This is why we need to tax the wealthy

Thanks to dupes not getting vaccinated. Every smart country did except conspiracy nut jobs....
Would you please stop with posts that go on and on and on! It's annoying as hell. Nobody else on this board needs to spam the nonsense that you do. Do you not recognize that?
You can always ignore me, just click on my profile image and "click" ignore. That's the way to not see your arguments torn to pieces, making you feel better.
Your disingenuous assertion focuses on the per capita GDP disparity between the USSR and the USA, implying that the economic success of the USSR was not as significant when individual prosperity is considered. However, this perspective overlooks several critical historical contexts and achievements of the USSR. First of all, it doesn't matter how you shake it, the USSR was the second-largest economy in the world by 1970, despite all of the challenges. I already presented evidence in an earlier post, which you flippantly dismissed with your magical wand, that most of the Russians who were born in the USSR and lived there as adults, miss the USSR. They stated that their lives were good, as Soviet citizens.

Moreover, the US came out of WW2 unscathed compared to the USSR. America is surrounded by two vast oceans that function as HUGE WALLS, against invasion. The USSR lost 14% of its population in WW2, with approximately 28 million dead. Much of its national infrastructure was in ruins. The US only lost 0.03% of its population in the war, with about 460 thousand dead. The Soviets lost 50 times more people in the war, than the US, safely situated between those two HUGE WALLS. The US became the manufacturing hub of the world, making the USD the reserve currency of international trade and banking. You're at best, disingenuous, in how you judge the USSR's accomplishments in light of history and just common sense, which you apparently lack due to your Cold War, capitalist brainwashing.

  1. Industrialization and Historical Head Start: The USA had a significant head start in industrialization, dating back to the late 18th century, whereas the USSR began as a largely agrarian society. This disparity in starting points is crucial. Despite this, the USSR managed to transform its economy and infrastructure at a remarkably rapid pace, narrowing the industrial gap.
  2. Impact of Wars and Lack of External Support: The USSR faced immense challenges, including invasions and the devastation of World War II. Unlike Western Europe, which benefited from substantial American aid for post-war reconstruction (i.e. Marshall Plan), the USSR was forced to rebuild its country, picking itself up by its own bootstraps.
  3. Rapid Technological and Military Advancements: Within a relatively short time after WWII, the USSR emerged as a nuclear superpower, directly challenging the USA's dominance. This rapid advancement, including significant milestones in space exploration like launching satellites and cosmonauts, was achieved without the external support that many capitalist countries enjoyed.
  4. Comparative Achievements and Timeframe: The assertion that the USSR achieved in a few decades what took capitalist nations much longer to accomplish is notable. It underscores the effectiveness of the socialist system in mobilizing resources and achieving rapid industrialization and technological progress, despite starting from a less advantageous position and facing numerous external challenges.
While per capita GDP is a relevant metric, it does not fully capture the historical context, the challenges faced, and the significant achievements of the USSR.

All of that to say that you still believe that Communism is better for the average citizen than whatever you want to call the form of government the US employs. Gotcha, but I can assure your opinion is in the minority of not only Americans, but of those that have experienced Communism first hand.

I will say this. My wife has an uncle who was part of the Communist Party back in his home country. To this day he still claims that he liked it there. He is the only one in the family that has this sentiment because he had privileges that no one else in the family had. He was part of the ruling class, not the surf class. He came to the US and all of a sudden he was on the same level as the rest of the family, which is still frankly better than he had it there, but he no longer has that power trip that really floated his boat.

Needless to say, he is a staunch Democrat because their policies are the pre-cursor to what he considers the glory days of CommunIsm. He is the only Democrat in the entire family as the rest looks at him as if he is off is rocker, which he kind of is. They risked their lives to escape Communism and have no desire to support a party in the US that resembles it in many ways. They are astounded and horrified by the ignorance and gullibility of most on the left in this country and just how willing they are to sell their freedom to the government. Like me, they believe it is generations of being too spoiled to recognize just how good they really have it as compared to the vast majority of the world.

I digress, but the fact is, Communism is in no way shape or form better for the average citizen than what we currently practice in the US. If you believe otherwise, buy a one-way ticket to the Communist country of your choosing.
Nobody is for communism, chump of greedy lying megarich swine.... and socialism is fair capitalism and always democratic. Ask anyone who not an English speaking Tory dupe....Vive la difference

You are SOOO ignorant. Socialism is a pre-cursor to Communism. Your fellow Democrat is arguing for Communism on this very thread, which makes perfect sense. At least he is consistent. It is people like you that don’t have clue what you are even voting for that is infuriating.

This is why we need to tax the wealthy​

Someone should inform libs that we already tax the wealthy

They pay the taxes that get sucked up by lazy welfare bums
You're suffering from cognitive dissonance, under a strong delusion.

Yes, I agree with you again. I do respect the fact that at least you seem to know what you are voting for, though I disagree with your assessment. The problem I have is that most Democrats are like francoHFW. They don’t have a clue what they are voting for. They are ignorant fools, dare I say, useful idiots. If the average Democrat would come out and say that they are for Socialism and at least acknowledge that it is a pre-cursor to Communism, I would respect them more.
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Less than necessary for healthy economy

Taking other people’s money will never lead to national prosperity. Here is an idea, get off your toushe and make your own money. We promise, we won’t take it all from you, so you have plenty of incentive. The problem with you and most Democrats is they want frills and luxury but aren’t willing to work for them and instead just want to steal them from those that did the work.
That sure as hell is not true. The economy lost 3 million jobs under Trumptard.
Because of a little detail called COVID.

Under Trump, we were energy independent, Iran was kept too poor to finance terror attacks, the border was secure, and, until the Communists released their virus, we had a 50-year-low in unemployment, real wages were growing, and fewer people had to be on government welfare.

Now we have an invasion of foreigners by the millions, Iran was able to fund a terrorist massacre against Israel, we are dependent on energy from our enemies, a Chinese spy balloon is allowed to gather intelligence, and more people are on welfare.

You’ve been duped by the media you watch. Trump looked so good giving his victory speech that CNN cut away from it so their viewers wouldn’t see.

This is why we need to tax the wealthy​

Someone should inform libs that we already tax the wealthy

They pay the taxes that get sucked up by lazy welfare bums

The funny thing is that ultra-wealthy Democrats fully understand this, but they push the false narrative because they know they will always have a loophole from which to escape. The ”rich”(and the middle-class) as described by Biden and the Democrats (400k+/yr) are the ones that end up footing the bill for the ultra-wealthy‘s quest for control and power. Anybody that is not ultra-poor or ultra-wealthy that votes for Democrats is voting against their own and the country’s self-interest. They are ignorant, misinformed fools.
Now we need cheap college and training like every other modern country....its not1750

Maybe you should voice your complaints to the leftist leaders of colleges to start running a tight ship and stop paying their tenured professors 800k/yr, in the case of Gay at Harvard.
Maybe you should voice your complaints to the leftist leaders of colleges to start running a tight ship and stop paying their tenured professors 800k/yr, in the case of Gay at Harvard.
NO! They are NOT paying Gay $800,000 a year. Stop spreading misinformation.

It’s $900,000.
NO! They are NOT paying Gay $800,000 a year. Stop spreading misinformation.

It’s $900,000.

Eh, $100,000 here, $100,000 there, a few water slides…these colleges have plenty to toss around. I can’t imagine why tuition costs have skyrocketed.
You can always ignore me, just click on my profile image and "click" ignore. That's the way to not see your arguments torn to pieces, making you feel better.
hahaha…your “argument” is ‘give me free shit’. Nobody legitimate sees such a thing as a valid request…we all know ONLY unAmerican bottom feeding degenerate beggars make such requests. Your argument is sad.
Eh, $100,000 here, $100,000 there, a few water slides…these colleges have plenty to toss around. I can’t imagine why tuition costs have skyrocketed.
Yup. We need to go back to the way college used to be: a small dorm room with cinderblock walls and a shared bathroom down the hall, and a cafeteria-style dining room. We were all FINE with it!

The colleges today are like being in a resort.

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