This is why we need a living wage

When minimum wage was created it could sustain a family of 3 over the poverty wage. You really don't think people work less hard today than they did then do you?
It's not about whether they work hard, it's about the value they produce to their employer.
If Bob works his ass off as a cashier at McDonalds, it doesn't matter how hard he works, he can't make a customer order any faster.

You know what is likely going to happen here? Companies like McDonalds are going to get tired of the people like the cashiers protesting for wages beyond their worth/value and then put in self-service kiosks for ordering. The cashier job will be eliminated and Bob will no longer have a job. Panera Bread is already moving that direction, grocery stores have already put in self check-out.
I suggest that Bob learns how to work on the machines that are going to replace his job if he wants to be employed.

Our Albertson's store took out their self check out. We customers refused to use it.

Crain's Chicago Business : Subscription Center

McDonald's Corp. is getting lapped by rivals in the race to make fast food even faster.

Competitors such as Jimmy John's, Potbelly and Wow Bao are deploying on-site kiosks or mobile apps that enable customers to skip lines by placing orders with the tap of a finger and a swipe of a debit card. Starbucks Corp. is exploring ways for members of its loyalty program to use their smartphones to order their custom coffees.

Restaurants employing automated ordering options say the devices lift traffic and boost individual sales. Since many of these rivals are near McDonald's center-city locations, they might lure customers turned off by slow-moving lines under the Golden Arches.
The Shocking Truth About What It Would Cost Us All If Walmart Paid A Living Wage

Watch the video.

$300,000,000 a year in food stamps just for walmart employees. Give them a living wage and we pay an extra 1.4% on their goods. One penny for every dollar spent at Walmart and those employees would not need to live on food stamps.

Read the first two responses to your OP, and you will realise that the conservatives here wouldn't have a bar of it, because they don't give a shit.
Cashiers at most places don't modify the orders. By the time the cashier touches it there isn't much more to do than hand you the tray. It isn't exactly rocket science, and it isn't a five star restaurant.

For all I know McDonald's could have already considered and discarded the idea of having automated kiosks. But if labor becomes expensive enough you can bet they are going to take another look at it.

They'll try to find cheaper cheese or raise prices first IMO. Most of these places are franchises and quite a few businessmen are hostile toward technology, especially expensive technology that will require expensive tech geeks to maintain.

Even places like Sheetz have touchpad ordering, but you still have to go stand in line and pay the cashier and then come back and get your food.
I don't know where you live, but around here they aren't reducing the number of self checkout kiosks. They are increasing them. Our closest Wal-Mart just doubled the number they had. These days they only ever have 1 or two manned registers open most times. And 1 attendant easily manages all the self checkout kiosks they have running.

Our Walmart has them at either end of register row but most people still use the regular/express checkouts. Kiosks are a hassle if you are buying a lot, large items, alcohol, R-rated movies, anything with a security device, because of having to keep everything on the scales or still getting customer service approval.

I agree. However, when I'm buying just a few items I often prefer the self checkout.
The Shocking Truth About What It Would Cost Us All If Walmart Paid A Living Wage

Watch the video.

$300,000,000 a year in food stamps just for walmart employees. Give them a living wage and we pay an extra 1.4% on their goods. One penny for every dollar spent at Walmart and those employees would not need to live on food stamps.

You have it all wrong. Walmart made $16 billion profit a year. The cost to get their employees wages & benefits up enough to get them & their families off the government dole is only a couple billion. Competition sets price so they can't just raise price. But the dollar will get strong because government support will shrink & that will lower prices. The data proves it every time. Holding minimum wage below government supported poverty levels causes inflation & prices to rise every time.
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You have it all wrong. Walmart made $16 billion profit a year. The cost to get their employees wages & benefits up enough to get them & their families off the government dole is only a couple billion. Competition sets price so they can't just raise price. But the dollar will get strong because government support will shrink & that will lower prices. The data proves it every time. Holding minimum wage below government supported poverty levels causes inflation & prices to rise every time.

Isn't that really the same argument for lowering welfare then since too much government poverty support would also cause inflation?

I am okay either way on the MW issue just as long as if we do it, we do it is small steps instead of a 45% all at once jump. There are legitimate economic arguments on both sides of the issue IMO, but it doesn't affect me directly one way or the other.
The Shocking Truth About What It Would Cost Us All If Walmart Paid A Living Wage

Watch the video.

$300,000,000 a year in food stamps just for walmart employees. Give them a living wage and we pay an extra 1.4% on their goods. One penny for every dollar spent at Walmart and those employees would not need to live on food stamps.

Read the first two responses to your OP, and you will realise that the conservatives here wouldn't have a bar of it, because they don't give a shit.

You're right....I dont give a shit.
You have it all wrong. Walmart made $16 billion profit a year. The cost to get their employees wages & benefits up enough to get them & their families off the government dole is only a couple billion. Competition sets price so they can't just raise price. But the dollar will get strong because government support will shrink & that will lower prices. The data proves it every time. Holding minimum wage below government supported poverty levels causes inflation & prices to rise every time.

Isn't that really the same argument for lowering welfare then since too much government poverty support would also cause inflation?

I am okay either way on the MW issue just as long as if we do it, we do it is small steps instead of a 45% all at once jump. There are legitimate economic arguments on both sides of the issue IMO, but it doesn't affect me directly one way or the other.

Welfare was lowered via massive inflation. Actually lowering it will reduce living standards for 47 million people witch reduces the economy. No way in hell any party will vote to lower the living standard of half the country. There are NO legitimate economic arguments for holding minimum wages into government support levels. You only do that if you want government dependency, size, power, cost & inefficiency to explode.
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You have it all wrong. Walmart made $16 billion profit a year. The cost to get their employees wages & benefits up enough to get them & their families off the government dole is only a couple billion. Competition sets price so they can't just raise price. But the dollar will get strong because government support will shrink & that will lower prices. The data proves it every time. Holding minimum wage below government supported poverty levels causes inflation & prices to rise every time.

Isn't that really the same argument for lowering welfare then since too much government poverty support would also cause inflation?

I am okay either way on the MW issue just as long as if we do it, we do it is small steps instead of a 45% all at once jump. There are legitimate economic arguments on both sides of the issue IMO, but it doesn't affect me directly one way or the other.

Welfare was lowered via massive inflation. Actually lowering it will reduce living standards for 47% of the country witch reduces the economy for everyone. No way in hell any party will vote to lower the living standard of half the country. There are NO legitimate economic arguments for holding minimum wages into government support levels. You only do that if you want government dependency, size, power, cost & inefficiency to explode.

you dont know what you're talking about; typical

welfare was lowered when time limits were placed on it. the Left's cries that people were going to starve in the streets were never borne out
Isn't that really the same argument for lowering welfare then since too much government poverty support would also cause inflation?

I am okay either way on the MW issue just as long as if we do it, we do it is small steps instead of a 45% all at once jump. There are legitimate economic arguments on both sides of the issue IMO, but it doesn't affect me directly one way or the other.

Welfare was lowered via massive inflation. Actually lowering it will reduce living standards for 47% of the country witch reduces the economy for everyone. No way in hell any party will vote to lower the living standard of half the country. There are NO legitimate economic arguments for holding minimum wages into government support levels. You only do that if you want government dependency, size, power, cost & inefficiency to explode.

you dont know what you're talking about; typical

welfare was lowered when time limits were placed on it. the Left's cries that people were going to starve in the streets were never borne out

Total retard. Half the population was not on the dole when Clinton placed limits on welfare. Bush exploded inflation & dependancy that continued to increase to 47 million now. No politician will get elected saying they will lower income on those dependent voters.

70% now support hiking minimum wage so it can get done now. If we don't fix this now & get people off the dole, the majority of the population will become dependents & will vote themselves more & more entitlements. The country as we used to know it will be lost for the rest of our lives.

Looking at the data, even the high wages during the peak socialist union worker representation did not cause inflation or reduce employment. So there is no way in hell hiking wages causes inflation. Inflation is only caused by lending to people because they can't make it on their pay which explains the consumer lending boom & housing lending boom when wages fall behind. Massive lending causes massive bubbles. Inflation is also caused by deficit spending on underpaid working people.
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Wow, their McDonald's Bacon McDouble made in Denmark by workers paid $21/hr is the exact same price as it is at our McDonald's in the USA made by workers making $7.75/hr


The picture was taken in New York. Which you should have known if you actually read the blog.

From the comments on that story:
I ate lunch at a McDonalds just outside of Copenhagen, Denmark recently. Had a quarter-pounder with cheese meal (they don’t call it quarter-pounder there of course) and the total with tax came to the equivalent of $14, roughly double what I would pay in the US.

Which makes sense given that the teenager wage quoted was roughly double the average here.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
The Shocking Truth About What It Would Cost Us All If Walmart Paid A Living Wage

Watch the video.

$300,000,000 a year in food stamps just for walmart employees. Give them a living wage and we pay an extra 1.4% on their goods. One penny for every dollar spent at Walmart and those employees would not need to live on food stamps.

Has someone figured out the magic formula to define a "living" wage?

Or should each employee be paid according to how much money they need to "live?"
The magic formula is to have a structural or a structured pay grade system that works once again in each company. For some reason companies got away from this concept, and I believe it was all due to greed and corruption. The concept needs to return before we go totally communist or socialist in this nation. If we do either, then the suffering will be unbelievable for the work forces, and for the progress in this nation. The upper classes will remain without worry, and will go without lacking in such a system as they will have created now, yet everyone else will picking up the crumbs that will be issued to them in such systems that are listed above.

The minimum wage is just an entrance wage for crying out loud, and it should not be attempted by any company to be used as a socialist wage that would apply to workers as some sort of equal pay wage across the board scheme, even if it is 10.00 dollars an hour or better that it would be moved to. No one should be on minimum wage after being with a company for two years or less all depending. The wage should sustain a person until they are trained up and ready to climb on board the regular pay grade system that would be intact at the company upon a years time spent training and working at the company. A person should be able to be hired at minimum wage that is set by the company all depending on the type of work that is involved, and this if they have no training or skills in the job at all, where as it is just a try out pay, and that is all that it should be. If it works out then move the person up as they progress with raises according to their works and what the market will bear in a specific company.

There should be a starting pay be it minimum or above that if the person is skilled already, then it should transpire into the long structure of a preset pay system that had been developed to enhance the employee's pay by work ethic and consistency, and also to make it clear the companies goals and objectives for the long haul as well when the employee's are rewarded for their devotion and time spent at the companies as it should be.

The whole minimum wage thing is a socialist scheme to introduce to the corporations who would then pay the minimum wage of say 10.5 dollars and hour to their workers, and this like in a manufacturing situation where it would be all they would get until another hike would come. Talk about socialist communist thinking...WOW! I can't believe the nation is falling for Obama and his socialist communist ways and change.

Beware America, because you are about to go through hell, as Obama is going to make this nation pay for it's slips, mistakes and greed, and he will attempt to rally the masses to his change, and they will follow just as they followed Hitler just prior to world war two.
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The nation just needs a grading system for companies in order to create competition on who is the best company out there, and who is the best companies to work for across the boards.

Bill Boards in each city and state could broadcast the results. They have this kind of grading system in restaurants now, so why wouldn't it work everywhere else ?

Either your company gets an A+/A or a D/ F rating. The feds could run this type of program, and they should stay out of telling a company what to pay it's employee's, especially when the feds don't even know the employee's like the company does, but yet it wants to stick it's nose where it don't belong, and then do it in the wrong ways. Go figure!
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Welfare was lowered via massive inflation. Actually lowering it will reduce living standards for 47 million people witch reduces the economy. No way in hell any party will vote to lower the living standard of half the country. There are NO legitimate economic arguments for holding minimum wages into government support levels. You only do that if you want government dependency, size, power, cost & inefficiency to explode.

Well no legitimate arguments if you think reducing the purchasing power of the dollar is the best economic policy, leaving the poor still poor, but with a bigger balance on their EBT's and no more food in their cupboards.
Welfare was lowered via massive inflation. Actually lowering it will reduce living standards for 47 million people witch reduces the economy. No way in hell any party will vote to lower the living standard of half the country. There are NO legitimate economic arguments for holding minimum wages into government support levels. You only do that if you want government dependency, size, power, cost & inefficiency to explode.

How is it that you think your 6 years of formal, primary education qualifies you to post on economics?

Do you think the idiotic lies you repeat from the hate sites are legitimate economic theory? Entitlement payments excluding Social Security Retirement payments (which are not an entitlement) are at the highest level in history. Direct cash benefits INCREASED after Clinton's "welfare reform." Moving 10's of thousands of people from general relief to Supplemental Security Income INCREASED the federal outlay of welfare
It's your responsibility to pay your bills.

It is not your employer's responsibility to guarantee you make enough in a week to do so.

If you don't make enough to pay your bills you have options. Get a higher paying job. Get a second job or a third and reduce your expenses.
The picture was taken in New York. Which you should have known if you actually read the blog.

From the comments on that story:
I ate lunch at a McDonalds just outside of Copenhagen, Denmark recently. Had a quarter-pounder with cheese meal (they don’t call it quarter-pounder there of course) and the total with tax came to the equivalent of $14, roughly double what I would pay in the US.

Which makes sense given that the teenager wage quoted was roughly double the average here.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Wait, that means Kissmy was lying through his fucking teeth?


I'm shocked... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
The picture was taken in New York. Which you should have known if you actually read the blog.

From the comments on that story:
I ate lunch at a McDonalds just outside of Copenhagen, Denmark recently. Had a quarter-pounder with cheese meal (they don’t call it quarter-pounder there of course) and the total with tax came to the equivalent of $14, roughly double what I would pay in the US.

Which makes sense given that the teenager wage quoted was roughly double the average here.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Wait, that means Kissmy was lying through his fucking teeth?


I'm shocked... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

I'll be fair. I don't know if he was lying intentionally, our was just confused.

In either case he was wrong.

I don't know about you, but if a quarter pound meal at McDonald's cost $14 I wouldn't be eating there.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I'll be fair. I don't know if he was lying intentionally, our was just confused.

In either case he was wrong.

I don't know about you, but if a quarter pound meal at McDonald's cost $14 I wouldn't be eating there.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

In all honesty, McDonalds food would have to change drastically for me to eat there at all. I really don't like the place.

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