This is why we need to tax the wealthy

How about we just return to the tax rates before Bush?
because no one ever actually paid those rates. The tax code in those times was full of loopholes to allow rich democrats to keep their money rather than paying taxes. And who put those loopholes in the code???? Which party has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years? that is your answer.
SALT cap at $10K removed a big deduction for the top. Then Congress quietly slipped in a top reduction In the final negotiations after getting an earful from the $25 million dollar coastal home owners in Malibu, for example. It would have made the pay all of their property tax finally !
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because no one ever actually paid those rates. The tax code in those times was full of loopholes to allow rich democrats to keep their money rather than paying taxes. And who put those loopholes in the code???? Which party has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years? that is your answer.
But the wealthy paid significantly more than they pay today.

The Golden Rule is ….He who has he Gold, makes the rules

Very little of the tax code applies to working Americans
because no one ever actually paid those rates. The tax code in those times was full of loopholes to allow rich democrats to keep their money rather than paying taxes. And who put those loopholes in the code???? Which party has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years? that is your answer.
Give you a hint. It wasn't Republicans
The super rich, mostly Democrats, have already fixed the system so that middle class working stiffs get to pay most of the taxes for all their wasteful programs. Rich Democrats can't afford to pay taxes on all their profits from insider trading. If any middle class worker thinks Democrats are looking out for their well being, I recommend that they wake up. MAGA
The super rich, mostly Democrats, have already fixed the system so that middle class working stiffs get to pay most of the taxes for all their wasteful programs. Rich Democrats can't afford to pay taxes on all their profits from insider trading. If any middle class worker thinks Democrats are looking out for their well being, I recommend that they wake up. MAGA
What Republicans do is slash tax revenue and then claim we can’t afford social programs
You might have a point if that were true. But it's not. You can't look for greener pastures if you can't afford the bus ride. Can't get a job if you can't take a shower.

So how is he taking showers and getting to work now? Besides, even if true, how is it the rich man's fault?
The government has a legitimate role in regulating business. It says so right in the Constitution

The government's role is to ensure fairness and equal opportunity, not punish the successful for being successful.
There is not equal opportunity, that's a myth. Over the years, American business has been engaged in every unequal and thieving trick in the book, including child labor, overt racial and sexual discrimination, and illegitimate payments like credits at the company store.
Are we talking about breaking the law, violating rules and regulations and otherwise cheating the system, or are we talking about punishing the rich? If a rich person, business, company or corporation are guilty of any of these things then by all means, punish accordingly. But imposing higher taxes and whatnot on legitimate, law-abiding businesses for the illegal actions of a few is simply not right.

To some on the left, the thinking seems to be: If you're successful and rich, you cheated, broke the law and engaged in unethical business practices to get there.
Are you playing the fool or are you really a fool? The vast majority, VAST MAJORITY of people do not wish to deny a SAFETY NET. What everyone should fight is a HAMMOCK.

Not so long ago, my family was poor when I was a child, and we received help in our poverty. But just as this you have posted spoke to us as well, and in the same form, it was that our help wasn't without difficulty in which always remained as a part of it.

No words spoken by men on such a subject, were ever more truer than what Franklin had wrote above, and it was being practiced correctly up until I'd say around the 1990's. After that date, along with leftist progressivism taking hold, this country quickly lost it's mind when dealing with the subject, and this loss of control has turned our government into a bunch raving mad thieves in result of.
Not so long ago, my family was poor when I was a child, and we received help in our poverty. But just as this you have posted spoke to us as well, and in the same form, it was that our help wasn't without difficulty in which always remained as a part of it.

No words spoken by men on such a subject, were ever more truer than what Franklin had wrote above, and it was being practiced correctly up until I'd say around the 1990's. After that date, along with leftist progressivism taking hold, this country quickly lost it's mind when dealing with the subject, and this loss of control has turned our government into a bunch raving mad thieves in result of.

Franklin wouldn't have supported the government bailing out business, the banks, wall street either.
Historically increased work increased tax revenues and decreased hand outs.

Dont approve debt ceiling increaeses. Govt cut massively. Turn over responsibility to states and end the massive fed
That's what Trump was all about...
1. Creating job's for Americans or bringing job's back here for Americans.

2. Running government in a new user friendly way for Americans to begin working again instead of free loading.

3. Clearing the obstacles that stood in the way of it all.

4. Making Democrats look like the knucklehead's that they are.

Fighting Democrats and Rhino's all along the way was his contribution to the American people, and supporting him for that reason should be a sufficient enough reason to vote for him again.
If there is no government intervention, nothing will ever change.

No one's suggesting no government intervention. At least I'm not.
The “just find a better job” idea is not a viable idea on a macro scale.

If you mean it's more of a challenge for some, that's true. But what of it? Every person is different and made the choices to get where they are just as the rich did.
If every poor person did that, most of them would be guaranteed to fail because higher paying jobs are in tough competition and shorter supply.

And let’s say pretend every poor person actually did find a better job. Who would be left behind to do those service jobs vital to the economy?

Having the wealthy pay the most in taxes isn’t about what’s fair - it’s about what is ridiculous.

So the wealthy, businesses and corporations should not be taxed fairly?
Their income is vital to pay for government spending of any kind.
So is everyone else's.
Franklin wouldn't have supported the government bailing out business, the banks, wall street either.
Franklins word's is exactly who he was in spirit of, and in character of, so you're speculation in trying to guess about Franklin's stance outside of his being able to speak on the matter himself, ummmm is you attempting to use his stature to your benefit by attributing such speculation in this way. Questions would arise I'm sure, about what exactly do you mean fully in your words spoken about the job creators and investor's in our modern day society, otherwise before Franklin would address your words as spoken.
No one's suggesting no government intervention. At least I'm not.

If you mean it's more of a challenge for some, that's true. But what of it? Every person is different and made the choices to get where they are just as the rich did.



So the wealthy, businesses and corporations should not be taxed fairly?

So is everyone else's.
Your response of “so what?” Isn’t an argument for anything.

I didn’t say no one else should chip into to pay taxes. I think poor people should pay taxes. It’s simply what’s realistic that the rich have to pay the most in taxes. It’s the only way to make government spending viable and to minimize borrowing. You can argue that it’s unfair if you like, but that really is way less important.
Franklins word's is exactly who he was in spirit of, and in character of, so you're speculation in trying to guess about Franklin's stance outside of his being able to speak on the matter himself, ummmm is you attempting to use his stature to your benefit by attributing such speculation in this way. Questions would arise I'm sure, about what exactly do you mean fully in your words spoken about the job creators and investor's in our modern day society, otherwise before Franklin would address your words as spoken.

Odd you are good with corporate welfare but not for the people. I guess, not odd, telling.
because no one ever actually paid those rates. The tax code in those times was full of loopholes to allow rich democrats to keep their money rather than paying taxes. And who put those loopholes in the code???? Which party has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years? that is your answer.
It is why Trump said after being attacked for his wealth accumulation during the campaign - "hey if you all don't like the benefits afforded to the investor class, then change the codes and rules".

He was right, because during his time as a businessman, he used the same codes and rules provided him by government's that came before him.

The Democrat's knew this because they were using them also, but the lower rungs of the American voters didn't live in that world above, so the Democrat's attempted to pander to the voter groups in ways that made anyone rich and at the top out to be thieves and looter's by way of the very things government had set up for them all.

The Democrat's are nobody's Allie or friend, otherwise they will slit the throats of anyone in regards for their LUST for power. They exploit the system of elections by use of pandering and lies to get what they want, and Trump was their new road block because he didn't fall like he was supposed too.
Odd you are good with corporate welfare but not for the people. I guess, not odd, telling.
Odd but telling that you want to play stupid by not allowing for a balance to occur between both.

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