This is why we need to tax the wealthy

Wake up sheeple, the people who control this country are not going to tax the wealthy and give you their money. They may threaten to do that, to shake down the wealthy but that's as far as it will go.
You're just being silly and pathetic with your criticism. If you're going to critique my position, don't resort to infantile strawman accusations and arguments. I never once suggested that people receive "Free Handouts".

I as a socialist, aren't even against the government helping companies that are in trouble, especially when they create jobs and are offering the community an important product or service.

I don't rely on the so-called "invisible hand of the free market", because I don't believe that exists. The so-called "invisible hand" is what I identify as the "chaos of the market", which, unlike the Austrian economists, I see as a source of instability, undermining important social institutions like the family and hence national security. You can't just allow an important industry in your country to collapse, because the "invisible hand" has judged that a new disruptive technology must take over, and "barabing", the market is supposed to instantly adjust lockstep with this invisible hand. It doesn't instantly adjust, it collapses, hence you need the government to assist with the transition.

These Austrian, Libertarian economists, like Milton Friedman, Ludwig Von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, "The Chicago Boys" - Sergio de Castro, they'll watch the economy collapse and the country go into a serious crisis before they allow a government to intervene.

The billionaires are now talking about a so-called "Universal Basic Income" i.e. UBI. Why? Billionaire capitalists are trying to convince the government to hand everyone a free-check, due to advanced technology replacing jobs. They see the writing on the wall.

Billionaires, the crème de la crème of the capitalist class, see the writing on the wall if something isn't done to address the unemployment problem which is inevitably going to hit the economy. The only way to create paying customers now is through wages, pensions, and welfare. If a person is on a pension or on welfare, they're likely not producing or earning a wage.

Those who earn wages are producing something, and if intelligent robots begin to produce everything that the paying consumer buys, that's the end of the capitalist, market economy. The billionaires don't want this to happen, so they're now "compassionate capitalists", advancing the idea of a government UBI, which is essentially a monthly government bailout for the wealthy ruling elites. The creation of an artificial market, sustained by a monthly government check, to people who aren't producing anything, because they're out of a job, that pays a wage. Once production becomes advanced enough, there's no more need for wages, customers or markets.

So what do we do, as a society? How do we "fix" this? Here are the options:

1. Techno Feudalism

The capitalists of today (i.e. the owner, employer class) the wealthy ruling elites, possess the capital to own the expensive, intelligent robots, AI super-computers, financial institutions, mines, processing plants, factories, fleets of cargo trucks, warehouses, storefronts/retail outlets..etc. They own most, if not all of the infrastructure of production or as we socialists say the "means of production".

The working class, which I and most of you are part of, owns its labor power. That's what we really own as workers and that's what we sell to the aforementioned socioeconomic class (the capitalist-employer class). We sell ourselves, our skills, time, presence, our energy, for eight, ten, and twelve hours daily, to the capitalists. That's how products and services are produced for, and delivered to, the marketplace. Human wage-labor produces everything that we purchase with our wages and consume.

If advanced, intelligent automation, replaces most of us, let's say the capitalists only need at best to hire one or two of us to do a job, rather than ten or twenty of us as they did before. What happens to the market that relies mostly on wages, for customers to purchase the products and services that are produced through wage-labor? The market collapses. This is why billionaires are now trying to reform capitalism or restructure it, by advancing the idea that we need a perpetual, massive government intervention in the form of a UBI.

What will this new "compassionate" capitalism create? Modern feudalism. What I call techno-feudalism. The tech-lords, the owners of all of the aforementioned assets of production, will continue to produce their goods and services and people will be gradually consigned to the compost heap, through poverty, crime, drugs, war, and pandemics. etc. Watch the movie Elysium, it will be something akin to that:

The current wealthy, employer class will live in beautiful, well-provisioned, high-tech and secured gated communities, with all of the amenities. They will have their intelligent robots and a few serfs of the former "working-class" (who used to live on wages), serving them. You can only imagine the different tasks that the new serf or slave class will do for them. Everything from being a butler and a landscaper working alongside intelligent robots, to sex work.

Most of the people who were of the working class, who used to work for a wage under capitalism, will be poor and struggling to survive, with their government "UBIs", and only a small lucky few (If we can call them "lucky") will have the privilege of living and working for the new ruling class, in their gated communities. While that is happening in the open, behind closed doors the wealthy ruling elites will be planning how to reduce the world's population because they are the "chosen ones", the fittest, in the human struggle for survival. People live, survive, and thrive and others die. Indifferent, highly selective, compassionate-free, cold Darwinian natural selection.

You and your progeny (including myself and my family) will probably be on the wrong side of the gate, or at best they will end up as serf-slaves of the wealthy elites. The great irony of all of this is that the rich capitalist employer class of today, who hate socialism, abhor communism, will become the communists of the future. Their gated communities are essentially communes or oases full of resources and advanced technology. They don't need markets anymore, or to produce anything for a profit (capitalism is no longer relevant, it's obsolete and the old way of producing things). Their technology produces everything that they consume and they live in a high-tech commune, with an administration or government, that is democratic, for them. A democracy for them.

2. Democratic Socialism/High-Communism.

The alternative to techno-feudalism is democratic socialism. Socialism is the earliest stage of high-communism, or the process that leads production to high-communism. Socialism can have capitalist markets and capitalists profiting from their products and services, but, the economy moves gradually, through central government planning, towards the working class owning the means of production. The means of production, are the intelligent robots, the super-computers running artificial intelligence, the financial institutions, the mines, processing plants, cargo trucks, regional product distribution centers/warehouses, local branch store-outlets..etc.

It's all in the hands of the working class (It's in everyone's hands, owned collectively), managed through a democratic government that is accountable to the people, through an electoral process. We all own the intelligent robots and artificial intelligence, all of the aforementioned productive assets together. You and I, our loves ones and friends, we all own it together. We're not serfs or slaves, under the heel of a ruling, wealthy elite.

High-Communism according to Karl Marx is a society without a state (or with a small state), no socioeconomic classes, or the need for money. Human beings were once tribalistic, living in small hunter-gatherer tribes, that organized their labor in a primitive communist mode of production. Marx calls it "primitive communism":

That was the mode of production for tens of thousands of years, until the advent of agriculture in the Neolithic age.

With the arrival of advanced automation and artificial intelligence, we will by necessity return to a more advanced, more democratic, form of communism. Marx called it "High-Communism", which relies on advanced technology. The state becomes small, and there aren't any more socioeconomic classes or the need for money (a medium of market exchange). How is this possible? Isn't this pie-in-the-sky bullshit? No, let me show you how it works.

Technology will eventually in the future, become so advanced, that the individual consumer will practically have complete control over the means of production. That means that you and I the individual consumer, will be able to draw water from the air (Some machines do that now). We will create food by manipulating matter using nanotechnology. We will produce clothing and electronics, everything that we use and consume, with atomic precision manufacturing machines. We will have safe, clean micronuclear plants at home or on our RVs, sea vessels, and spacecraft.etc, generating electricity through nuclear fission or fusion.

High-Communism is when the state or government becomes superfluous. Most crime is committed due to the scarcity of material goods, and lack of access to resources. When everyone is living in extreme abundance, due to advanced technology, crime almost disappears. There will still be crime, but it will be much less than it is now. Committing a crime will seem stupid, to people living in such abundance and liberty. Marx calls this "High-Communism":

" Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal')[1][2] is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement,[1] whose goal is the creation of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need.[3][4][5] A communist society would entail the absence of private property and social classes,[1] and ultimately money[6] and the state (or nation state).[7][8][9] "

Private property isn't personal property, it's specifically property that is used to profit monetarily, usually through the exploitation of other human beings. It's a property that can be used to exploit others. Your house, car, computer, gun collection, toothbrush, Fruit Of The Looms, all of that is your personal property. It's not private property. Whoever told you that in socialism or communism, there is no such thing as personal property, was misleading you. He or she was probably ignorant and didn't know any better

Advanced technology empowers the individual consumer to the point that they don't need a state or big government micromanaging anything of their lives and all human adult interactions and relationships become practically always voluntary.

You can live as a high-tech nomad or on an asteroid by yourself or with your family and friends, drawing resources from the asteroids, and manufacturing everything with your high-tech, smart robots and nanotechnology. If a government is overbearing, trying to violate your rights and freedoms, you pack up and go. How do we get to that arrangement, where the individual consumer has that much power?

The means to get there is called "democratic socialism". If we go the techno-feudalism route, only a few people who are now wealthy, and of the capitalist, employer class will become the high-tech communists of the future and you and I, our children will be consigned to the compost heap. The world will be depopulated and only the rich and powerful, those who are of the current, capitalist ruling elites will own everything and become eventually the high-tech communists, in their gated communities. etc. Do you now understand the predicament that we are in as working-class people in the 21st century?

As working-class people, we need to move now towards democratic socialism, a mixed economy, with some capitalism and socialism, working together, until technology warrants further movement towards a marketless economy and high communism. It might take 50 years, maybe even 100 years or more before we reach high communism, but we need to begin moving in that direction because to do otherwise is techno-feudalism and extinction for most people. Do you get it now? Did the lightbulb flash?

When you cut and paste can you cut all the ads?
The government isn't a "customer" in this case, but a savior

Just ignore me then. Just click on my profile picture and click "ignore", otherwise you're an idiot for allowing me to waste another pixel on your monitor or a second of your time. I don't write for you anyways, I never did. Remain in your ignorance.
I never put on ignore anyone who supplies daily doses of laughs.
Tax the rich again and invest in America again for chrissake duhhhh. Trickle down sucks. Start with cheap college and training. The country is dumb as hell.
Trickledown is just an insulting euphemism meaning "the free market." That's what's responsible for all the wealth and technology we enjoy today.
Trickledown is just an insulting euphemism meaning "the free market." That's what's responsible for all the wealth and technology we enjoy today.
Lefties try hard to believe that all things that made us everything we are has timed-out.
Our Constitution and founding documents
The Bible and Christianity
The moral order that made us exceptional
Our economic system (capitalism)
Our right to sovereignty
The English language

It has all timed-out and run its course….none of it is useful in the LibTardian shithole full of purple hair degenerate begging wackos with nose rings and neck tattoos.

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Lefties try hard to believe that all things that made us everything were are has timed-out.
Our Constitution and founding documents
The Bible and Christianity
The moral order that made us exceptional
Our economic system (capitalism)
Our right to sovereignty
The English language

It has all timed-out and run its course….none of it is useful in the LibTardian shithole full of purple hair degenerate begging wackos with nose rings and neck tattoos.

Too bad you're a conspiracy nut job ignoramus lol

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