This is why Trump's pressers are so dangerous to public health

This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


The calculus here is pretty straightforward:

Trump's top priority, above anything else, is pleasing his base. His base gets its cues from talk radio. Talk radio is downplaying the virus and demanding that this ends immediately.

Therefore, his comments will lean in that direction whenever possible. Facts notwithstanding.
According to Fouchi he has implemented every suggestion they offered. So tell me again Trump is being led by talk radio
No, not all. I listened to that interview, which defended the Administration's actions, BUT he listed only the times Trump agreed. Dr. Fauci explained that they (meaning the health specialists) see the situation in purely medical terms, but it is a lot more complicated than that. Which means they made recommendations that were NOT always taken because there is more to this situation than just medical considerations.


The doctor said EVERY TIME they made a recommendation Trump followed it.
I would never knowingly provide a falsehood. You and I must have watched different interviews, is all.
I'd be interested in a link to yours.
My apologies then. He made it clear in the daily covid presser that Trump followed every advice that they gave him.
I watched it. He said it.
Thanks! Do you remember the day?
Last 2 or 3 days. I think it was the day he scowled at reporters for suggesting he was only saying things because Trump wanted him to.
I found one from Monday, to clarify what he said on State of the Union the day before.
I think he's carefully tiptoeing through the tulips here, Gramps. In earlier interviews Dr. Fauci described a lot of discussion about mitigation earlier on, and a lot of objection to that, due to the complicated nature of shutting down a country like ours--which Trump may or may not have been part of. However, those earlier calls to close this Virus in fell on deaf ears. YOU ARE RIGHT though that Fauci is sick of how his words are being twisted.
If you listen to his interview on State of the Union with Tapper, you'll understand what I'm saying. Fauci is honest; I trust that everything he says is straight up.
You don't know because you are not out there. Not only have I seen it, I've been hearing about it all over the place.

That's great St. George is free of cases. I'm glad for them; wish everyone could say that.

95% of the country has been Ordered to stay at home, including Salt Lake City.
  • Forty-two states, Washington, DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico have issued stay-at-home orders, encouraging isolation measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
  • Some metro areas in states without such orders — including Tulsa, Oklahoma; Jackson, Wyoming; and Salt Lake City, Utah — are also under stay-at-home orders.
  • In total, that brings about 95% of America's population, or about 306 million people, under some form of lockdown.
Informing the public about a drug that can end the Coronavirus pandemic is a bad thing??
No one, save perhaps your God, has claimed that

"Nobody" like all the doctors treating their patients with it, or like the Democrat governor who credits it with curing her?

She's not sick any more, and she didn't die. What would you call it, if you didn't have the imperative of "Damn it, Trump has to be WRONG!"?
No one reputable has ever said their is pharma "cure" for the virus. Just stop the bs. I mean it. Stop. Have a drink. Google whatever

I just heard you say, "Damn it, I want Trump to be wrong, and I want a catastrophe, and how DARE you suggest otherwise?"

Go cry into your beer.
Thanks for the well thought out rational post. You're a credit to thi
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


TDS thread 1,400

Congratulations !!!!
The guy prints a factual graph showing in simple terms what's happening and you call it TDS? We're going to have to come up with a term for you folks who can't absorb simple facts.

How about OldLadyism?
This chart compares COVID to other viruses and causes of death. COVID is now the major cause of death in the U.S.
Despite Trump's daily comments which amount to a cheerleading pep rally, this is NOT going away and will only worsen if WE DON'T DO NATIONAL TESTING.

So far only 1% of the population has been tested.


TDS thread 1,400

Congratulations !!!!
Honestly. These people are pathetic

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