This is why we need a living wage

Are you trying to make pumping gas sound arduous. Really? And if you dont think prices wouldnt go up if they added another employee or two you're nuts. Whether you payed at the pump or at the slushy machine you'd be paying more.

You mean those extra employees wouldn't volunteer their services for the privilege of pumping my gas? How 'bout BEAGLE's gas? Yours? No?
The silly, half-assed reasoning of the socialist POV constantly amuses me. :lol:
So your saying that what the old timers had done, and for what they had created back in the day when the nation was at it's greatest and finest hours, were just socialist pieces of crap who didn't understand a thing about the value of a dollar, and how when we would spend a dollar that their companies would compete for that dollar in many ways in which lifted the nation up ? It was all just their imagination now or ours ? What's wrong with the committing of great services and quality of products, where as this should be as job one in America once again ? I think it would be great because it created a strong nation and a durable one in times gone by.

Sadly it's not so much today as so many corps had become rapist instead of good capitalist as they should have remained as such, but they sadly have let their greed get the best of them, and now the defenders of greed are hammering their selfish clients case for them. Just sayin..

Huh? Please explain how your response relates to the fact that adding gas pump jocks requires paying them for their services and that, in turn, means higher gas prices. Must we bring back the ice man also? Milk and bread deliveries? How 'bout black & white TV? Woo.
Last edited:
You can walk inside to pay if you really want to. Sometimes it's nice if you want to pick up an overpriced snack. I prefer to get out of there much quicker than that though.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Yes and if it was my store, I would have refused the new pump technology on people with your kind of attitudes for sure. You sound as a cheapscape who will use a facility at it's bear minimum, just so you can ride away feeling as if you took advantage of the technology, yet you will never step inside to do business with the store in which is providing you the technology and the convienence it offers you. WOW!

Hmmm, A side note to the site - These adds at the bottom of the page are interupting badly the experience here now, and in fact they are causing the computers to run slow and even lock up. Might want to look into it.

I'm a "cheapscape" for wanting to get home to my family faster rather than wasting time at the gas station?

Or is it that I'm a "cheapscape" for not wanting to spend my hard earned money on garbage food at a Quick Stop when I can get much healthier food cheaper at the grocery store.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Should I even answer something as dumb as this in which you have written ? I'm sorry but you sound desperate writing something like this... No one is this stupid to try and answer such bull crap in the way that you have written this out.. Come on man, you can get more creative than this can't you ? Try and hide what you are up to just a little bit better ok, then maybe we might bite....LOL
I never said we had people who actually pump the gas for you. We have people behind the counter that take your money for your petrol - but a lot of people would almost certainly pay extra for someone to pump the gas. I remember those days, and miss them.

You can walk inside to pay if you really want to. Sometimes it's nice if you want to pick up an overpriced snack. I prefer to get out of there much quicker than that though.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Yes and if it was my store, I would have refused the new pump technology on people with your kind of attitudes for sure. You sound as a cheapscape who will use a facility at it's bear minimum, just so you can ride away feeling as if you took advantage of the technology, yet you will never step inside to do business with the store in which is providing you the technology and the convienence it offers you. WOW!

Hmmm, A side note to the site - These adds at the bottom of the page are interupting badly the experience here now, and in fact they are causing the computers to run slow and even lock up. Might want to look into it.

What ads? Oh! You might want to look into becoming a contributing member or purchasing a better computer.

NO! You may not raise my taxes to pay for it.
You mean those extra employees wouldn't volunteer their services for the privilege of pumping my gas? How 'bout BEAGLE's gas? Yours? No?
The silly, half-assed reasoning of the socialist POV constantly amuses me. :lol:
So your saying that what the old timers had done, and for what they had created back in the day when the nation was at it's greatest and finest hours, were just socialist pieces of crap who didn't understand a thing about the value of a dollar, and how when we would spend a dollar that their companies would compete for that dollar in many ways in which lifted the nation up ? It was all just their imagination now or ours ? What's wrong with the committing of great services and quality of products, where as this should be as job one in America once again ? I think it would be great because it created a strong nation and a durable one in times gone by.

Sadly it's not so much today as so many corps had become rapist instead of good capitalist as they should have remained as such, but they sadly have let their greed get the best of them, and now the defenders of greed are hammering their selfish clients case for them. Just sayin..

Huh? Please explain how your response relates to the fact that adding gas pump jocks requires paying them for their services and that, in turn, means higher gas prices. Must we bring back the ice man also? Milk and bread deliveries? How 'bout black & white TV? Woo.
Would you have a problem with someone bringing you ice, bread and milk to your doorstep, I mean if a company could afford to do it in a competitive way again, and in a way in which kept the price down to you, and also made them a profit to boot ? What if it brought back that old feeling of American quality and services to your community in which you live again, would you be against it ? Sounds convienent enough to me, and you say you are all for convienence right ?

I sure wouldn't turn it down, but you would see it as a threat maybe to who and to what in your world vision of things ?
you can walk inside to pay if you really want to. Sometimes it's nice if you want to pick up an overpriced snack. I prefer to get out of there much quicker than that though.

Sent from my sch-i545 using tapatalk
yes and if it was my store, i would have refused the new pump technology on people with your kind of attitudes for sure. You sound as a cheapscape who will use a facility at it's bear minimum, just so you can ride away feeling as if you took advantage of the technology, yet you will never step inside to do business with the store in which is providing you the technology and the convienence it offers you. Wow!

Hmmm, a side note to the site - these adds at the bottom of the page are interupting badly the experience here now, and in fact they are causing the computers to run slow and even lock up. might want to look into it.

what ads? Oh! You might want to look into becoming a contributing member or purchasing a better computer.

No! You may not raise my taxes to pay for it.
yes and if it was my store, i would have refused the new pump technology on people with your kind of attitudes for sure. You sound as a cheapscape who will use a facility at it's bear minimum, just so you can ride away feeling as if you took advantage of the technology, yet you will never step inside to do business with the store in which is providing you the technology and the convienence it offers you. Wow!

Hmmm, a side note to the site - these adds at the bottom of the page are interupting badly the experience here now, and in fact they are causing the computers to run slow and even lock up. Might want to look into it.

i'm a "cheapscape" for wanting to get home to my family faster rather than wasting time at the gas station?

Or is it that i'm a "cheapscape" for not wanting to spend my hard earned money on garbage food at a quick stop when i can get much healthier food cheaper at the grocery store.

Sent from my sch-i545 using tapatalk

i've come to the conclusion that beagle is mentally disturbed or rides a bicycle.
Yes and if it was my store, I would have refused the new pump technology on people with your kind of attitudes for sure. You sound as a cheapscape who will use a facility at it's bear minimum, just so you can ride away feeling as if you took advantage of the technology, yet you will never step inside to do business with the store in which is providing you the technology and the convienence it offers you. WOW!

Hmmm, A side note to the site - These adds at the bottom of the page are interupting badly the experience here now, and in fact they are causing the computers to run slow and even lock up. Might want to look into it.

I'm a "cheapscape" for wanting to get home to my family faster rather than wasting time at the gas station?

Or is it that I'm a "cheapscape" for not wanting to spend my hard earned money on garbage food at a Quick Stop when I can get much healthier food cheaper at the grocery store.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Should I even answer something as dumb as this in which you have written ? I'm sorry but you sound desperate writing something like this... No one is this stupid to try and answer such bull crap in the way that you have written this out.. Come on man, you can get more creative than this can't you ? Try and hide what you are up to just a little bit better ok, then maybe we might bite....LOL

You called me a "cheapscape." I am merely trying to understand what you thought made me a cheapskate (which is what I assume you actually meant.) Since the only things I commented on in the post to which you were responding were getting out of the gas station fast and the poor quality food, I thought it a safe assumption that you were referring to one of those two ideas. So which one was it?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
So your saying that what the old timers had done, and for what they had created back in the day when the nation was at it's greatest and finest hours, were just socialist pieces of crap who didn't understand a thing about the value of a dollar, and how when we would spend a dollar that their companies would compete for that dollar in many ways in which lifted the nation up ? It was all just their imagination now or ours ? What's wrong with the committing of great services and quality of products, where as this should be as job one in America once again ? I think it would be great because it created a strong nation and a durable one in times gone by.

Sadly it's not so much today as so many corps had become rapist instead of good capitalist as they should have remained as such, but they sadly have let their greed get the best of them, and now the defenders of greed are hammering their selfish clients case for them. Just sayin..

Huh? Please explain how your response relates to the fact that adding gas pump jocks requires paying them for their services and that, in turn, means higher gas prices. Must we bring back the ice man also? Milk and bread deliveries? How 'bout black & white TV? Woo.
Would you have a problem with someone bringing you ice, bread and milk to your doorstep, I mean if a company could afford to do it in a competitive way again, and in a way in which kept the price down to you, and also made them a profit to boot ? What if it brought back that old feeling of American quality and services to your community in which you live again, would you be against it ? Sounds convienent enough to me, and you say you are all for convienence right ?

I sure wouldn't turn it down, but you would see it as a threat maybe to who and to what in your world vision of things ?

Who says we see it as a threat? If the price was right, sure I'd love the convenience. What I won't do is pay a premium price for the service.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
So your saying that what the old timers had done, and for what they had created back in the day when the nation was at it's greatest and finest hours, were just socialist pieces of crap who didn't understand a thing about the value of a dollar, and how when we would spend a dollar that their companies would compete for that dollar in many ways in which lifted the nation up ? It was all just their imagination now or ours ? What's wrong with the committing of great services and quality of products, where as this should be as job one in America once again ? I think it would be great because it created a strong nation and a durable one in times gone by.

Sadly it's not so much today as so many corps had become rapist instead of good capitalist as they should have remained as such, but they sadly have let their greed get the best of them, and now the defenders of greed are hammering their selfish clients case for them. Just sayin..

Huh? Please explain how your response relates to the fact that adding gas pump jocks requires paying them for their services and that, in turn, means higher gas prices. Must we bring back the ice man also? Milk and bread deliveries? How 'bout black & white TV? Woo.
Would you have a problem with someone bringing you ice, bread and milk to your doorstep, I mean if a company could afford to do it in a competitive way again, and in a way in which kept the price down to you, and also made them a profit to boot ? What if it brought back that old feeling of American quality and services to your community in which you live again, would you be against it ? Sounds convienent enough to me, and you say you are all for convienence right ?

I sure wouldn't turn it down, but you would see it as a threat maybe to who and to what in your world vision of things ?

I have this ridiculous idea that you get what you pay for and you pay for what you get. If you want ice and milk and bread and your meds delivered you still can ... at an added cost. Requiring the rest of us to pay for your convenience is just plain wrong and evidently you just don't get it. Want convenience in your life? Pay for it. :D
So, you will pay 3 or 4 cents more/liter of gasoline because the guy inside smiled at you. OK if attention is that important to you, I guess you can shop where ever you want.
I have a pretty bar maid with really big hooters, but I don't charge more for a beer when she's on duty.

Wow you may be a complete idiot to your bar maid then, because she is probably knocking down the tips, but here you are refusing to make your money on the added attraction that she is bringing to the experience found in it all? Wow !

5 cents more on a beer for a beautiful female who makes the customers feel right at home, and in which they wouldn't even bat an eye lid at for the extra cents being charged, but you say NO or won't even try it ? Lets say then that (she gets two cents of it and you get three), and she brings great bartending services while they are coming to your business to relax and have good conversation to boot, so whats wrong with that ? No wonder no one can get a raise these days with thinking like you have... Sheesh !

You sure your a business man ? :cuckoo:

Obviously you know nothing about my business or liquor laws in Alabama.

As a matter of fact, she works 2 day shifts/week and most of that time is at happy hour prices. If I can get people into the place for a couple hours at reduced prices, many will stay when the price goes back to normal.
Yes, there are those that will leave at 6:pM, but they will be back at 2 tomorrow and spend another 30 bucks.
Regulars pay the bills. Drop ins are profit.
Most customers will tip more when they buy a reduced price cocktail. They seem to feel the bartender is doing them a favor. In truth, there are certain "fad drinks" that are cheap as hell to serve but command a high price. These are the drinks you see on the specials board. I am quite happy dropping the price from $6 to $4.50 for a drink that costs me 90 cents to pour. Conversely, I can't charge 25 dollars for a bushwhacker that costs me 7 to pour. I charge $10. I charge $11 for a $3.50 Absinthe because #1, I am one of the few places around that stock it and it's more about theatrics than alcohol.
I've run a few businesses and my partner has been in the bar business for 20 years. We KNOW how to make money with a tavern and we know how drinkers think. You don't. Please keep your "thoughts" to yourself.
It's cool that you are saying to the idiot corps that you are going to just use them in the most minimal way possible, and this because they no longer offer character or pay for character to be a part of their establisment anymore... Good for you, as you may be helping others to realize that people & services do matter, and if that was recognized once again, then you just might be prompted to engage more and pay more into a system that pleases you instead of teases you out of your money.

God you're a dumb fuck. It's called convenience.
If you're so fired up about meeting the workers why dont you stop at the refineries before you buy your gas and see how their day is going?
You're a first class nut job...seriously get help.
No I am an old timer for whom I think if you new me, you might give me a little more respect than what you do.

I understand though, I mean that you are living in a world that has now been long since removed from the good old days for which we had known, and that probably you may never know and/or experience in your life other than maybe in the books you might read.

It's sad what this nation has become, and what it is bringing up in mentalities now.

There's a time and a place for niceties. And in fact I love the ways of small town America and the more personable and simpler life it affords. But when you live in a city with five million people the things you pine for are impossible.
I grew up in the land you describe,but the city grew up around me over the last forty years. When the objective is no longer making as much money as possible in the shortest period of time possible I'll go back to that life...and the sooner the better.
In other words,putting up with the crap will make it happen sooner.
I have no desire to get personal with Haji at the local quicki mart because I dont plan on staying.

I wish you had clarified where you were coming from and we wouldnt have gone down this road in the first place. Because we both want the same thing in life. But to get it these days takes a far different attitude then it did "way back when"

Here's to living the simple life:beer:
Huh? Please explain how your response relates to the fact that adding gas pump jocks requires paying them for their services and that, in turn, means higher gas prices. Must we bring back the ice man also? Milk and bread deliveries? How 'bout black & white TV? Woo.
Would you have a problem with someone bringing you ice, bread and milk to your doorstep, I mean if a company could afford to do it in a competitive way again, and in a way in which kept the price down to you, and also made them a profit to boot ? What if it brought back that old feeling of American quality and services to your community in which you live again, would you be against it ? Sounds convienent enough to me, and you say you are all for convienence right ?

I sure wouldn't turn it down, but you would see it as a threat maybe to who and to what in your world vision of things ?

Who says we see it as a threat? If the price was right, sure I'd love the convenience. What I won't do is pay a premium price for the service.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Now how can you make this statement embolded above, if you don't know what all would be involved in the service or the products you would be recieving in the service ? They may be premium products and premium services involved, so in that case would you be willing to pay what it's worth all due to the convienence of it (maybe all your grocieries delivered) or not ? Umm is your pre-conceptions before knowing what you would be getting along with the service you would be getting simply more evidence found in your words that you are a cheap skate and don't know it maybe ?
Funny, I thought the site should be paying me instead of me paying them.. :poke:

You mean you ain't been getting your money's worth ? :cuckoo:

If I want to talk to idiots, I can go back to the bar a few minutes before closing time.

No, I do not pay for drunken comedy routines. They pay me for providing then their venue and fuel.
So, you will pay 3 or 4 cents more/liter of gasoline because the guy inside smiled at you. OK if attention is that important to you, I guess you can shop where ever you want.
I have a pretty bar maid with really big hooters, but I don't charge more for a beer when she's on duty.

Wow you may be a complete idiot to your bar maid then, because she is probably knocking down the tips, but here you are refusing to make your money on the added attraction that she is bringing to the experience found in it all? Wow !

5 cents more on a beer for a beautiful female who makes the customers feel right at home, and in which they wouldn't even bat an eye lid at for the extra cents being charged, but you say NO or won't even try it ? Lets say then that (she gets two cents of it and you get three), and she brings great bartending services while they are coming to your business to relax and have good conversation to boot, so whats wrong with that ? No wonder no one can get a raise these days with thinking like you have... Sheesh !

You sure your a business man ? :cuckoo:

Obviously you know nothing about my business or liquor laws in Alabama.

As a matter of fact, she works 2 day shifts/week and most of that time is at happy hour prices. If I can get people into the place for a couple hours at reduced prices, many will stay when the price goes back to normal.
Yes, there are those that will leave at 6:pM, but they will be back at 2 tomorrow and spend another 30 bucks.
Regulars pay the bills. Drop ins are profit.
Most customers will tip more when they buy a reduced price cocktail. They seem to feel the bartender is doing them a favor. In truth, there are certain "fad drinks" that are cheap as hell to serve but command a high price. These are the drinks you see on the specials board. I am quite happy dropping the price from $6 to $4.50 for a drink that costs me 90 cents to pour. Conversely, I can't charge 25 dollars for a bushwhacker that costs me 7 to pour. I charge $10. I charge $11 for a $3.50 Absinthe because #1, I am one of the few places around that stock it and it's more about theatrics than alcohol.
I've run a few businesses and my partner has been in the bar business for 20 years. We KNOW how to make money with a tavern and we know how drinkers think. You don't. Please keep your "thoughts" to yourself.
I'm glad you cleared all that up, because wow I was starting to worry.....NOT !!!!!

Are you trying to make pumping gas sound arduous. Really? And if you dont think prices wouldnt go up if they added another employee or two you're nuts. Whether you payed at the pump or at the slushy machine you'd be paying more.

You mean those extra employees wouldn't volunteer their services for the privilege of pumping my gas? How 'bout BEAGLE's gas? Yours? No?
The silly, half-assed reasoning of the socialist POV constantly amuses me. :lol:
So your saying that what the old timers had done, and for what they had created back in the day when the nation was at it's greatest and finest hours, were just socialist pieces of crap who didn't understand a thing about the value of a dollar, and how when we would spend a dollar that their companies would compete for that dollar in many ways in which lifted the nation up ? It was all just their imagination now or ours ? What's wrong with the committing of great services and quality of products, where as this should be as job one in America once again ? I think it would be great because it created a strong nation and a durable one in times gone by.

Sadly it's not so much today as so many corps had become rapist instead of good capitalist as they should have remained as such, but they sadly have let their greed get the best of them, and now the defenders of greed are hammering their selfish clients case for them. Just sayin..
When you sober up, would you please translate the bolded part above?
Oh well the grandbabies are wanting me to say goodnight to them, so see yall later...
It's cool that you are saying to the idiot corps that you are going to just use them in the most minimal way possible, and this because they no longer offer character or pay for character to be a part of their establisment anymore... Good for you, as you may be helping others to realize that people & services do matter, and if that was recognized once again, then you just might be prompted to engage more and pay more into a system that pleases you instead of teases you out of your money.

God you're a dumb fuck. It's called convenience.
If you're so fired up about meeting the workers why dont you stop at the refineries before you buy your gas and see how their day is going?
You're a first class nut job...seriously get help.
No I am an old timer for whom I think if you new me, you might give me a little more respect than what you do.

I understand though, I mean that you are living in a world that has now been long since removed from the good old days for which we had known, and that probably you may never know and/or experience in your life other than maybe in the books you might read.

It's sad what this nation has become, and what it is bringing up in mentalities now.

Old timer? Sad really that you've lived so long and learned so little.
As to the text above that I bolded, I agree. I find you depressing.
Would you have a problem with someone bringing you ice, bread and milk to your doorstep, I mean if a company could afford to do it in a competitive way again, and in a way in which kept the price down to you, and also made them a profit to boot ? What if it brought back that old feeling of American quality and services to your community in which you live again, would you be against it ? Sounds convienent enough to me, and you say you are all for convienence right ?

I sure wouldn't turn it down, but you would see it as a threat maybe to who and to what in your world vision of things ?

Who says we see it as a threat? If the price was right, sure I'd love the convenience. What I won't do is pay a premium price for the service.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Now how can you make this statement embolded above, if you don't know what all would be involved in the service or the products you would be recieving in the service ? They may be premium products and premium services involved, so in that case would you be willing to pay what it's worth all due to the convienence of it (maybe all your grocieries delivered) or not ? Umm is your pre-conceptions before knowing what you would be getting along with the service you would be getting simply more evidence found in your words that you are a cheap skate and don't know it maybe ?

I don't mind paying a premium price when I want a premium product. Most of the time I do mind paying more for the same product or an inferior product out of only convenience.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
So your saying that what the old timers had done, and for what they had created back in the day when the nation was at it's greatest and finest hours, were just socialist pieces of crap who didn't understand a thing about the value of a dollar, and how when we would spend a dollar that their companies would compete for that dollar in many ways in which lifted the nation up ? It was all just their imagination now or ours ? What's wrong with the committing of great services and quality of products, where as this should be as job one in America once again ? I think it would be great because it created a strong nation and a durable one in times gone by.

Sadly it's not so much today as so many corps had become rapist instead of good capitalist as they should have remained as such, but they sadly have let their greed get the best of them, and now the defenders of greed are hammering their selfish clients case for them. Just sayin..

Huh? Please explain how your response relates to the fact that adding gas pump jocks requires paying them for their services and that, in turn, means higher gas prices. Must we bring back the ice man also? Milk and bread deliveries? How 'bout black & white TV? Woo.
Would you have a problem with someone bringing you ice, bread and milk to your doorstep, I mean if a company could afford to do it in a competitive way again, and in a way in which kept the price down to you, and also made them a profit to boot ? What if it brought back that old feeling of American quality and services to your community in which you live again, would you be against it ? Sounds convienent enough to me, and you say you are all for convienence right ?

I sure wouldn't turn it down, but you would see it as a threat maybe to who and to what in your world vision of things ?

OK! Now you've got my interest. You seem to think you know so much about business, I have a proposal for you. I own a bar in a city that has 12 or 14 bars and maybe 20 restaurants. I go through about 150 pounds of ice/day. Some of the other business use less, many use more Let's say the average is 250 pounds.
If you can deliver ice at an attractive price, I can get you 20 customers that will buy 5,000 pounds/day, 7 days a week.

How much should I budget for my ice.
Please show me a basic business plan because I'm thinking of investing. What are your start up costs, business license fees, labor costs, water and sewage costs, utilities costs?
What percent return on my investment should I expect? Please hurry! We are desperate for ice here in Foley and I have $250K set aside for your start up.

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