This is why we need to tax the wealthy

Yup. We need to go back to the way college used to be: a small dorm room with cinderblock walls and a shared bathroom down the hall, and a cafeteria-style dining room. We were all FINE with it!

The colleges today are like being in a resort.

Yes, exactly, but these kids want all the frills and don’t really care how much it costs since they can vote away any debt they may incur. They want a 4-year party paid for by anybody but them.
So you object to spending on the GENERAL WELFARE unless we spend on your personal projects as well?
pknopp can’t offer a logical response to my question…why might that be?

And yet you are. You just pretend what you support isn't socialist.
There are aspects of our system that are socialist - such as providing health care to elderly who, after 40 years of contributing to society, can no longer work.

That is very different than making it easy for able-bodied young people to live off of OPM money for generations.
There are aspects of our system that are socialist - such as providing health care to elderly who, after 40 years of contributing to society, can no longer work.

And billions to business entities when the economy turns negative.

That is very different than making it easy for able-bodied young people to live off of OPM money for generations.

Tax the rich again and invest in America again for chrissake duhhhh.
“Tax the rich again so I can invest in the tens of millions of Mexico’s people I’m bringing in.”
Trickle down sucks.
Because trickle up works…Humberto and DaShawn are such great job creators.
Start with cheap college and training.
You already give free college to your dark pet humans…how’s that working?
The country is dumb as hell.
Because you insist on loading the U.S. with desperate, illiterate thirdworlders…right?
Socialism for the rich, complain about the poor. That's what this entire thread has been over.
Medicare is for the rich? It’s for people who worked their entire lives. hardly rich.

And yes, we SHOULD complain about the poor who should be working but are content to live off of OPM.
And yes, we SHOULD complain about the poor who should be working but are content to live off of OPM.
pknopp refuses to elaborate because he/she knows he/she can’t really come out and say….”If we’re going to invest in our food sources we better be wiling to pay ShaQuita and Guadalupe to run their baby factories and smoke weed.”
Medicare is for the rich? It’s for people who worked their entire lives. hardly rich.

And yes, we SHOULD complain about the poor who should be working but are content to live off of OPM.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:40
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:40
So you’re quoting the New Testament to a Jewish woman? Get a clue.
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:40
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the ones who didn’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, the ones with no balls, the one’s who’d spend their days polishing the AR-15’s they’d never have the nuts to use and talking shit about some civil war they’d never have the spine to start….the foolish suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. The nutless bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes dark socialist foreign shithole we seek.”

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