This is why we need a living wage

Wow you may be a complete idiot to your bar maid then, because she is probably knocking down the tips, but here you are refusing to make your money on the added attraction that she is bringing to the experience found in it all? Wow !

5 cents more on a beer for a beautiful female who makes the customers feel right at home, and in which they wouldn't even bat an eye lid at for the extra cents being charged, but you say NO or won't even try it ? Lets say then that (she gets two cents of it and you get three), and she brings great bartending services while they are coming to your business to relax and have good conversation to boot, so whats wrong with that ? No wonder no one can get a raise these days with thinking like you have... Sheesh !

You sure your a business man ? :cuckoo:

Obviously you know nothing about my business or liquor laws in Alabama.

As a matter of fact, she works 2 day shifts/week and most of that time is at happy hour prices. If I can get people into the place for a couple hours at reduced prices, many will stay when the price goes back to normal.
Yes, there are those that will leave at 6:pM, but they will be back at 2 tomorrow and spend another 30 bucks.
Regulars pay the bills. Drop ins are profit.
Most customers will tip more when they buy a reduced price cocktail. They seem to feel the bartender is doing them a favor. In truth, there are certain "fad drinks" that are cheap as hell to serve but command a high price. These are the drinks you see on the specials board. I am quite happy dropping the price from $6 to $4.50 for a drink that costs me 90 cents to pour. Conversely, I can't charge 25 dollars for a bushwhacker that costs me 7 to pour. I charge $10. I charge $11 for a $3.50 Absinthe because #1, I am one of the few places around that stock it and it's more about theatrics than alcohol.
I've run a few businesses and my partner has been in the bar business for 20 years. We KNOW how to make money with a tavern and we know how drinkers think. You don't. Please keep your "thoughts" to yourself.
I'm glad you cleared all that up, because wow I was starting to worry.....NOT !!!!!


Just trying to educate you. I was unaware that you already knew it all.
Huh? Please explain how your response relates to the fact that adding gas pump jocks requires paying them for their services and that, in turn, means higher gas prices. Must we bring back the ice man also? Milk and bread deliveries? How 'bout black & white TV? Woo.
Would you have a problem with someone bringing you ice, bread and milk to your doorstep, I mean if a company could afford to do it in a competitive way again, and in a way in which kept the price down to you, and also made them a profit to boot ? What if it brought back that old feeling of American quality and services to your community in which you live again, would you be against it ? Sounds convienent enough to me, and you say you are all for convienence right ?

I sure wouldn't turn it down, but you would see it as a threat maybe to who and to what in your world vision of things ?

OK! Now you've got my interest. You seem to think you know so much about business, I have a proposal for you. I own a bar in a city that has 12 or 14 bars and maybe 20 restaurants. I go through about 150 pounds of ice/day. Some of the other business use less, many use more Let's say the average is 250 pounds.
If you can deliver ice at an attractive price, I can get you 20 customers that will buy 5,000 pounds/day, 7 days a week.

How much should I budget for my ice.
Please show me a basic business plan because I'm thinking of investing. What are your start up costs, business license fees, labor costs, water and sewage costs, utilities costs?
What percent return on my investment should I expect? Please hurry! We are desperate for ice here in Foley and I have $250K set aside for your start up.

I don't get the sense that Beagle wants to establish and operate a business but I do believe he wants the pace and gentility of a long gone time in America.
I'm confused as to why anyone with your resources wouldn't simply purchase ice making equip... oh, I get it.
Never mind. :D
Huh? Please explain how your response relates to the fact that adding gas pump jocks requires paying them for their services and that, in turn, means higher gas prices. Must we bring back the ice man also? Milk and bread deliveries? How 'bout black & white TV? Woo.
Would you have a problem with someone bringing you ice, bread and milk to your doorstep, I mean if a company could afford to do it in a competitive way again, and in a way in which kept the price down to you, and also made them a profit to boot ? What if it brought back that old feeling of American quality and services to your community in which you live again, would you be against it ? Sounds convienent enough to me, and you say you are all for convienence right ?

I sure wouldn't turn it down, but you would see it as a threat maybe to who and to what in your world vision of things ?

OK! Now you've got my interest. You seem to think you know so much about business, I have a proposal for you. I own a bar in a city that has 12 or 14 bars and maybe 20 restaurants. I go through about 150 pounds of ice/day. Some of the other business use less, many use more Let's say the average is 250 pounds.
If you can deliver ice at an attractive price, I can get you 20 customers that will buy 5,000 pounds/day, 7 days a week.

How much should I budget for my ice.
Please show me a basic business plan because I'm thinking of investing. What are your start up costs, business license fees, labor costs, water and sewage costs, utilities costs?
What percent return on my investment should I expect? Please hurry! We are desperate for ice here in Foley and I have $250K set aside for your start up.

Wouldn't if be cheaper just to buy an ice maker. If one is enough for you'd local McDonald's, I'm sure one ice making machine would be enough for a bar.
Would you have a problem with someone bringing you ice, bread and milk to your doorstep, I mean if a company could afford to do it in a competitive way again, and in a way in which kept the price down to you, and also made them a profit to boot ? What if it brought back that old feeling of American quality and services to your community in which you live again, would you be against it ? Sounds convienent enough to me, and you say you are all for convienence right ?

I sure wouldn't turn it down, but you would see it as a threat maybe to who and to what in your world vision of things ?

OK! Now you've got my interest. You seem to think you know so much about business, I have a proposal for you. I own a bar in a city that has 12 or 14 bars and maybe 20 restaurants. I go through about 150 pounds of ice/day. Some of the other business use less, many use more Let's say the average is 250 pounds.
If you can deliver ice at an attractive price, I can get you 20 customers that will buy 5,000 pounds/day, 7 days a week.

How much should I budget for my ice.
Please show me a basic business plan because I'm thinking of investing. What are your start up costs, business license fees, labor costs, water and sewage costs, utilities costs?
What percent return on my investment should I expect? Please hurry! We are desperate for ice here in Foley and I have $250K set aside for your start up.

I don't get the sense that Beagle wants to establish and operate a business but I do believe he wants the pace and gentility of a long gone time in America.
I'm confused as to why anyone with your resources wouldn't simply purchase ice making equip... oh, I get it.
Never mind. :D

My ice maker produces 195 lbs of ice/day and after a $2,100 purchase price, costs about 25 bucks a month for water, electricity and cleaning costs.

As a matter of fact, it was cleaned today for a bottle of Bud Lite.

Really, though, I have to tote 4, 5 gallon buckets of ice to the bar twice every day. I might be willing to pay for someone to deliver it to me, if I didn't have to tote the stuff. (where the hell is that tongue-in-cheek smiley???)

Really, Beagle I would love to see your business plan, if for nothing else than to see if you have any inkling of what it takes to provide a premium service to customers. I'm guessing you haven't a clue.
Would you have a problem with someone bringing you ice, bread and milk to your doorstep, I mean if a company could afford to do it in a competitive way again, and in a way in which kept the price down to you, and also made them a profit to boot ? What if it brought back that old feeling of American quality and services to your community in which you live again, would you be against it ? Sounds convienent enough to me, and you say you are all for convienence right ?

I sure wouldn't turn it down, but you would see it as a threat maybe to who and to what in your world vision of things ?

OK! Now you've got my interest. You seem to think you know so much about business, I have a proposal for you. I own a bar in a city that has 12 or 14 bars and maybe 20 restaurants. I go through about 150 pounds of ice/day. Some of the other business use less, many use more Let's say the average is 250 pounds.
If you can deliver ice at an attractive price, I can get you 20 customers that will buy 5,000 pounds/day, 7 days a week.

How much should I budget for my ice.
Please show me a basic business plan because I'm thinking of investing. What are your start up costs, business license fees, labor costs, water and sewage costs, utilities costs?
What percent return on my investment should I expect? Please hurry! We are desperate for ice here in Foley and I have $250K set aside for your start up.

Wouldn't if be cheaper just to buy an ice maker. If one is enough for you'd local McDonald's, I'm sure one ice making machine would be enough for a bar.

That's not the point of my post.
Gotta head back to the bar to retrieve my wife who manages "Musicians Take Over" night.
Had an acoustic act tonight. His singer got strep so he worked alone. The wife says she can see why he has a singer in his act, but he plays a mean guitar.
The fallacy of the MW can be exposed by a simple experiment. If raising the MW to $10/hour is a good thing, why not just raise it to $50/hour and eliminate poverty altogether? I'll let the MW activists attempt to answer that one.
You assume all those who support raising the minimum wage think doing so will eliminate poverty.
Some of us are simply realistic.
Some of us understand the terms money wage, real wage and inflation. Do you?

So your goal isn't to improve the lives of the low end workers, but rather to eliminate their jobs and force them on to welfare?
My goal is to stop you from enslaving children to work in your coal mine.
You assume all those who support raising the minimum wage think doing so will eliminate poverty.
Some of us are simply realistic.
Some of us understand the terms money wage, real wage and inflation. Do you?

So your goal isn't to improve the lives of the low end workers, but rather to eliminate their jobs and force them on to welfare?
My goal is to stop you from enslaving children to work in your coal mine.

Ah-ha ... knight in shining armor syndrome. It appears your helmet is on waaay too tight and gives you a nasty case of helmet-vision.
So your goal isn't to improve the lives of the low end workers, but rather to eliminate their jobs and force them on to welfare?
My goal is to stop you from enslaving children to work in your coal mine.

Ah-ha ... knight in shining armor syndrome. It appears your helmet is on waaay too tight and gives you a nasty case of helmet-vision.

No, just answering hyperbole with hyperbole. But I doubt you know what that word means.
Funny, I thought the site should be paying me instead of me paying them.. :poke:

You mean you ain't been getting your money's worth ? :cuckoo:

So, you're not just a free-loader, but a self-entitled one?

Typical union slob.

Public employee union members and 12 year olds, both are sure the world owes them - neither can articulate precisely why....
Living wage yes that's all that's left, lousy jobs because Big government chases away all good paying jobs and the likes of wall mart and burger king are jobs that can not leave the disgusting business environment that we are stuck with. Soon government workers will just exchange there pay checks and be stuck holding the bag.
Living wage yes that's all that's left, lousy jobs because Big government chases away all good paying jobs and the likes of wall mart and burger king are jobs that can not leave the disgusting business environment that we are stuck with. Soon government workers will just exchange there pay checks and be stuck holding the bag.

This is one of the things I just don't get.... If you really want to be a leftist, and bash all the businesses out there, ok. Go smash GM, go attack Chrysler, go attack Ford, go attack Walmart, and GE, and all the big companies, and smash them into the ground.......

Then.... you want to complain about the lack of jobs.

Am I missing something from the moronic left? Do any of you leftards grasp that there just could be... just possibly be... maybe a connection between the two?

It's funny because in other countries, they see big business as a benefit to society. Unions in Germany are extremely pro-corporation... and shockingly they have a low unemployment rate...... You really don't see a connection between the two? Hello McFly? Anyone home?
God you're a dumb fuck. It's called convenience.
If you're so fired up about meeting the workers why dont you stop at the refineries before you buy your gas and see how their day is going?
You're a first class nut job...seriously get help.
No I am an old timer for whom I think if you new me, you might give me a little more respect than what you do.

I understand though, I mean that you are living in a world that has now been long since removed from the good old days for which we had known, and that probably you may never know and/or experience in your life other than maybe in the books you might read.

It's sad what this nation has become, and what it is bringing up in mentalities now.

Old timer? Sad really that you've lived so long and learned so little.
As to the text above that I bolded, I agree. I find you depressing.
I see you get your wottle feelings hurt easily, so all I can say to you is suck it up soldier or maybe find somewhere else where a person might agree with everything you say or want to say, because it sure ain't here in my postings that you will find such babying and cotteling in which you might expect to find while reading. I'm just sayin.
Your fallacy is that it's somehow cutting your cost, when really it's only saving those stations the added expenses of providing the luxury service that is usually offered to you as a bonus when doing business there, but because you do it yourself for them instead, I ask who is looking at who as the fool ? How do you like working for free, and still paying high prices ?

Actually, what happened was that OPEC formed, and the price of gas started rising pretty quickly in the 1970's. Service stations started offering the option of self-service or full-service. Full-service usually ran 7-10 cents a gallon more than self-service (which coincidentally was also about 7-10%). It didn't take long for most people to start switching to self-service. Less people using full-service also resulted in less people working at service stations. And guess who the people were that got fired? It was the 15-20 year old unskilled young people that pumped gas and in between customers, they were learning a trade called auto mechanics. Being an auto mechanic at a mom and pop service station used to pay a pretty decent wage (much more than minimum wage). Eventually, in most states, the 'Service Station" disappeared and was replaced by self-service with a convenience store attached.

Now, to be perfectly realistic, I'm not sure the whole pump gas and learn how to be a mechanic would work in this day and age. Automobiles have become much more complex than they were 20+ years ago. I doubt a person could learn good automotive mechanics simply from on the job training these days. But 20, 30, 40 years ago, they could build a decent paying career with that as their start.

Peoples ability to reason and learn has developed greatly over the years, and that is the very reason things have become as complex as they are today, especially when they are given the chance, and so I will still believe that the things that people assume people can't do anymore is just wrong today. Kids are in rebellion these days because they don't have the opportunities of the past offered them no more, and it's not because they aren't smart enough, but it's more so that greed has replaced the things in which we all held dear in the learning processes of life, therefore leaving them to wither on the vine, and then to simply die. They are supposed to be the potential replacements for the old who will need them someday in order to retire, but yet they can't find themselves anymore because of it all........ Shameful....
It's not because people aren't smart enough. It really does take a lot more technical skill to perform many auto mechanic functions on a vehicle built in the last ten years than it took twenty (and more) years ago. Think about it, today's cars have things like heated and cooled seats, rear view cameras, built in GPS and DVD players. A buddy of mine has a car with programmed keys. When he gets in the car, it knows it is him and automatically adjusts the driver seat to his preference as opposed to the seat position when his wife's key is used. In addition to that, the "key" never comes out of his pocket, a sensor detects it by proximity. A shade tree mechanic can't diagnose and fix problems to those types of systems.
A good mechanic these days is part mechanical engineering, part computer science, part HVAC and part experienced guesser when the diagnostic tool can't figure out what is wrong, plus more.

Hehe, when I was a young man a common saying was that 'everybody needs a good doctor, a good lawyer and a good mechanic'. I know I spend a lot more time with my mechanic than I do with either my doctor or my lawyer. But then, they call it "Practicing medicine", and "Practicing law", and they call it "Auto repair".
Just sayin', the mechanics aren't 'practicing'.
You assume all those who support raising the minimum wage think doing so will eliminate poverty.
Some of us are simply realistic.
Some of us understand the terms money wage, real wage and inflation. Do you?

So your goal isn't to improve the lives of the low end workers, but rather to eliminate their jobs and force them on to welfare?
My goal is to stop you from enslaving children to work in your coal mine.

Nice comic book mentality.

More evidence that leftism is built on a foundation of stupidity.

Uncensored2008 just got their poor little feelings hurt.

I am amazed at how thin the skin is on those who have nothing to add to the discussion but absurd hyperbole. They sure can't take a taste of their own medicine.
Yes and if it was my store, I would have refused the new pump technology on people with your kind of attitudes for sure. You sound as a cheapscape who will use a facility at it's bear minimum, just so you can ride away feeling as if you took advantage of the technology, yet you will never step inside to do business with the store in which is providing you the technology and the convienence it offers you. WOW!

Hmmm, A side note to the site - These adds at the bottom of the page are interupting badly the experience here now, and in fact they are causing the computers to run slow and even lock up. Might want to look into it.

If you ran a gas station with pumps that didnt have credit card capability you'd be out of business in a month.
And you know why that is ? It's not because the citizens would put you out of business, but you would be forced out by your competitors who would use the good ole boy system to crush you because you are breaking the union in which they have created. You see they get together and only allow certain services and things at certain prices, but here a rogue owner is trying to do more, and to give someone more bang for their buck until he or she becomes an ameba to the good ole boy club, and then a target to be run out of business somehow or the other....... The citizens should be ashamed that they have allowed this to happen to them over time.
That "good ole boy" system sure put Microsoft, Apple, Google, Yahoo and other rogues out of business, didn't they? It offends me that Westinghouse, General Electric, AT&T, Xerox and Hewlett-Packard did that.
Oh wait.
My bad.
They didn't.
OK! Now you've got my interest. You seem to think you know so much about business, I have a proposal for you. I own a bar in a city that has 12 or 14 bars and maybe 20 restaurants. I go through about 150 pounds of ice/day. Some of the other business use less, many use more Let's say the average is 250 pounds.
If you can deliver ice at an attractive price, I can get you 20 customers that will buy 5,000 pounds/day, 7 days a week.

How much should I budget for my ice.
Please show me a basic business plan because I'm thinking of investing. What are your start up costs, business license fees, labor costs, water and sewage costs, utilities costs?
What percent return on my investment should I expect? Please hurry! We are desperate for ice here in Foley and I have $250K set aside for your start up.

I don't get the sense that Beagle wants to establish and operate a business but I do believe he wants the pace and gentility of a long gone time in America.
I'm confused as to why anyone with your resources wouldn't simply purchase ice making equip... oh, I get it.
Never mind. :D

My ice maker produces 195 lbs of ice/day and after a $2,100 purchase price, costs about 25 bucks a month for water, electricity and cleaning costs.

As a matter of fact, it was cleaned today for a bottle of Bud Lite.

Really, though, I have to tote 4, 5 gallon buckets of ice to the bar twice every day. I might be willing to pay for someone to deliver it to me, if I didn't have to tote the stuff. (where the hell is that tongue-in-cheek smiley???)

Really, Beagle I would love to see your business plan, if for nothing else than to see if you have any inkling of what it takes to provide a premium service to customers. I'm guessing you haven't a clue.

I'm sure beagle9 will gladly provide all that you request as soon as you promise to pay him enough money for him to pay his staff this mythical "living wage".
You assume all those who support raising the minimum wage think doing so will eliminate poverty.
Some of us are simply realistic.
Some of us understand the terms money wage, real wage and inflation. Do you?

So your goal isn't to improve the lives of the low end workers, but rather to eliminate their jobs and force them on to welfare?
My goal is to stop you from enslaving children to work in your coal mine.

Well aren't you quite the accomplished fellow.
You achieved your goal before you were even born.
You know, back in 1865 when slavery ended in the US.

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