This is why we need to tax the wealthy

No it is not Capitalism. You'll make every excuse in the book to defend something that does not exist anywhere.

I ask this over and over but it's never addressed. Where in Capitalism do we find the idea of taxpayers bailing out a failed business?
Again…Your Father Government invests the peoples money in the GENERAL WELFARE of the people and sometimes that means “bailing out” financial institutions and or in subsidizing our food producers. Do you object to the people investing in the people?
Having worked for DoD for 40 years……this is not going to happen.
R&D is a crapshoot and no Defense Contractor is going to do it without the prospects of a contract. It takes so long because it is a complex process.

What the DoD is doing is buying more commercial off the shelf products that are adapted for Government use
Thats exactly how it worked before FDR screwed it up. North American designed the Mustang and the B-25 on its own dime. Lockheed designed the P-38 on its own dime. Boeing designed the B-15 and B-17 on its own dime. Consolidated designed both the PBY Catalina and the B-24 on its own dime. Grumman designed the Wildcat, Hellcat, Bearcat and Avenger on its own dime.
Socialism is the guaranteed successor of capitalism, are you preparing to become a socialist? If not rest assure your progeny will be socialists. Advanced automation and artificial intelligence = Socialism/Communism.
Socialism is fair capitalism and always democratic. France Germany Sweden ALL MODERN COUNTRIES. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and Dead except with a gun to the head
Thats exactly how it worked before FDR screwed it up. North American designed the Mustang and the B-25 on its own dime. Lockheed designed the P-38 on its own dime. Boeing designed the B-15 and B-17 on its own dime. Consolidated designed both the PBY Catalina and the B-24 on its own dime. Grumman designed the Wildcat, Hellcat, Bearcat and Avenger on its own dime.
Greatest generation at War And only fools dislike FDR who led them. But thanks for the world depression! Gd GOP...
Again…Your Father Government invests the peoples money in the GENERAL WELFARE of the people and sometimes that means “bailing out” financial institutions and or in subsidizing our food producers. Do you object to the people investing in the people?
Oh how understanding and reasonable you sound when it comes to providing resources to the rich but how about infrastructure, healthcare, education, and affordable housing to workers? People who work, receive a hand-up, and some resources from the government to empower them to work better and actualize their fullest potential.

People need affordable food, housing, healthcare, education, transportation..etc. Right-wing Republicans will often begin with the insults when it's working-class people getting some help from the government, but when their rich CAPITALIST FATHERS, are getting money from Uncle Sam, they're quiet. No criticism, no insults, some of them do what you do, justifying the government assistance. Does your understanding attitude extend to the working class too, or is it exclusively only for the wealthy and business owners? Are you with the trickle-down that doesn't trickle?
Socialism is fair capitalism and always democratic. France Germany Sweden ALL MODERN COUNTRIES. Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and Dead except with a gun to the head
Socialism isn't capitalism, you're confused and silly. Your definition of communism is arbitrary. Advanced automation eliminates wages and hence markets, if you can't wrap your head around that, that's not my fault. Your lack of intelligence is your problem, not mine.
You're confusing capitalism with socialism. Actual socialists serve the public good, rather than corporations at the expense of everyone else. Socialism is the future, due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence.
You're a young guy. You should listen to us guys who have been around awhile. I've been in the business game for decades and some years ago sufficiently mastered it to the point of boredom. I've seen how people in government work. Not all, but many. To them, it's nobody's money and nobody's ass on the line, therefore there is little incentive to work hard. It's the opposite in private business.
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Again…Your Father Government invests the peoples money in the GENERAL WELFARE of the people and sometimes that means “bailing out” financial institutions and or in subsidizing our food producers. Do you object to the people investing in the people?

No, we call it socialism. I object to those who only demean it when it goes to help the poor.
I expect the government to meet its obligations, which are to protect our rights and yes, provide services. Unlike you, I work and pay my taxes and the government uses its resources to develop infrastructure and resources for its citizens, that's why we created the government in the first place. Duh.
Where does the Constitution say anything about "services?"
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You're confusing capitalism with socialism. Actual socialists serve the public good, rather than corporations at the expense of everyone else. Socialism is the future, due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence.
Pure moonshine.

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