This is why we need to tax the wealthy

"How are you going to incentivize a guy with the IQ of 50 to get a job?" -- Billy000

Youā€™re such a moron lol Iā€™m sorry I have to explain the complete obvious to you but obviously there are people with the IQ of 50 on welfare and obviously they come from every race.
Is this the part where you tell us ā€œAll tax cuts pay for themselvesā€?

Once your post devolved into Deep State and global warming hoaxā€¦you showed your true colors
Tax cuts donā€™t ā€œpay for themselvesā€ because that assumes all money belongs to the government, Moron.

However, revenues do go up.
How about we just return to the tax rates before Bush?
So you want the poor and middle class to pay more.

Got it.

Ezra Klein of the Washington Postā€™s Wonkblog posted a blog post this week titled ā€œDemocrats donā€™t want to go back to Clinton-era ratesā€ which pointed out that middle income and low income taxpayers had a substantially higher burden under Clinton. Klein is right: returning to those Clinton era rates would substantially increase the taxes paid by most of the bottom 80% of income earners and substantially decrease the number of nonpayers of the federal income tax. As such, many of the advocates of a return to Clinton era rates inadvertently make an economic case for higher taxes on middle and lower income taxpayers.
But the wealthy paid significantly more than they pay today.

The Golden Rule is ā€¦.He who has he Gold, makes the rules

Very little of the tax code applies to working Americans
Under Trumpā€˜s tax cuts the top 1% went from paying 37% to 40% of the total tax burden So the rich paid more AFTER the Trump tax cuts.

When Slick left office the top 1% paid about 33% of the total tax burden.

so once again Trollwinger is exposed as a lying sack of vermin shit.

Most billionaires are old family money and haven't got the common sense of a lemming.

I literally laughed out loud when I read your post. It's one of the funniest thigs I've seen here in a while.
Another Dimwinger talking point lie exposed..

Yes, I hope they slash defense by at least 60%. I canā€™t wait to see how that plays out

It's a start.

One easy change is to go back to the procurement practices prior to WWII, If the government wants a new plane, let the manufactures design it and build prototypes on their own dime and then have a competition. Get rid of the processes that a decade or more to develop a new piece of hardware.

After the billion-dollar reaming Northrop got on the F-20, no company will ever do that again.
Your response of ā€œso what?ā€ Isnā€™t an argument for anything.

That's because it was a question.
I didnā€™t say no one else should chip into to pay taxes. I think poor people should pay taxes. Itā€™s simply whatā€™s realistic that the rich have to pay the most in taxes.

They already do.
Itā€™s the only way to make government spending viable and to minimize borrowing. You can argue that itā€™s unfair if you like, but that really is way less important.
This seems to be based on the premise that higher taxes on the rich would slow down or stop the borrowing. It would not.

Even if the government imposed higher taxes on the rich, all they would do is find some other frivolous program or something to spend it on, rather than applying it to the deficit. Therein lies the crux of the problem: a pathological need to spend what they have in hand rather than making it work for them.
Just like Trump, his cult denies the truth.

Scandals of the Ronald Reagan administration

View attachment 884656
Wikipedia ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ Scandals_of_the_Ron...
The presidency of Ronald Reagan was marked by numerous scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment or conviction of over 138 administration ...
Just like so many of you pathetic libturds, you conflate ā€œscandalsā€ with crime and corruption.

Youre a joke, Smokinā€™ dOPe.

TRILLIONS in untaxed wealth. Good luck explaining this to republicans I guess. You have to explain the difference between the official tax rate and the EFFECTIVE tax rate of top earners.

Why does the term Marxist bother you again?

This from the guy who's good that the Bidens didn't pay their taxes. Party is EVERYTHING to you, no kidding
That's because it was a question.

They already do.

This seems to be based on the premise that higher taxes on the rich would slow down or stop the borrowing. It would not.

Even if the government imposed higher taxes on the rich, all they would do is find some other frivolous program or something to spend it on, rather than applying it to the deficit. Therein lies the crux of the problem: a pathological need to spend what they have in hand rather than making it work for them.
Of course it would slow down borrowing lol. That is the exact effect it would have. To suggest otherwise doesnā€™t make any sense. Who even is they anyway? This is spending across the board. It all doesnā€™t work the same way.
Why does the term Marxist bother you again?

This from the guy who's good that the Bidens didn't pay their taxes. Party is EVERYTHING to you, no kidding
Marxism is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.
Marxism is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Bull shit, taxing people's property not their income is Marxism. They earn a dollar and you keep taxing that same dollar over and over. Except your pedophile leader, PEDO Joe only pays taxes if he wants to, and he doesn't want to. Stop parroting Democrats and LISTEN to them, you fucking ignorant MAGAt dweeb
Bull shit, taxing people's property not their income is Marxism. They earn a dollar and you keep taxing that same dollar over and over. Except your pedophile leader, PEDO Joe only pays taxes if he wants to, and he doesn't want to. Stop parroting Democrats and LISTEN to them, you fucking ignorant MAGAt dweeb
lol this shit has nothing to do with paying everyone the same wage or ending capitalism. You idiots are just too stupid to understand nuance.
lol this shit has nothing to do with paying everyone the same wage or ending capitalism. You idiots are just too stupid to understand nuance.

I'll let you take that argument up with Marx, he said all property belongs to government, just like the Democrat and you do. Which is why I asked why the word bothers you so much. Is a roach any better if you call it a butterfly?

TRILLIONS in untaxed wealth. Good luck explaining this to republicans I guess. You have to explain the difference between the official tax rate and the EFFECTIVE tax rate of top earners.
At what rate do you want to tax wealth Billy000 ?
At what rate do you want to tax wealth Billy000 ?

I want to know if that applies to Democrats too or just Republicans. Or if it's optional for Democrats, like it is for the Bidens. Republicans want to cut taxes, so they should pay more. Democrats are for high taxes so it's totally reasonable when they evade them. At least according to Thanos
But the wealthy paid significantly more than they pay today.

The Golden Rule is ā€¦.He who has he Gold, makes the rules

Very little of the tax code applies to working Americans

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