This is why we need to tax the wealthy

By what metric does China exceed the US?

We can thank Democrats for the military.
Every metric. Look it up.

There is little difference between the two criminal gangs. You’re old enough now to accept the truth. Both love war and empire. Both love massive funding of the war machine. It’s a scam.

See my post above for more details.
If I have to choose between having a bunch of self-serving, arrogant, rich capitalists as my bosses, who only care about themselves and are essentially unaccountable to me and my co-workers, or a government that is created specifically to serve the public good and is accountable to me and my co-workers through an electoral process, I prefer government as a boss, any day of the week.

Wow, is all I can say.

No it is not Capitalism. You'll make every excuse in the book to defend something that does not exist anywhere.

I ask this over and over but it's never addressed. Where in Capitalism do we find the idea of taxpayers bailing out a failed business?
we don't...that's a major step towards Fascism. Fascsim was called the "third way" or the middle.
We do all the time. I hope you mean we shouldn't call that Capitalism. We do though.
who calls that capitalism? where did you get the idea that i think we should call it capitalism, when i literally said it was fascism?
who calls that capitalism? where did you get the idea that i think we should call it capitalism, when i literally said it was fascism?

We pretend all the time that our system is Capitalism. It is not.
Wow, is all I can say.


Of course, he says that because he's a pro-capitalist right-wing conservative, who hates the government. Government is the power of the people, that regulates the capitalist's pursuit of profits. If you're not a capitalist, you're evidence of the efficacy of capitalist social engineering and propaganda. You prefer the private sector governments or corporations that refuse to hold elections and often abuse their employees/exploitees. Democracy is always better than capitalism.

Ronald Reagan gutted America's manufacturing base, broke up the labor unions, and plunged America into heavy debt. His trickle-down economics set America up for failure.
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You mean except for the first economic metric anyone looks at? GDP?
By 1970, the USSR had achieved the status of having the world's second-largest GDP, trailing only behind the United States. This accomplishment was particularly remarkable considering that just two and a half decades earlier, the country had been devastated by World War II. The Soviet Union suffered the loss of 14% of its population, amounting to 28 million citizens, as a result of 4 million Nazis invading them. In comparison, how many Germans invaded the USA during the same period?
We pretend all the time that our system is Capitalism. It is not.
Nah I don’t think we do. It is suppose to be, it is for most of us, but we have had some demafasict policies this past century, that I agree

It’s not too late to straighten the ship
By 1970, the USSR had achieved the status of having the world's second-largest GDP, trailing only behind the United States. This accomplishment was particularly remarkable considering that just two and a half decades earlier, the country had been devastated by World War II. The Soviet Union suffered the loss of 14% of its population, amounting to 28 million citizens, as a result of 4 million Nazis invading them. In comparison, how many Germans invaded the USA during the same period?

Are you still attempting to make the argument that Communism is better than whatever you want to define what we have in the US?
Are you still attempting to make the argument that Communism is better than whatever you want to define what we have in the US?

Are you still pathetically trying to pretend you have an argument against socialism? Apparently, due to your inability to think critically and lack of fairness.
Nah I don’t think we do. It is suppose to be, it is for most of us, but we have had some demafasict policies this past century, that I agree

It’s not too late to straighten the ship

You can read this thread and see how many pretend it is.
Nah I don’t think we do. It is suppose to be, it is for most of us, but we have had some demafasict policies this past century, that I agree

It’s not too late to straighten the ship
I suspect it’s too late. Tyranny is coming to America.
I'm saying that is irrelevant.
You're the one who said it, not me. I said if one has the intelligence, will, etc. to become successful then they will. You then said all I had was theory. So I asked if people becoming successful is a theory and now you're telling me that's irrelevant even though you're the one who said it was a theory.
You're the one who said it, not me. I said if one has the intelligence, will, etc. to become successful then they will. You then said all I had was theory. So I asked if people becoming successful is a theory and now you're telling me that's irrelevant even though you're the one who said it was a theory.

None of it has anything to do with addressing the debt.
Whenever the working class receives government assistance, some type of service, subsidy, or grant from the government, you accuse those working class people of being lazy bums, who want to live off of the government.

When did I say this?
You start shouting "socialism!", "commies!",

When did I utter the words "socialism" or "commies"?
but when the rich get their government assistance, some type of service, or subsidy. what you just called a "giveaway", it's all peachy-king. All good, no problem.
I never expressed support for the giveaways, I just said it's the government's fault for giving the money to the rich.
You're like "Of course, hey why not? If the government is giving it away, then why not? You'd have to be an idiot to not avail yourself of that government assistance". The double standard is clear from a 1000 miles away.
That would be true if I actually said these things, which I did not.

My post was addressed to pknopp and what you interpreted is not at all what I said. His position is to blame the rich for taking the money and making them pay higher taxes while I say the government is at fault for giving the money in the first place. Understand?
When did I say this?

When did I utter the words "socialism" or "commies"?

I never expressed support for the giveaways, I just said it's the government's fault for giving the money to the rich.

That would be true if I actually said these things, which I did not.

My post was addressed to pknopp and what you interpreted is not at all what I said. His position is to blame the rich for taking the money and making them pay higher taxes while I say the government is at fault for giving the money in the first place. Understand?
I'm referring to right-wing conservatives, who for the most part, don't complain when corporations receive services and resources from the government but are full of criticism for working-class people when they receive services and resources from the government.

I'm not even against the government helping a business, especially if it's a company with a large number of employees, that treats its workers well. I'm against the hypocrisy of many conservative Republicans who don't condemn the rich for getting assistance from the government but can't stop accusing working people of being lazy bums because they get services and resources from the government.
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