsessions of the moment.

Hide under your bed for 5 years, we adults will run the country.
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


TDS thread 1,400

Congratulations !!!!
The guy prints a factual graph showing in simple terms what's happening and you call it TDS? We're going to have to come up with a term for you folks who can't absorb simple facts.
The graph is misleading and aimed at crayon eaters like the OP.
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


The calculus here is pretty straightforward:

Trump's top priority, above anything else, is pleasing his base. His base gets its cues from talk radio. Talk radio is downplaying the virus and demanding that this ends immediately.

Therefore, his comments will lean in that direction whenever possible. Facts notwithstanding.
According to Fouchi he has implemented every suggestion they offered. So tell me again Trump is being led by talk radio
No, not all. I listened to that interview, which defended the Administration's actions, BUT he listed only the times Trump agreed. Dr. Fauci explained that they (meaning the health specialists) see the situation in purely medical terms, but it is a lot more complicated than that. Which means they made recommendations that were NOT always taken because there is more to this situation than just medical considerations.


The doctor said EVERY TIME they made a recommendation Trump followed it.
I would never knowingly provide a falsehood. You and I must have watched different interviews, is all.
I'd be interested in a link to yours.
My apologies then. He made it clear in the daily covid presser that Trump followed every advice that they gave him.
I watched it. He said it.
Thanks! Do you remember the day?
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


The calculus here is pretty straightforward:

Trump's top priority, above anything else, is pleasing his base. His base gets its cues from talk radio. Talk radio is downplaying the virus and demanding that this ends immediately.

Therefore, his comments will lean in that direction whenever possible. Facts notwithstanding.
According to Fouchi he has implemented every suggestion they offered. So tell me again Trump is being led by talk radio
No, not all. I listened to that interview, which defended the Administration's actions, BUT he listed only the times Trump agreed. Dr. Fauci explained that they (meaning the health specialists) see the situation in purely medical terms, but it is a lot more complicated than that. Which means they made recommendations that were NOT always taken because there is more to this situation than just medical considerations.


The doctor said EVERY TIME they made a recommendation Trump followed it.
I would never knowingly provide a falsehood. You and I must have watched different interviews, is all.
I'd be interested in a link to yours.
My apologies then. He made it clear in the daily covid presser that Trump followed every advice that they gave him.
I watched it. He said it.
Thanks! Do you remember the day?
Last 2 or 3 days. I think it was the day he scowled at reporters for suggesting he was only saying things because Trump wanted him to.
Another lying OP by the low-IQ democrats.
Here are the current leading causes of death in the US per year:
1. Heart disease: 647,000
2. Cancer: 499,000
3. Accidents: 170,000
4. Chronic lower respiratory disease: 160,000
5. Stroke: 146,000
6. Alzheimer's: 121,000
7. Diabetes: 83,000
8. Flu & pneumonia: 55,700
9. Kidney disease: 50,600
10. Suicide: 47,000

COVID-19 currently at 33,000 deaths projected to be about 60,000 for 2020.
So COVID could end up being #8 on the 2020 list, not #1.

One more lie, the 1918 Spanish Flu killed 500,000 to 850,000 Americans, so that OP graph is garbage.
Your article is based on reporting ANNUAL data.
COVID-19 has been in the U.S. for 2 months+/-.
First patient to die in the U.S. was on Feb. 28 (A Timeline of the Coronavirus Pandemic)
By the end of today, April 17, 36,000 will have died. (United States Coronavirus: 685,541 Cases and 35,500 Deaths - Worldometer)
(Corrected): 36,000 in less than 7 weeks.
Are you getting how the data works now, you arrogant stupid moron?
I wrote this really big so you can read it really slow.
The 60,000 projection for 2020 is already incorrect since we're at 61% in less than 7 weeks.
Trump lies, people die.

And his stupid supporters can't do simple fucking math.

My post: COVID-19 currently at 33,000 deaths projected to be about 60,000 for 2020.
Unless you have a COVID-19 model that the CDC and Drs. Fauci & Birx are using, your projected numbers are irrelevant.
Even if the deaths hit 70,000 that's still 3x lower than the EU comparing equal populations. So Trump did fine.
Fucking idiot, the 60,000 isn't Trump's number (lie???), so keep posting partisan garbage.
Go show your math skills to the CDC, I'm sure their actuaries would be impressed.
Saying 'we beat Italy" is not gold medal material. LOL
Looking at the deaths for the EU using comparable countries to the US that add up to the same population:
GER, SPA, ITA, FRA, UK total deaths = 79,818 compared to 35,955 US deaths, so the US has about half the deaths of the EU countries that add up to about 331m people. What does that say for socialized medicine?

Those numbers are horrifically skewed by very concentrated areas of infestation and deaths.
That's how this virus works.
Other large cities see nothing and the people act as if nothing is happening. Because it isn't.
I don't know of any large cities that are doing nothing, no social distancing or anything. If there are scattered hotspots in otherwise "pretty clean" areas, it is in the cities.

That's why governors have a battle plan for opening up their states again, region by region. Settle down; no reason to be so angry about a few simple facts.
Informing the public about a drug that can end the Coronavirus pandemic is a bad thing??
No one, save perhaps your God, has claimed that

"Nobody" like all the doctors treating their patients with it, or like the Democrat governor who credits it with curing her?

She's not sick any more, and she didn't die. What would you call it, if you didn't have the imperative of "Damn it, Trump has to be WRONG!"?
Informing the public about a drug that can end the Coronavirus pandemic is a bad thing??
No one, save perhaps your God, has claimed that

"Nobody" like all the doctors treating their patients with it, or like the Democrat governor who credits it with curing her?

She's not sick any more, and she didn't die. What would you call it, if you didn't have the imperative of "Damn it, Trump has to be WRONG!"?
No one reputable has ever said their is pharma "cure" for the virus. Just stop the bs. I mean it. Stop. Have a drink. Google whatever
Those numbers are horrifically skewed by very concentrated areas of infestation and deaths.
That's how this virus works.
Other large cities see nothing and the people act as if nothing is happening. Because it isn't.
I don't know of any large cities that are doing nothing, no social distancing or anything. If there are scattered hotspots in otherwise "pretty clean" areas, it is in the cities.

That's why governors have a battle plan for opening up their states again, region by region. Settle down; no reason to be so angry about a few simple facts.

You don't have facts. If you have not been out, you have not see it.

You don't know because you are not out there. Not only have I seen it, I've been hearing about it all over the place.

ABC ran a report on southwest Utah (St. George pop....125,000). People are out golfing, playing tennis picknicking, nail salons are open. 39 cases in the county and 1 death (been that way for a while). And it's a retirement area so you know there are plenty of elderly. Not saying I agree.....I am just telling you what is.

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