This is why we need to tax the wealthy

How are you going to incentivize a guy with the IQ of 50 to get a job? Should we push the elderly back into the work force? Should we lower child work age to 8? Do you have solutions or…
Are you playing the fool or are you really a fool? The vast majority, VAST MAJORITY of people do not wish to deny a SAFETY NET. What everyone should fight is a HAMMOCK.

Ok, let say some poor dude who has nothing, gets an inheritance from a rich uncle he didn’t know about, but the inheritance is in real estate or some other physical asset. The government wants to tax that, but this poor fella doesn’t have any money to pay those taxes. The only wealth he has is tied up in the physical assets.

So…does this mean he has to start liquidating his inheritance just to be able to pay those new wealth taxes?
That is how they have stolen farm land fotever.

TRILLIONS in untaxed wealth. Good luck explaining this to republicans I guess. You have to explain the difference between the official tax rate and the EFFECTIVE tax rate of top earners.
/——/ Good luck explaining to you class envy libtards that it’s not a capital gain until you SELL the asset. Just because your stock went up 25% during the year doesn’t mean that money went into your savings account. At this point it’s paper profit. Dumbass.
Yes, because they know the government will try to take it.

Again, as I’ve stated before, next time dems have the house and senate, I BEG you, with every fiber of my being…pass the wealth tax. I strenuously support that notion. I want to see as every rich person pulls their funding from democrats.
How about we just return to the tax rates before Bush?
Seriously? That’s just an excuse to allow the government to keep taking money from people instead of doing the responsible thing and cut expenses.

The Government is….We the People
They provide the services We the People demand

If they don’t……We vote them out
If the government wants a new plane, let the manufactures design it and build prototypes on their own dime and then have a competition. Get rid of the processes that a decade or more to develop a new piece of hardware.

Having worked for DoD for 40 years……this is not going to happen.
R&D is a crapshoot and no Defense Contractor is going to do it without the prospects of a contract. It takes so long because it is a complex process.

What the DoD is doing is buying more commercial off the shelf products that are adapted for Government use
How about we just return to the tax rates before Bush?

Stupid OX. That is baely a percentage point of the $3T needed. And it would most likely decrease revenue. The more money you dump into non-productive wasteful corrupt deep state malarkey (global warming) it removes money from productive and creative producers. Cut wasteful useless spending. You’re the first to get the //
Stupid OX. That is baely a percentage point of the $3T needed. And it would most likely decrease revenue. The more money you dump into non-productive wasteful corrupt deep state malarkey (global warming) it removes money from productive and creative producers. You’re the first to get the //
Is this the part where you tell us “All tax cuts pay for themselves”?

Once your post devolved into Deep State and global warming hoax…you showed your true colors
Stupid OX. That is baely a percentage point of the $3T needed. And it would most likely decrease revenue. The more money you dump into non-productive wasteful corrupt deep state malarkey (global warming) it removes money from productive and creative producers. Cut wasteful useless spending. You’re the first to get the //
How about we return Welfare to the States? That saves $1.3T a year.

Then we can look at sending Medicaid and Education to the states. That fixes the budget deficit.
How about we return Welfare to the States? That saves $1.3T a year.

Then we can look at sending Medicaid and Education to the states. That fixes the budget deficit.
Always better to solve problems locally. Would you like to send $1000 to DC, they take a 33% cut then send your kids an allowance. Or you could give it direct.
Always better to solve problems locally. Would you like to send $1000 to DC, they take a 33% cut then send your kids an allowance. Or you could give it direct.
Exactly. If the States had to pay for Welfare they would be making the lazy but healthy people work instead.

I thought that Clinton and Newt agreed Welfare should have a 2-year limit on benefits? Apparently not.
Is this the part where you tell us “All tax cuts pay for themselves”?

Once your post devolved into Deep State and global warming hoax…you showed your true colors
Historically increased work increased tax revenues and decreased hand outs.

Dont approve debt ceiling increaeses. Govt cut massively. Turn over responsibility to states and end the massive fed
It's both funny and sad how people get all upset over what politicians say or even propose when they know they are not about to accomplish it.

Use this topic for example. The Democrats have held all three branches that control this more than a few times and what did they do? Nothing. Oddly (D) supporters want to blame Republicans when it's their own party pulling the wool over their eyes. I rub it in on occasion concerning Biden's promise to "make the rich pay their fair share" because we all knew it was never going to happen.

Republicans do the same. In the end they are one party with the same goals arrived at through different rhetoric.

TRILLIONS in untaxed wealth. Good luck explaining this to republicans I guess. You have to explain the difference between the official tax rate and the EFFECTIVE tax rate of top earners.
The majority of the billionaires are democrats. Wake up. Gates, Soros, etc
I made mistakes yesterday when posting “year 16 of Obiden”. It is year 12 now in progress.

I suppose I know Elections ended in 2020 and 4 more tears is coming.

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